


1.Signed on Novembers 10, 1994

Article I
In order to strengthen the links of friendship and the economic
relations existing between the respective countries and more pa-
rticularly in order to promote temporary admission of goods in
favour of enterprises in the areas of competence of the signato-
ry associations, the undersigned national guaranteeing associat-
ions have agreed to organize by the present protocol a system of
international customs deposits for import duties chargeable on
the temporary admission of goods in the customs territories wit-
hin their areas of competence when such goods are covered by a
customs carnet hereafter referred to as CPD Canada/china-Taiwan
Article lI
(a) the term ”import duties”means customs dutiesand all other
duties and taxes payable on or in connection with importati-
on and shall include all internal taxes and excise duties c-
hargeable on imported goods, but shall not include fees and
charges which are limited in amount to the approximkate cost
of services rendered and do not represent an indirect prote-
ction to domestic products or a taxation of imports for fis-
cal purposes;
(b) the term ”goods”shall mean all goods temporarily imported
under the terms of the following Conventions:
1) the Customs Convention to facilitate the importation of c-
ommercial samples and advertising material, signed in Gen-
eva on 7 November l952;
2) the Customs Convention concerning facilities for the impo-
rtation of goods for display or use at exhibitions, faire
, meetings or similar events, done at Brussels on 8 June 1
3) the Articles 3 (2) and (3) of the Customs Convention on A.
T.A Carnet for the temporary admission of goods (ATA Conv-
ention), done at Brussels on 6 December 1961;
4) All other international Conventions or agreements between
customs administrations relating to temporary admission o-
perations or for operations of temporary admission author-
ized under the laws and/or regulations applicable in the
territory of temporary admission;
5) the protocol will be implemented according to the rules l-
aid down:
-in the ATA Convention,
-in the statement of the Internatioual Bureau of Chambers
of Commerce of the International Chamber of Commerce and
its implementing directives-present and future,
-and in the present text.
the undersigned guaranteeing associations will undertake
to persuade their respective Customs Authorities to apply
the opinions and comments expressed by the PTC of Customs
Cooperation Council concerning the application of the ATA
all matters pertaining to the interpretation and implemen-
tation of the Protocol shall be settled with the particip-
ation of the parties to the Protocol;
6) it is expressly agreed that the International Bureau of C-
hambers of Commerce of the International Chamber of Comme-
rce will ensure the implementation and the administration
of the system of international customs deposits establish-
ed under the present protocol;
(c) the term ”temporary admission”means temporary importation
free of import duties in accordance with the conditions laid
down by the above Conventions or by the national laws and r-
egulations of the country of importation;
(d) the term ”transit”means the conveyance of goods from a cu-
stoms office in the territory of temporary admission or tra-
nsit of a party signatory of the present protocol to another
customs office within the same territory, in accordance with
the conditions laid down in the national laws and regulatio-
ns of that contracting party;
(e) the term ”customs carnet”means the document hereinafter r-
eferred to as CPD Canada/China-Taiwan Carnet and reproduced
as annex l to the present protocol of which it is an integr-
al part;
(f) the term ”guaranteeing association”means a Chamber of Com-
merce or an organization of Chambers of Commerce or an asso-
ciation which
-has been approved by the customs authorities of its country
to guarantee payment of the import duties owed to them in
respect of goods covered by CPD Canada/China-Taiwan Carnets
-has joined the system of international customs deposits im-
plemented by the IBCC of ICC,
-has organized with the Chambers of Commerce of its area or
with other associations, anational guarantee system enabli-
ng them to deliver CPD Canada/China-Taiwan Carnets.
The undersigned guaranteeing associations declare that the
carnets issued under their responsibility are delivered in
accordance with the rules laid down in the ATA Convention of
6 December l961 and in the IBCC Statements and its implemen-
ting Directives which have been published since the entry i-
nto force of the said Convention.
Having regard to all the elements of assessment of the risks
involved, the undersigned national organizations will keep
each other informed of the operations of temporary admission
or transit in respect of which they agree to guarantee carn-
Article III
When they have been approved by their national customs authorit-
ies for the purpose of guaranteeing the payment of import duties
in respect of goods which are the subject of the present protoc-
ol, each undersigned national organization is entitled to guara-
ntee the payment of import duties in respect of goods despatched
by its nationals to the other country.
ln each country, there shall be only one national organization
entitled to give its guarantee for all the traders residing wit-
hin the customs territory. The period of validity of tha CPD Ca-
nada/China-Taiwan Carnet shall not exceed one year as from the
date of delivery of any carnet.
Article IV
The conditions for the grant of guarantee shall be determined by
the undersigned national guaranteeing associations in conformity
with the provisions laid down in the documents referred to in A-
rticle II,5,above. When the guarantee is granted, the authoriz-
ed guarantor organization shall affix its visa in accordance wi-
th a model form which will be appended to the present Protocol
on a Carnet of agreedupon format. This document shall be presen-
ted on every Customs clearance together with the goods to which
it relates.
Article V
The guarantee granted shall be surety for the payment of the im-
port duties which would be due to the customs authorities of the
importing country in the event of the goods in question introdu-
ced into the said country not being re-exported within the pres-
cribed period. The guarantee shall further cover,up to l0% of t-
he amount of import duties, the payment of any other sum which
would have had to be deposited by the importer if there had been
no guarantee.
Article VI
When the goods covered by the guarantee given by the authorized
national organization in the country of origin are introduced i-
nto the country of destination the guarantor organization in the
latter country shall, immediately and automatically, be substit-
uted for the original guarantee.
Article VII
Should the merchandise covered by the guarantee not be duly ree-
xported from the country of import with in the prescribed period
and thus become liable for import duties, the authorized organi-
zation in the country of import shall pay the import duties due
to the creditor customs administration.
Article VIII
The national organization which shall thus have settled the imp-
ort duties in respect of merchandise covered by the guarantee s-
hall request the organization which granted the original guaran-
tee to refund the duties paid on behalf of the importer.
Such refunding will be effected in conformity with the modaliti-
es laid down in Article IX (or 9) of the IBCC annexed hereto.
Article IX
Calls for repayment shall be accompanied by proof of payment (c-
ustoms receipts) in original and photocopy. Repayment will be m-
ade within two months after receipt of proof of payment.
Article X
All questions relating to the interpretation of the provisions
of the present protocol shall be submitted to the International
Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce, for decision.
Any guaranteeing association infringing the provisions of the p-
resent protocol will be liableto be expelled from the system, s-
uch expulsion to be decided by Contracting Parties jointly with
the IBCC's Steering Committee.
Article XI
All differences, disputes or contestations between the undersig-
ned national organizations in connection with the application of
the provisions of the present protocol shall be finally settled
under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Internat-
ional Chamber of Commerce, by one or more arbitrators appointed
in accordance with the Rules.
Article XII
The present Protocol shall be subject to ratification in accord-
ance with the domestic legislation of the Contracting Parties a-
nd shall enter into force on the date of the exchange of letters
indicating that it has been ratified. The exchange of letters s-
hall be made by The Board of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of E-
conomic Affairs in Taipei and The Conadian Trade Office in Taip-
The Protocol shall remain in force indefinitely, unless either
Contracting Party notifies in writing the other Contracting Par-
ty 9O days in advance of its intention to terminate this Protoc-

Concluded in Taipei on lO November l994.



[Signed] [Signed]
Mr.Ronie H.K.Huang Mr.Sam S.M.Lee
Function:Secretary General Function:Deputy Secretary General



[Signed] [Signed]
Mr.Bernard Wilson Mr.Timothy I.Page
Function:Chairm Function:Senior Vice President



[Signed] [Signedl]
Mr.Jean-Charles Rouher Mr. Alain Destouches
Function:ICC Secretary-General Function:IBCC Administrative

Annexes:-Protocol on the organization of a system of internatio-
nal customs deposits respect of ATA Carnets
-Statement on the ATA System adopted bythe IBCC