


1.Signed on August 22,1991; Entered into force on August 22,1991.

1. Both Sides recognize the mutual benefit of scientific interc-
hange and the convenience of set procedures for its administ-
2. Both Sides will facilitate collaboration between specialists
in the scientific disciplines within their mutual competence,
subject to the laws and regulations in force in the two coun-
tries and subject to financial limitation of each Side. The
form of scientific contacts may include:
a) Study Visits
Both Sides will assist in promoting exchanges at postdoctoral
or equivalent level and of other research scientists for peri-
ods of between 1 and 2weeks for exploratory visits, known as
Study Visits, on the basis of the sending Side paying interna-
tional fares and the host Side local costs. To be included in
the short Study Visits are exchange visits between the admini-
strative staff of the two Sides.
b) Fellowship Visits
Both Sides will assist in promoting vis-
its at postdoctoral or equivalent level and other research
scientists for periods of between 3 to 12 months, known as
Fellowship Visits, to carry out research projects or learn
new techniques predominantly in at laboratory or site but
with provision for short subsidiary visits to others. The
sending Side will pay for all the expenses of the visit,
both international fares and local costs, with the host S-
ide helping with the placing of visitors and the administ-
ration of programmes, as may be necessary.
c) Joint Seminars
Both Sides will facilitate the holding of
seminars in areas where the exchange of information promi-
ses to improve the level of cooperation between scientists
of the two sides.
For and on behalf of
the Royal Society of London
Sir Anthony Epstein
Vice President and Foreign Secretary
Date: 22 Aug. 1991
For and on behalf of
the National Science Council, Taipei
Dr. Ching-Piao Hu
Vice Chairman