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Ministry of Labor(勞動部)

No. Title
1. Organization Regulations on Employee Welfare Committee CH
2. Organizational Regulations for the Management Committee of the Wage Arrears Payment Fund of the Ministry of Labor CH
3. Regulations Governing the Organization of a Labor Market Trend-Changing Assessment Committee while Implementing a Mass Redundancy Plan CH
4. Organization Act of the Ministry of Labor CH
5. Organic Act of Institute of Labor,Occupational Safety and Health,Ministry of Labor CH
6. Organization Law of Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Ministry of Labor CH
7. Organic Act of Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor CH
8. Organization Act for the Bureau of Labor Funds of the Ministry of Labor CH
9. The Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of Labor Organization Act CH
10. Regulations for the Awarding of Professional Medals by the Ministry of Labor CH has files
11. Labor Union Act CH
12. Enforcement Rules of Labor Union Act CH
13. Collective Agreement Act CH
14. Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes CH
15. Regulations for Implementing Labor-Management Meeting CH
16. Regulations for Prohibiting Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Responsible Person in Fact of a Business Entity from Going Abroad while Implementing Mass Redundancy Plan CH
17. Regulations for Subsidizing the Litigation Costs and Necessary Living Expenses of Workers Laid Off under Mass Redundancy Plan CH
18. Act for Worker Protection of Mass Redundancy CH
19. Financial Processing Standards for Labor Unions CH has files
20. Regulations for the Mediation of Labor-Management Disputes CH
21. Regulations for Attendance by Proxies of Labor Union Members’ Meetings or Representative Meetings of Labor Union Members CH
22. Regulations for Decision on the Unfair Labor Practices CH
23. Regulations on Aids for Legal Service and Living Expenses of Labor-Management Disputes CH
24. Regulations for Arbitration on Labor-Management Disputes CH
25. Remuneration Standards for the Board Members in Reviewing Cases Concerning Unfair Labor Practices CH
26. Labor Standards Act CH
27. Enforcement Rules of the Labor Standards Act CH
28. Regulations for the Allocation and Management of the Workers' Retirement Reserve Funds CH
29. Regulations for the Management, Repayment, Collection and Allocation of the Arrear Wage Debts CH
30. Regulations of Leave-Taking of Workers CH
31. Regulations for Revenues, Expenditures, Safeguard and Utilization of the Labor Retirement Fund CH
32. Amendment to the Standards of Necessary Nighttime Workplace Health and Safety Facilities for Female Workers Employed by Business Entities CH
33. Gender Equality in Employment Act CH
34. Enforcement Rules for Act of Gender Equality in Employment CH
35. Regulations for Handling Complaints Concerning Gender Equality in Employment CH
36. Regulations for Providing Legal Aid in Lawsuits Concerning Gender Equality in Employment CH
37. Regulations for Implementing Unpaid Parental Leave for Raising Children CH
38. Amendments to the Regulations for Establishing Measures on Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace CH
39. Labor Pension Act CH
40. Enforcement Rules of the Labor Pension Act CH
41. Regulations for the Implementation of Annuity Insurance under the Labor Pension Act CH
42. Regulations for Labor Pension Act on the Labor Pension Fund Management / Utilization and Profit / Loss Allocation CH
43. Rules Governing Organization of Supervisory Committee of Business Entities’ Labor Retirement Reserve CH
44. Regulations Governing the Determination Criteria and Inspection of No Harm to Mental and Physical Health in Article 45 of the Labor Standards Act CH
45. Regulations on Provision of Labor Retirement Reserve Fund Data to Financial Institutions CH
46. Minimum Wage Act CH
47. Employee Welfare Fund Act CH
48. Enforcement Rules of the Employee Welfare Fund Act CH
49. Regulations on Subsidy and Standards for Establishing Breastfeeding (Breast Milk Collection) Rooms, Childcare Facilities and Measures CH
50. Regulations for Start-up Assistance for the Unemployed of Employment Insurance CH
51. Regulations Governing Establishment of the Labor Funds Supervisory Committee of the Ministry of Labor CH
52. Labor Insurance Act CH
53. Enforcement Rules of the Labor Insurance Act CH
54. Regulations of Calculation and Adjustment of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Merit Rating CH has files
55. Regulations Governing the Management and Utilization of the Labor Insurance Fund CH
56. Regulations of the Examination of Injuries and Diseases Resulting from the Performance of Duties by the Insured Persons of the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance CH has files
57. Regulations of the Settlement Labor Insurance Disputes CH
58. Regulations of Labor insurance Health Examination for Prevention of Occupational Disease CH
59. Regulations of Application for Occupational Accident Insurance Disability Benefits for Insured Person Diagnosed With Occupational Disease Withdrawn from Labor Insurance CH
60. Regulation of the diplomate in occupational medicine or of a district hospital or above who provides a clinic note of occupational disease CH
61. Regulations on the National Health Insurance Premium Subsidization for Unemployed Insured Persons and Their Dependents CH
62. Regulations for Offsetting of Capital and Interest of Relief Loans for those with Labor Insurance CH
63. Employment Insurance Act CH
64. Enforcement Rules of the Employment Insurance Act CH
65. Standards for Disability Benefits of Labor Insurance CH has files
66. Regulations Governing Extension of Unemployment Benefit Payment to Workers with Employment Insurance CH
67. Regulations Governing Renewal of Labor Insurance by Workers with Occupational Accidents Who Withdraw from Insurance Program in the Medical Period CH
68. Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act CH
69. Regulations for Deduction of Unreturned Insurance Benefits for Those with Labor Occupational Accident Insurance CH
70. Standards for Disability Benefits of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance CH
71. Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Medical Care Benefit Item and Payment Standards CH has files
72. Regulations Governing Enrollment into the Insurance in Accordance with Article 10 of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act CH has files
73. Regulations for Ordering the Insured Unit to Contribute Within a Time Limit After Issuance of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Benefits CH
74. Regulations for Adjustment on Combined Collection of Pension Benefits of Labor Occupational Accident Insurance CH
75. Regulations of Issuance for Allowance and Subsidy for Insured Persons Diagnosed with Occupational Diseases After Withdrawing from Labor Occupational Accident Insurance CH
76. Enforcement Rules of the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act CH
77. Occupational Safety and Health Act CH
78. Enforcement Rules of the Occupational Safety and Health Act CH
79. Standards of Permissible Exposure Limits at Job Site CH has files
80. Occupational Safety and Health Education and Training Rules CH has files
81. Standards governing Prevention of Industrial Robots Hazards CH
82. Safety Standard of Machinery, Equipment and Tools CH has files
83. Regulations for Safety Inspection of Hazardous Machines and Equipment CH
84. Act for Protecting Worker of Occupational Accidents CH
85. Enforcement Rules of Protection for workers Incurring Occupational Accidents Act CH
86. Regulations for Safety Inspection of Existing Hazardous Machines and Equipment CH
87. Regulations for the Labeling and Hazard Communication of Hazardous Chemicals CH has files
88. Regulations Governing the Registration of Safety Information for Machinery, Equipment and Tools CH has files
89. Regulations Governing the Application for Prior Release of Mechanical Products CH
90. Regulations Governing the Use and Management of Safety Label and Certification Label CH has files
91. Regulations Governing Exemption from Certification for Mechanical Products CH
92. Regulations Governing the Safety Assessment Report and Inspection of Products with Special Structures CH
93. Regulations Governing the Implementation and Monitoring of Type Certification for Mechanical Products CH has files
94. Regulations Governing the Surveillance of Machinery, Equipment and Appliances CH
95. Regulations for Governing Designating and Handling of Priority Management Chemicals CH has files
96. Directions Governing the Fees of Product Safety Information Registration and Type Certification CH has files
97. Regulations Governing Designation and Handling Permission of Controlled Chemicals CH has files
98. Regulations on New Chemical Substances Registration CH has files
99. Regulations of Allowance and Approbated Grant for Workers with Occupational Accidents CH has files
100. Regulations for Occupational Accidents Workers to Apply for Device Care Disability and Death Subsdies CH has files
101. Regulations Governing Subsidies from the Municipality and County (City) Governments for Assisting Workers Suffering from Occupational Accidents to Return to Work CH
102. Regulations for Implementing Labor Occupational Accident Insurance Occupational Disease Appraisal CH has files
103. Regulations for Subsidizing the prevention of occupa-tional accidents and rehabilitation of workers suffering occupational accidents CH
104. Regulation for the Management and Subsidies of Approved Professional Occupational Rehabilitation Institutions for Workers Suffering Occupational Accidents CH has files
105. Regulations for the Management and Subsidies of Approved Occupational Injury and Disease Service Medical Institutions and the Notification of Occupational Injury and Disease CH has files
106. Labor Inspection Act CH
107. Enforcement Rules of the Labor Inspection Act CH
108. Definition of the potential of imminent danger to the labors prescribed in Article 28 of the Labor Inspection Law CH
109. Hazardous Work Place Review and Inspection Regulations CH has files
110. Vocational Training Act CH
111. Enforcement Rules of the Vocational Training Act CH
112. Regulations on Technician Skills Certification and Issuance of Certificates CH
113. Measures for the Establishment and Administration of Vocational Training Institutions CH
114. Regulations for Encouraging Business Entities to Reemploy Workers Laid Off under Their Mass Redundancy Plan CH
115. Regulations for Technician Skills Certification Administration and Test Site CH
116. Fee-charging Standards for Technical Skills Certification CH has files
117. Regulation Governing Subsidies for Disabled Employees of Sheltered Workshops Suffering from Occupational Accidents CH
118. Regulations for Implementing and Rewarding Skill Competitions CH
119. Employment Service Act CH
120. Regulations for Permission and Supervision of Private Employment Services Institution CH has files
121. Enforcement Rules of Employment Service Law CH
122. Regulations For Revenues, Expenditures, Safeguard And Utilization Of The Employment Security Fund CH
123. Management and Approval Regulations for Hong Kong and Macao Residents with Overseas Chinese I.D. CH
124. Regulations of Rewards for Outstanding Institutions (Enterprises) Employing the People with Disabilities CH
125. Directions of the Employment Transfer Regulations and Employment Qualifications for Foreigners Engaging in the Jobs Specified in Subparagraph 8 to 11 of Paragraph 1 of Article 46 of the Employment Services Act CH has files
126. Regulations for the Implementation of the Employment Promotion Allowances CH
127. Regulations on the Permission and Administration of the Employment of Foreign Workers CH
128. Standards for Fee-charging Items and Amounts of the Private Employment Services Institution CH
129. Review Standards and Employment Qualifications for Foreign Workers Engaging in Work Specified in Subparagraphs 8 to 11, Paragraph 1, Article 46 of the Employment Service Act CH has files
130. Fee-charging Standards for Application Case Review and License under the Employment Services Act CH
131. Qualifications and Criteria Standards for Foreigners Undertaking the Jobs Specified Under Subparagraph 1 to 6 of Paragraph 1 of Article 46 of the Employment Service Act CH has files
132. Regulations on Work Permit and Administration for Human Trafficking Victims CH
133. Regulations Governing Personal Information File Security Maintenance Plan and Processing Method for the Human Resources Recruitment Industry CH has files
134. Regulations for Employment Services for Victims of Domestic Violence CH
135. Implementation Regulations of Employers' Orientation Program Before Hiring a Foreign Worker to Render Home Care or Household Assistance CH
136. Regulations for the Implementation of Laborer and Employment Adjusted Support in Response to Trade Liberalization CH has files
137. Regulations of Foreigners Engaging in Jobs Specified in Subparagraph 8 to 10 of Paragraph 1 of Article 46 of the Employment Services Act Wishing to Take Leaves to Their Home Countries CH
138. The Ministry of Labor’s Fee-charging Standards for Approving Applications for Case Review under the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals CH
139. Regulations on the Work Permit and Administration of Foreign Professionals Engaging in Arts and Performing Arts CH has files
140. Qualification and Criteria Standards for the Employment of Foreign Professionals as Teachers by Short-term Supplementary Learning Centers CH
141. Middle-aged and Elderly Employment Promotion Act CH
142. Enforcement Rules of the Middle-Aged and Elderly Employment Promotion Act CH
143. Regulations for Creating Employment Stability for Middle-Aged and Elderly Employees CH
144. Regulations Governing Employment Enhancement of Unemployed Middle-Aged Persons and Elderly Persons CH
145. Regulations Governing the Subsidy for Re-employment of Retired Middle-Aged and Elderly Persons CH
146. Regulations Governing the Subsidy for Setting up Senior Talents Service Hubs by Local Government CH
147. Regulations Governing the Incentives for the Promotion of Employment of Middle-Aged and Elderly Persons CH