


1.Signed on March 9, 1990; Entered into force on March 9, 1990.

1 Purpose of Appendix

This Appendix provides funding for the following services to be
provided to the Coodination Council for North American Affairs (
CCNAA) by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) representative,
the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), under the AGREEMENT:

a A conceptual review of the Report on Safety assessment of the
Tsengwen Dam and Appurtenant Structures.

b An indepth dynamic analysis of the embankment.

2 Estimated Cost Services

The total estimated cost for services provided under this Appen-
dix is US $27,000.00 (twenty-seven thousand U.S. dollars). An i-
temized summary of the estimated costs is enclosed.

3 Financial Provisions

Payments and other fincial arrangements shall be as set forth in
Acticle VI of the AGREEMENT.

4 Duration

This Appendix will become effective upon the date of the last s-
ignature of the duly authorized representatives of AIT and CCNAA
, and will remain in effect until the services described herein,
or as amended, are completed. Either party may terminate this A-
ppendix as provided for in Article XII of the AGREEMENT.

5 Authorizing signatures:
Name: Clarke N Ellis
Title: Deputy Managing
Date: March 9, 1990

Name: Mou-Shih Ding
Title : Representative
Date: March 9, 1990


It is estimated that 28 staff-days will be required to complete
a conceptual review of the Tsengwen report. At a cost of US$600
per staff-day, which includes all overhead and administrative s-
upport expenses, the total estimated cost for the review is US$1
6,800 (sixteen thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars). The review
will be conceptual in nature. The technical methodology, approa-
ch, assumptions, and conclusions will be reviewed. No computati-
ons will be made. Areas where further information is required f-
or indepth analyses will be delineated.

It is estimated that an additional 17 staffdays will be required
for an indepth dynamic analysis of the dam embankment. At a cost
of US $600 per staff-day, the total estimated cost for the anal-
ysis is US$ 10,200 (ten thousand two-hundred US dollars).

The total estimated cost to the CCNAA for the services provided
by AIT's designated representative, the Bureau of Reclamation,
is US $27,000 (twenty-seven thousand U.S. dollars).

Staff Days costs
services Performed

I. Canceptual Review

A Embankment Dam
1 Dynamic Analysis 8 $4,800
2 Static Review 2 1,200

B Hydraulic and Structural Design
1 spillway Diversion Works,
Powerplant, River Outlet
Works, and Tungkou Weir 10 6,000

C Hydrology 3 1,800

D Geology and Seismicity 3 1,800

E Landslide Generated Waves 2 1,200

Subtotal 28 16,800

II In-Depth Dynamic Analysis
A Dynamic Analysis of the Embankment 17 10,200

Total 45 $27,000