


1.Signed on November 16, 2001 Entered into force on January 1, 2002

November 16, 2001
Dr. Richard C.Bush
Chairman of the Board and Managing Director
American Institute in Taiwan
1700N. Moore Street, Suite 1700
Arlington, VA 22209
Dear Chairman Bush:
I wish to refer to your letter of November 15, 2001, which stat-
"Dear Represontative Chen:
I am writing with reference to recent correspondence between the
Economic Division of your office and AIT Washington concerning
an extension of the current Agreement between the Taipei Econom-
ic and Cultural Representative Office in teh United States (TECR
O) and the American instatiute in Taiwan (AIT) Concerning Trade
in Textiles and Apparel Products. As the AIT letters of October
26 and November 2, 2001 stated, we are pleased to agree to a one
-year extension of the agreement currently in effect, as an int-
erim measure until Taiwan's accession to the World Trade Organi-
zation is complete.
Attached to this letter is the annex astablishing the specific
quota levels, growth rates and flexibility provisions for 2002.
If your authorities concur, this letter and your reply will con-
stitute an agreement between the Taipei Economic and cultural R-
eperescntative office and the American Institute in Taiwan, eff-
ective on completion of the exchange of letters.
I look forward to an affirmative reply at your earliest conveni-
Richard C.Bush
Chairman and Managing Director"
In reply, I am pleased to accept, on behalf of TECRO, the annex
attached to your letter and to confirm that the aforesaid letter
and this reply shall constitute an agreement between TECRO and A
IT, effective upon completion of this exchange of letters.
C.j. (chien-Jen) Chen

1700 N.Moore Strast
Sulte 1700
Arllington, Virginle 22209
Tel:(703) 525-8474
Fax:(703) 841-1385
November 15, 2001
Mr.Chine-Jen Chen
Taipei Economic and Cutural Represcntative Office
in the United States
4201 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.20016-2146
Dear Representative Chen:
I am writing with reference to recent correspondence between the
Economic Division of your office and AIT Washington concerning
an extcnsion of the current Agreement between the Taipei Econom-
ic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECR
O) and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Concerning Trade
in Textiles and Apparel Products. As the AIT letters of October
26 and November 2, 2001 stated, we are pleased to agree to a one
-year extension of the agrement currently in effect, as an inte-
rim measure nutil Taiwan's accession to the World Trade organiz-
ation is complete.
Attached to this letter is the annex establishing the specific
quota levels, growth rates and flexibility provisions for 2002.
If your authorities concur, this letter and your reply willl co-
nstitute an agreement between the Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the United States and the American Ins-
tatiute in Taiwan, effective on completion of the exchange of l-
I look forward to an affirmative reply at your earliest conveni-
Richard Bush
Richard C. Bush
Chairman and Managing Director

│類 別│單 位│折換率│成 長 率│2002 年 │
│ │ │ │ │基本限額數 │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│第一組 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 1.00 %│ 596,318,304│
│ │ │ │ │ │
│子組限額 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ │ 153,118,428│
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ 200 │公斤 │ 6.60│ 2.50 %│ 753,714│
│ 219 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 2.50 %│ 17,153,795│
│ 313 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 1.00 %│ 68,671,137│
│ 314 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 2.50 %│ 30,555,457│
│ 315 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 2.50 %│ 23,413,267│
│ 361 │件 │ 5.20│ 2.50 %│ 1,514,047│
│ 369-S │公斤 │ 8.50│ 0.50 %│ 492,487│
│ 604 │公斤 │ 7.60│ 1.50 %│ 239,325│
│ │ │ │ │ │
│218 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 2.50 %│ 23,326,223│
│225/317/326 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 2.50 %│ 41,403,983│
│226 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 2.50 %│ 7,513,501│
│300/301/607 │公斤 │ 8.50│ 1.50 %│ 1,793,428│
│ 300 │公斤 │ 8.50│ 1.50 %│ 1,494,524│
│ 301 │公斤 │ 8.50│ 1.50 %│ 1,494,524│
│ 607 │公斤 │ 6.50│ 1.50 %│ 1,949,524│
│363 │件 │ 0.40│ 0.50 %│ 12,329,235│
│369-L/670-L/670 │公斤 │ 3.80│ 2.00 %│ 51,997,913│
│611 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 2.50 %│ 3,362,222│
│613/614/615/617 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 2.50 %│ 20,852,171│
│619/620 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 2.50 %│ 15,326,668│
│625/6/7/8/9 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 2.50 %│ 19,943,616│
│669-P │公斤 │ 14.40│ 2.50 %│ 362,567│
│669-T │公斤 │ 14.40│ 2.50 %│ 1,178,423│
│670-H │公斤 │ 3.70│ 2.00 %│ 19,911,396│
│ │ │ │ │ │
│第二組 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 0.00 %│ 755,000,000│
│ │ │ │ │ │
│子組限額 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ │ 78,945,438│
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ 333/334/335 │打 │ 33.75│ 2.50 %│ 322,771│
│ 335 │打 │ 34.50│ 2.50 %│ 174,835│
│ 341 │打 │ 12.01│ 0.50 %│ 345,045│
│ 342 │打 │ 14.90│ 0.50 %│ 215,550│
│ 350/650 │打 │ 42.60│ 1.00 %│ 140,855│
│ 351 │打 │ 43.50│ 0.50 %│ 358,605│
│ 447/448 │打 │ 15.00│ 1.00 %│ 21,454│
│ 636 │打 │ 37.90│ 1.00 %│ 395,136│
│ 341 │打 │ 12.10│ 0.10 %│ 733,276│
│ 341-Y │jti │ 12.10│ 0.10 %│ 256,646│
│ 651 │打 │ 43.50│ 0.50 %│ 449,715│
│ │ │ │ │ │
│237 │打 │ 19.20│ 2.50 %│ 736,389│
│239 │公斤 │ 6.30│ 1.50 %│ 5,978,090│
│331 │打雙 │ 2.90│ 0.50 %│ 517,436│
│336 │打 │ 37.90│ 2.50 %│ 125,400│
│338/339 │打 │ 6.00│ 1.50 %│ 831,284│
│340 │打 │ 20.10│ 0.10 %│ 1,123,393│
│345 │打 │ 30.80│ 2.50 %│ 131,090│
│347/348 │打 │ 14.90│ 0.00 %│ 1,064,931│
│ 347-W/3748-W │打 │ 14.90│ 0.00 %│ 1,064,931│
│352/652 │打 │ 11.30│ 2.50 %│ 3,328,576│
│359-C/659-/C │公斤 │ 10.10│ 0.00 %│ 1,447,633│
│359-H/659-H │公斤 │ 11.50│ 0.50 %│ 4,892,053│
│433 │打 │ 30.10│ 1.00 %│ 15,701│
│434 │打 │ 45.10│ 1.00 %│ 10,904│
│435 │打 │ 45.10│ 1.00 %│ 25,889│
│436 │打 │ 41.10│ 1.00 %│ 5,155│
│438 │打 │ 12.50│ 1.00 %│ 29,095│
│440 │打 │ 20.10│ 1.00 %│ 5,636│
│442 │打 │ 15.00│ 0.10 %│ 43,871│
│443 │件 │ 3.76│ 1.00 %│ 43,961│
│444 │件 │ 3.76│ 1.00 %│ 62,611│
│445/446 │打 │ 12.40│ 0.50 %│ 138,149│
│631 │打雙 │ 2.90│ 2.00 %│ 5,269,074│
│633/634/635 │打 │ 34.10│ 0.00 %│ 1,634,440│
│ 633/634 │打 │ 33.90│ 0.00 %│ 959,317│
│ 635 │打 │ 34.90│ 0.00 %│ 850,077│
│638/639 │打 │ 12.50│ 0.00 %│ 6,565,058│
│640 │打 │ 20.10│ 0.00 %│ 1,058,909│
│ 640-Y │打 │ 20.10│ 0.00 %│ 281,710│
│642 │打 │ 14.90│ 0.00 %│ 777,133│
│643 │件 │ 3.76│ 1.00 %│ 523,166│
│644 │件 │ 3.76│ 2.50 %│ 798,870│
│645/646 │打 │ 30.80│ 0.00 %│ 4,107,691│
│647/648 │打 │ 14.90│ 0.00 %│ 5,248,544│
│ 647-W/648-W │打 │ 14.90│ 0.00 %│ 5,248,544│
│659-S │公斤 │ 14.40│ 0.00 %│ 1,601,702│
│835 │打 │ 34.50│ 2.50 %│ 20,995│
│ │ │ │ │ │
│第三組 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│845 │打 │ 30.80│ 0.10 %│ 854,623│
│ │ │ │ │ │
│不佔組限額之個別│ │ │ │ │
│限額 │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│622 │平方公尺│ 1.00│ 1.50 %│ 2,689,750│