


1.Signed on July 24 and October 21, 1997; Entered into force on October 21, 1997.

This Implementing Arrangement describes the scientific and tech-
nical activities to be undertaken by the American Institute in
Taiwan (AIT) and its representative, the Forecast Systems Labor-
atory (FSL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrat-
ion (NOAA). It provides for continuing development of the Forec-
ast System being developed by the Joint Forecast Systems Project
. This project is a cooperative effort between the Central Weat-
her Bureau (CWB), the designated representative of the Taipei E-
cono ic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States
(TECRO), formerly known as the Coordination Council for North A-
merican Affairs, or CCNAA, and NOAA/FSL.

The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement between CCNAA and AIT for Technical Coopera-
tion in Meteorology and Forecast Systems Development. This Impl-
ementing Arrangement is hereby attached to that Agreement and b-
ecomes part of the Agreement.

The period of Implementing Arrangement #10 will be a transition
year, during which several ongoing tasks will near completion a-
nd several new tasks will be started. For ongoing tasks, The FSL
-CWB joint team will focus on customizing the FX-Advanced system
into the CWB-Advanced system, developing three-dimensional vari-
ational data assimilation technique, and development of WSR-88D
radar data ingest and diagnostic tools. Two new tasks are Scala-
ble Modeling System (SMS) development, and development of a Web-
based forecast workstation based on Java technology. There will
also be continuing interaction on earlier cooperative tasks, su-
ch as the open system central facility. These cooperative activ-
ities, described in more detail in the Statement of Work, will
include the following six tasks:

Task #l-Implementation of operational FX-Advanced Forecast Work-
The FX-Advanced Forecast Workstation project under development
at FSL has been approved to be integrated into the AWIPS (Advan-
ced Weather Interactive Processing System) baseline Build 3 for
the U.S. National Weather Service. This AWIPS Build 3 will be d-
eployed at 21 sites in 1997. FSL will continue develop Build #4,
which is the first operational system that will replace the leg-
acy NWS system, AFOS (Automation of Field Operations and Servic-
es). During the I.A. #10 period, CWB will adopt this oper ation-
al system and customize it into their first prototype system, w-
hich will replace its current PC-based system when it is ready.

Task #2-Data Assimilation
CWB and FSL scientists continue to develop improved data assimi-
lation techniques. FSL will complete a 3DVAR (three-dimensional
variational) system for conventional observation data. CWB will
apply this data assimilation technique to one of their operatio-
nal models. For satellite radiance assimilation, FSL will provi-
de consultation support to CWB in the area of initial testing on
clear radiance data assimilation.

Task #3-Development of Scalable Modeling System for Spectral Mo-
FSL will develop the Scalable Modeling System in the area of Sc-
alable Spectral Tool which can be used to parallelize CWB'S mod-
els for their future high performance computer. FSL will parall-
elize CWB'S second generation Global Forecast System (GFS) using
the SMS software. The performance of the parallelized GFS will
then be tested using one or more case studies. FSL will also pr-
ovide SMS documentation to potential users.

Task #4 - Development of Web-based Forecast Workstation
FSL and CWB scientists will develop an inexpensive and simple W-
orld Wide Web-based forecast workstation for use in variety of
forecast, training, education, and research applications. The i-
nitial development will use Web and Java technology. The develo-
pment phase will be short to allow the initial operational build
to be tested and evaluated at an early date.

Task #5-Development of the WSR-88D Wideband Radar Data Ingest a-
nd Diagnostic Display System
FSL and CWB scientists will design and develop a simple real-ti-
me WSR-88D diagnostic display tool using a PC running on Windows
NT and receiving broadcast data from an Ethernet connection. The
user interface will be developed using Visual Basic.

Task #6-Continuing Interaction on earlier Cooperative Projects
Several earlier cooperative tasks have been completed. Technolo-
gy has been transferred successfully and is beginning used oper-
ationally at CWB. FSL development in these areas continues, and
further CWB/FSL interaction is important to keep CWB staff up-to
-date on current developments. Cooperation on open system centr-
al facility and the forecast preparation system fit this task c-
ategory. This task will allow continuing interaction at an appr-
opriate level, including exchange of visits, copying papers and
reports, and e-mail interaction.

In accordance with the Agreement, NOAA/FSL is undertaking this
work on behalf of AIT for TECRO. TECRO will reimburse AIT, and
its designated representative NOAA/FSL for all costs incurred in
association with this Implementing Arrangement.
The total cost for activities described in this Implementing Ar-
rangement is mutually agreed to be US $600,000. It is also agre-
ed that fifty percent of the funds will be transferred in advan-
ce, with the remaining fifty percent transferred within 30 days
of the acceptance of the final report by TECRO, and its designa-
ted representative, CWB.

No intellectual property considerations are expected to arise in
conjunction with activities described in this Implementing Arra-
ngement. Existing system designs and computer software of the F-
SL Forecast System are in the public domain. Reports, specifica-
tions, and computer software prepared under this Implementing A-
rrangement will also be in the public domain once they have been
approved in a final form by TECRO, CWB, AIT, and NOAA.

This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the l-
ast signature hereafter. This Implementing Arrangement may be a-
mended and/or terminated in accordance with the terms of the Ag-
reement. The estimated completion date for the activities descr-
ibed in this Implementing Arrangement is June 30, 1998.


Peter P.C. Cheng Barbara J. Schrage
Deputy Representative Managing Director ad interim

October 21, 1997 July 24, 1997
Date Date

Statement of Work
For Implementing Arrangement #10
Continuing Development of the WFO-Advanced System, Data Assimil-
ation and Development of Scalable Modeling System and Web-based

between The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office
in the United States and The American Institute in Taiwan

1.0 Background and Objectives
The agreement between the Coordination Council for North Am-
erican Affairs (CCNAA) and the American Institute in Taiwan
(AIT) provides for technical cooperation between the Taiwan
Central Weather Bureau (CWB) and the U.S. National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration'S Forecast Systems Laboratory
(NOAA/FSL) . The two agencies cooperate on the development
of meteorology and forecast systems. CCNAA has been renamed
the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in t-
he United States (TECRO).
The WFO-Advanced system currently under development at the
Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) in Boulder has been appro-
ved to be part of AWIPS (Advanced Weather Interactive Proce-
ssing System) for the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS).
The WFO-Advanced system uses AWIPS dedicated hardware and c-
ommunication links. FSL deployed WFO-Advanced (version DENV-
ER96) at the Denver NWS Forecast Office for operational tes-
ting in May 1996. The AWIPS Build 3, which has a significant
portion of WFO-Advanced capabilities, will be deployed at 21
Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) for field testing during 199
7. Among these WFOs, five sites will conduct Operational Te-
st and Evaluation (OT&E). This AWIPS limited deployment dec-
ision was approved by the Secretary of the Commerce Departm-
ent in February of 1997.
The WFO-Advanced system is a realization of the generic FX-
Advanced (FSL X-window Advanced) system, which assimilates
data and model information and disseminates forecast produc-
ts. Figure I illustrates the six components of the FX-Advan-
ced system: interactive display, the AWIPS Forecast Prepara-
tion System (AFPS), 3-D visualization, 3-D editing, hydrome-
teorological applications, and a component that contains bo-
th GEMPAK (General Meteorological Package) and X applicatio-
ns. AFPS is a software package of for ecast visualization a-
nd graphical editing tools that is being developed at FSL.
CWB-Advanced is a second realization of the generic FX-Adva-
nced System, which has been customized by the CWB. CWB-Adva-
nced has different geographic scales, different data ingest
systems, different background maps, and some different prod-
ucts. The first version of the CWB-Advanced system will be
released and tested at the Weather Forecast Center in 1997,
and when it is ready, it will replace the current PC-based
system. The PC-based system was installed during the spring
of 1992. CWB will continue to main tain PC-based system for
certain functions, such as replacing the VAX-based central
facility and supporting their operation and outside users'
needs. During I.A. #10, CWB will focus on the following tas-
ks: (1) customizing the FX-Advanced interactive display com-
ponent using CWB-specific raw data, (2) evaluating the oper-
ational version of the CWB-Advanced system, and (3) getting
users' feedback. CWB will continue to evaluate some of the
Interactive Forecast Preparation (IFP) tools such as AFPS a-
nd the hydrome teorological applications. Currently, CWB pl-
ans to integrate these capabilities into the CWB-Advanced s-

│ ┌──────────────┐ │
│┌────┐ │┌──────┐┌────┐│ │
││National│→││Interactive ││AFPS ││ │
││Models │ ││Display(D2D)││(E3D) ││ │
││and Data│ │└──────┘└────┘│ │
│└────┘ │┌──────┐┌────┐│ ┌──┐│
│ ││3-D Visuali ││3-D Edit││ │Dis ││
│ ││zation ││ing ││→│semi││
│ ││ (D3D) ││(E3D) ││ │nati││
│┌────┐ │└──────┘└────┘│ │on ││
││Local │ │┌──────┐┌────┐│ └──┘│
││Models │→││Hydrological││GEMPAK ││ │
││and Data│ ││Applications││and X ││ │
│└────┘ ││ ││Applicat││ │
│ ││ ││ions ││ │
│ │└──────┘└────┘│ │
│ └──────────────┘ │
│ FX-Advanced System │
Figure 1. WFO-Advanced System

The I.A. #10 period will be a transition year during which seve-
ral ongoing tasks will near completion, and several new tasks w-
ill be started. This Statement of Work addresses tasks that will
be undertaken by the joint team of FSL and CWB personnel in acc-
ordance with the terms of I.A. #10. Six tasks are included in t-
he Statement of Work. Three are related to ongoing projects: the
FX-Advanced workstation, data assimilation, and the WSR-88D rad-
ar data ingest and diagnostic display. There are two new tasks
Scalable Modeling System (SMS) development and applications and
development of a Web-based Forecast Workstation based on Java t-
echnology. There will also be continuing interaction on earlier
cooperative tasks, such as the open system central facility.

Tasks will be undertaken both by the FSL-CWB Joint Team working
at the FSL facility in Boulder, Colorado and by CWB staff at the
CWB facility in Taipei, Taiwan, as appropriate. This Statement
of Work addresses only tasks that will be undertaken by the FSL-
CWB Joint Team under the terms of I.A. #10. It describes the pe-
rformance schedule, deliverables, and resource requirements.

2.Task Descriptions
In terms of the overall program schedule, the following five ta-
sks have been identified as being critical during the July 1, 19
97 to June 30, 1998 time period. These are listed below, along
with the proportion of resources that is to be allocated to each
‧Task #l-Implementation of the operational FX-Advanced Forecast
Workstation (20%)
‧Task #2-Data Assimilation (20%)
‧Task #3-Development of Scalable Modeling System for spectral m
odel (30%)
‧Task #4-Development of Web-based Workstation (20%)
‧Task #5-Development of the WSR-88D Wideband Radar Data Ingest
and Diagnostic Display System (5%)
‧Task #6-Continuing interaction on earlier cooperative projects
These six tasks are described in more detail below.
Task #l-Implementaijon of the Operational FX-Advanced Forecast
During the I.A.#10 period, FSL's schedule for AWIPS development
1.AWIPS Build 3
FSL delivered FXA-3.0 to NWS in April of 1997 as an AWIPS Bui-
ld 3. FSL will help NWS with the AWIPS limited deployment eff-
ort. NOAA will procure and install 21 systems and has an opti-
on to procure an additional 18 systems during 1997. A decision
on the remaining AWIPS systems (about 1 13) will be made after
the operational test and evaluation of AWIPS Build 3. FSL will
provide operational support during the deployment, including
trouble-shooting assistance. FSL will also provide NWS with m-
ore technical design documents for the WFO-Advanced system, i-
ncluding a user's guide and a site manager's guide.
2.AWIPS Build 4
AWIPS Build 4 is the first operational system that will repla-
ce AFOS (Automation of Field Operations and Services), the cu-
rrent NWS communication and display system, and other legacy
systems. Build 4 will have full PUP (Principal User Processor)
functions, and it will support the initial IFPS (Interactive
Forecast Preparation System) capability and LDAD (Local Data
Acquisition and Dissemination) functions. FSL will complete B-
uild 4 during the I.A. #l0 period.
3.AWIPS Operational support
FSL will maintain the current FX-Advanced workstation capabil-
ities and focus on operational requirements such as system pe-
rformance optimization, site localization, redundancy and fai-
lover, wide area networking, software improvement such as Com-
mercial off-the-shelf software(COTS) replacement (e.g., DEC M-
essage Queue-DMQ and Object Interface-01), configuration mana-
gement, and documentation. FSL will also participate in the s-
ystem operational test and evaluation.
FSL will release software from each upgrade build to CWB after
completing each development cycle. FSL will also provide avai-
lable documentation for the FX-Advanced system. If necessary,
FSL will provide an on-site, deep knowledge, short training c-
ourse to CWB workstation staff, so CWB staff can learn the de-
tails of the FX-Advanced system. The training would target CWB
,s meteorological application developers. This training would
cover workstation design and software architecture. The goal
of the training would be to allow CWB staff to perform in-hou-
se software modification efficiently so that the system can i-
ngest CWB's data sources and satisfy CWB's operational needs.
Currently, two visiting scientists from CWB are participating
in the FX-Advanced system development. During the next phase,
which involves mainly testing and delivering the whole workst-
ation system, it would be impossible to integrate a new CWB v-
isiting scientist into the development team, although one CWB
visiting scientist will continue to participate in this task.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required
for Task #l:
Performance Period:
1.Development and operational test of the FX- 7/1/97-6/30/98
Advanced software
2.Preparation of FX-Advanced documentation 7/1/97-6/30/98
3.FX-Advanced software training (time flexible)
Resources Required: 20% FSL-CWB Joint Team
1.Software releases of FX-Advanced 12/97,4/98
2.Documentation of the FX-Advanced 12/97,5/98
3.Training materials 5/98
Task #2-Data Assimilation
During 1.A. #9, FSL/CWB collaboration on this task focused on
the development of an inversion procedure for satellite radia-
nce data. A regression-based inversion technique was developed
to translate differences between forecast and observed satell-
ite radiances into increments of temperature and moisture. No
sensitivity experiments have yet been conducted, due to a sig-
nificant data ingest problem now being solved. FSL has also d-
eveloped a I-D variational analysis method for use with satel-
lite radiance data, soon to be available for CWB experimental
During 1.A. #10, FSL will concentrate on the following area:
Development of three-dimensional variational (3DVAR) analysis
software for conventional observations
FSL will complete the development of nonproprietary software
for 3DVAR analysis using conventional observations (radiosonde
, aircraft, satellite temperature, synoptic surface observati-
ons (SYNOP), buoy, and ship). The software will include modul-
es for organizing observations and metadata into the arrays n-
eeded for 3DVAR analysis, calculating the penalty function, c-
alculating the gradient of the penalty function, determining
the step size for each iteration, performing iterative soluti-
ons to 3DVAR analysis, and establishing constraints for hydro-
static and mass/wind balances. The software will also include
dummy routines for an input/output interface for observations
and background grids on input and analyzed grid on output. Du-
mmy routines will identify expected formats to be used by the
analysis software.
Performance Period:
1.Development of 3DVAR analysis software for 7/1/97-3/31/98
conventional observations
Resources Required: 20% FSL-CWB Joint Team
1.3DVAR analysis software for conventional observations 4/98
Task #3-Development of Scalable Modeling System for spectral
Massively Parallel processing (MPP) technology provides attra-
ctive opportunities for achieving affordable computing that f-
ulfills the requirements of high-resolution models requiremen-
ts such as speed, memory, and price/performance. FSL High Per-
formance Computing scientists have developed a high-level lib-
rary, the Scalable Modeling System (SMS), and they have ported
many Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models to MPP compute-
rs using SMS. SMS has four components: the Nearest Neighbor T-
ool (NNT), the Scalable Runtime System (SRS), the Paralleling
Preprocessor (PPP), and the Scalable Spectral Tool (SST). NNT
is used to transform a grid-point model code to the original
code with minimum impact; SRS is used to provide efficient I/O
for NWP applications. NNT and SRS have already been completed
and tested. PPP will enhance the preprocessing capability for
grid-point models, and SST will be used to handle spectral mo-
CWB is currently planning procurement of its next generation
high performance computer (HPC) in order to satisfy its opera-
tional responsibilities. The tentative schedule for the procu-
rement is for CWB to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) by the
end of June of 1998 and to begin the HPC installation in June
of 1999. CWB will expect to spend some effort porting their m-
odels to their future HPC. FSL plans to work with CWB in the
area of SMS development, especially the SST components. CWB a-
nd FSL will also collaborate on specific SMS applications such
as porting CWB's Global Forecast System (GFS) to the future H-
The GFS is a global primitive equation model with a resolution
of 18 sigma levels in the vertical dimension and 79 waves of
triangular truncation in the horizontal dimension (T79L18). T-
he data assimilation model uses multivariate optimum interpol-
ation (01) analysis. The forecast dynamic model uses a primit-
ive equation model on spherical coordinates. The physical par-
ameterization for GFS includes surface flux, vertical turbule-
nce mixing, short-wave and long-wave radiative transfer, cumu-
lus convection, grid-scale condensation, and gravity wave drag
. The GFS is running with six-hour intermittent data assimila-
tion cycles to produce two forecasts a day. The forecast model
is initialized by incremental, nonlinear, normal-mode initial-
During 1.A. #10, FSL will support CWB in the following three
1.FSL will parallelize CWB's second generation Global Forecast
System (GFS) using the SMS software.
2.FSL will test the parallelized GFS on a target machine sele-
cted by CWB and will compare the results with that of CWB's
current CRAY YMP run on the same case study.
3.FSL will provide SMS documentation to potential users, so t-
hat vendors can perform benchmark evaluations as part of th-
eir proposal submission to CWB.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required
for Task #3:
Performance Period:
1.Survey CWB second generation GFS model 7/1/97-9/30/97
2.Parallelize GFS physical parameterization 7/1/97-12/30/97
3.Develop Scalable Spectral Tool for SMS 10/1/97-3/30/98
4.Parallelize GFS dynamic model 12/1/97-4/30/98
5.Test paralleled GFS model on a selected 10/1/97-5/30/98
target machine
6.Complete SMS document 5/30/98
Resources Required: 30% FSL-CWB Joint Team
1.SMS software and document 5/30/98
2.Parallelized GFS model to CWB 5/30/98
Task #4 -Development of Web-based Forecast Workstation
The idea of a World Wide Web-based Forecast Workstation to be
run from a PC was initially raised by Dr. Sandy MacDonald, the
Director of FSL, almost two years ago when he visited CWB. The
minimum hardware configuration of the current FX-Advanced sys-
tem (assuming Hewlett-Packard hardware) will cost about $IOOK
(US) in Taiwan. For many university and research users in Tai-
wan, this cost is prohibitive. The development of the FX-Adva-
nced at FSL has reached the final deployment test and evaluat-
ion stage, and FSL has decided to initiate a new project call-
ed FX/net (Web-based workstation) in the Spring of 1997.
The objective of the FX/net project is to provide the meteoro-
logical community with an inexpensive and simple forecast wor-
kstation for use in variety of forecast, training, education,
and research applications in which the full capabilities of t-
he FX-Advanced system are not required. FX/net may also be ab-
le to meet the needs of the Taiwan CWB for a system to support
their local field offices. The initial development phase will
be kept short to allow the initial operational build to be te-
sted and evaluated at an early date.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required
for Task #4:
Performance Period:
1.System requirements analysis 7/1/97-10/30/97
2.System Design 11/1/97-3/31/98
3.System development (feasibility evaluation,
hardware configuration, and Prototype Build
1 software development) 4/1/98-6/30/98
Resources Required: 20% FSL-CWB Joint Team
1.System design document 4/30/98
2.Prototype Build 1 software 5/30/98
Task #5-Development of the WSR-88D Wideband Radar Data Ingest
and Diagnostic Display System
During I.A. #9, the FSL data ingest team completed the narrow-
band data communication task using a multichannel, high-speed
synchronous communications server, which successfully received
data from the Radar Product Generator (RPG). The FX-Advanced
workstation is able to receive data from either a leased line
or a dial-up service via the Simpact Freeway communication se-
rver. The use of Simpact Freeway for the NEXRAD Product Inter-
face (NPI) subsystem has been adopted by AWIPS system. The or-
iginal AWIPS candidate for NPI is a HP workstation (HP 9000 m-
odel 747i and SBE BC3X communication controller). Basically,
the NPI task was completed for associated PUP and nonassociat-
ed PUP for narrowband data during I.A. #9.
During I.A. #10, FSL will work with the NWS Office of Hydrolo-
gy (OH) staff to integrate their hydrological applications so-
ftware. These applications software include sending raingauge
data back to the RPG for calibration. Wideband data, which can
be obtained from either the RPG or the Radar Data Acquisition
(RDA) communication interface ports, are extremely useful for
development of applications software later.
During I.A. #10, FSL will carry out the following task with C-
Design and test a tool for a real-time WSR-88D diagnostic dis-
play of wideband radar data
This display tool will provide meteorologists a simple display
of radar diagnostic status through an Ethernet connection. In-
itially, FSL will ingest WSR-88D wideband data that were broa-
dcast from the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL)-devel-
oped Radar Interface and Data Distribution System (RIDDS) via
the SPARC station 5 workstation. If the Windows NT ingest is
reliabel, FSL will design and implement an 8-mm WSR-88D tape-
reading function as a C-language DLL (Dynamic Link Library).
The user interface will be developed using Visual Basic and W-
indows Sockets.
The following summarizes the schedule and resources required
for Task #5:
Performance Period:
1.Develop and test a real-time WSR-88D 7/1/97-6/30/98
diagnostic display system
Resources Required: 5% FSL-CWB Joint Team
1.Real-time WSR-88D diagnostic display system 5/98
(initial version)
Task #6-Continuing interaction on earlier cooperative projects
During the I.A. #9 period, several earlier cooperative projec-
ts have been completed, and technology has been transferred s-
uccessfully and is being used operationally at CWB. One examp-
le is development of the open system central facility. FSL has
provided the updated central facility software (called NIMBUS)
to CWB as it became available during I.A. #9. CWB continues to
develop its own central facility software, called NICE (Netwo-
rk Information exChange Environment), which is similar to NIM-
BUS. The NICE system will become operational during I.A. #10.
FSL development in this area continues and further CWB/FSL in-
teraction is important to keep CWB staff up-to-date on current
developments in NIMBUS. Cooperation on the open system softwa-
re and the forecast preparation system fit this task category.
This task will allow continuing interaction at an ”appropria-
te”Elevel, including exchange of visits, copying papers and
reports, and e-mail interaction.
Performance Period:
1.Continuing interaction on earlier cooperative 7/1/97-6/30/98
Resources Required: 5% FSL-CWB Joint Team
1.Relevant documents, reports, and electronic information as

The following milestones are consistent with the overall prog-
ram requirements:
Functions Milestones
1.Provide FX-Advanced software 12/97, 4/98
2.Provide FX-Advanced documentation 12/97, 5/98
3.Provide forecaster workstation training material 5/98
4.Provide 3DVAR analysis software for conventional 4/98
5.Provide evaluation report on using satellite 3/98
radiance data
6.Provide Scalable Model System software and 5/98
7.Provide parallelized Global Forecast System model 5/98
8.Provide Web-based forecast workstation system 4/98
design document
9.Provide Web-based forecast workstation Build 1 5/98
10.Provide real-time WSR-88D diagnostic diplay 5/98
11.Provide relevant documents, reports on earlier as needed
cooperative projects

Schedule by Month

TASKS 7/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 11/1 12/1 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 6/30
Task 1 (
1.FX-Ad- ──────────────────────────→
s/w d-
2.FX-Ad- ──────────────────────────→
Task 2 (
Data As-
1.3DVAR ─────────────────────→
Task 3
le Model
1.SMS s- ──────────────────────────→
re and
2.Paral- ──────────────────────────→
GFS m-
Task 4 (
ed fore-
cast wo-
1.System ─────────────────────→
2.Proto- ────→
1 sof-
Task 5 (
1.Real- ──────────────────────────→
ay sy-
Task 6 (interaction on earlier projects)

4.0 Budget
The following are the estimated costs for I.A. #10
│Tasks │Personnel │Travel/Training │Total │
│Task #1 │$ 90K │$ 30K │$120K │
│Task #2 │$ 90K │$ 30K │$120K │
│Task #3 │$150K │$ 30K │$180K │
│Task #4 │$ 90K │$ 30K │$120K │
│Task #5 │$ 20K │$ 10K │$ 30K │
│Task #6 │$ 20K │$ 10K │$ 30K │
│Total │$460K │$140K │$600K │
As stated in I.A. #10, funds available for the tasks, traveling
and meeting expenses described in this Statement of Work will be
US $600,000. All budget figures are estimates. Actual amounts w-
ill be accrued for purposes of fulfilling the financial arrange-
ments described in the Implementing Arrangement, in accordance
with the terms of the Agreement.
All programs within the Forecast Systems Laboratory use the same
budget procedures, whether they are base-funded programs or ext-
ernally-funded programs. Beginning in FY91, a facility charge h-
as been applied to all programs to cover management and adminis-
trative costs as well as the use of the FSL facility and all as-
sociated equipment and data.
FSL staff time is charged at the employee's salary plus the nor-
mal NOAA benefit, leave, and overhead charges. FSL professional
staff are primarily in the civil service grade scales of GS-11
to GS-14. Contract staff are in equivalent categories.

5.0 CWB Joint Team Assignments at FSL
Several tasks require CWB staff in residence at FSL. The pr-
imary effort of CWB staff at FSL during this period will be
directed toward developing an operational forecast workstat-
ion, data assimilation techniques, the Web-based workstation
, and radar data acquisition software.
Assignments for the CWB staff will be as follows:
‧Development of the FX-Advanced system (one CWB staff)
‧Development of 3DVAR software (one CWB staff)
‧Development of Web-based workstation (one CWB staff)
‧Development of the NEXRAD data acquisition (one CWB staff)