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Ministry of Justice(法務部)

No. Title
1. Act Governing the Recovery of Damage of Individual Rights during the Period of Martial Law CH
2. The Administrative Execution Act CH
3. Administrative Procedure Act CH
4. Enforcement Rules of the Administrative Execution Act CH
5. Witness Protection Act CH
6. Administrative Penalty Act CH
7. Civil Code CH
8. Enforcement Act of the Part of General Principles of the Civil Code CH
9. Enforcement Act of the Part of Obligations of the Civil Code CH
10. Enforcement Act of the Part of Rights In Rem of the Civil Code CH
11. Enforcement Law for Part IV, Family Law of the Civil Code CH
12. Enforcement Law for Part V,Succession Law of the Civil Code CH
13. Act for Implementation of J.Y. Interpretation No. 748 CH
14. Criminal Code of the Republic of China CH
15. Enforcement Law of the Criminal Code of the Republic of China CH
16. The Smuggling Penalty Act CH
17. Anti-Corruption Act CH
18. Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act CH has files
19. Organized Crime Prevention Act CH
20. 1971 Criminal Commutation Act CH
21. 1975 Criminal Commutation Act CH
22. 1988 Criminal Commutation Act CH
23. 1991 Criminal Commutation Act CH
24. Act of Execution of Rehabilitation Treatment CH
25. Act of Execution of Drug Abuser Treatment CH
26. 2007 Criminal Commutation Act CH
27. Money Laundering Control Act CH
28. Ministry of Justice Organization Act CH
29. Organic Act for Investigation Bureau, Ministry of Justice CH
30. Organization Statue for Training Academy, Investigation Bureau, Ministry of Justice CH
31. Organic Act of MOJ Agency of Corrections CH
32. Organic Act of the Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice CH
33. Organization Act of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Ministry of Justice CH
34. The Organization Act of the Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice CH
35. The Organization Regulations for the Branches of the Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice CH
36. Organization Act of the Academy for the Judiciary CH
37. Regulations of Polygraph Examination for Sexual offenders under Probation/Parole Supervision CH
38. Regulations of Urine Specimen Collection for Sexual offenders under Probation/Parole Supervision CH
39. Regulations of Electronic Monitoring for Sexual offenders under Probation/Parole Supervision CH
40. Forensic Pathologist Act CH
41. Organizational Rule for the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Ministry of Justice CH has files
42. Review Rules of the Attorney Qualification Review Committee CH
43. The Arbitration Law of ROC CH
44. The Township and County-Administered City Mediation Act CH
45. State Compensation Law CH
46. Enforcement Rules for State Compensation Law CH
47. Attorney Regulation Act CH
48. Enforcement Rules for the Attorney Regulation Act CH
49. Rules for Attorney Disciplinary and Reviewing Procedures CH
50. Regulations Governing Pre-Service Training for Attorneys CH
51. Regulations on Permission and Supervision of Legal Affairs Charitable Trusts CH
52. Regulation Governing Arbitrator’s Training and Lecture CH
53. Regulation Governing Organization, Mediation Procedures and Fees of Arbitration Institution CH
54. Regulations Governing the Permission for Foreign Attorneys to Employ ROC Attorneys or to Partner with ROC Attorneys to Operate a Foreign Law Firm CH
55. Standards Governing Calculation of Years of Teaching and Scope of Teaching Major Legal Courses for Arbitrator Waived from Training Requirement CH
56. Regulations Governing the Work Permit for Attorneys to Employ Foreigners as Assistants or Consultants CH
57. Trust Law CH
58. The Freedom of Government Information Law CH
59. The Fee Standard for Requesting the Ministry of Justice and its Subordinate Agencies to Provide Government Information CH has files
60. Act to Implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights CH
61. Foundations Act CH
62. Regulation Governing Calculation and Determination of a Foundation’s Fund CH
63. Regulation Governing Change of Foundation’s Competent Authority CH
64. Regulation Governing Merger and Consolidation of Foundations CH
65. Charging Standard for the Issuance of Attorney License and Foreign Legal Affairs Attorney's Practice Permit and Certificate of No Disciplinary Action in the Ministry of Justice CH
66. Law of Extradition CH
67. Rehabilitative Disposition Execution Act CH
68. The Judicial Police Dispatching Act CH
69. Transfer of Sentenced Persons Act CH
70. Enforcement Rules of the Transfer of Sentenced Persons Act CH
71. Counter-Terrorism Financing Act CH
72. Standards for Determining the Scope of Politically Exposed Persons Entrusted with Prominent Public Function, Their Family Members and Close Associates CH
73. Regulations on Anti-Money Laundering & Countering the Financing of Terrorism Operations Matters Conducted by Attorneys CH
74. Regulations Governing the Operation of Terrorism Financing Prevention Review Committee and the Sanction Measures and Restrictions CH
75. Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act CH
76. Regulations on Competent Authorities Governing Specific Foundations for Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing CH
77. Prison Act CH
78. The Enforcement Rules of the Prison Act CH
79. Statute of Progressive Execution of Penalty CH
80. Detention Act CH
81. Enforcement Rules of the Detention Act CH
82. Regulations for Executing the Death Penalty CH
83. Statute of Open Prisons CH
84. The Regulations Governing Labor by Prisoners CH
85. Statute on the Establishment of Juvenile Detention Houses CH
86. Regulations Governing the Security of Rehabilitation Institutions CH has files
87. The Regulations for Safekeeping and Management of Money and Properties of Inmates in Prison and Detention Center CH
88. The Regulations Governing Disbursement of Labor wage in Prisons and Detention Centers CH
89. The Regulations Governing Rewards to Prisoners CH has files
90. The Regulations Governing Smoking by Prisoners and Defendants and Incentives to Quit Smoking CH
91. The Regulations Governing Compulsory Physical and Psychological Treatment as well as Counseling Education for Prisoners Committing Offences against Sex Liberty and Offenses against Morality CH
92. The Act of the Establishment of Juvenile Reformatory Schools and Enforcement of Education CH
93. The Implementation Regulation for Leave of Prisoners CH
94. The Regulations Governing Disbursement of Compensations to Prisoners and Defendants CH
95. The Regulations Governing Review Criteria for and Management of Prisoners’ Out-of-prison Medical Treatment on Bail CH
96. Regulations Governing Investigation of Defendant’s Information CH
97. Regulations Governing Investigation of Prisoner’s Information CH
98. Implementation Regulations Governing Rewards to Defendants CH has files
99. Implementation Regulations for the Parole of Prisoners CH
100. Regulations Governing Investigation of Inmates’ Health Information in Prisons and Detention Centers CH
101. Regulations Governing the Handling of the Inmates’ Financial Difficulties for Medical Treatment in Prisons and Detention Centers CH
102. Regulations Governing Doctor Appointments for Inmates’ Self-Paid Treatments in Prisons and Detention Centers CH
103. Regulations Governing the Management of Use of Guard Instruments, Protective Restraints and Placement in Protective Cell in Prisons CH has files
104. Regulations Governing the Management of Use of Guard instruments, Protective Restraints and Placement in Protective Cell in Detention Centers CH has files
105. Regulations Governing the Prison’s Imposing Punishment on the Prisoner CH has files
106. Regulations Governing the Detention Center’s Imposing Punishment on the Defendant CH has files
107. Regulations Governing Protective Isolation in Prisons and Detention Centers CH
108. Regulations Governing the Use of Weapons in Prisons and Detention Centers CH has files
109. Regulations Governing the Installation, Use and Management of Technical Equipment in Prisons and Detention Centers CH
110. Regulations for Home Visits by Prisoners and Defendants CH
111. Regulations Governing the Transfer of Prisoners CH
112. Regulations for Conducting Visits via Communication Devices in Prisons and Detention Centers CH
113. Regulations Governing Delivery of Money, Food, and Necessities by Outside Parties to Prisoners and Defendants CH
114. Regulations for Implementing the External Inspection Team of the Prison and the Detention Center CH
115. Regulations for the Implementation of the Education to Prisoners CH
116. Rehabilitation Protection Act CH
117. Rehabilitation Protection Act Enforcement Rules CH
118. Crime Victim Rights Protection Act CH
119. Enforcement Rules of the Crime Victim Rights Protection Act CH has files
120. Regulations for Organization and Supervision of Crime Victim Protection Organization CH
121. The Regulations of Management of the Government Subsidies and the Publicly Raised Funds of Taiwan After-Care Association CH
122. The Regulations of the Organization and Management of the Association of Rehabilitation Protection CH
123. The Regulations on the Property Management of the Association of Rehabilitation Protection CH
124. Classified National Security Information Protection Act CH
125. Enforcement Rules of the Classified National Security Information Protection Act CH
126. Act of the Establishment and Management of the Government Employee Ethics Units and Officers CH
127. Enforcement Rules of the Act of the Establishment of the Government Employee Ethics Units and Their Officers CH
128. The Anti-Corruption Informant Rewards and Protection Regulation CH has files
129. Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants CH
130. Enforcement Rules of the Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants CH
131. Regulations Governing Review and Inspection of Materials of Property-Declaration by Public Servants CH
132. Act on Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest CH
133. Enforcement Rules of the Act on Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest CH
134. Act to Implement United Nations Convention against Corruption CH
135. The Communication Security and Surveillance Act CH