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No. Date Type Title
241. 2023-12-07 Regulations Enforcement Rules of the Labor Inspection Act
242. 2023-12-06 Regulations Place and Facility Management and Lending charging standards By the Sunmoonlake National Scenic Area Administration, Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications
243. 2023-12-05 Regulations Regulations for Tuna Longline Fishing Vessels Proceeding to the Atlantic Ocean for Fishing Operation
244. 2023-12-05 Regulations The Draft of Amendment to the Fuel Economy Standards and Regulations on Vehicle Inspection and Administration
245. 2023-12-04 Regulations Regulations Governing Public Tender Offers for Securities of Public Companies
246. 2023-12-04 Regulations Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Public Tender Offer Prospectuses
247. 2023-12-04 Regulations Regulations on Subsidy and Standards for Establishing Breastfeeding (Breast Milk Collection) Rooms, Childcare Facilities and Measures
248. 2023-12-01 Regulations Regulations on Issuing Registration Certificates of Civil Associations
249. 2023-11-30 Regulations Regulations Governing the Management of the Review, Registration and Issuance of Permit Documents for Food and Related Products has files
250. 2023-11-30 Regulations Regulations of Marine Dumping Permit Management
251. 2023-11-29 Regulations Regulations on the Dedication of Commercial Grade Items and Certification of Dedication Agency
252. 2023-11-29 Regulations Standards for Service Fees of the Identification of Strategic High-Tech Commodities, Ministry of Economic Affairs
253. 2023-11-29 Regulations Regulations Governing Procedures for Objections in Trade Disposition Cases
254. 2023-11-29 Regulations Promulgation of “Criteria for Recognition of Residence Qualification for Countries or Regions Where it is Difficult for Foreigners to Obtain Permanent Residency, Year of 2024,” effective since January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
255. 2023-11-28 Regulations Regulations Governing the Division of Foreign Affairs-Related Authority & Responsibility and Contact between Military Police and Police in the Taiwan Areas
256. 2023-11-27 Regulations Regulations Governing Issuance of Medical Device License, Listing and Annual Declaration has files
257. 2023-11-24 Regulations Ministry of Education’s Regulations Governing the Establishment of the National Professorship
258. 2023-11-24 Regulations Ministry of Education’s Regulations Governing the Establishment of the Academic Award
259. 2023-11-23 Regulations Regulations on the Management and Supervision of Preshipment Inspections
260. 2023-11-23 Regulations Regulations Governing Electronic Licensing for the Export and Import of Commodities