


1.Signed and exchanged on December 28,1978; Entered into force on December 28,1978.

Ⅰ Note from Mr. William G. Barraclough for the Secretary of St-
ate, to Mr. James C. H. Shen, Chinese Ambassador to the Unit-
ed States of America.
December 28,1978
I have the honor to refer to the Arrangement Regarding Internat-
ional Trade in Textiles, with Annexes (hereinafter referred to
as the Arrangement), done at Geneva on December 20,1973, and ex-
tended by protocol done at Geneva on December 14,1977, and to t-
he agreement of June 8,1978 with Annexes, as amended (the "Agre-
ement"), between the Government of the Republic of China and the
Government of the United States of America, concerning trade in
cotton, wool and man-made fiber textiles and textile products.
I have also the honor to refer to discussions between represent-
atives of the Government of the Republic of China and the Gover-
nment of the United States of America in Washington November 6
and 7,1978, concerning exports to the United States of America
of cotton, wool and man-made fiber textiles and textile products
from the Republic of China. As a result of these discussions, I
have the honor to propose, on behalf of the Government of the U-
nited States of America, that the Agreement be amended as follo-
1 Pursuant to paragraph 5 of the Agreement, the Government of t-
he United States of America agrees that exports in the follow-
ing Categories may exceed the consultation levels stated in A-
nnex C or paragraph 5 of the Agreement by the following amoun-
ts during the first Agreement Year:
Amount in Excess
Category of Stated Consultation
Level (SYE)
369 1,125,000
602 1,000,000
669 5,000,000
2 Pursuant to paragraph 5 of the Agreement, the Government of t-
he United States of America agrees that exports in the follow-
ing Categories may exceed the consultation levels stated in A-
nnex C or paragraph 5 of the Agreement by the following amoun-
ts during the second Agreement Year:

Amount in Excess
Category of Stated Consultation
Level (SYE)
315 2,500,005
317 2,834,935
318 1,000,000
320 7,000,000
669 sub 151,248
336 278,500
337 500,000
350 400,000
351 700,000
636 2,000,000
637 300,000
642 562,500
650 500,000
652 450,000
659 16,250,000
442 50,000
459 500,000
If the foregoing conforms withe the understanding of the Gove-
rnment of the Republic of China, this note and Your Excellenc-
y's note of confirmation on behalf of the Government of the R-
epublic of China shall constitute an amendment to the Agreeme-
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest cons-
For the Secretary of State:
William G. Barraclough
His Excellency
James C. H. Shen,
Chinese Ambassador
Ⅱ Note from Mr. James C. H. Shen, Ambassador of the Republic of
China, to Mr. Cyrus R. Vance, Secretary of State.
December 28,1978
I have the honor to acknowledge, receipt of Your Excellency's n-
ote of today's date, containing a proposed amendment to the agr-
eement on the exports of cotton, wool, and man-made fiber texti-
les from the Republic of China to the United States of America,
signed June 8,1978 between our two Governments.
I wish to confirm, pursuant to instructions, that the Government
of the Republic of China accepts the proposed amendment as cont-
ained in your note mentioned above and agree that your note and
this note of confirmation shall constitute a part of the Agreem-
ent between our two Governments.
I renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest conside-
James C. H. Shen
Ambassador of the
Republic of China
The Honorable
Cyrus R. Vance
Secretary of State