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Chapter 3 Epidemic Control
Article 17
In the line of duty, upon finding an animal infected, suspected to be infected, or possibly infected with a List A infectious animal disease defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 6, or an infectious animal disease of List B or C with the major zoonotic characteristic, a veterinarian or a veterinary technician shall report to the local animal health inspection authority within 24 hours. Upon receiving the report, the local animal health inspection authority shall take necessary measures and notify the central competent authority. In cases involving major zoonotic infectious animal diseases, the central competent authority shall immediately give notice to the central health competent authority.
Major zoonotic infectious animal diseases mentioned in the preceding Paragraph and Paragraph 3 of Article 20 shall be published by the central competent authority in consultation with the central health competent authority.
Article 18
When animal health inspection authorities suspect a fast spread of an infectious animal disease, a report shall be made immediately to the higher authorities concerned. The neighboring authorities and competent authorities of special municipalities or counties (cities) taking charge of managing the place of assembling and distributing of animals shall be informed.
Article 19
The owner or keeper of animals finding that their animals have, or suspected of having, an infectious animal disease shall promptly isolate the animals or take necessary actions under the instruction of animal health inspection officer, who may, in the view of the spreading status of the infections animal disease, prohibit animal movement into or out of the same farm or rearing area. To determine the etiology, the animal health inspection officer may require the owner or keeper of animals to isolate the animals suspected of having an infectious animal disease, but the duration shall not exceed fourteen (14) days. However, this restriction does not apply to a disease with a possible longer incubation period which requires a longer duration of isolation.
During the isolation period as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph, the animal inspection officer shall notify animal welfare protection inspectors to perform relevant inspections, which shall be in compliance with biosafety protocols.
Article 20
Regarding animals infected, suspected to be infected, or potentially infected with infectious animal diseases and facilities or premises that are, or may be, contaminated with pathogens of infectious animal diseases, animal health inspection officer, upon approval by the competent authority, shall take following actions:
1. Regarding animals infected, suspected to be infected, or potentially infected with List A infectious animal diseases defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 6, the owner or keeper shall follow the instruction of animal health inspection officer to immediately cull the animals and have the carcasses incinerated, buried, or rendered.
2. Regarding animals infected with List B infectious animal diseases defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 6, if deemed necessary by animal health inspection officer, the owner or keeper shall follow the instruction of animal health inspection officer to immediately cull the animals and have the carcasses incinerated, buried, rendered, or take other necessary measures.
3. Regarding premises, vehicles, vessels, and apparatus that are contaminated or may be contaminated with infectious animal disease pathogens, the owner or keeper shall follow the instruction of animal health inspection officer to promptly have them incinerated, buried, disinfected, or take other necessary measures.
Culling as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall be conducted in a humane manner, minimizing the pain inflicted on animals without compromising the disease control and prevention; culling methods shall be reviewed and updated appropriately in accordance with the guidelines of international animal welfare science.
In the case of animals infected with List B infectious animal diseases defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 6, with the major zoonotic characteristics, upon recommendation of the central health competent authority and deemed necessary by animal health inspection officer, animals within the affected premises can be disposed of in accordance with Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 of this Article.
For the purpose of etiologic identification or academic research, animals shall be disposed of under the instruction of the competent authority that grants the approval.
Article 21
If the special municipality or county (city) competent authority deems that emergency measures are necessary for epidemic prevention, it may order the animal health inspection officer within its jurisdiction to manage the situation in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Article and then submit a report for review.
Article 22
In order to control and prevent the spread of infectious animal diseases, the special municipality or county (city) competent authority may order animal health inspection officer, commissioned veterinary practice licensees, or veterinary practice licensees employed by animal owners and keepers to freely implement physical examination, immunizations, vaccinations, medicinal bath, or medical treatment of animals in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 13. Animal owners and keepers shall follow the instruction of animal health inspection officer or veterinary practice licensees to control the movement of animals and provide other necessary assistance without evasion, obstruction, or refusion.
Article 23
The carcasses of animals that died of List A or List B infectious animal diseases, as specified in Paragraph 1 of Article 6, shall be promptly incinerated, buried, rendered, or disposed by other necessary means, according to the instruction of animal health inspection officer. However, upon approval by the competent authorities, animals concerned may be used to establish the etiology of the infectious animal diseases or for academic research.
Article 24
For carcasses or objected buried according to the provisions of Article 20 and the preceding Articles, within a certain period, their burial sites and markings cannot be excavated or damaged without the permission of the competent authority.
Article 25
When animals died, or suspected of dying from infectious animal diseases in the course of sea transportation, the owners, keepers, or ship captains may sterilize the carcasses, place and facilities or take other measures as deemed necessary.
Article 26
Before slaughtering animals that are infected or suspected of infected with infectious animal diseases, the owners or keepers of animals shall report to animal health inspection officer and take instructions on the methods and places of slaughtering.
For persons who cannot or will not carry out their mandatory duties according to the preceding Paragraph, animal health inspection officer may implement or order a third party to do so. Fees shall be collected for implementing the necessary measures.
Article 27
When the special municipality or county (city) competent authority deems it necessary to establish the etiology of sickness of animals or their carcasses that are suspected of being contaminated with infectious animal diseases, it may order animal health inspection officer to conduct a necropsy.
Article 28
When the competent authorities at all levels deem it necessary for disease control, they may announce the implementation of the following measures:
1. Within a designated zone and specified period of time, banning or restricting the transport of specific types of animals, and suspending movement of carcasses or materials suspected of carrying pathogen of infectious animal diseases.
2. Suspending importation of materials subjected to quarantine from designated zones.
3. Setting up quarantine stations at major road junctions to check animals and their products. Materials failing to pass the quarantine check will be banned from the movement and could be treated with necessary operations.
Protocols on checking criteria, procedures, methods for disposal, fee standard, locations, and other necessary measures in mentioned in Subparagraph 3 of the preceding Paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
When the competent authorities of special municipalities or counties (cities) implement the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, they shall report the situation to the central competent authority for reference and notify the relevant competent authorities of neighboring areas.
Article 29
When the competent authorities of special municipalities or counties (cities) deem it necessary for disease control, they may order zoos, abattoirs, farm animal (meat) markets, poultry markets, fish market, processing plants for farm products and aquatic products, incubation sites, artificial insemination stations, milk harvesting station, or other entities to halt their businesses. In addition, animal competitions, horse racing competitions, and other activities which involve the gathering of animals shall be prohibited.
Article 30
When the central competent authority deems it necessary, animal health inspection officer under their jurisdiction may be dispatched to host joined infectious animal disease prevention and control activities among counties (cities) or among counties (cities) and special municipalities, or to assist competent authorities of special municipalities and counties (cities) in managing matters of prevention and control of infectious animal diseases.
Article 31
Upon the eradication of infectious animal diseases, the competent authorities of special municipalities and counties (cities) shall annul the announcement of restrictive measures and report the situation to the central competent authority for reference, as well as notify the relevant competent authorities of neighboring areas.