


簽訂日期: 民國 107 年 02 月 01 日
生效日期: 民國 107 年 02 月 01 日
簽約國: 拉丁美洲及加勒比海地區 > 聖文森
1.Signed on February 01, 2018 Entered into force on February 01, 2018

This Agreement is made by and between the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government of Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines (hereinafter referred to collectively as the
“ Parties ” )in order to jointly implement the Capacity
Building Project for the Prevention and Control of Diabetes in
St. Vincent and the Grenadines (hereinafter referred to as the
“ Project ” )and thereby strengthen diabetes management system
in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Both Parties hereto have agreed as follows:

Article 1
The primary objective of this Project is to assist the
Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in strengthening
diabetes management system.

Article 2
Designated Executive Agencies
The Parties designate their executive agencies respectively as:

The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan): International
Cooperation and Development Fund (hereinafter referred to as the
“ TaiwanICDF ” )and MacKay Memorial Hospital.
The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Ministry of
Health, Wellness and the Environment (hereinafter referred to as
the “ MOHWE ” ).

Article 3
Project Budget
The total budget for this Project will be US$ 2,031,096, of
which US$1,915,096 shall be provided by the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) through the TaiwanICDF and MacKay
Memorial Hospital, and with the remainder of US$116,000 being
matching grants as aid-in-kind provided by the Government of
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines through the MOHWE.

Article 4
Project Account
1. The MOHWE shall endeavor to establish a designated account at
a commercial bank in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines for the
Project (hereinafter referred to as the “ Account ” ),
thereby allowing funds to be transferred to implement this
2. The Parties shall respectively designate a Project Manager
(hereinafter referred to as ROC Project Manager) and a
Project Coordinator (hereinafter referred to as SVG Project
Coordinator) to open and manage the Account, and to close the
Account after the termination of the Project.
3. During project implementation, the TaiwanICDF will, in
accordance with quarterly project implementation reports and
requests for disbursement submitted by the MOHWE, and
following the receipt and review of the accuracy of such
quarterly operational and financial reports by the ROC
Project Manager, transfer funds to the Account.
4. Any expenditure withdrawn from the Account shall be agreed
and signed in related documents by both the ROC Project
Manager and the SVG Project Coordinator beforehand.
5. Any funds remaining in the Account upon the termination of
the Project shall be returned to the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan).

Article 5
Obligations of the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
1. In accordance with the project proposal agreed by the
Parties, allocate a budget of US$1,915,096 within the project
2. The foregoing budget will include the salary, medical care,
insurance, round-trip flight tickets, welfare, retirement
compensation, official vehicles, and ICT equipment etc. for
the ROC Project Manager, and the expenses associated with the
tasks carried out by several short-term consultants from the
Republic of China (Taiwan) during project implementation, and
other operations-related expenses falling under the
administration of the Government of the Republic of China
3. The TaiwanICDF shall appoint an ROC Project Manager as the
contact person of this Project. Jointly with the SVG Project
Coordinator, they will be responsible for planning,
coordinating and managing the Project as well as transferring
the Project techniques to the MOHWE and the public health
personnel participating in the Project. The TaiwanICDF will
also dispatch short-term experts to provide consultancy
services and technical assistance as required for the Project
in accordance with the needs of its various stages.
4. In accordance with the project design and schedule jointly
planned by the Parties, the ROC Project Manager will assist
the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to:
(1) Assist in planning effective integrated care strategies and
practices on the prevention and control of diabetes;
(2) Strengthen the ability of integrated diabetes care in
healthcare facilities;
(3) Improve the health self-management of community people for
prevention and control of diabetes.
5. The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines will be responsible for overseeing
the Project ’ s progress for the duration of project

Article 6
Obligations of the Government of Saint Vincent and the
1. In accordance with the Project proposal agreed by the
Parties, the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
shall allocate a budget of US$116,000 (Aid-in-kind) within
the Project period.
2. The MOHWE shall be responsible for supervising, managing and
implementing the Project for the duration of project
3. The MOHWE shall appoint a SVG Project Coordinator as a
contact person of the Project. Jointly with the ROC Project
Manager, they will be responsible for planning, coordinating
and managing the Project so as to ensure the promotion and
implementation of the Project.
4. The MOHWE shall designate suitable staff to be responsible
for accounting and cashier duties, as well as for providing
organized monthly and quarterly reports of fund utilization
and a detail ledger of the Account, including bank
statements, for the confirmation of the Parties.
5. In accordance with the progress of project implementation,
the MOHWE shall provide the Embassy of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and the
TaiwanICDF with quarterly funding statements, quarterly
project reports, annual reports and a completion report.
6. The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines shall
agree to offer as a priority the official vehicles and ICT
equipment mentioned in the above Paragraph 2 of Article 5 to
other projects implemented by the Government of the Republic
of China (Taiwan) or the TaiwanICDF following the termination
of the Project.
7. The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines shall
issue appropriate identification documents to the ROC Project
Manager, short-term experts, long-term experts, technical
staff and volunteers dispatched by the Republic of China
(Taiwan) (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “
Project Personnel ” )for project implementation.
8. The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines shall
adopt appropriate measures to ensure the personal safety of,
and make emergency medical care and first aid readily
available to, the Project Personnel.

Article 7
Exemptions and Courtesies
To implement the Project, consistent with the prevailing laws of
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the Government of Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines agrees to exempt Project-related
materials, equipment and supplies from customs duties and other
taxes and provide the Project Personnel and their dependents the
following benefits during their service in Saint Vincent and the
(1) Exemption from all residential and local taxes, and income
tax on salaries;
(2) Exemption from all importation and customs taxes and other
duties on personal and household goods imported from
(3) Exemption from all taxes and fees related to the use of
vehicles for the Project, including but not limited to fees
incurred in transferring the ownership of any such vehicle.
(4) The facilitation of visa applications, entry into, departure
from and residence in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and
the issuance of appropriate identification documents;
(5) Other special privileges, conveniences and exemptions on
sales taxes and taxes incurred on any transfers of property,
just as Saint Vincent and the Grenadines accords the staff
members of specialized agencies of the United Nations.

Article 8
Education and Scholarships
The Parties agree that the MOHWE, as needed, may recommend
project-related personnel, following the approval of the Embassy
of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines or other authorized agencies acting for the
Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), to participate in
short- and long-term workshops and higher education scholarship
programs that are offered by TaiwanICDF, for the MOHWE to
continue to perform its operations following the completion of
this Project.

Article 9
Dispute Resolution
In case a dispute of interpretation or implementation of this
Agreement should arise, the Parties agree to resolve the dispute
through compromise.

Article 10
Entry into Force, Amendment, Extension and Termination
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of
signature and remain effective for three years.
2. Any amendment to this Agreement may be implemented only by
the mutual written consent of both Parties.
3. Any extension to this Agreement may be implemented only by
the mutual written consent of both Parties.
4. This Agreement may be terminated by either Party giving six
(6) months ’ written notice in advance to the other Party.
Upon such termination, no further funding shall be defrayed
and the remaining budget shall be returned to the Government
of the Republic of China (Taiwan) with immediate effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized
thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this

Done in duplicate in the Chinese and English languages, both
texts being equally authentic, in Kingstown, Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines on the first day of February in the one hundred
and seventh year of the Republic of China (Taiwan),
corresponding to the first day of February of the year two
thousand eighteen of the Gregorian calendar.

For the Government of For the Government of
the Republic of China Saint Vincent and the
(Taiwan) Grenadines
__________________ __________________
H.E. Dr. David Tawei Lee Hon. Sir Louis Straker

Minister of Foreign Deputy Prime Minister
Affairs and Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Trade and