


簽訂日期: 民國 70 年 09 月 15 日
生效日期: 民國 70 年 09 月 15 日
簽約國: 北美地區 > 美國
1.Signed on September 15,1981; Entered into force on September 15,1981.

1 All classified information communicated directly or indirectly
between the parties to this agreement, i.e., the Coordination
Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA) and the American I-
nstitute in Taiwan (AIT) will be protected in accordance with
the following principles:
a The recipient will not release the information to a third p-
arty without the prior written consent of the releasing par-
b The recipient will afford to the information a degree of pr-
otection equivalent to that afforded it by the releasing pa-
c The recipient will not use the information for other than t-
he purpose for which it was given.
d The recipient will respect private rights, such as patents,
copyrights, or proprietary aspects which are involved in th-
e information.
2 Classified information and material will be transferred only
between the following: CCNAA, AIT or third parties approved by
both parties under paragraph 1.a. above.
3 For the purpose of this agreement classified information is t-
hat information which, in the interest of the releasing entity
and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, requi-
res protection against unauthorized disclosure, and which has
been designated as classified by the appropriate authority of
the releasing entity. This embraces any classified informatio-
n, be it oral, visual, or in the form of material. Material m-
ay be any document, product, or substance on, or in which, in-
formation may be recorded or embodied. Material shall encompa-
ss everything regardless of its physical character or makeup
including, but not limited to documents, writing, hardware, e-
quipment machinery, apparatus, devices, models, photographs,
recordings, reproductions, notes, sketches, plans, prototypes,
designs, configurations, maps, and letters, as well as all ot-
her products, substances, or materials from which information
can be derived.
4 Information classified by either party and furnished from one
party to the other through approved channels will be assigned
a classification by appropriate authorities of the receiving
party which will assure a degree of protection equivalent to
that required by the party furnishing the information.
5 This Agreement will apply to all classified information passed
to either party from the other party or a third party approved
under paragraph 1.a. above. Details regarding channels of com-
munication and the application of the foregoing principles wi-
ll be the subject of arrangements as may be necessary between
6 The recipient party will investigate any possible loss or dis-
closure to unauthorized persons of classified information obt-
ained under this Agreement, and without delay, will advise the
other party of the occurence, the final finding and corrective
action to preclude recurrence.
7 a In the event that either party awards a contract involving
classified information, then the party under whose jurisdic-
tion contract performance is taking place will assumerespon-
sibility for administering measures for the protection of s-
uch classified information in accordance with its own stand-
ards and requirements.
b Prior to the release of any classified information to a con-
tractor or prospective contractor, the recipient party will,
in accordance with this agreement:
(1) Insure that such contractor or prospective contractor and
his facility have the capability to protect the classifi-
ed information adequately.
(2) Insure an appropriate clearance has been granted to the
facility to this effect.
(3) Insure appropriate clearances have been granted for all
personnel whose duties require access to the classified
(4) Insure that all persons having access to classified info-
rmation are informed of their responsibilities to protect
the information in accordance with this agreement.
(5) Carry out periodic inspections of cleared facilities.
(6) Assure that access to classified information is limited
to those persons who have a need to know for agreed-on
Tsai Wei-ping,
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
September 15,1981
David Dean
Chairman of the Board
and Managing Director
American Institute in Taiwan
September 15,1981