Operators shall file reports for the following priority management chemicals according to Paragraph 2, Article 14 of the Act:
1. Operating the priority management chemicals prescribed by Subparagraph 1, Article 2.
2. Operating the priority management chemicals prescribed by Subparagraph 2, Article 2, where the concentration and the annual aggregate quantity of any operating activity meet the requirement specified in Appendix 2.
3. Operating the priority management chemicals prescribed by Subparagraph 3, Article 2, where the maximum aggregate operating quantity meets the threshold as specified in Appendix 3; and for the other chemicals present in the same operating site, although the maximum aggregate operating quantity does not meet the threshold specified in Appendix 3, such chemicals should also be reported.
4. Operating two or more priority management chemicals prescribed by Subparagraph 3, Article 2; where the maximum aggregate operating quantity of the individual chemical does not reach the threshold as specified in Appendix 2, but the sum derived in accordance with the following formula is greater than or equal to 1, the operators shall still file reports:
(Maximum aggregate operating quantity of chemical A)
(Appicable threshlod for hazard classification of chemical A)
(Maximum aggregate operating quantity of chemical B)
/(Appicable threshlod for hazard classification of chemical B)
5. Others designated and promulgated by the central competent authority.
For the priority management chemicals prescribed in the Subparagraphs of the preceding Article which are in different concentrations, but possess the same hazardous ingredients, purposes of usages, and hazardous properties, to calculate the maximum operating quantity and the annual operating quantity, the amount shall be added together.
Calculation for the chemicals prescribed in Subparagraph 3 and Subparagraph 4 of Paragraph 1 shall be made in the following ways:
1. If the maximum aggregate operating quantity of the priority management chemical is equal to or less than 2 percent of the threshold, reports may be exempted and calculation of the sum may be ignored for the purposes of calculating the total quantity present.
2. In the case of chemical with two hazardous properties or more classifications, the lowest threshold shall apply.