


1.Signed and exchanged on August 17 and September 7, 1982; Entered into force on September 7, 1982.

Ⅰ Letter from Mr.David Dean, Chairman of the Board and Rilana-
ging Director of the American Institute in Taiwan, to Dr.Ts-
ai Wei-ping, Representative, Coordination Council for North
American Affairs, Office in U.S.A.
August 17, 1982
Dr. Tsai Wei-ping, Representative
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
516l River Road
Bethesda, MD 20816
Dear Dr. Tsai:
Given our mutual desire to ensure the continuation of unint-
errupted maritime trade and the safety of life at sea, I pr-
opose that prior to some mutually agreed date assurances be
provided to the American Institute in Taiwan (the”Institute
”) that all ships under the registry of the party represen-
ted by the Coordination Council for North American Affairs (
the”Council”) which are used in bilateral trade have been
inspected and are in compliance with the requirements of the
l974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
(1974 SOLAS) ,a copy of which is enclosed. Compliance with
the l974 SOLAS Convention requirements will be indicated by
the carriage aboard such ships of valid certificates attest-
ing to that fact. Such certificates shall be in the same fo-
rm as those called for in the l974 SOLAS Convention. Their
carriage shall enable such ships to trade at the ports of t-
he party represented by the Institute in fhe same manner and
under the same conditions as ships of signatories to the l97
4 SOLAS Convention.
Reciprocally, assurances should be provided that, inasmuch
as the party represented by the Institute is a party to the
l974 SOLAS Convention, the carriage of valid 1974 SOLAS Con-
vention certificates on merchant ships under the registrp of
that party alter May 25. 1980, the date the l974 SOLAS Conv-
ention entered into effect, will enable them to trade at po-
rts of the party represented by the Council in the same man-
ner and under the same conditions as ships under the regist-
ry of the party represented by the Institute trade at ports
of signatories to the 1974 SOLAS Convention.
If these arrangements meet with your approval, I propose th-
at this letter and your letter in reply serve as a basis to
establish the procedures described.
David Dean
Chairman of the Board
and Managing Director
1974 Safety of Life at
Sea Convention

Ⅱ Letters from Dr. Tsai Wei-ping, Representative, Coordinatio-
n Council for North American Affairs, Office in U.S.A., to
Mr. David Dean, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director-
of the American Institute in Taiwan
September 7, 1982
Mr. David Dean
Chairman of the Board
and Managing Director
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 N. Moore St.
Arlington, VA 22209
Dear Mr. Dean
This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 17,
1982, in which you wrote:
”Given our mutual desire to ensure the continuatioa of uni-
nterrupted maritime trade and the safety of life at sea, I
propose that prior to some mutually agreed date assurances
be provided to the American Institute in Taiwan (the ”Inst-
itute”) that all ships under the registry of the party rep-
resented by the Coordination Council for North American Aff-
airs (the ”Council”) which are used in bilateral trade ha-
ve been inspected and are in compliance with the requrements
of the l974 International Convention for the Safety of Life
at Sea (1974 SOLAS), a copy of which is enclosed. Compliance
with the 1974 SOLAS Convention requirements mill be indicat-
ed by the carriage aboard such ships of valid certificates
attesting to that fact. Such certificates shall be in the s-
ame form as those called for in the l974 SOLAS Convention.
Their carriage shall enable such ships to trade at the ports
of the party represented by the Institute in the same manner
and under the same conditions as ships of signatories to the
1974 SOLAS Convention.
Reciprocally, assurances should be provided that, inasmuch
as the party represented by the Institute is a party to the
1974 SOLAS Convention, the carriage of valid 1974 SOLAS Con-
vention certificates on merchant ships under the registry of
that party after May 25, 1980, the date the 1974 SOLAS Conv-
ention entered into effect, will enable them to trade at po-
rts of the party represented by the Council in the same man-
ner and under the same conditions as ships under the regist-
ry of the party represented by the Institute trade at ports
of signatories to the 1974 SOLAS Convention.
If these arrangements meet with your approval, I propose th-
at this letter and your letter in repIy serve as a basis to
establish the procedures described.”
In reply, I wish to express, on behalf of the Coordination
Council for North American Affairs, our willingness to prov-
ide the American Institute in Taiwan reciprocally with the
assurances as specified in your letter, and our concurrence
with your suggestion that this correspondence of ours will
serve as a basis to establish the procedures described.

Tsai Wei-ping