


簽訂日期: 民國 87 年 09 月 11 日
生效日期: 民國 87 年 09 月 11 日
簽約國: 北美地區 > 加拿大
1.Signed on September 11, 1998; Entered into force on September 11, 1998.

Recognizing the importance of international scientific cooperat-
ion and the mutual benefit to be derived from bilateral collabo-
ration, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Canada
and the Canadian Trade Office in Taipei (CTOT), hereinafter ref-
erred to as “the Parties” have agreed to:
.facilitate the exchange of information:
.facilitate the movement of researchers between Ottawa and Taip-
ei; and
.promote bilateral research collaborations in the fields of nat-
ural sciences and engineering.
More specifically, the Parties agree to:
1.Implementation and Coordination
The cooperating-agencies for the Parties will be the Divisions
of Natural Sciences & Mathematics and Engineering & Applied S-
ciences of the National Science Council (NSC) in Taipei and t-
he Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
of Canada.
Each agency will designate one person as a contact point. The
NSC contact point will be the Program Officer of the Division
of International Programs; the NSERC contact point will be the
NSERC International Relations Advisor. Officials of the coope-
rating agencies will contact each other and meet as necessary
to discuss matters of mutual interest related to the cooperat-
ion outlined in this Memorandum of Understanding, to exchange
information on their respective programs, policies, practices,
and to share information about requests for support involving
bilateral collaboration, as appropriate.
2.Provision of Information
The cooperating agencies will facilitate research exchanges a-
nd collaboration in the natural sciences and engineering betw-
een each other by
publicizing and providing information on mechanisms of support
for scientific collaboration with the other country;
publicizing and providing information on research activities
in both countries, so as to assist researchers in developing
joint research projects;
advising its national research community of its interest in s-
upporting research in specified areas, if appropriate.
3.Support Mechanisms
Each cooperating agency will have in place funding mechanisms
with a degree of flexibility sufficient to permit their use f-
or the support of joint research, bilateral visits, and works-
hops. Applicants and applications will be required to meet se-
lection criteria for the relevant program.
In NSERC's case, proposals will be submitted and evaluated th-
rough NSERC's re-gular programs and in accordance with the no-
rmal program cycle and regulations, keeping in mind NSERC's i-
nterest in funding cooperative research with partners from Ta-
iwan. Canadian researchers will be notified of the opportunity
to apply for funding, through NSERC's normal information chan-
nels (newsletters, other publications, and Internet). Canadian
researchers will be encouraged to contact interested research-
ers from Taiwan tstablish joint projects and workshops.
In the case of NSC, international collaborations will be supp-
orted through funding those Canadian researchers and Taiwan r-
esearchers conducting joint research projects after undergoing
merit evaluation process. Divisions in the NSC will do the sa-
me as NSERC to notify Taiwan researchers and encourage them to
contact researchers from Canada to establish joint projects a-
nd workshops.
4.Selected Areas of Research Interest
Each cooperating agency may select specific areas of research
interest and solicit from its national research community res-
earch proposals in those areas. In such case, the agency conc-
erned will notify the other of its selected areas. Both agenc-
ies may also exchange views on their respective selected areas
to promote mutual understanding and cooperation in areas of m-
utual research interest.
The information exchange and dissemination activities outlined
in this Memorandum of Understanding will complement exchanges
of researchers resulting from individual-to-individual or uni-
versity-to-university agreements.
This Memorandum of Understanding is based on equality, recipr-
ocity, and mutual benefit, and implies no financial commitment
from either Party.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall take effect from the d-
ate of signing. It shall remain in force until terminated by
either party giving six (6) months' notice in writing. It may
be amended at any time by mutual written agreement of the par-
In witness whereof, the undersigned being duly authorized the-
reto, have signed this Memorandum of Understanding in the Eng-
lish language.

Done at Taipei, September 11, 1998

For the Taipei Economic For the Canadian Trade Office
and Cultural Office, Canada in Taipei

[Signed] [Signed]
Chin-Yen Fang David Mulroney
Representative Director

Witnessed by:
National Science Council Natural Sciences and Engineering
in Taipei Research Council of Canada

[Signed] [Signed]
Jin-fu Chang Thomas A. Brzustowski
Vice Chairman President