


簽訂日期: 民國 79 年 09 月 28 日
生效日期: 民國 79 年 09 月 28 日
簽約國: 北美地區 > 美國
1.Singed and exchanged on September 28, 1990; Entered into force on September 28, 1990.

On October 3, 1984, the Coordination Council for North American
Affairs(CCNAA) and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) ente-
red into a comprehensive new "Agreement Between AIT and CCNAA
Relating to the Establishment of a Joint Standing Committee on
Civil Nuclear Cooperation," (herein referred to as the "Princip-
al Agreement") relating to technical cooperation and collaborat-
ion in a number of fields related to the civil use of atomic en-
ergy. The Principal Agreement was renewed on October 19, 1989,f-
or an additional 5 years.

Pursuant to the Principal Agreement and subject to its terms
and conditions,except as otherwise agreed under the provisions
of this cooperative program,AIT and CCNAA have agreed to undert-
ake a cooperative program to study soil--structure interaction
effects by collecting data at a site near Hualien,Taiwan. This
cooperative program is listed as Item TP--NR--EP--O1 on the upd-
ated Summary List of Projects. The Hualien project was initiated
and organized by EPRI with co--sponsorship of the Taiwan Power
Company and other organizations from Japan and France.

This cooperative program will be carried out in accordance w-
ith the following paragraphs and will come into effect upon an
exchange of letters between Principal Coordinators that have be-
en designated by CCNAA and AIT in accordance with the Principal

1 Objective of the Cooperative Program

The main purpose of the Hualien experiment is to provide ear-
thquake-generated date against which analytical models can be c-
hecked. This will be accomplished in part by constructing test
models (of nuclear power plant structures) and deploying instru-
ments in a stiff soil site in Hualien, Taiwan,where the strong
motion array network, SMART-2, will be deployed. EPRI,Taipower
and NRC are all contributing to the design and construction cos-
ts. A steering committee will be established for approval of the
design and other major decisions during the course of the proje-

2 Scope of Work

a The AIT, through its agent the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis-
sion (USNRC),will periodically review the progress of the des-
ign and construction of the test models. This will consist of
a review of design calculations,construction drawings and ins-
trumentation layout. It is anticipated that this will require
at least one visit to Taiwan by one person from NRC, with the
visit approximately 7 to 10 working days in duration. Additio-
nal meetings,over of the course of the project, may be necess-
ary in Taiwan, Japan or the United States.Travel costs, living
expenses and salary will be borne by the parties who incurred

b The AIT through its agent, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis-
sion (USNRC),will support the design and construction of test
models by providing funds(U.S. $300,000.00) The full payment (
U.S. $300;000.00) shall be paid within 60 days after the exch-
ange of letters between Principal Coordiantors of AIT and CCN-
AA, and acceptance of the terms of the cooperative program by

c Earthquake data collected at the Hualien project site during
the course of the project will be provided to AIT by CCNAA for
internal use by NRC and its project contractors. It is unders-
tood that public release of these data would require prior ap-
proval by CCNAA.

d AIT will provide to CCNAA the results of any evaluations or a-
nalyses of earthquake data and soil-structure interaction cal-
culations performed by NRC and its contractors on the data pr-
ovided by CCNAA. Similarly, CCNAA will provide to AIT the res-
ults of any evaluation on analyses performed by any of its ag-

e Any expension of scope beyond that indicated above will requi-
re consent of both parties.

3 Duration and Termination

a This Joint Program shall enter into force upon signature and,
subject to paragraph 3.b, shall remain in force for the durat-
ion of the Principal Agreement unless extended by agreement of
the parties.
b Either party may withdraw from this arrangement after providi-
ng the other party written notice 90 days prior to its intend-
ed date of withdrawal.

4 Disputes

Collaboration under this Joint Program shall be in accordance
with the laws and regulations of the respective parties. All qu-
estions related to the Joint Program arising during its term sh-
all be settled by the parties by mutual agreement.

American Institute in Taiwan

Coordination Council for
North American Affairs