


1.Signed on November 5, 1997; Entered into force on November 5, 1997.

This Implementing Arrangement describes the scientific and tech-
nical activities to be undertaken by the American Institute in
Taiwan (AIT) and its representative, the Office of Systems Oper-
ations (OSO) of the National Weather Service (NWS) of the Natio-
nal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). It provides
for the provision of training support for the Weather Surveilla-
nce Radar (WSR-88D) system between the Central Weather Bureau (
CWB) of Taiwan, the designated representative of the Taipei Eco-
nomicnd Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TE-

The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement between TECRO and AIT for Technical Coopera-
tion in Scientific and Weather Technology Systems Support. This
Implementing Arrangement is hereby attached to that Agreement a-
nd becomes part of the Agreement.

The training support for the WSR-88D system is directed toward
two general areas: training provided at NOAA facilities in the
United States and training provided by NOAA personnel at overse-
as sites. New tasks related to training may be initiated once t-
he installation of one or more WSR-88D systems in Taiwan has be-
en accomplished. For the standard training courses offered by t-
he NWS at its Kansas City, Missouri and Norman, Oklahoma traini-
ng facilities, the training of NWS personnel will take preceden-
ce and the training of CWB personnel will be on a space-availab-
le basis. All training, both in the United States and in Taiwan
will be conducted in English and all training material associat-
ed with the courses will be in the English language. The traini-
ng support activities will include the following tasks.

Task #1-Provision of Operator Training to CWB Personnel1
The WSR-88D Operations course is an 18 working day formal class-
room and laboratory course that covers radar theory and operati-
ons and integrates current meteorological techniques and radar
capabilities. The course is held at the Operational Support Fac-
ility in Norman, Oklahoma. Course topics include the following:
product acquisition and display; principles of doppler weather
radar; WSR-88D system operations; interpretation of Doppler vel-
ocity patterns; structure, evolution and radar depiction of con-
vectve storms; unit control position operations for Principal U-
ser Processors (PUP); base products; derived products; and prec-
ipitation algorithms and products.

Task #2 - Provision of Maintenance Training to CWB Personnel
The WSR-88D Maintenance Course is a 30 working day formal class-
room and laboratory course that covers information required to
perform routine radar maintenance. Course topics include: Doppl-
er radar fundamentals; remote status monitoring; use of diagnos-
tic software and test equipment to determine the problem source
and verify correction; and corrective and preventative maintena-
nce techniques. The course provides hands-on training in fault
isolation, repair, and alignments. A precursor module must be c-
ompeted by students in advance of the WSR-88D Maintenance Course
. Materials for the precursor module are normally sent out 60 d-
ays in advance of a student's attendance but may be requested at
any time.

Task #3-Provision of On-site Training to CWB Personnel by NOAA
The NWS will provide up to a ten working day refresher course to
CWB personnel. This course will take place in Taiwan. This cour-
se will cover those topics listed in Task #l above that the CWB
and NWS deem appropriate. It is recognized that this course is
not equivalent in breadth of scope and depth of coverage to the
courses discussed in Task #l above. The on-site training will be
provided as close to the WSR-88D acceptance date as is practica-
ble. In preparation for this training, the NWS instructor will
spend approximately three days on-site to set up and initialize
the WSR-88D.

In accordance with the Agreement, TECRO will reimburse AIT for
all costs incurred by AIT and its designated representative NOAA
, in association with this Implementing Arrangement, including
applicable NOAA/NWS overhead costs.
Estimated costs for this agreement are $3500 per student for the
operations course in Norman, Oklahoma, and $4500 per student for
the maintenance training course in Kansas City, Missouri. These
costs include student guides, handouts, printed workbooks, vide-
os, and computer based learning modules as well as the cost of
classroom instruction. They do not include the cost of transpor-
tation, hotel accommodations, or per diem expenses. The cost of
providing the on-site refresher course in Taiwan is estimated to
be $25,000. This estimate includes labor required to set up the
radar and to prepare and teach two five day operations courses,
(including applicable DOC/NOAA/NWS overhead charges), training
materials, and transportation, hotel, and per diem costs for the
instructor and for the NOAA focal point for establishing, imple-
menting, and maintaining these agreements. All estimates are in
U.S. dollars.
The total cost for activities described in this Implementing Ar-
rangement is dependent on the number of students sent to the Ka-
nsas City and Norman courses. The costs for operator training (
task #l) and maintenance training (task #2) will be transferred
by TECRO within 30 days of completion of the training courses.
It is agreed that the cost of the on-site training course (task
#3) will be transferred within 30 days of completion of the tra-

This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the l-
ast signature hereafter. This Implementing Arrangement may be a-
mended and/or terminated by either party in accordance with the
terms of the Agreement. The estimated completion date for activ-
ities described in this Implementing Arrangement is December 31,

[Signed] [Signed]
Peter P.C. Cheng Barbara J. Schrage
November 5, 1997 10/22/97
Date Date