


簽訂日期: 民國 83 年 07 月 19 日
生效日期: 民國 83 年 07 月 19 日
簽約國: 北美地區 > 美國
1.Signed on June 30 and July 19, 1994; Entered into force on July 19, 1994.

Cooperation between public health professionals from the territ-
ory represented by the American Institute in Taiwan (hereinafter
referred to as the "AIT") and the territory represented by the
Coordination Council for North American Affairs ( hereinafter r-
eferred to as the "CCNAA") isfurthered pursuant to the Agreement
dated September 4, 1980, between AIT and CCNAA, which was renew-
ed by an exchange of letters effective March 10, 1987. The "Tai-
wan Relations Act" (Public Law 96-8, 22 U.S.C. 3301et seq., Apr-
il 10, 1979) authorizes the continuation of commercial , cultur-
al and other relations between the people of the territory repr-
esented by AIT and of the people in the territory represented by
the CCNAA. Such relations are conducted by or through AIT, a no-
n-profit Corporation, incorporated under the laws of the Distri-
ct of Columbia. CCNAA is the instrumentality which has been est-
ablished to provide assurances and take actions on behalf of the
people in the territory represented by the CCNAA. AIT works in
association with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, in administering the program. CCNAA
performs a similar function in affiliation with the Department
of Health, Executive Yuan (DOH), in Taipei.
2.Program Goals
Goals of this agreement are:
■To increase the contacts and cooperation between public health
professionals and institutions ofthe two sides;
■To provide public health professionals and institutions with
opportunities to exchange information, ideas, experience and
■To enhance opportunities to collaborate in solving public hea-
lth problems of common interest;
Cooperation may be in the areas of public health, management sk-
ills including cost effectiveness and ecological impact assessm-
ents, and behavioral sciences. The types of cooperative activit-
ies may include the exchange of scientific information, visits,
training, seminars and workshops, and cooperative projects.
3.Implementation and Coordination
CCNAA and AIT will coordinate and implement the activities agre-
ed to under these Guidelines with the Centers, Institute, and P-
rogram Offices of CDC and similar organizations allied to the D-
OH. Each side shall designate a program coordinator to be respo-
nsible under its auspices for the overall coordination of coope-
rative activities under these Guidelines. For each topic identi-
fied as the subject of a formal cooperative activity, each side
shall also name a topic coordinator.
Research activities, which remain the responsibility of individ-
ual researchers themselves, are not covered under these Guideli-
Funding of cooperative activities under these Guidelines shall
be carried out on the basis of mutuality, reciprocity,' and fle-
xibility. In general, each side will fund the cost of its parti-
cipation in cooperative activities (unless agreed on and specif-
ied otherwise) or may, if it chooses. provide full or partial s-
upport for participation in these activities by scientists of t-
he other side. Receipt of funding in such cases either from AIT
to CCNAA or from CCNAA to AIT will be officially signed and sub-
mitted by CCNAA to AIT or by AIT to CCNAA upon receipt of funds.
Decisions on funding for joint activities will be made by mutual
agreement and specified in letters of understanding exchanged p-
rior to initiation of a proposed activity.
The CDC, through its visiting programs (fellows/assoeiates/scie-
ntists and guest researcher/special volunteer programs), provid-
es collaborative program and training opportunities at the CDC
in the United States for $cientists sponsored by the DOH. AIT w-
ill undertake to facilitate the participation of public health
professionals from the territory represented by CCNAA in such p-
rograms. As a reciprocal measure, CCNAA will undertake, in coor-
dination with the DOH, to implement a program of fellowships for
United Stated public health professionals applying to conduct c-
ollaborative projects and/or training in the territory represen-
ted by CCNAA. This program will be administered in the United S-
tates by AIT in accordance with the requirements of the visiting
program of the DOH.
6.Review Meetings
CCNAA and AIT program coordinators shall meet at times and plac-
es of their choosing to review this program of cooperation, the
guidelines, and additions/modifications to same.
7.Potential Areas of Cooperation
A.Scope of Cooperation may cover:
(1) Exchange of information in the related areas;
(2) Visits and/or training of relevant personnel;
(3) Joint seminars on topics of mutual interest and benefit; and
(4) Joint projects on mutually agreed topics.
B.Potential Areas of Cooperative Study and Prevention may inclu-
(1) Chronic disease surveillance, prevention and health promoti-
on (including cancer, heart disease and stroke);
(2) Infectious disease surveillance and control (including food-
borne, vector-borne, blood-borne, sexually-transmitted, and
vaccine-preventable diseases);
(3) Injury surveillance and prevention;
(4) Birth defects and maternal mortality surveillance and preve-
(5) Behavioral risk factor surveillance and intervention (inclu-
ding smoking, seatbelt/helmet non-use, sedentary lifestyle,
alcohol abuse, and drug abuse) ;
(6) Occupational Health;
(7) Environmental Health;
(8) Information Resource Management (including medical library,
database management, communications systems);
(9) Public health laboratory improvement (quality central stand-
ards and techniques for establishing a national reference l-
(10) Training in applied epidemiology and management science.
Other areas of cooperation may be added from time to time as may
be mutually agreed to by CDC and DOH with the concurrence of CC-
NAA and AIT.

for CCNAA: For AIT:
[Signed] [Signed]
James Wen-Chung Chang J. Richard Beck
Deputy Representative Deputy Managing Director
July 19, 1994 June30,1994