


1.Signed and exchanged on June 14,1977; Entered into force on June 14,1977.

I Note from Mr. James C. H. Shen, Chinese Ambassador, to Mr. R-
obert S. Strauss, the Special Representative for Trade Negot-
iations. June 14, 1977
I have the honor to refer to the recent discussions between rep-
resentatives of the Government of the Republic of China and the
Government of the United States of America with respect to expo-
rts from the Republic of China of non-rubber footwear. I have f-
urther the honor to confirm that the Government of the Republic
of China will implement the measures and obligations to which it
has agreed, under the following provisions:
1 The Government of the Republic of China will administer its c-
ontrol over exports to the United States from the Republic of
China of non-rubber footwear as defined in Annex A (hereinaft-
er referred to as "non-rubber footwear"), at the levels set f-
orth in Annex B, for the period from June 28, 1977, through J-
une 30,1978, and thereafter from July 1, 1978 through June 30-
, 1981.
2 The Government of the United States of America will assist the
Government of the Republic of China in implementing its contr-
ol over exports of non-rubber footwear to the United States at
the levels set forth in Annex B as follows:
(a) All non-rubber footwear articles exported from the Republic
of China to the United States on or after June 28, 1977, w-
ill be counted against the restraint levels applicable to
the restraint period in which they are exported.
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs 4 and 5, in the event tha-
t the restraint level set forth in Annex B is reached for a
category prior to the end of a restraint period, the Gover-
nment of the United States of America will delay further i-
mportation in the category affected until after the end of
that restraint period.
(c) All non-rubber footwear articles exported from the Republic
of China on or after June 28, 1977, will be denied importa-
tion for consumption by the United States unless such arti-
cles have been issued an export visa by the Government of
the Republic of China.
(d) (i) All non-rubber footwear articles exported from the Rep-
ublic of China that are in bonded warehouses as of May
14, 1977, may be withdrawn from warehouse for consumpt-
ion on or before the 20th day following the date of pu-
blication of the Agreement embodied in these Notes. Th-
ereafter, such articles may be withdrawn from warehouse
for consumption only if they have been issued export v-
isas by the Government of the Republic of China.
(ii) All other non-rubber footwear articles exported from t-
he Republic of China prior to June 28, 1977, may be en-
tered for consumption in the United States prior to Se-
ptember 1, 1977, provided that all such articles enter-
ed for consumption on or after June 1, 1977, in excess
of 33 million pairs will be counted against the restra-
int levels for the first restraint year by pro-rating
them among the categories specified in Annex B accordi-
ng to the percentages of the total annual restraint le-
vel comprised by each category.
(e) Exceptions to the specification in subparagraph (a) above
that imports are to be counted against restraint levels f-
or the restraint period in which they are exported may be
made in order to (1) permit imports that are exported in
one restraint period, but that are not imported for consu-
mption until more than 90 days following the beginning of
the subsequent restraint period, to be counted against the
restraint levels for that subsequent restraint period; and
(2) permit imports that were exported in one restraint pe-
riod, but that were denied entry in that restraint period
pursuant to subparagraph (b) above, to be counted against
the restraint levels for the subsequent restraint period.
3 The Government of the Republic of China will use its best eff-
orts to space exports of non-rubber footwear to the United St-
ates within each category evenly throughout the restraint per-
iod, taking into consideration normal seasonal factors.
4 (a) In the event a shortfall occurs with respect to a restrai-
nt level for a category during a restraint period, carryo-
ver may be made to the next annual restraint period of up
to 11 percent of that restraint level in the previous per-
iod, but not in excess of the actual shortfall. Shortfalls
in one category may not be applied to any other category.
(b) If, in accordance with paragraph 5, part of a restraint l-
evel of any category has been reallocated to the restraint
level of another category, such amount will not be con-
sidered a shortfall and hence would not be available for
(c) The restraint levels for each category may be exceeded by
not more than 6 percent in any one restraint period. Any
restraint level that is exceeded in one restraint period
will be reduced for the subsequent restraint period by the
amount by which it was exceeded.
(d) Subparagraph (a) and (c) may not be used in combination to
increase the restraint level applicable to any category in
any restraint period by more than 11 percent.
(e) The Government of the Republic of China will provide time-
ly notice to the Government of the United States of Ameri-
ca of its intention to exercise the rights provided in su-
bparagraphs (a) or (c) above, and the Government of the U-
nited States of America will endeavor to make appropriate
adjustments in the applicable restraint levels.
5 (a) The restraint level specified in Annex B for leather foot-
wear and for plastic footwear may be exceeded in a restra-
int period by no more than 10 percent of the total restra-
int level applicable to that category for that period, and
the restraint level specified in Annex B for the category
designated "Other" may be exceeded in a restraint period
by no more than 15 percent of the total restraint level a-
pplicable to that category for that period, provided that
the restraint level applicable to one or more other categ-
ories in the same restraint period is reduced by the same
absolute amount.
(b) Following notification by the Government of the Republic
of China at the earliest possible date of its intention c-
oncerning subparagraph (a) above, the Government of the U-
nited States of America will make appropriate adjustments
of the applicable restraint levels.
6 The Government of the United States of America will notify the
Government of the Republic of China as soon as possible should
it become necessary for the Government of the United States of
America to delay importation in any category due to filling of
the applicable restraint level.
7 Commencing three months prior to the end of the second restra-
int period, and annually thereafter, the Government of the the
Republic of China and the Government of the United States of
America may consult with respect to the possibility of adjust-
ing upward, for the latter part of the second and subsequent
restraint periods, the restraint levels specified in Annex B.
In any consultations conducted pursuant to this paragraph, the
Government of the United States of America shall take into ac-
count, inter alia, the state of its domestic footwear industr-
8 The Government of the Republic of China will promptly supply
the Government of the United States of America with data on m-
onthly exports to the United States of non-rubber footwear as
such data become available. The Government of the United Stat-
es of America will supply the Government of the Republic of C-
hina with data on monthly imports of non-rubber footwear, by
principal countries of origin, as such databecome available.
Each Government agrees to supply promptly any other pertinent
and readily available statistical data requested by the other
Government. In accordance with current practice, United States
data will be used in determining the necessity for delay by t-
he Government of United States of America of any imports purs-
uant to these Notes.
9 (a) Consultations between the Government of the Republic of C-
hina and the Government of the United States of America w-
ith respect to the implementation of these Notes will be
held at least once annually.
(b) Either Government may request consultations at any time on
any matters arising from the provisions of these Notes, i-
ncluding, inter alia, any problems that may arise relating
to circumventions of the Agreement embodied in these Note-
s. Such consultations will take place at a mutually conve-
nient time not later than thirty days from the date on wh-
ich such request is made, unless otherwise mutually agree-
(c) Mutually satisfactory administrative arrangements or adju-
stments may be made to resolve problems arising in the im-
plementation of these Notes, including differences in poi-
nts of procedure or operation.
10 (a) If the Government of the Republic of China considers tha-
t, as a result of the application of the provisions of t-
hese Notes, the Republic of China is placed in an inequi-
table position vis-a-vis other major exporting counties
in respect of exports to the United States of non-rubber
footwear, the Government of the Republic of China may in-
itiate consultations with the Government of the United
States of America.
(b) The Government of the United States of America will take
appropriate remedial measures in the event that it is ag-
reed that United States imports of non-rubber footwear f-
rom other major exporting countries have increased rapid-
ly to the disadvantage of producers in the Republic of C-
11 Any rights of trade retaliation that the Government of the R-
epublic of China may have under existing treaties or commerc-
ial arrangements will not be exercised with respect to measu-
res taken by the Government of the United States of America
pursuant to these Notes.
12 The two Governments may amend the provisions of these Notes
if such amendments are mutually agreeable.
13 No provision of these Notes will be construed as applying to
prices or production of non-rubber footwear, or allocation of
shipments among firms selling (except that it is recognized
that such allocations may be deemed necessary and therefore
directed by the Government of the Republic of China in its i-
mplementation of the provisions of these Notes) or buying no-
n-rubber footwear.
14 Either Government may terminate the provisions of these Notes
by given sixty days prior written notice to the other Govern-
15 The foregoing provisions of these Notes will be implemented
by the two Governments in accordance with the laws and regul-
ations applicable in their respective countries.
I have further the honor to request Your Excellency to confirm
on behalf of the Government of the United States of America that
it will implement its measures and obligations under the above
provisions, and to propose that this Note and Your Excellency's
Note in reply will constitute an agreement between the two Gove-
rnments as characterized by the above provisions.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consid-
James C. H. Shen
Ambassador of
the Republic of
His Excellency
Robert S. Strauss
The Special Representative
for Trade Negotiations
Washington, D.C.
Annex A
The following items from the Tariff Schedules of the United Sta-
tes Annotated (as revised May 1, 1976) are covered by the provi-
sions of the Agreement:
Footwear provided for in items
700.05 through 700.85, inclusive,
(except items 700.51, 700.52,
700.53, 700.54, 700.60, 700.75,
and disposable footwear designed
for one-time use provided for in
item 700.85), of the Tariff Sched-
ules of the United States (TSUS).
Annex B
The Government of the Republic of China will apply restraints on
exports to the United States of non-rubber footwear as defined
in Annex A during the period specified at the levels indicated.
Exports for Period
(Million Pairs)
Category Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
T1 Leather 1/ 9.76 10.08 10.24 10.48
T2 Plastic 2/ 104.68 107.25 109.82 112.40
T3 Other 3/ 7.56 7.75 7.94 8.12
To Total 122.00 125.00 128.00 131.00
1/ Category T1 consists of leather footwear provided for in TSUS
item numbers 700.05 through 700.45, inclusive.
2/ Category T2 consists of plastic footwear provided for in TSUS
item number 700.58.
3/ Category T3 consists of footwear of other materials provided
for in TSUS item numbers 700.66, 700.68, 700.70, 700.80, 700-
.83, and 700.85 (except 700.8510).
Ⅱ Note from Mr. Robert S. Strauss, the Special Representative
for Trade Negotiations, to Mr. James C.H. Shen, Chinese Amba-
Excellency, June 14, 1977
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's
Note of today's date which reads as follows:
I have the honor to refer to the recent discussions between rep-
resentatives of the Government of the Republic of China and the
Government of the United States of America with respect to expo-
rts from the Republic of China of non-rubber footwear. I have f-
urther the honor to confirm that the Government of the Republic
of China will implement the measures and obligations to which it
has agreed, under the following provisions:
"1 The Government of the Republic of China will administer its
control over exports to the United States from the Republic
of China of non-rubber footwear as defined in Annex A (herei-
nafter referred to as "non-rubber footwear"), at the levels
set forth in Annex B, for the period from June 28, 1977, thr-
ough June 30, 1978, and thereafter from July 1, 1978 through
June 30,1981.
"2 The Government f the United States of America will assist the
Government of the Republic of China in implementing its cont-
rol over exports of non-rubber footwear to the United States
at the levels set forth in Annex B as follows:
(a) All non-rubber footwear articles exported from the Republ-
ic of China to the United States on or after June 28, 1977
, will be counted against the restraint levels applicable
to the restraint period in which they are exported.
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs 4 and 5, in the event th-
at a restraint level set forth in Annex B is reached for a
category prior to the end of a restraint period, the Gove-
rnment of the United States of America will delay further
importation in the category affected until after the end
of that restraint period.
(c) All non-rubber footwear articles exported from the Republ-
ic of China on or after June 28, 1977, will be denied imp-
ortation for consumption by the United States unless such
articles have been issued an export visa by the Government
of the Republic of China.
(d) (i) All non-rubber footwear articles exported from the Re-
public of China that are in bonded warehouses as of M-
ay 14,1977, may be withdrawn from warehouse for consu-
mption on or before the 20th day following the date of
publication of the Agreement embodied in these Notes.
Thereafter, such articles may be withdrawn from wareh-
ouse for consumption only if they have been issued e-
xport visas by the Government of the Republic of China
(ii) All other non-rubber footwear articles exported from
the Republic of China prior to June 28, 1977, may be
entered for consumption in the United States prior to
September 1, 1977, provided that all such articles en-
tered for consumption on or after June 1, 1977, in ex-
cess of 33 million pairs will be counted against the
restraint levels for the first restraint year by pro-
rating them among the categories specified in Annex B
according to the percentages of the total annual rest-
raint level comprised by each category.
(e) Exceptions to the specification in subparagraph (a) avove
that imports are to be counted against restraint levels f-
or the restraint period in which they are exported may be
made in order to (1) permit imports that are exported in
one restraint period, but that are not imported for consu-
mption until more than 90 days following the beginning of
the subsequent restraint period, to be counted against the
restraint levels for that subsequent restraint period; and
(2) permit imports that were exported in one restraint pe-
riod, but that were denied entry in that restraint period
pursuant to subparagraph (b) above, to be counted against
the restraint levels for the subsequent restraint period.
"3 The Government of the Republic of China will use its best ef-
forts to space exports of non-rubber footwear to the United
States within each category evenly throughout the restraint
period, taking into consideration normal seasonal factors.
"4 (a) In the event a shortfall occurs with respect to a restra-
int level for a category during a restraint period, carr-
yover may be made to the next annual restranint period,
of up to 11 percent of that restraint level in the previ-
ous period, but not in excess of the actual Shortfall. S-
hortfalls in one category may not be applied to any other
(b) If, in accordance with paragraph 5, part of a restraint
level of any category has been reallocated to the restra-
int level of another category, such amount will not be c-
onsidered a shortfall and hence would not be available f-
or carryover.
(c) The restraint levels for each category may be exceeded by
not more than 6 percent in any one restraint period. Any
restraint level that is exceeded in one restraint period
will be reduced for the subsequent restraint period by t-
he amount by which it was exceeded.
(d) Subparagraphs (a) and (c) may not be used in combination
to increase the restraint level applicable to any catego-
ry in any restraint period by more than 11 percent.
(e) The Government of the Republic of China will provide tim-
ely notice to the Government of the United States of Ame-
rica of its intention to exercise the rights provided in
subparagraphs (a) or (c) above, and the Government of the
United States of America will endeavor to make appropria-
te adjustments in the applicable restraint levels.
"5 (a) The restraint level specified in Annex B for leather foo-
twear and for plastic footwear may be exceeded in a rest-
raint period by no more than 10 percent of the total res-
traint level applicable to that category for that period,
and the restraint level specified in Annex B for the cat-
egory designated "Other" may be exceeded in a resraint p-
eriod by no more than 15 percent of the total restraint
level applicable to that category for that period, provi-
ded that the restraint level applicable to one or more o-
ther categories in the same restraint period is reduced
by the same absolute amount.
(b) Following notification by the Government of the Republic
of China at the earliest possible date of its intention
concerning subparagraph (a) above, the Government of the
United States of America will make appropriate adjustmen-
ts of the applicable restraint levels.
"6 The Government of the United States of America will notify t-
he Government of the Republic of China as soon as possible s-
hould it become necessary for the Government of the United S-
tates of America to delay importation in any category due to
filling of the applicable restraint level.
"7 Commencing three months prior to the end of the second restr-
aint period, and annually thereafter, the Government of the
Republic of China and the Government of the United States of
America may consult with respect to the possibility of adjus-
ting upward, for the latter part of the second and subsequent
restraint periods, the restraint levels specified in Annex B.
In any consultations conducted pursuant to this paragraph, t-
he Government of the United States of America shall take into
accout, inter alia, the state of its domestic footwear indus-
"8 The Government of the Republic of China will promptly supply
the Government of the United States of America with data on
monthly exports to the United States of non-rubber footwear
as such data become available. The Government of the United
States of America will supply the Government of the Republic
of China with data on monthly imports of non-rubber footwear,
by principal countries of origin, as such data become availa-
ble. Each Government agrees to supply promptly any other per-
tinent and ready available statistical data requested by the
other Government. In accordance with current practice, United
States data will be used in determining the necessity for de-
lay by the Government of the United States of America of any
imports pursuant to these Notes.
"9 (a) Consultations between the Government of the Republic of
China and the Government of the United States of America
with respect to the implementation of these Notes will be
held at least once annually.
(b) Either Government may request consultations at any time
on any matters arising from the provisions of these Note-
s, including, inter alia, any problems that may arise re-
lating to circumventions of the Agreement embodied in th-
ese Notes. Such consultations will take place at a mutua-
lly convenient time not later than thirty days from the
date on which such request is made, unless otherwise mut-
ually agreed.
(c) Mutually satisfactory administrative arrangements or adj-
ustments may be made to resolve problem arising in the i-
mplementation of these Notes, including differences in p-
oints of procedure or operation.
"10 (a) If the Government of the Republic of China considers th-
at, as a result of the application of the provisions of
these Notes, the Republic of China is placed in an ineq-
uitable position vis-a-vis other major exporting countr-
ies in respect of exports to the United States of non-r-
ubber footwear, the Government of the Republic of China
may initiate consultations with the Government of the U-
nited States of America.
(b) The Government of the United States of America will take
appropriate remedial measures in the event that it is a-
greed that United States imports of non-rubber footwear
from other major exporting countries have increased rap-
idly to the disadvantage of producers in the Republic of
"11 Any rights of trade retaliation that the Government of the
Republic China may have under existing treaties or commerci-
al arrangements will not be exercised with respect to measu-
res taken by the Government of the United States of America
pursuant to these Notes.
"12 The two Governments may amend the provisions of these Notes
if such amendments are mutually agreeable.
"13 No provision of these Notes will be construed as applying to
prices or production of non-rubber footwear, or allocation
of shipments among firms selling (except that it is recogn-
ized that such allocations may be deemed necessary and ther-
efore directed by the Government of the Republic of China in
its implementation of the provisions of these Notes) or buy-
ing non-rubber footwear.
"14 Either Government may terminate the provisions of these not-
es by giving sixty days prior written notice to the other G-
"15 The foregoing provisions of these Notes will be implemented
by the two Governments in accordance with the laws and regu-
lations applicable in their respective countries.
"I have further the honor to request Your Excellency to confirm
on behalf of the Government of the United States of America th-
at it will implement its measures and obligations under the ab-
ove provisions and to propose that this Note and Your Excelency
's Note in reply will constitute an agreement between the two
Governments as characterized by the above provisions.
"Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest cons-
I have further the honor to confirm on behalf of the Government
of the United States of America that it will implement its meas-
ures and obligations under the above provisions and to agree th-
at your Excellency's Note and this Note will constitute an agre-
ement between the two Government as characterized in the above
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consid-
Robert S. Strauss
The Special Representative for
Trade Negotiations
His Excellency
James C. H. Shen
Ambassador of the
Republic of China
Washington, D. C.
"Annex A
The following items from the Tariff Schedules of the United Sta-
tes Annotated (as revised May 1, 1976) are covered by the provi-
sions of the Agreement:
Footwear provided for in items 700.05
through 700.85 inclusive (except ite-
ms 700.51, 700.52, 700.53, 700.54, 7
00.60, 700.75, and disposable footwe-
ar designed for one-time use provide-
d for in item 700.85) of the Tariff
Schedules of the United States (TSUS).
"Annex B
The Government of the Republic of China will apply restraints on
exports to the United States of non-rubber footwear as defined
in Annex A during the period specified at the levels indicated.
Exports for Period
(Million Pairs)
Category Period 1 Period 1 Period 1 Period 1
T1 Leather 1/ 9.76 10.0 10.24 10.48
T1 Plastic 2/ 104.68 107.25 109.82 112.40
T1 Other 3/ 7.56 7.75 7.94 8.12
Total 122.00 125.00 128.00 131.00
1/ Category T1 consists of leather footwear provided for in TSU-
S item numbers 700.05 through 700.45, inclusive.
2/ Category T2 consists of plastic footwear provided for in TSUS
item number 700.58.
3/ Category T3 consists of footwear of other materials provided
for in TSUS item numbers 700.66, 700.68, 700.70, 700.80, 700.
83, and 700.85 (except 700.8510)."
The representatives of the Government of the Republic of China
and the Government of the United States of America wish to reco-
rd the following understanding concerning the Notes exchanged on
June 14,1977.
1 It is understood that paragraph 10 includes countries that ag-
ree to limit exports of non-rubber foot wear to the United St-
ates at approximately the same time that the Republic of China
undertakes such an agreement.
2 In accordance with assurances that have been received by the
Government of the United States of America, it is understood
the there will not, as a result of this Agreement, be major s-
hifts away from the normal pattern of exports to the United S-
tates in non-rubber footwear by type, material, or price rang-
e. It is further understood that shifts in exports of non-rub-
ber footwear among types, materials, and price ranges that re-
fiect market trends in the United States will not be consider-
ed major shifts in the sense of this paragraph.
3 It is understood that in the event that the Government of the
United States of America considers the major shifts of the ty-
pe described in the preceding agreed minute have occurred, it
may initiate consultations with a view toward the prompt reso-
lution of such problems.
4 In the technical administration of the Agreement embodied in
these Notes, the Government of the United States of America w-
ill be guided generally by the procedures used to implement t-
he Agreement between the United States of America and the Rep-
ublic of China Regarding International Trade in Textiles.
5 It is understood that nothing in this agreement shall affect
the unilateral right of the Government of the United Sates of
America, acting in accordance with its domestic law, to take
action affecting imports of non-rubber footwear from countries
other than the Republic of China.
6 It is understood that the Government of the United States of
America may, in its discretion, permit shifts into the catego-
ry "Other" greater than those provided for in paragraph 5 (a),
up to a total of 50 percent of that category, provided that t-
he restraint levels applicable to one or more other categories
in the same restraint period are reduced by the same absolute
For the Government of the
Republic of China
James C. H. Shen
Ambassador of the
Republic of China
For the Government of the
United States of America
Robert S. Strauss
The Special Representative
for Trade Negotiations
Washington, D. C., June 14, 1977
Note from Mr. James C. H. Shen, Chinese Ambassador, to Mr. Robe-
rt S. Strauss, the Special Representative for Trade Negotiation-
s. June 14, 1977
Oh behalf of the Government of the Republic of China, i have the
honor to inform you that the Government of the Republic of China
does not expect that the Agreement between the United States of
America and the Republic of China regarding trade in non-rubber
footwear will be extended beyond its intended expiration on June
30, 1981, and that the Government of the Republic of China does
not favor such an extension.
Hanes C. H. Shen
Ambassador of
the Republic of
His Excellency
Robert S. Strauss
The Special Representative
for Trade Negotiations
Washington, D. C.
Ⅰ Note from Mr. Robert s. Strauss, the Special Representative
for Trade Negotiations, to Mr. James C.H. Shen, Chinese Amba-
ssador to the United States of America.
June 14, 1977
On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, I
have the honor to inform you that several small United States f-
irms have expressed concern regarding the issuance of export vi-
sas for non-rubber footwear. It is my understanding that, in the
administration and allocation of export visas, the Government of
the Republic of China will take into account the interests of s-
mall firms.
Robert S. Strauss
The Special Representative
Trade Negotiations
His Excellency
James C. H. Shen
Ambassador of the
Republic of China
Washington, D. C.
Ⅱ Note from Mr. James C. H. Shen, Chinese Ambassador, to Mr. R-
obert S. Strauss, the Special Representative for Trade Negot-
June 14, 1977
On behalf of the Government of the Republic of China, I have the
honor to refer to your letter concerning the administration and
allocation of export visas, and to take note of the views expre-
ssed therein.
James C. H. Shen
Ambassador of
the Republic of
His Excellency
Robert S. Strauss
The Special Representative
for Trade Negotiations
Washington, D. C.
Note from Mr. Robert S. Strauss, the Special Representative for
Trade Negotiation, to Mr. James C. H. Shen, Chinese Ambassador
to the United States of America.
June 14, 1977
On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, I
have the honor to inform you that the Government of the United
States of America currently is monitoring, and will continue to
monitor, footwear imports according to the categories set forth
in the Annex to this letter. I further have the honor to inform
you that the Government of the United States of America may take
such categories into account in any consultations that may be i-
nitiated pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Agreed Minutes to
the Agreement between the Republic of China and the United Stat-
es of America regarding trade in non-rubber footwear.
Robert S. Strauss
The Special Representa-
tive for
Trade Negotiations
His Excellency
James C. H. Shen
Ambassador of the
Republic of China
Washington, D. C.
Import Monitoring Categories
Category A-Men's, Youth's, and Boys' Leather Footwear includes
he following TSUSA item numbers (1976): 700.2020, 700.2630,700.
2738, 700.2960, 700.3530, 700.3535, 700.3540, 700.3545, 700.3550
, 700.3555, 700.3575, 700.3580.
Category B-Women's and Misses Leather Footwear includes the fol-
lowing TSUSA item numbers (1976): 700.2045, 700.2050, 700.4110,7
00.4120, 700.4310, 700.4315, 700.4320, 700.4325, 700.4330, 700.
4335, 700.4340, 700.4345, 700.4360, 700.4365, 700.4510, 700.4515
, 700.4520, 700.4525, 700.4530, 700.4535, 700.4540, 700.4545, 70
0.4560, 700.4565.
Category C1-"Vinyl" (Plastic) Footwear for Men, Youths, and Boys
includes the following TSUSA item numbers (1976): 700.5837, 700.
5839, 700.5877, 700.5879.
Category: C2-"Vinyl" (Plastic) Footwear for Women and Misses in-
cludes the following TSUSA item unmbers (1976): 700.5847, 700.58
49, 700.5881, 700.5883.
Category D-Athletic Footwear includes the following TSUSA item
numbers (1976): 700.2800, 700.2920, 700.3505, 700.3515, 700.4305
, 700.4505.
Category E-Work Footwear includes the following TSUSA item numb-
ers (1976): 700.2610, 700.2718, 700.2940, 700.3527, 700.3529.
Category F-Childrens' and Infants' Footwear includes the follow-
ing TSUSA item numbers (1976): 700.2026, 700.4130, 700.4140, 700
.4350, 700.4355, 700.4370, 700.4375, 700.4550, 700.4555, 700.457
0, 700.4575, 700.5857, 700.5859, 700.5885, 700.5887.
Category G-Miscellaneous Footwear includes the following TSUSA
item numbers (1976): 700.0500, 700.1000, 700.1500, 700.2500, 700
.2650, 700.2748, 700.2980, 700.3000, 700.3200, 700.5823, 700.662
0, 700.6640, 700.6660, 700.6820, 700.6840, 700.6860, 700.7020, 7
00.7065, 700.7070, 700.7075, 700.7078, 700.7510, 700.7520, 700.7
530, 700.7540, 700.7550, 700.7560, 700.8020, 700.8065, 700.8070,
700.8075, 700.8080, 700.8310, 700.8320, 700.8330, 700.8340, 700.
8350, 700.8360, 700.8515, 700.8525, 700.8530, 700.8535, 700.8545
Note from James C. H. Shen, Chinese Ambassador, to Mr. Robert S.
Strauss, the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations.
June 14, 1977
On behalf of the Government of the Republic of China, I have the
honor to assure you that the Government of the Republic of China
is aware of the sensitivity of the United States market to impo-
rts of non-rubber footwear manufactured with polyurethane. I fu-
rther have the honor to assure you that any increases in exports
of polyurethane footwear from the Republic of China to the Unit-
ed States will take place at a moderate rate, and that there wi-
ll be no large-scale shifting from vinyl footwear to polyuretha-
ne footwear among exports from the Republic of China to the Uni-
ted States. The Government of the United States of America may
initiate consultations with respect to the matters described he-
rein with a view to resolving any problem arising therefrom.
James C. H. Shen
Ambassador of the
Republic of China
His Excellency
Robert S. Strauss
The Special Representative
for Trade Negotiations
Washington, D. C.