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Part 3 Fire Safety Equipments
Chapter 1 Fire Extinguishing Equipments
Section 1 Fire Extinguisher and Indoor Fire Hydrant Equipments
Article 31
Fire extinguisher shall comply with the following requirements:
1.Fire extinguisher shall be equipped according to the potential fire characteristics of the place, and the minimum fire extinguishing efficiency shall be calculated following the provisions below:
(1)In places listed in 12.1 and 12.5, there shall be a unit fire extinguishing efficiency for every 100m2 of the floor area (including the last proportion less than 100m2) on each floor.
(2)In places listed in 12.2~4, there shall be a unit fire extinguishing efficiency for every 200m2 of the floor area (including the last proportion less than 200 m2) on each floor.
(3)In boiler room, kitchen and other places where fire is used in large amounts, there shall be a unit fire extinguishing efficiency for every 25m2 of the floor area (including the last proportion less than 25 m2) on each floor.
2.There shall be a unit fire extinguishing efficiency for every 100 m2 of the floor area in movie projection room and other places where electric equipments are used.
3.On a storey where there is a fire extinguisher, the travel distance from any point of the living rooms on the floor to the fire extinguisher shall be not more than 20m.
4.Fire extinguishing equipments shall be located in obvious places convenient for fetching, and a 20m2 or larger indicating plate marked with “Fire Extinguisher” in white text on red background shall be set up nearby. However, if the fire hydrant box with other equipment are combined in and the word “Fire Extinguisher” is marked on the surface, the color of the mark is not limited.
5.For a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall or placed inside a fire extinguisher box, if the weight of the extinguisher is 18kg or more, the distance from the upper end to the floor shall be not more than 1m; if the weight is less than 18kg, the distance shall be not more than 1.5m.
Article 32
Piping and fittings for indoor hydrant and roof water tank shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
(1)Piping systems should be used for dedicated purposes, but if they are used togher with outdoor fire hyfrants, auto sprinkler system, hoses and other extinguishing facilities and its funcion can be realized individually, the matching pipes aren’t required to use for the special purposes.
(2)One of the following requirements should be met: Chinese National Standards (hereinafter called CNS) CNS6445 piping and 4626 pressure piping should be the carbon steel pipes and 6331 piping should be the stainless steel pipes or equivalent with the same intension, corrosion resistance and thermal resistance or above.
Synthetic resin pipe with its tightness, intension, corrosion resistance, weatherability, thermal resistance and other performances authorized by the central regulating authority.
(3)The pipes’ diameter should be determined by the hydraulic calculation. But if it is used with the hoses, the diameter of the standpipes shoud be over 100 mm.
(4)As for the dameter of the standpipes, the type Ⅰ hydrant is required to be over 63 mm and the second one be over 50 mm.
(5)Standpipes should be installed in places where they are unlikely to be damaged or it is difficult for fire to reach.
(6)Standpipes should be connected to roof tank, gravity or pressure tank, and be full of water during the normal day.
(7)Effective quakeproof measures are required.
Hydraulic seal indictes the on-off state in a clear way and check valve indicates the direction of flow and comply with CNS.
Roof Tank
(1)Water quantity in tank should be more than 0.5m3 for the type I hydrant and 0.3m3 for the type II one. But if it is used togther with other extinguishing facilities, the quantity should be kept to the maximum.
(2)Effective quakeproof steps are required.
(3)No tank is required to be installed on a sloping roof.
Article 33
Upon completion of installing indoor fire hydrant equipments, pressurization test shall be made under a test pressure not less than 1.5 times the total closed pumping lift of the pressurization and driving device. If leakage doesn’t occur after the test pressure lasts for two hours, the equipments shall be regarded as qualified.
Article 34
Except that the places listed in 12.2 (11) or 12.4 shall be equipped with Type I hydrants, other places shall be quipped with Type I or II hydrants pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Type I hydrant shall be equipped according to the following provisions:
(1)The horizontal distance from any point on each floor to the hydrant shall be less than 25m.
(2)In any storey, when all the hydrants are used simultaneously, the aimer discharging pressure of each hydrant shall be more than 1.7kgf/cm2 or 0.17Mpa and the water output more than 130kg/min. But where there are more than two hydrants totally, it shall be supposed two are used simultaneously for calculation.
(3)One hydrant with a caliber of 38mm or 50mm, two pieces of 15m-long water hoses with a caliber of 38mm or 50mm and equipped with quick connectors, a set of hose frame and a line water fog two-purpose aimer with a caliber over 13mm shall be equipped in a hydrant box. But where the horizontal distance from the hydrant connector to any point of the building is less than 15m, two pieces 10m-long water horses may be equipped.
2.Type II hydrant shall be equipped according to the following provisions:
(1)The horizontal distance from any point on each floor to the hydrant shall be less than 25m.
(2)In any storey, when all the hydrants are used simultaneously, the aimer discharging pressure of each fire hydrant shall be more than 1.7kgf/cm2 or 0.17Mpa, and the water output more than 80kg/min. But where there are more than two hydrants totally, it shall be supposed two are used simultaneously for calculation.
(3)One hydrant with a caliber of 25mm, 30m-long water hose or the fire hose which section remain round(消防用保形水帶), and a set of hose frame and a line water fog two-purpose aimer shall be equipped in a fire hydrant box. And the aimer shall be equipped with an operable switching device.
The above-mentioned hydrants shall comply with the following provisions:
1.The height of hydrant switch from the ground shall be more than 0.3m and less than 1.5m.
2.Hydrants shall be located nearby aisle or fireproof stairway, convenient for fetching.
3.In gathering or amusement places, hydrants shall be located at the two sides of stage and behind auditoria, and behind loge.
4.At least one testing outlet shall be equipped at appropriate locations on the roof, and marked with “Testing Water Outlet”. But if it is difficult for a sloping roof to install a testing outlet, the outlet isn’t required.
Article 35
Indoor hydrant box shall comply with the following provisions:
1.The box shall be made of steel sheet with a thickness more than 1.6mm or the equivalent of nonflammable materials.
2.The box shall be deep enough to contain hydrants, hose and nozzle, and the surface area shall be more than 0.7m2.
3.The box surface shall be marked with obvious text “Fire Hydrant” that is unlikely to be brushed off, and each character shall be bigger than 20cm2.
Article 36
The capacity of indoor fire hydrant equipments shall be not less than the quantity of all the fire hydrants on the floor that has the most indoor fire hydrants continuously discharging for 20 minutes. However, if the total number of fire hydrants on the floor is more than 2, then 2 shall be used as the total number.
Where fire water is used mixed together with common water, necessary measures shall be taken to ensure the capacity of the former water source are in the effective range.
Water source for fire extinguisher may be equipped together with water sources for other fire extinguishing equipments, but the total capacity shall be not less than the sum of the necessary water quantity required by fire extinguishing equipments.
Article 37
Water source equipped under Article 36 shall be connected with pressurization and driving device in accordance with the following clauses:
1.Gravity tank shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)There shall be nilometer, drainpipe, overflow discharging pipe, feedwater pipe, and inlet.
(2)The necessary drop height of water tank for hydrant shall be more than the value computed using the formula below:
Necessary drop height = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + 17 (Unit: m)
H = h1 + h2 + 17m
2.Pressure tank shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)There shall be pressure gauge, nilometer, drainpipe, feedwater pipe, air supply pipe, air compressor, and inlet.
(2)The air in water tank shall be more than 1/3 of the capacity of the tank, and the pressure more than the necessary pressure of using fire hydrant at the highest point of the building to maintain the prescribed discharging water pressure. Automatic pressurization can be made when the pressure and liquid level inside the tank lower down. Air compressor and pressurizing pump shall be connected to emergency power source.
(3)The necessary drop height of water tank for hydrant shall be more than the value computed using the formula below:
Necessary pressure = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + drop height + 1.7 (Unit: kgf/cm2)
P = P1 + P2 + P3 + 1.7kgf/cm2
3.Fire pump shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)For Type I fire hydrant, water output of fire pump shall be more than 150L/min each fire hydrant, and for Type II fire hydrant, more than 90L/min each fire hydrant. However, if the total number of fire hydrants exceeds 2, the 2 shall be used as the total number.
(2)The total pumping head of fire pump for fire hydrant shall be more than the value computed using the following formula:
Total pumping head = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + drop height + 17m (Unit: m)
H = h1 + h2 + h3 + 17m
(3)The pumps shall be used dedicatedly. However, they may be used together with other fire extinguishing equipments if this has no harmful effect on the performance of the equipments.
(4)They shall be connected to emergency power source.
The above-mentioned pressurized type water supply system shall be equipped except the gravity tank pursuant to the following provisions:
1.They shall be located in places convenient for repair and unlikely to be damaged by fire.
2.Pressurized type water supply system used with fire pumps shall be separated by walls which can resist the fire for at least one hour, floorslab, fireproof doors or windows and other fireproof facilities. But if it is located in the roof or outdoors and protected by waterproof materials, such devices are excluded from the obligation in this provision.
3.Automatic or manual actuating device that can be only stopped manually shall be equipped. Manual actuating device shall be installed in each indoor fire hydrant box, and there shall be a red start indicating lamp on each indoor fire hydrant box.
4.Necessary decompression measures shall be taken when the discharging pressure of an indoor fire hydrant exceeds 7kgf/cm2.
5.Effective quakeproof steps shall be required.
Article 38
Generator or battery shall be used for the emergency power source of indoor fire hydrant, and the power capacity shall be able to enable the power source to work for at least 30 minutes.
In places listed in 12.4, engine power system shall be used for the above-mentioned emergency power source.
Section 2 Outdoor Fire Hydrant Equipments
Article 39
Articles 32.1 (1)~(5), 32.1 (7), 32.2, 33 and 38 shall apply to piping, pressure test and emergency power source of outdoor fire hydrant equipments.
The exposure part of the horizontal main pipes should be less than 20 m, other than satisfy the previous requirement, and the direction of flow and pipes name should be marked clearly.
Article 40
The following requirements shall be observed in the construction of outdoor hydrants:
1.Hydrant diameter shall measure at least 63 mm and location of it shall be within a 40-meter radius of the outer walls of the building ground floor.
2.Nozzle discharge pressure shall be at least 2.5 kg/cm2 or 0.25 MPa, and discharge flow rate shall be at least 350 L/min.
3.The outdoor hydrant switch shall not exceed the maximum height of 1.5 meters above ground and be above the minimum height of 0.6 meter above ground. Where the hydrant is installed underground, the fire hose joint position shall be at least 0.3 meter above ground.
4.A fire hose house shall be located within a 5-meter radius of the hydrant and meet the following requirements:
(1)The fire hose house shall be deep enough to contain fire hoses and nozzle. Drainage holes shall be installed on both sides of the house base. Moreover, the cover of the fire hose house shall have an area of at least 0.8 m2.
(2)The house cover shall be indelibly marked with “Fire hose” in visible text. Each word shall measure at least 20cm2.
(3)The fire hose house shall contain at least two pieces of fire hoses having a length of at least 20 meters and a diameter of 63 mm, one dual-purpose beeline spray nozzle with a diameter of at least 19 mm, and a valve-type hydrant switch.
5.The space within a 3-meter radius of the outdoor hydrant shall always be kept vacant and free from piled objects, trees, or shrubbery. Visible signs saying “Hydrant” shall be installed near the hydrant location.
Article 41
The capacity of outdoor fire hydrant equipment shall be not less than the water output of two outdoor fire hydrants discharging simultaneously for 30minutes.
Where fire water is used mixed together with common water, necessary measures shall be taken to ensure the capacity of the former water source are in the effective range.
Water source for fire extinguisher may be equipped together with water sources for other fire extinguishing equipments, but the total capacity shall be not less than the sum of the necessary water quantity of each fire extinguishing equipment.
Article 42
Water source equipped under Article 41 shall be connected to pressurization and driving device in accordance with any clause of the following:
1.Gravity tank shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)There shall be nilometer, drainpipe, overflow discharging pipe, feedwater pipe, and inlet.
(2)The necessary drop height of water tank shall be more than the value computed using the formula below:
Necessary drop height = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + 25 (Unit: m)
H = h1 + h2 + 25m
2.Pressure tank shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)There shall be pressure gauge, nilometer, drainpipe, feedwater pipe, air supply pipe, air compressor, and inlet.
(2)The air in a water tank shall be more than 1/3 of the capacity of the tank, and the pressure over the necessary pressure of using fire hydrant at the highest point of the building to maintain the prescribed discharging water pressure. Automatic pressurization shall be made when the pressure and liquid level inside the tank lower down. Air compressor and pressurizing pump shall be connected to emergency power source.
(3)The necessary pressure of water tank for Type I fire hydrant shall be more than the value computed using the formula below:
Necessary pressure = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + drop height + 2.5 (Unit: kgf/cm2)
P = P1 + P2 + P3 + 2.5kgf/cm2
3.Fire pump shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)Water output of fire pump shall be more than 400 L/min each fire hydrant. However, if the total number of fire hydrants exceeds 2, the 2 shall be used as the total number.
(2)The total pumping head of fire pump shall be more than the value computed using the following formula:
Total pumping head = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + drop height + 25 (Unit: m)
H = h1 + h2 + h3 + 25m
(3)The pumps shall be used dedicatedly. However, they may be used together with other fire extinguishing equipments if this has no harmful effect on the performance of the equipments.
(4)They shall be connected to emergency power source.
Provisions of 37.2(1)~(3) and 37.2(5) shall apply to the above-mentioned pressurization and driving device except gravity tanks, and effective decompression measures shall be taken when the discharging pressure of outdoor fire hydrant aimer exceeds 6kgf/cm2 or 0.6Mpa.
Section 3 Automatic Sprinkler system
Article 43
Any of the following automatic sprinkler system may be equipped optionally according to the actual circumstance. But only open type can be equipped in stages of the places listed in 12.1(1) and of conference room listed in 12.1(2)..
1.Enclosed wet type: pipes are filled with high-pressure water at other times, and water nozzles immediately on motion of the nozzle.
2.Enclosed dry type: pipes are filled with high-pressure air at other times, and water is sprayed after the air is discharged upon starting of the nozzle.
3.Open type: there is no water in the pipe at other times, and water flows into the pipe after the valve is opened.
4.Pre-action type: pipes are filled with low-pressure air at other times; senor is used to actuate water flow detecting device, and water sprays immediately on motion of the nozzle.
5.Other types recognized by the central regulating authority.
Article 44
Piping and fittings of automatic sprinkler system and roof tank shall comply with Article 32.1 and 32.2 and meet the following provisions:
1.Preservation treatment like zincification etc shall be made to the secondary side matching pipe of water flow detecting device for enclosed dry type or pre-action type, as well as the secondary side matching pipe of deluge valve.
2.The secondary side matching pipe of water flow detecting device of enclosed dry or pre-action type shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions for ensuring effective drainage.
(1)Brach pipe shall incline 4cm every 10m, and main pipe 2cm every 10m.
(2)Drain valve shall be equipped obviously, and marked with “Drain Valve”.
3.The quantity of water in a roof tank shall be not less than 1m3 where standpipe is connected to the roof tank.
Article 45
On completion of automatic sprinkler system, pressurization test shall be made pursuant to Article 33. But air compression test shall be made to pipe system of enclosed dry type automatic sprinkler system. During the test, the air pressure remains at 2.8kgf/cm2 or 0.28Mpa for 24 consecutive hours. If the air leakage is less than 0.1kg/cm2 or 0.01Mpa, the product is qualified.
Article 46
Sprinkler shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.For stages and prop rooms of theaters, ballrooms, nightclubs, singing salons, conference halls and other showplaces, as well as projection rooms of theaters or warehouses for storing flammable materials, the horizontal distance from any point to a sprinkler shall not exceed 1.7m.
2.For auto-repair workshops, indoor parking lots and mechanical lift-type parking lots, the horizontal distance from any point to a sprinkler shall not exceed 2.1m.
3.Buildings not included in the previous subparagraphs should be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
(1)General reaction-type sprinkler (Type-2 sensitivity): The horizontal distance from any point on each floor to the sprinkler head shall not exceed 2.1m. This may be increased to 2.3m for fireproof buildings.
(2)Fast response sprinkler (Type-1 sensitivity): The horizontal distance from any point on each floor to the sprinkler head shall not exceed 2.3m. But for fireproof buildings, the distance can be increased to 2.6m. For effective sprinkling radius of sprinkler head certified by the central regulating authority, the horizontal distance from any point at each floor to the sprinkler head may exceed 2.6m.
4.The living rooms, wards and other similar places listed in Article 12, Subparagraph 1, Item 3 and Item 6, Subparagraph 2, Item 7 and Subparagraph 5, Item 1 shall be equipped with sprinkler head dedicated to small partition approved (only applicable to type-1 sensitivity). The horizontal distance from any point to the head shall not exceed 2.6m, the minimum distance between sprinklers shall be 3m, and the protecting area of any sprinkler shall not exceed 13m2.
5.The living room listed in the previous Subparagraph, its corridors, aisles and other similar places shall be equipped with a sidewall sprinkler head (only applicable to type 1 sensitivity). The horizontal distance between both sides of the wall surface and the head shall not exceed 1.8m and distance between the front of the wall and the head shall not exceed 3.6m.
6.Places approved by the central regulating authority to store large amount of flammable materials shall be equipped with open type sprinkler system if the ceiling height exceeds 6m and other places also be equipped with this kind of sprinkler head if the ceiling height exceeds 10m.
7.In underground buildings, if the height between the ceiling and slab exceeds 50cm, both the ceiling and the slab shall be equipped with sprinkler heads, and the horizontal distance from any point to the sprinkler shall not exceed 2.1m. However, when the ceiling is decorated with nonflammable material, the slab can be exempted from installing sprinkler heads.
Sprinkler head of high rack storage warehouse specified in Article 17, Para-graph 1, Subparagraph 6 shall be provided pursuant to the following provi-sions:
1.Sprinklers installed on the shelve shall comply with the following requirements:
(1)The horizontal distance from any point to the sprinkler head shall not exceed 2.5m with heads installed staggered.
(2)One sprinkler heads at least every 4m height shall be provided to places for storing cotton, plastic, wooden and paper products, fiber goods and other flammable materials; one at least every 6m height for places storing other materials.
(3)If the stored material blocks the spray of sprinklers, heads shall also be installed beneath the stored materials.
(4)Protection plates shall be installed in accordance with Article 47, Paragraph 2 specifications. However, sprinkler heads dedicated to shelf use approved by the central regulating authority are exempted from this limitation.
2.Sprinkler heads provided on the ceiling or slab, except for that mentioned in the previous Subparagraph, the horizontal distance from any point to a sprinkler nozzle shall not exceed 2.1m.
Article 47
(Due to formatting constraints, the full content of the articles cannot be displayed here. Please refer to the complete document for details.)
Article 48
Enclosed-type nozzle of certain rated temperature shall be selected according to the maximum ambient temperature of the mounting position and following the table below:
│Maximum ambient temperature │Rated temperature │
│ <39℃ │ <75℃ │
│ 39℃≦T<64℃ │ 75℃≦T<121℃ │
│ 64℃≦T<106℃ │ 121℃≦T<162℃ │
│ ≧106℃ │ ≧162℃ │
Article 49
It is allowable that nozzle is not equipped in the following places:
1.Toilet, bathroom or water closet.
2.Fume chamber of indoor safety stairway, fume chamber of special protected stair or emergency elevator hoistway.
3.Fireproof elevator, fluctuating way or piping room.
4.Elevator machine rooms or machine rooms of venting equipments.
5.Telecommunication machine rooms or computer rooms.
6.Equipment rooms of generator, transformer or other similar electric equipments.
7.Aisles where fire can’t be effectively detected due to external air current.
8.Operating room, delivery room, X-ray (radiation) room, intensive care sickroom, anesthetic room, or other similar places.
9.The proportion of fixed chairs in auditorium used for places listed in 12.1(1) and assembly hall listed in (2) where the height of the mounting surface of nozzle is more than 8m.
10.Above water surface of indoor swimming pool, or ice surface of skating ground.
11.Cashbox where the main construction is fireproof and the opening is equipped with fireproof door that has a fireproof effect of at least one hour.
12.Warehouses or rooms where aluminum powder, calcium carbide, calcium phosphide, natrium, calcium oxide, magnesium powder, kalium, natrium dioxide and other water-deprivation substances, or other chemicals that will cause danger on encountering water are stored.
13.Buildings provided in Article 17.1(5) (the underground floor, non-opening floor and floors over 11 storeys aren’t included) and used for the purposes listed in Article 12.2~4 shall be separated from other parts by walls or floorslabs that has the fireproof effect of at least one hour and satisfy the following requirements:
(1)The total area of separating wall and openings shall be less than 8m2 and the area of any opening shall be less than 4m2.
(2)The openings mentioned in Article 49.13(1) shall be equipped with fireproof door and other similar facilities that have the fireproof effect of at least one hour and it isn’t allowable that the space between the openings and corridor and stairway cannot be equipped with iron rolling door for fire fighting. But if the area of openings is less than 4m2 and the division has two different directional escapes, the fireproof iron doors, windows and other facilities that shall has the fireproof effect of at least half an hour.
14. Buildings provided in Article 17.1(4) (the underground floor, non-opening floor and floors over 11 storeys aren’t included) and used for the purposes listed in Article 12.2~4 shall be separated from other parts by walls or floorslabs that has the fireproof effect of at least one hour and satisfy the following requirements:
The area of floorslabs of the separted part shall be less than 200m2.
Inner furnishing shall comply with Article 88 of Part of Design and Construction, Architecture Technology Standard.
(3)The openings shall be equipped with fireproof doors, windows and other similar facilities that have the fireproof effect of at least one hour and it isn’t allowable that the space between the openings and corridor and stairway cannot be equipped with iron rolling door for fire fighting. But if the area of openings is less than 4m2 and the division has two different directional escapes, the fireproof iron doors, windows and other facilities that shall has the fireproof effect of at least half an hour.
15. Other places designated by the central regulating authority.
Article 50
The water output of a nozzle shall be more than 80L/min (those installed in the overhead warehouse shall be 140L/min), and pressure more than 1kgf/cm2 or 0.1Mpa. The water output of the small separation nozzle shall be more than 50L/min.
The water output of the open type nozzle shall be more than 5L/min for every 1m2 of the protecting area, and more than 10L/min for every 1m2 of places where store flammable substances.
Article 51
The automatic sprinkler system shall be equipped with water flow detecting devices pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Where the floor area of each floor is within 3,000m2, each floor shall be equipped with a set; where the floor area exceeds 3,000m2, each floor shall be equipped with two sets. But where each of two adjacent storeys has not more than 10 nozzles and automatic fire alarm equipments installed shall be co-used that very two storeys.
2.On a floor without compartments, the foresaid 3,000m2 shall be increased to 10,000m2.
3.Alarm shall be made when nozzles or deluge valves are opened to spray water.
4.Braking valves shall be equipped with a height from the ground less than 1.5m and more than 0.8m, and indicating characters of “Braking Valve” shall be obviously marked nearby.
Article 52
Automatic and manual actuating device of open type automatic sprinkler system shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions. But it is allowable that automatic actuating device is not installed where the receiving instrument is located in places where there are people at other times and the device can be immediately started in case of fire.
1.Automatic actuating device shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)Deluge valve and pressurization and driving device shall be actuated upon starting of sensing nozzle or detector.
(2)One sensing nozzle with a rated temperature of not more than 79℃ shall be equipped for every 20m2, and at least one fixed temperature Type I or Type II detector shall be equipped in every discharge area pursuant to Article 120.
(3)Sensing nozzle shall be placed in a location where the height of the mounting surface from the floor is not more than 5m and fire can be effectively detected.
2.Manual actuating device shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)A manual starting valve shall be equipped with a height from the ground not less than 0.8m and not more than1.5m, and indicating characters of “Manual Starting Valve” shall be obviously marked thereby.
(2)Deluge valve and pressurization and driving device shall be actuated upon motion of manual starting valve.
Article 53
Deluge valve of open type automatic sprinkler system shall be pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Each discharge area shall be equipped one.
2.The secondary side piping of all-around relief valve shall be equipped with testing device, which is able to test the motion of the valve when water is not discharge in this area.
3.The pressure endured by deluge valve shall be not more than the maximum working pressure.
Article 54
Discharge area of open type automatic sprinkler system shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Each stage shall have not more than 4 discharge areas.
2.Where there are two or more discharge areas, the floor area of each discharge area shall be not less than 100m2, and any two adjacent areas shall be mutually overlapped so as to fight fire effectively.
Article 55
Enclosed or pre-action type automatic sprinkler system shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Air compressor for compressed air at the secondary side of water flow detecting device of enclosed dry or pre-action type shall be used dedicatedly, and shall be able to increase the pressure to the preset value of secondary side matching pipe of the water flow detecting device within 30 minutes.
2.Decompression alarm equipment for the secondary side of water flow detecting device shall be located in places populated at other times.
3.Water flow detecting device shall actuate the nozzle within 1 minute after the nozzle is opened.
4.Nozzle shall employ upward type unless matching pipe can take effective measures.
Article 56
Check valve at the end of the automatic sprinkler system with enclosed type nozzle shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Pipe diameter shall be more than 25mm.
2.Check valve shall be equipped according to the piping system of each water flow detecting device, and connected to the end of the farthest branch pipe with the lowest discharge pressure on each floor of the building.
3.The primary side of check valve shall be equipped with pressure gauge, and the secondary side with metering hole having the same discharge performance as nozzle.
4.The height from the floor shall be less than 2.1m, and discharge pipe shall be attached; and “End Check Valve” shall be marked obviously.
Article 57
(Due to formatting constraints, the full content of the articles cannot be displayed here. Please refer to the complete document for details.)
Article 58
The water source installed as prescribed in the preceding article shall be connected to the pressurized type water supply system, and installed pursuant to one of the following conditions:
1.Where a gravity tank is used, the following requirements shall apply:
(1)The system shall be equipped with a water level gauge, drainage pipe, overflow drainage pipe, water supply pipe, and man hole.
(2)The required drop height of the tank shall be higher than that obtained from the formula provided below:
Required drop height =friction loss head of piping + 10 (unit: meters)
H = h1 + 10m
2.Where a pressure tank is used, the following requirements shall apply:
(1)The system shall be equipped with a pressure gauge, water level gauge, drainpipe, water supply pipe, air supply pipe, air compressor, and man hole.
(2)It is imperative that at least 1/3 space of the water tank shall be allotted to hold air, and pressure shall be more than adequate to maintain the prescribed pressure necessary to discharge or spray water from a sprinkler located at the highest point of a building. Automatic pressurization shall be effected whenever air pressure and water level inside the tank decreases. The air compressor and the pressurizing pump shall be connected to emergency power source.
(3)The essential water tank pressure shall be above the minimum pressure, as obtained from the equation set below:
Essential pressure = friction loss head of piping + drop height + 1 (Unit: kgf/cm2)
P = P1 + P2 + 1 kgf/cm2
3.Where a fire pump is used, the following requirements shall apply:
(1)Fire pump capacity shall be the sprinkler quantity prescribed in the foregoing article multiplied by 90 L/min (for high rack warehouse, 130 L/min). Where sprinklers for small compartments are used, sprinkler quantity shall be multiplied by 60 L/min. Where discharge nozzles are used, the capacity shall be prescribed based on the recognized computation formula of the central fire regulating authority.
(2)The total head of the pump shall be set above that determined through the following equation:
Total head of the pump = friction loss head of piping + drop height + 10 (Unit: meters)
H = h1 + h2 + 10m
(3)Fire pumps shall be used dedicatedly. However, this requirement is not applicable where other fire extinguishing equipments are available for use, providing that simultaneous usage of varying equipments do not negatively affect equipment performance.
(4)Fire Pumps shall be connected to the emergency power source.
The aforesaid pressurized type water supply system shall comply with the requirements set forth in Article 37 Paragraph 2 Subparagraph 1, 2 and 5. Moreover, it is imperative that the sprinkler discharge pressure shall not exceed 10 kg/cm2 or 1 MPa.
Article 59
Outside buildings equipped with automatic sprinkler, 63-mm caliber water flow outlet shall be installed overground near the building line where is accessible for fire fighting cars pursuant to the following provisions:
1.They shall be used dedicatedly.
2.For a building equipped with automatic sprinkler where the floor area is less than 3,000m2, at least one double-opening outlet shall be installed, and connected to a female quick connector. One more outlet shall be added every time the floor area exceeds 3,000m2. However, if the due number is more than 3, then totally 3 outlets shall be installed.
3.They shall be placed where there is no obstacle and the height above the base ground is not more than 1m and not less than 0.5m.
4.They shall be connected to standpipe piping system, and their pipe diameters shall be not less than that of standpipe. Moreover, inverted valve and check valve shall be equipped at the locations convenient for examination and repair.
5.“Water Outlet” and pressure range shall be marked obviously nearby the outlet.
Article 60
Emergency power source for automatic sprinkler system shall be established pursuant to Article 38.
Section 4 Water Fog Fire Extinguishing Equipments
Article 61
Water fog nozzle shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.The total area of protected objects shall be within the effective range of each water fog nozzle.
2.The effective radius of each water fog nozzle shall be not more than 2.1m.
3.The quantity of water fog nozzles shall be worked out according to the mounting angle, the drainage output and the area of protected objects. The water output per square meter shall be not less than 20 l/min in places listed in Item 3 and Item 4 in the attached table of Article 18, and not less than 10 l/min in places listed in other items in the same table.
Article 62
Emergency power source, piping, fittings, roof tank and pressurization and transmission test upon completion, water flow detecing device, actuating device, and deluge valve of water spray fire-extinguishing equipments shall be established pursuant to Articles 38, 44, 45, and 51~53.
Article 63
Spraying area refers to the radiation area of a deluge valve when being actuated, and each area is 50m2 in principle.
Where there are two or more foresaid spraying areas, the diameter of main pipe shall be not less than 100 mm.
Article 64
The capacity of water source for water spray fire extinguishing equipments shall be kept at not less than 20 m3. Where there are two or more spraying areas, the capacity shall be kept at not less than 40 m3.The capacity of water source for water spray fire extinguishing equipments shall be kept at not less than 20 m3. Where there are two or more spraying areas, the capacity shall be kept at not less than 40 m3.
Article 65
Water source equipped under Article 64 shall be connected to water pressurization and driving device.
Where fire pump is used as pressurization and driving device, water output and discharging pressure shall meet the following requirements, and emergency power source shall be connected.
1.Water output: more than 1,200 L/min. Where there are two or more spraying areas, the figure shall be more than 2,000 l/min.
2.Discharging pressure: shall enable each water fog nozzle in a spraying area at the farthest end of the piping system to maintain a pressure of more than 2.7kgf/cm2 or 0.27Mpa. But those for protecting electric equipment, the figure shall be more than 3.5kgf/cm2 or 0.35Mpa
Article 66
The distance of water fog nozzle and matching pipe from high-voltage electric equipments shall comply with the table below:
│Voltage (KV) │≦7 │≦10│≦20│≦30│≦60 │≦70 │
│Separated │Standard│250 │300 │400 │500 │1,000 │1,100 │
│distance ├────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼───┼───┼
│(mm) │Minimum │150 │200 │300 │400 │700 │800 │
≦100 │≦140 │≦200 │≦345 │
1,500 │1,900 │2,60 │3,300 │
1,100 │1,500 │2,100 │2,600 │
Article 67
Water outlet for water spraying shall be equipped pursuant to Articles 59.1~4, and “Outlet for Water Spraying” and pressure range shall be marked obviously.
Article 68
Drainage equipments in indoor parking areas equipped with water spray fire extinguisher shall comply with the following provisions:
1.The ground of parking area shall have a slope gradient of more than 2%.
2.Parking slots except the proportion toward the driveway shall be equipped with 10cm or higher boundary barrier or boundary ditch with a depth up to 10cm and width over 10cm, which shall be connected with drainage.
3.Fire extinguishing pit shall be provided with oil-water separator, and located in place where it is difficult for fire to reach.
4.Drainage ditch shall be equipped with collecting pipes and in the center or the two sides of driveway and connected to the fire extinguishing pit.
5.The size and slope gradient of drainage ditch and collecting pipe shall ensure the maximum capacity of the pressurization and driving device can be discharged effectively.
Section 5 Foam Fire Extinguishing Equipments
Article 69
Any of the following spraying patterns of foam fire extinguishing equipments may be selected according to the actual circumstance:
1.Fixed: Foam outlet shall be equipped pursuant to the shape, construction, quantity and property of the protected object. The quantity and location of outlets and spraying amount shall be able to ensure effective fire extinguishing.
2.Movable: The distance from water hose connector to any point of the protected object shall be not more than 15m.
Article 70
Proper foam outlet shall be selected for fixed foam fire extinguishing equipments according to the actual expansion ratio of foam and the table below:
│Expansion ratio │Type of foam outlet │
│<20 (Low frothing) │Foam nozzle or foam-water nozzle│
│80≦R≦1,000 │High frothing outlet │
│(High frothing) │ │
The above-mentioned expansion ratio refers to the ratio of the frothed cubage of foam to the cubage of foam-water solution required by frothing.
Article 71
Foam nozzle shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Foam-water nozzle shall be used in hangar and other places, and at least one nozzle shall be equipped for every 8m2 of floor area, thus covering the protected objects in the effective range.
2.Foam nozzle shall be used in garage, indoor parking area and other places, and at least one nozzle shall be equipped for every 9m2 of floor area, thus covering the protected objects in the effective range.
3.The horizontal distance from any point of the spraying area to the foam nozzle shall be not more than 2.1m.
4.Where there are beams aside, foam nozzle may be equipped pursuant to 47.1(7).
5.Where there are multi-level parking facilities in an indoor parking area, the mounting surface of the top level shall be equipped with foam nozzle, and matching pipe shall be extended to between the vehicles, enabling the nozzle to give off foam toward the lower parking platform. But it is allowable that matching pipe for sensing nozzle is not extended.
6.Where foam nozzle for the above-mentioned multi-level parking facilities can’t be equipped on parking platforms other than the top level due to the construction, the matching pipe shall form an individual unit pursuant to the parking construction, and foam nozzles shall be equipped around to spray foam to the whole ambient area.
Article 72
The output value of foam nozzle shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Output value of foam-water nozzle shall be not less than 75 l/min.
2.Output value of foam nozzle shall be in accordance with the table below:
Type of foam raw liquid Output value for every square meter of floor area (l/min)
Protein foam solution≧6.5
Synthetic foam solution ≧8
Aqueous film foam solution≧3.7
Article 73
High frothing outlet shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Where total flooding is used, the following shall be observed, and the opening of the protected area shall be automatically closed before foam water solution is sprayed. However, it is allowable that automatic closing device is not equipped where the leakage at the opening can be made up effectively.
(1)Output value of foam water solution for high frothing outlet shall be calculated following the table below:
│Protected │Type of expansion │Output value of foam water │
│object │ratio │solution for every cube/min │
│ │ │of cubage covered by foam │
│ │ │(L) │
│Hangar │80≦R<250 │ 2 │
│ │(hereinafter │ │
│ │referred to as │ │
│ │Type I) │ │
│ ├─────────┼──────────────┤
│ │250≦R<500 │ 0.5 │
│ │(hereinafter │ │
│ │referred to as │ │
│ │Type II) │ │
│ ├─────────┼──────────────┤
│ │500≦R<1000 │ 0.29 │
│ │(hereinafter │ │
│ │referred to as │ │
│ │Type III) │ │
│ Indoor │Type I │ 1.11 │
│ parking ├─────────┼──────────────┤
│ area or │Type II │ 0.28 │
│ garage ├─────────┼──────────────┤
│ │Type III │ 0.16 │
│ Places │Type I │ 1.25 │
│ listed ├─────────┼──────────────┤
│ in │Type II │ 0.31 │
│ Article ├─────────┼──────────────┤
│ 18.8 │Type III │ 0.18 │
(2)The above-mentioned cubage covered by foam refers to that cubage surrounded from the floor of the protected object to 0.05m above the highest point of the protected object.
(3)Where high frothing outlets are located in the protected area, at least one outlet that is able to spray this area shall be equipped for every 500m2 of the floor area, and a stopping device shall be attached to the outlet.
(4)The location of high frothing outlet shall be higher than the highest point of the protected object.
(5)Where the location of the protected object is more than 5m above the floor and high frothing outlets are used, total flooding shall be employed.
2.Where local application is used, the following provisions shall be observed.
(1)Where protected objects are adjacent to each other, and the joint is likely to be fired, the objects together with the joint shall be regarded as one single protected object, and high frothing outlet shall be equipped. However, if the joint is separated by a firewall with the fireproof effect of at least one hour or the interval is more than 3m, they may be not treated as a single.
(2)The output value of foam water solution of high frothing outlet shall be more than 2 L/min for every square meter of the protected area.
(3)The above-mentioned protected area refers to the area surrounded by 3 times the height of the protected object. But if the height of the protected object is less than 1/3m, then 1/3m shall be used for calculation.
Article 74
Articles 38, 44, 45, and 51~53 shall be applicable to emergency power source, piping, fittings, roof tank, pressurization and transmission test upon completion, water flow detecting device, actuating device, and deluge valve of foam fire extinguishing equipments.
Article 75
Spraying area of foam fire extinguishing equipments shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Where foam nozzle is used, each spraying area shall have a floor area of not less than 50m2 and not more than 100m.
2.Where foam water nozzle is used, the spraying area shall account for 1/3 or more of the floor area and not less than 200m2. However, where the floor area is less than 200m2, the spraying area shall be calculated pursuant to the actual floor area.
Article 76
Water source for foam fire extinguishing equipments shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Where foam nozzle is used, the minimum output value calculated under Article 72 shall be able to ensure spraying continuously in the largest foam spraying area for more than 20 minutes.
2.Where high frothing outlet is used, the output value shall comply with the following:
(1)Where total flooding is employed, foam water solution of the protected area of the maximum floorslabs shall be calculated following the table below and if the protected area hasn’t be equipped with lock device, the solution shall be added by the volume of the leakage foam:
│Type of expansion ratio │Value of foam water solution for │
│ │every cube of the cubage covered │
│ │by foam (m3) │
│Type I │ 0.04 │
│Type II │ 0.013 │
│Type III │ 0.008 │
(2)Where local application is used, the minimum output value calculated under Article 73 shall be able to ensure spraying continuously in the largest foam spraying area for over 20 minutes.
3.The capacity of water source for moveable foam fire extinguishing equipments shall be more than the output value of two foam sprinklers simultaneously discharging for 15 consecutive minutes.
The solution calculated under the previous Article 76.2(1) and (2) shall be added by the foam amount to fill the pipe and 20% of total foam water solution.
Article 77
Water source equipped under Article 76 shall be connected to water pressurization and driving device.
Where fire pump is used as the pressurization and driving device for water sources as described in 76.1 and 2, water output and discharging pressure shall meet the following requirements and emergency power source shall be connected.
1.Water output: two times the minimum output value of the largest foam spraying area where there are two ore more spraying areas.
2.Discharging pressure: shall enable each water fog nozzle in a spraying area at the farthest end of the piping system to maintain a pressure of not less than 1kgf/cm2.
3.Fire pump shall be connected to emergency power source.
Where fire pump is used as the pressurization and driving device for water source described in 76.3, water output and discharging pressure shall meet the following requirements and emergency power source shall be connected.
(1)Water output: not less than 130 l/min where there is only one foam fire hydrant box on a same floor, and not less than 260 l/min where there are two or more foam fire hydrant boxes on a same floor.
(2)Discharging pressure: shall enable each water fog nozzle in a spraying area at the farthest end of the piping system to maintain a pressure of not less than 3.5kgf/cm2.
(3)Fire pump shall be connected to emergency power source.
For the same builiding, if low expansion foam concentration is used and each floor is equipped with both fixed and movable foam fire extinguishing equipments, the piping systems and fire pump could be shared, and the output water flow rate head of the pump and the capacity of the foam concentration tank shall be applicable to the bigger one of the two foam fire extinguishing equipments.
Article 78
Storage capacity of foam raw liquid shall be calculated according to the water quantity calculated under Article 76 and the concentration ratio of the foam raw solution.
Article 79
Concentration ratio of foam raw liquid mixing with water shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Protein foam solution: 3% or 6%
2.Synthetic active foam solution: 1% or 3%
3.Aqueous film foam solution: 3% or 6%.
Article 80
Moveable foam fire extinguishing equipments shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.The spraying capacity of each foam aimer on a same floor shall be not less than 100 l/min. Where there are more than two foam fire hydrant boxes on a same floor, the capacity shall be calculated using two sprayers.
2.The spraying pressure of foam aimer shall be more than 3.5kgf/cm2 or 0.35Mpa.
3.Foam raw liquid for moveable foam fire extinguishing equipments shall employ low frothing.
4.Foam fire hydrant box shall be placed within 3m from water hose connector, and a piece of 20m-long or longer water hose and a foam aimer shall be equipped inside the box, and the box surface shall have an area of not less than 0.8m2 and be marked with “Moveable Foam Fire Extinguishing Equipments”, and red indicating lamp for fire pump running shall be installed on the foam fire hydrant box.
Article 81
Storage tank of foam raw liquid shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Liquid level gauge or metering bar obviously indicating the liquid volume shall be equipped.
2.Pressure gauge shall be attached for those who are pressurized at other times.
3.Tank shall be located in places where the temperature is less than 40℃ without direct sunshine.
4.Effective shockproof measures shall be taken.
Section 6 Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Systems
Article 82
Any of the following spraying patterns may be selected for carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems pursuant to actual requirements:
1.Total flooding: in areas separated by wall, column, slab or ceiling made of nonflammable materials, quantity and location of sprinkler heads and the spraying amount shall be capable of ensuring effective fire extinguishment pursuant to the volume of the portion and characteristics of the protected objects. The opening shall be equipped with an automatic closing device unless the leakage at the opening can be made up effectively.
2.Local area spraying: sprinkler heads shall be allocated pursuant to the shape, construction, quantity and property of the protected objects, and the number, location and spraying volume of nozzles shall be capable of ensuring effective fire extinguishment.
3.Movable application: The horizontal distance from the hose connector to any part of the protected subject shall be no more than 15m.
By agent type, Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing systems include Nitrogen (here-after referred to as IG-100); Argon (hereafter referred to as IG-01); 50-50 Nitrogen-Argon Mixture (hereafter referred to as IG-55); and 52-40-8 Ni-trogen-Argon-CO2 mixture (hereafter referred to as IG-541).
Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing systems are limited to total flooding only; the device is applicable to the specifications of Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 in the text. Opening of the protected area shall be provided with an auto-matic closing device, and the opening shall be automatically closed prior to discharging the agent.
Article 83
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Article 83-1
Theoretical concentration of the Inert Gas Fire Extinguisher agent shall be determined by tests; it shall reach design concentration within a fixed protection space and maintain the concentration for a certain duration of time.
Design concentration of the Inert Gas Fire Extinguisher agent shall comply with the following regulations:
1.Design Concentration:
(1)Theoretical concentration multiplied by at least 1.2 (safety factor).
(2)For frequently occupied places, the maximum concentration of dosage shall be limited to 52%.
2.For protected subjects being placed containing flammable liquids, the design concentration shall be [theoretical concentration] x [1.3 or higher] safety factor.
3.For protected subjects including places having energized electrical devices, the design concentration shall be [theoretical concentration] x [1.35 or higher] safety factor. For places with energized electrical hazards greater than 480 volts that continuously energized following discharge, the design concentration shall comply with values approved by central authorities.
Article 83-2
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Article 84
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Article 85
Where total flooding or local application is used, the venting devices inside the protected area shall stop running before the extinguishing medium is sprayed.
Article 86
Opening of the area protected by total flooding CO2 fire extinguishing systems shall be provided according to the following requirements:
1.The opening may not be located toward the safety stairway, special safety stairway, emergency elevator well or other similar places.
2.The opening proportion below 2/3 of its height above the floor shall be automatically closed prior to the spray of extinguishing agent.
3.In telecom machine rooms, total area of the opening without an automatic closing device shall not exceed 1% of the area of enclosing walls. For other places, the area without an automatic closing device shall not exceed 10% of the volume of the protected area or the area of enclosing walls, whichever is smaller.
The “area of enclosing walls” mentioned in the previous Subparagraph 3 re-fers to the summation of areas of walls, floors and ceilings of the protected area.
Article 87
Containers for storing CO2 and Inert Gas agents shall be provided pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Filling of container shall comply with the following regulations:
(1)Filling ratio shall be more than 1.5 and less than 1.9 for high-pressure CO2 extinguishing systems, and more than 1.1 and less than 1.4 for low-pressure ones.
(2)Filling pressure of Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing systems shall be no more than 300kg/cm2 or 30MPa at 15°C.
2.Storage places of containers shall comply with the following regulations:
(1)Outside the protected area.
(2)In places where the temperature is lower than 40℃ and seldom varies.
(3)Should not be placed under direct sunshine or rain.
3.Safety device of the container shall comply with National Standard CNS 11176 specifications or be equivalent to or better than that approved by central authorities.
4.Container Valve of high-pressure CO2 or Inert Gas fire extinguisher shall comply with National Standard CNS10848 and CNS10849 regulations, or be equivalent to or better than that approved by central authorities.
5.Low-pressure CO2 container shall be equipped with hydrograph and pressure gauge, and pressure alarm device, an alert alarm should be made when pressure exceeds 23kgf/cm2 or 2.3Mpa or is lower than 19kgf/cm2 or 1.9Mpa.
6.An automatic refrigerating unit shall be equipped with a low-pressure CO2 container to maintain its internal temperature above -20℃ and below -18℃.
7.The device for controlling the valve of the storage container shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
(1)The device for opening the container valve shall be structured for manual opening.
(2)Where the container can be directly opened with a solenoid valve, and more than 7 containers can be simultaneously opened, two or more solenoid valves shall be equipped to such containers.
8.Effective quakeproof measures shall be taken.
9.Containers shall be marked at conspicuous locations with a type of contained agent, dosage amount, date of manufacture, and name of manufacturer.
The filling ratio mentioned in Subparagraph 1, Item 1 of the previous Par-graph refers to the ratio of container volume (liter) to weight of liquefied gas (kg).
Article 88
Where gas-actuation is provided in CO2 or Inert Gas fire extinguishing systems, the following provisions shall be observed:
1.Container of actuation gas shall be able to endure a pressure of 250kgf/cm2 or 25Mpa.
2.Container of actuation gas shall have a volume of at least 1 liter; weight of the contained CO2 shall be at least 0.6kg, and the filling ratio should be at least 1.5.
3.Safety device and valve for container of actuation gas shall comply with CNS 11176 specifications or shall have equivalent or better performance approved by the central authorities.
4.Container of actuation gas shall not be used as auto closing device for the protected area at the same time.
Article 89
Piping of CO2 and Inert Gas fire extinguishing systems shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.The piping shall be exclusive, and the diameter shall be determined according to flow calculation.
2.Head drop between the lowest piping and highest piping shall be determined according to flow calculation and shall be less than 50m.
In addition to the above regulations, piping of CO2 fire extinguishing sys-tems shall also comply with the following provisions:
1.Seamless steel pipe conforming to CNS 4626 shall be used, where Sch80 pipe or higher shall be for high-pressure application and Sch40 pipe or higher for low-pressure application for the thickness or having equivalent or higher strength; and piping shall be galvanized or treated for corrosion prevention.
2.When copper piping is employed, seamless copper or copper alloy pipes conforming to CNS 5127 specifications or those having equivalent or higher strength shall be used; where the high-pressure type shall endure at least 165kgf/cm2 or 16.5Mpa pressure and low-pressure type at least 37.5kgf/cm2 or 3.75Mpa pressure.
3.Pressure endurance of piping connectors and valves shall be at least 165kgf/cm2 or 16.5Mpa for the high-pressure type and at least 37.5kgf/cm2 or 3.75Mpa for the low-pressure type, with proper anti-corrosion treatment provided.
In addition to Item 1 provisions, piping of Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing sys-tems shall also comply with the following regulations:
1.Sch80 seamless steel pipe conforming to CNS 4626 with equivalent or higher thickness and strength shall be used. However, for secondary side piping provided with pressure regulating devices, steel pipe durable to at least the maximum regulated pressure at 40°C may be used, with the provision of galvanization or corrosion prevention treatment.
2.When copper piping is employed, seamless copper or copper alloy pipes conforming to CNS 5127 specifications or those having equivalent or higher strength shall be used and shall be durable to at least 165kgf/cm2 or 16.5Mpa pressure. However, for secondary side piping provided with pressure regulating devices, steel pipe that is durable to at least the maximum regulated pressure at 40°C may be used.
3.Piping connectors and valves shall be endurable to at least the internal pressure intensity and be provided with proper anti-corrosion treatment.
Article 90
Selector valve of CO2 and Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Where there are two or more protected areas or objects in the same building and the storage container is shared by the areas or objects, each shall be equipped with a selector valve.
2.Selector valves shall be placed outside the protected areas.
3.Labeled “Selector Valve” and corresponding protected area or object shall be provided clearly.
4.Where storage containers and nozzles are equipped with a selector valve, piping between the container and the selector valve shall be provided with a safety device or breaking plate in accordance with CNS 11176 provisions, or with devices approved by central authorities to have equivalent or better performances.
Article 91
Manual and automatic activating devices of CO2 and Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Manual actuating device shall meet the following requirements:
(1)Installed outside the protected area at a location that has a clear sight of the internal area and facilitates the operator for evacuation after actuation.
(2)One set for each protected area or subject.
(3)Operating part shall be located 0.8~1.5m above the floor.
(4)Casing shall be painted red or other conspicuous color.
(5)For electrical actuator, provide a power indicator.
(6)The operating switch or lever shall give an alarm sound when operated, and be equipped with an effective protection device made of transparent material.
(7)Name of protected area, operation guide and safety precautions shall be marked nearby.
2.Automatic activating device shall be inductively interlocked with 2 or more fire detector circuits.
The above-mentioned activating device shall be equipped with automatic & manual switching devices pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Placed at positions convenient for operation.
2.Manual and automatic indicating lamps shall be equipped.
3.Switch-over between AUTO and Manual shall only be operable by a key or lever.
4.Operation guide shall be posted near the switching device.
Article 92
Sound alarm device shall be established pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Alarm shall be made automatically after the manual or automatic device is operated, and may not stop before the extinguishing medium is sprayed out completely.
2.Alarm sound shall be effectively made heard by all the people inside the protected area or object.
3.Sound alarm device used in a total flooding area shall employ human voice, unless there is no person on watch at other times.
Article 93
Safety device for total flooding of CO2 fire extinguishing systems shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.A time delay of no less than 20s shall be provided between the activation of the switch or lever of the device and the opening of the valve of the storing container.
2.When manual activation is adopted, measures shall be taken to prevent spraying of extinguishing agents during the delayed time depicted in the previous Subparagraph.
3.Spraying Indicators shall be installed at gateways of the protected area or other proper locations where the indicator is easy to verify.
Safety devices of Inert Gas fire extinguishing systems shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Measures shall be taken to prevent pressure rise in the protected area based on flow calculation results.
2.Spraying Indicators shall be installed at gateways of the protected area or other proper locations where the indicator is easily observed.
Article 94
In protected areas using total flooding or local application, the sprayed fire-extinguishing medium shall be discharged to the safety places according to the following provisions:
1.Any of the following discharging patterns may be selected, and the medium shall be sprayed out in an hour.
(1)Where mechanic discharging is used, exhaust blower shall be used dedicatedly and have a discharge capability of 5times/hour. But it may be shared by other equipments if this doesn’t encumber exhaust.
(2)Where natural discharging is used, there shall be an openable opening. The part of the opening toward the outside air (limited to the proportion of the protected area under 2/3 of the height above the floor) shall occupy not less than 10% of the floor area of the protected area, and it shall be easy for the fire extinguishing medium to diffuse.
2.Operating switch of discharging device shall be installed outside the protected area at the location convenient for operation, and indicating shall be equipped nearby.
3.There shall be no remains of fire extinguishing medium that is discharged out the door.
Article 95
Emergency power source used for total flooding and local application shall employ self-use generating equipments or battery, the capacity of which shall be able to ensure effectively running for at least 1 hour.
Article 96
In addition to Article 87, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1, Item 1, Subparagraph 2, Item 2 and Item 3, Subparagraph 3, Subparagraph 4 and Subparagraph.9, the following provisions shall be applicable to movable spraying of CO2 fire extinguishing systems:
1.Valve of storage container can be switched manually at hose outlet.
2.Storage containers shall be equipped separately at the hose mount.
3.Red indicator shall be equipped near the storing container and labeled with “Movable CO2 Fire Extinguishing System”.
4.Equipment shall be placed at locations less prone to being covered by fumes during a fire.
5.The quantity of fire extinguishing agent sprayed by each nozzle shall be at least 60kg/minute at 20℃.
6.Hose, nozzle and hose reel shall comply with CNS 11177 specifications. Enclosure Integrity Test
Article 96-1
Enclosure Integrity Test shall be performed on completion of the protected area of Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems. Pass criterion: at least 85% Design Concentration of agent is maintained within 10 minutes of inert gas discharge.
Article 97
Labeling specifications of CO2 and Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing System will be further specified by central authorities.
Section 6-1 Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems
Article 97-1
By agent type, Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems include Trifluoromethane (hereafter, HFC-23), Heptafluoropropane (hereafter, HFC-227ea), and Perfluoro(2-methyl-3-pentanone) (hereafter, FK-5-1-12).
The spray pattern of Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems is limited to total flooding. Automatic closing and ventilation of the protected area shall be provided pursuant to Article 82, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1, Paragraph 3 and Article 85 specifications.
In addition to the above regulation, measures shall be taken to prevent pres-sure rise inside the protected area. This is exempted if the integrity of the protected area is not affected.
Article 97-2
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Article 97-3
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Article 97-4
Nozzles of Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.The nozzles shall be capable of quickly spraying the agent and evenly distributing it throughout the protected area.
2.Discharge pressure of nozzle shall be at least 9kg/cm2 or 0.9Mpa for HFC-23, at least 3 kg/cm2 or 0.3Mpa for HFC-227ea or FK-5-1-12, unless otherwise approved by central authorities.
3.Quantity and type of nozzles shall be determined according to flow calculation.
Dosage of fire extinguishing agent calculated per the above Article shall be sprayed out at least 95% within 10 seconds.
Article 97-5
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Article 97-6
Piping of Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems shall be installed according to the following regulations:
1.The piping shall be exclusive, and the diameter shall be determined using flow calculation.
2.Head drop between the lowest piping and highest piping shall be determined according to flow calculation and shall be less than 50m.
3.When steel piping is used, seamless steel pipe conforming to CNS 4626 with at least Sch80 thickness shall be used for HFC-23 systems; seamless steel pipe conforming to CNS 4626 with Sch40 or higher thickness or equivalent strength shall be used for HFC-227ea and FK-5-1-12 systems; piping shall be galvanized or treated for corrosion prevention.
4.When copper piping is employed, seamless copper or copper alloy pipes conforming to CNS 5127 specifications or those having equivalent or higher strength and corrosion resistance shall be used
5.Piping connectors and valves shall be endurable to at least the internal pressure intensity and be provided with proper anti-corrosion treatment
Article 97-7
Gas actuate Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems are applicable to Article 88 regulations.
Selection switch, actuation device, audio alarm device, safety device and exhaust device of Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems are applicable to provisions of Article 90 to Article 92, Article 93, Paragraph 2, and Article 94.
Article 97-8
Emergency Power Supply of Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems shall be provided according to Article 95 provisions.
Article 97-9
Enclosure Integrity Test shall be performed on completion of the protected area of Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems. Pass criterion: at least 85% Design Concentration of agent is maintained within 10 minutes of agent discharge.
Article 97-10
Labeling specifications of the Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System will be further specified by central authorities.
Section 7 Dry Chemicals Fire Extinguishing Equipments and Simple Automatic Fire Extinguishing Equipments
Article 98
Articles 82, 85, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, and 97 shall govern the spraying pattern, venting device, opening of protected area, selector valve, actuating device, voice alarm device, safety device, emergency power source and indication specifications for dry chemicals fire extinguishing equipments.
Article 99
Quantity of dry chemicals extinguishing medium shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Quantity of fire extinguishing medium required by total flooding shall be calculated following the table below:
│Type of │Type I │Type II │Type III │Type IV │
│dry │ (major │ (Major │ (Major │ (Major │
│chemicals │ingredient│ingredient:│ingredient│ingredient│
│ │:sodium │Potassium │: ammonium│: │
│ │bicarbo- │bicarbonate │dihydrogen│potassium │
│ │nate) │) │phosphate │bicarbo- │
│ │ │ │) │nate and │
│ │ │ │ │urea chem-│
│ │ │ │ │icals) │
│Quantity │ 0.6 │ 0.36 │ 0.36 │ 0.24 │
│required │ │ │ │ │
│by every │ │ │ │ │
│square │ │ │ │ │
│meter of │ │ │ │ │
│protected │ │ │ │ │
│area │ │ │ │ │
│ (kg/m2) │ │ │ │ │
│Additional│ 4.5 │ 2.7 │ 2.7 │ 1.8 │
│quantity │ │ │ │ │
│for every │ │ │ │ │
│square │ │ │ │ │
│meter of │ │ │ │ │
│opening │ │ │ │ │
2.Quantity of fire extinguishing medium required by local application shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)Where flammable solid or flammable liquid is stored in containers with upper openings and flame is limited to one side and the flammable substance is unlikely to fly out of the container in case of fire, the required quantity of fire extinguishing medium shall calculated following the table below:
│Type of fire │Type I dry│Type II or III│ Type IV dry│
│extinguishing │chemicals │dry chemicals │ chemicals │
│medium │ │ │ │
│Quantity required │ 8.8 │ 5.2 │ 3.6 │
│by every square │ │ │ │
│meter of protected│ │ │ │
│object (kg/m2) │ │ │ │
│Multiple for addi-│ 1.1 │ 1.1 │ 1.1 │
│tional quantity │ │ │ │
│Remark │Where side length of protected object is│
│ │less than 0.6m, 0.6m shall be used as │
│ │side length for area calculation. │
(2)As for places other than described in the former subclause, the required quantity of fire extinguishing medium shall be the quantity for unit protected space calculated following the formula below multiplied by the cubage of the protected space (refers to the space 0.6m from any point of the protected object, also named imaginary protected space). However, if used in telecom machine room, the quantity shall be multiplied by 0.7.
Where, Q is the quantity of fire extinguishing medium for unit cubage of the protected space (kg/m3), the multiple for additional quantity shall comply with the former subclause; a is the total area of the actual walls around the protected object (m2), and A is the total area of the imagined walls around the protected space (imaged protected space) (m2).
Values of X and Y shall comply with the table below:
│Type of fire exti-│Type I dry│Type II or III│Type IV dry │
│nguishing medium │chemicals │dry chemicals │chemicals │
│ X │ 5.2 │ 3.2 │ 2.0 │
│ Y │ 3.9 │ 2.4 │ 1.5 │
3.Where moveable application is used, the quantity of fire extinguishing medium required by each spraying aimer shall be not less than the corresponding value in the table below:
│Type of fire exti-│Type I dry│Type II or III│Type IV dry │
│nguishing medium │chemicals │dry chemicals │chemicals │
│Quantity of fire │ 8.8 │ 5.2 │ 3.6 │
│extinguishing │ │ │ │
│medium (kg) │ │ │ │
4.Where total flooding or local application is used and there are two or more protected areas or objects inside a same building, the quantity of the largest area shall be regarded as the required quantity.
Article 100
Nozzles for total flooding and local application shall meet the following requirements:
1.Nozzles equipped for total flooding shall be able to make the sprayed medium quickly and evenly distributed into the whole protected area.
2.Spraying pressure of dry chemicals nozzles shall be more than 1kgf/cm2 or 0.1Mpa.
3.The quantity of fire extinguishing medium calculated pursuant to 99.1 or 99.2 shall be sprayed out in 30 seconds.
4.The effective range of nozzles equipped for local application shall cover all surfaces of the protected objects, and the locations shall ensure the flammable substance will not fly outside due to the spraying of the extinguishing medium.
Article 101
Only Type III dry chemicals may be used as fire extinguishing medium for indoor parking areas.
Article 102
Storage container of fire extinguishing medium shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Filling ratio shall comply with the table below:
│Type of fire exti-│Type I dry│Type II or III│Type IV dry │
│nguishing medium │chemicals │dry chemicals │chemicals │
│Filling ratio (R) │0.85≦R │1.05≦R≦1.75 │1.5≦R≦2.5 │
│ │≦1.45 │ │ │
2.Storage containers shall be placed pursuant to the following provisions:
(1)Outside the protected area
(2)In places where the temperature is lower than 40℃ and seldom varies.
(3)May not be placed in direct sunshine or rain.
3.Storage container shall be obviously marked with the quantity and type of the filled extinguishing medium, as well as maximum working pressure (pressurized type only), date of production, and manufacturer.
4.Safety device complied with National Standard CNS No.11176 shall be equipped for the container.
5.Container valve complied with National Standard CNS No.10848 and No.10849 shall be equipped for pressure-maintaining container with an internal pressure more than 10kgf/cm2 or 1Mpa.
6.Discharging device shall be equipped for discharging residual gas in storage container, and washing device for dealing with residual extinguishing medium in matching pipe.
7.Effective quakeproof steps shall be applied.
Article 103
Container of pressurizing gas shall be located nearby and reliably connected to storage container, and container valve and safety device complied with CNS No. 11176 shall be equipped.
Article 104
Container of pressurizing or pressure-maintaining gas shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Pressurizing or pressure-maintaining gas shall employ nitrogen or carbon dioxide.
2.Where nitrogen is used as pressurizing gas, the quantity of nitrogen required by every kilogram of dry chemicals shall be 40 liters or more when temperature is 35℃ and air pressure (gauge pressure) is 0kg/cm2 or 0Mpa. Where carbon dioxide is used as pressurizing gas, the quantity of carbon dioxide required by every kilogram of dry chemicals shall be 20 grams or more.
3.Where nitrogen is used as pressure-maintaining gas, the quantity of nitrogen required by every kilogram of dry chemicals shall be more than 10 liters plus the quantity required for washing the piping when temperature is 35℃ and air pressure (gauge pressure) is 0kg/cm2 or 0Mpa. Where carbon dioxide is used, the quantity of carbon dioxide required by every kilogram of dry chemicals shall be not less than 20 grams plus the quantity required for washing the matching pipe.
4.Gas used for washing the pipe shall be stored in different container.
5.Effective quakeproof steps shall be applied.
Article 105
Piping and valves of dry chemicals fire extinguishing equipments shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
(1)It shall be used dedicatedly and its diameter shall be determined according to the amount of spraying amount of nozzles.
(2)Steel pipe, which is complied with National Standard CNS No. 6445 and has been anti-corrosive treated or has the same or higher strength and corrosion endurance, shall be employed, but seamless steel pipe complied with National Standard CNS No. 4626, wherein the thickness or strength is the same as or higher than that of pipe number SCH40 and anticorrosive treatment like zincing etc has been made, shall be used for pressure-maintaining type when the pressure is more than 25kg/cm2 or 0.25Mpa and less than 42kg/cm2 or 4.2Mpa.
(3)Where copper pipe is used, the copper pipe shall comply with National Standard CNS No. 5127 or have the same or higher strength, and be able to endure a pressure at least 1.5 times the adjustment pressure or the highest pressure.
(4)Drop height between highest matching pipe and lowest matching pipe shall be less than 50m.
(5)Matching pipes shall be distributed evenly so as to ensure the same spraying pressure of each nozzle when spraying at the same time.
(6)Effective quakeproof steps shall be applied.
(1)Valve shall comply with National Standards CNS or have the same or higher strength and corrosion endurance, and anti-corrosion treatment shall have been made.
(2)Location and direction of switch shall be marked.
(3)Manual operating part of relief valve and container valve of pressurizing gas shall be located in safe and accessible places.
Article 106
The distance between any part of the matching pipe of dry powder fire extinguishing equipments from storage container and the bending part shall be 20 times the pipe diameter or more, unless effective measures have been taken to make the dry chemicals never separated from pressurizing or pressure-maintaining gas.
Article 107
Pressure regulating device, which can adjust the pressure to under 25kgf/cm2 or 2.5Mpa, shall be equipped for dry chemicals fire extinguishing equipments.
Article 108
Pressure setting device for pressurized dry powder fire extinguishing equipments shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Relief valve shall be opened when the pressure of storage container meets the set value after actuating device is actuated.
2.Each storage container shall be equipped with pressure setting device.
Article 109
Pressure-maintaining dry chemicals fire extinguishing equipments shall be equipped with pressure gauge indicating the range of working pressure in green.
Article 110
Where gas-actuated type is used, the following provisions shall be observed:
1.Container of actuating gas shall be able to endure a pressure of 250kgf/cm2 or 25Mpa.
2.Container of actuating gas shall have a cubage more than 0.27 liter; the weight of contained gas over 145g, and the filling ratio not less than 1.5.
3.Safety device and container valve for container of actuating gas shall comply with National Standard CNS No.11176.
4.Container of actuating gas cannot be used for auto stopping in the protected area at the same time.
Article 111
Moveable application shall comply with the following provisions in addition to Articles 102.1, 102.2 (2) and (3), 102.3 and 102.4.
1.Valve of storage container may be switched manually at the opening of leather pipe.
2.Storage containers shall be equipped separately at the locations where leather pipes are installed.
3.Red indicating lamp shall be equipped and “Moveable Dry Chemicals Fire Extinguishing Equipments” shall be marked nearby each storage container.
4.The equipments shall be placed where it is inaccessible for fume in case of fire.
5.The quantity of fire extinguishing medium sprayed by each aimer shall comply with the table below:
│Type of fire exti-│Type I dry│Type II or III│Type IV dry │
│nguishing medium │chemicals │dry chemicals │chemicals │
│Quantity sprayed │ 45 │ 27 │ 18 │
│every minute │ │ │ │
│(kg/min) │ │ │ │
6.Leather pipe, nozzle and pipe carrier of moveable carbon dioxide fire extinguishing equipments shall comply with National Standard No.11177.
Article 111-1
Simple automatic fire extinguishing equipments shall be installed based on following regulations.
1.Smoke-discharging pipe should equip with sensor and sprinkler depending on the sectional area, alarming length and wind speed. The equipped number, location and emitting amount should be effectively enough to extinguish fire.
2.When wind speed inside smoke-discharging pipe exceed 5 meter per second, a chemical agent releasing mechanism and linked shutting valves should be installed outside alarming length. Such installation is not required if fire can be effectively extinguished without said valves.
3.Effective range of sprinkler should cover fume hood and smoke-discharging pipe, and the installed location should preclude the possibility for the inflammables to release upon emission of chemical agent.
4.Sprinklers within the range of protection should synchronously emit.
5.Storage cylinders and pressurized gas cylinders should be stored at the ambient temperature below 40C.
Alarming length prescribed in Item (2) of above 5 meters within connecting point between fume hood and smoke-discharging pipe.
Chapter 2 Alarm Equipments
Section 1 Automatic Fire Alarm Equipments
Article 112
Fire alarm division in buildings equipped with automatic fire alarm equipments shall be determined pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Each fire alarm division may not cover more than one storey or more than 600m2 floor area. However, where the total floor area of tow adjacent storeys is not more than 500m2, the two storeys may be allocated into a same division.
2.The length of any side of a division shall be not more than 50m. Where photoelectrical separated detector is equipped, the length shall be under 100m.
3.Where any corner of a story can be directly observed through the main gateway or the gateway directly to the stairway, the 600m2 prescribed in 112.1 shall be increased to 1000m2.
4.Stairway, ramped aisle, elevating way of elevator, and piping room shall be regarded as a fire alarm division where the horizontal distance between each other is within 50m and the difference between top storeys is less than two storeys. But the divisions shall be separately set in aisle, passage, living room and other places on each floor.
5.As for stairways or ramped aisles, every 45m of vertical distance shall be regarded as a fire alarm division, but the underground part shall be treated as an individual division.
Article 113
In five-storey or higher buildings with a total floor area more than 3000m2, the ringing mode of automatic fire alarm equipments shall meet the following requirements:
1.When the fire is the on second floor or above, only this storey and the direct upper two storeys and the direct lower storey shall make alarm.
2.When the fire is on the ground floor, only this storey and the direct upper storey and the underground storeys shall make alarm.
3.When the fire is underground, only the first storey and the underground storeys shall make alarm.
4.The whole area should make alarm immediately when the alarm previous mentioned are activated less than ten minutes or the fire alarm signal receiving switchboard receives the fire signal again.
Article 114
Proper detector shall be selected from the table below according to the height of the mounting position. If the height of the ceiling is different from that of the roof slab in a same room, the mean value shall be used for
│Height of │ <4m │ 4m≦H<8m │8m≦H<15m │15m≦H<20 │
│mounting │ │ │ │ │
│position │ │ │ │ │
│(H) │ │ │ │ │
│Type of │Different-│Differential│Different-│Type I │
│detector │ial │topical, │ial │ionic │
│ │topical, │differential│distribut-│topical, │
│ │different-│distributed,│ed style, │Type I │
│ │ial │compensated │Type I or │photo- │
│ │distribut-│topical, │Type II │electrical│
│ │ed, │fixed │ionic │topical, │
│ │compensat-│temperature │topical, │photo- │
│ │ed topical│special type│Type I or │electrical│
│ │, fixed │or Type I, │Type II │separated,│
│ │temperatu-│Type I or │photo- │or flame │
│ │re, ionic │TypeII ionic│electrical│type │
│ │topical, │topical,Type│topical, │ │
│ │photo- │I or Type II│photo- │ │
│ │electrical│photo- │electrical│ │
│ │topical, │electrical │separated,│ │
│ │photo- │topical, │or flame │ │
│ │electrical│photo- │type │ │
│ │separated,│electrical │ │ │
│ │or flame │separated,or│ │ │
│ │type │flame type │ │ │
Article 115
Mounting position of detector shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Where the ceiling is equipped with an air outlet, the mounting position shall be 1.5m or farther away from the outlet with exceptions of flame type, differential distributed and photoelectrical separated type.
2.Where there is an air outlet on the wall, the mounting position shall be 1.5m or farther away from the outlet, unless the distance between the outlet and the ceiling is not less than 1m.
3.Where the ceiling is equipped with an air outlet or inlet, smoke detector shall be equipped within 1m around the outlet or inlet.
4.In principle, topical detectors shall be mounted around the center of the detected area.
5.Topical detectors may not incline 45°or more with exception of flame type.
Article 116
It is allowable that detectors are not installed in the following occasions:
1.The mounting surface is higher than 20m (except for flame type detectors).
2.Places where fire detecting becomes ineffective due to airflow.
3.Toilet, water closet or bathroom.
4.Cold stores where automatic temperature regulating device that is able to detect the occurrence of fire in the beginning has been equipped.
5.Cashbox where the main construction is fireproof and the opening is equipped with fireproof door that can resist the fire at least one hour.
6.Above water surface of indoor swimming pool, or ice surface of skating ground.
7.Processing grounds of inflammable stones or metals, where flammable substances are not stored or processed.
8.Other places designated by the central regulating authority.
Article 117
Smoke detector or heat & smoke compound detector may not be installed in the following occasions:
1.Places where lots of dust, powder or water steam stay.
2.Places where corrosive gas will be given off.
3.Kitchen and other places where fume stays at other times.
4.Places under significantly higher temperature.
5.Places where lots of discharged waste gas stay.
6.Places where fume will flow into in large amount.
7.Places where dew is likely to form.
8.Places where flame of equipments using fire is exposed outside.
9.Other places where the detector can’t work normally.
Flame type detector may not be installed in the following places:
1.Places listed in the above clauses 2~4, or 6~7.
2.Places where lots of steam stays.
3.Other places where the detector can’t work normally.
Proper detector shall be selected from the table below for the places listed in the above two clauses.
│Place │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │
│ ├────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │Where │Where │Where │Where │
│ │lots │lots │corro-│fume │
│ │of dust │of │sive │stays │
│ │, powder│water │gas │at │
│ │or stay.│steam │will │other │
│ │ │stay │be │times │
│ │ │ │given │ │
│ │ │ │off │ │
│Type │Diffe- │Type I │ ○ │ │ │ │
│of │rential ├────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│detec-│topical │Type II │ ○ │ │ │ │
│tor ├────┼────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │Diffe- │Type I │ ○ │ │ ○ │ │
│ │rential ├────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │distri- │Type II │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ │
│ │buted │ │ │ │ │ │
│ ├────┼────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │Compen- │Type I │ ○ │ │ ○ │ │
│ │sated ├────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │topical │Type II │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ │
│ ├────┼────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │Fixed │Special │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │
│ │tempe- │Type │ │ │ │ │
│ │rature ├────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │ │Type I │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │
│ ├────┴────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │Flame type │ ○ │ │ │ │
│1. “○”stands for selectable equipments.
│2. The differential topical type detector, compensated topical
│ type detector or differential distributed type detector used
│ in place 1 should have the structure that dust and powder are
│ not easily invaded.
│3. Fixed temperature or compensated type detectors used in
│ places 1, 2, 4 and 8 shall be provided with waterproof
│ functions.
│4. In places 3, where fixed temperature or compensated type
│ detectors are used, they shall be acid resistant or anti-
│ corrosive pursuant to the class of the corrosive gas,
│ where differential distributed detectors are used, effec-
│ tive measures shall be taken to protect the air pipes and
│ detectors from being corroded.
5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │
Under │Where │Where │Where │Places │
signifi-│lots │lots │dew is│where │
cantly │of │of │likely│flame │
high │dis- │fume │to │of equi- │
tempera-│charge│will │form │pments │
ture │waste │flow │ │using fire│
│gas │into │ │is exposed│
│stay │ │ │outside │
│ ○ │ ○ │ │ │
│ ○ │ ○ │ │ │
│ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ │
│ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ │
│ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ │
○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │
│ │ │ │ │
○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │
│ ○ │ │ │ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Article 118
Detectors of smoke detecting type, smoke & heat compound type or flame type may be selected for the places listed in the table below:
│Places │Stairway│Aisle or │Elevator│Places │
│ │or │passage │hoistway│where │
│ │ramped │(only for │or pipin│the │
│ │aisle │those │room │height │
│ │ │described │ │of │
│ │ │in Article│ │ceiling │
│ │ │12.1, 12.2│ │is 15m or │
│ │ │(2) and │ │higher │
│ │ │(6)~(10), │ │but lower │
│ │ │12.4 and │ │than 20m. │
│ │ │12.5 │ │ │
│Smoke │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │
│detecting │ │ │ │ │
│type │ │ │ │ │
│Smoke and │ │ ○ │ │ │
│heat │ │ │ │ │
│compound │ │ │ │ │
│type │ │ │ │ │
│Flame │ │ │ │ ○ │
│type │ │ │ │ │
│Note │
│ │“ ○” stands for selectable equipments.
Where the │Underground │
ceiling │storeys, │
is higher │no-opening │
than 20m │storeys, │
│and storeys │
│above the │
│11th floor │
│(only for │
│those │
│described │
│in Article │
│12.1, 12.2(2│
│), (6) and │
│(8)~(10) and│
│12.5.) │
│ ○ │
│ │
│ │
│ ○ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
○ │ ○ │
│ │

Article 119
The detecting area of a detector refers to the space divided and surrounded by columns with a net height of not less than 40cm or other similar constructions around the mounting surface of the detector. But for detectors of differential distributed and smoke-detecting types, the net height shall be increased to not less than 60cm.
Article 120
Differential topical, compensated topical and fixed temperature type detectors shall be equipped according the following provisions:
1.The lower end of detector shall be located within 30cm under the mounting surface.
2.At least one detector of the proper type shall be equipped in every effective detecting area following the table below:
│Height of mounting surface (H) │ <4m
│Construction of building │Fireproof buildings or│
│ │buildings fireproof │
│ │construction. │
│Type of │Differential│Type I │ 90 │
│detector │topical ├────┼───────────┼
│and │ │Type II │ 70 │
│effective ├──────┼────┼───────────┼
│detecting │Compensated │Type I │ 90 │
│area (m2) │topical ├────┼───────────┼
│ │ │Type II │ 70 │
│ ├──────┼────┼───────────┼
│ │Fixed │Special │ 70 │
│ │temperature │Type │ │
│ │topical ├────┼───────────┼
│ │ │Type I │ 60 │
│ │ ├────┼───────────┼
│ │ │Type II │ 20 │
│ 4m≦H<8m │
Other │Fireproof buildings or │Other │
buildings │buildings with fireproof│buildings │
│construction │ │
50 │ 45 │ 30 │
40 │ 35 │ 25 │
50 │ 45 │ 30 │
40 │ 35 │ 25 │
40 │ 35 │ 25 │
│ │ │
30 │ 30 │ 15 │
15 │ -- │ -- │
3.Detectors with fixed temperature functions shall be installed in places where the maximum ambient temperature at other times is 20℃ ore more lower than the nominal fixed temperature point of compensated topical detectors or than the nominal operating temperature of other detectors with fixed temperature functions. If a detector has two or more nominal operating temperatures, it shall be installed in places where the maximum ambient temperature at other times is 20℃ or more lower than the lowest nominal operating temperature.
Article 121
Differential distributed detectors shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Where air pipe differential distributed detectors are used, the following provisions shall apply:
(1)The exposed part of air pipes inside each detecting area shall be not shorter than 20m.
(2)The length of pipes connected to a same detector shall be not more than 100m.
(3)Air pipes shall be installed within 30cm under the mounting surface.
(4)Air pipes shall be mounted at the positions within 5m from any side of the mounting surface. The interval between the pipes shall be not more than 9m in fireproof buildings or buildings with fireproof construction, and not more than 6m in other buildings, unless effective fire detection can be made pursuant to the range and shape of the detecting area.
2.Where thermocouple differential distributed detectors are used, the following provisions shall be observed:
(1)Thermocouple shall be installed within 30cm under the mounting surface.
(2)The number of detectors required by each detecting area shall comply with the table below:
│Construction│Floor area │Number of required detectors │
│of buildings│of detecting│ │
│ │area │ │
│Fireproof │ ≦88m2 │At least 4 │
│buildings or├──────┼────────────────┤
│buildings │ >88m2 │4 basically, one more every add-│
│with │ │itional 22m2 (including less │
│fireproof │ │than 22m2) │
│construction│ │ │
│Other │ ≦72m2 │At least 4 │
│buildings ├──────┼────────────────┤
│ │ >72m2 │4 basically, one more every add-│
│ │ │itional 18m2 (including less │
│ │ │than 18m2) │
(3)Up to 20 thermocouples may be mounted to a same detector.
3.Where thermal semiconductor differential distributed detectors are used, the following provisions shall be observed:
(1)The lower end of detector shall be located within 30cm under the mounting surface.
(2)At least two detectors of the proper type shall be equipped in every effective detecting area following the table below:
│Height of │Construction│Type of detector and effective │
│mounting │of buildings│detecting area (m2) │
│surface (H) │ ├───────┬────────┤
│ │ │ Type I │ Type II │
│H<8m │Fireproof │ 65 │ 36 │
│ │buildings or│ │ │
│ │buildings of│ │ │
│ │fireproof │ │ │
│ │construction│ │ │
│ ├──────┼───────┼────────┤
│ │Other │ 40 │ 26 │
│ │buildings │ │ │
│8m≦H<15m │Fireproof │ │ │
│ │buildings or│ │ │
│ │buildings of│ 50 │ -- │
│ │fireproof │ │ │
│ │construction│ │ │
│ ├──────┼───────┼────────┤
│ │Other │ 30 │ -- │
│ │buildings │ │ │
(3)The number of the heat sensors connected a same detector shall be not less than 2 and not more than 15.
The above-mentioned detector shall be installed in places convenient for inspection and repair, and the mounting surface may not incline more than 5°.
Fixed temperature detectors shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Detector shall be mounted within 30cm under the mounting surface.
2.In any detecting area, Type I detector shall be installed within a horizontal distance from any point of the mounting surface not more than 3m (4.5m in fireproof buildings or buildings with fireproof construction), and Type II detector shall be installed within a horizontal distance from any point of the mounting surface not more than 1m (3m in fireproof buildings or buildings with fireproof construction).
Article 122
Smoke detecting type detectors except photoelectrical separated type shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Where the ceiling of living room is not more than 2.3m above the floor, or the floor area is not more than 40m2, detectors shall be installed nearby the gateway.
2.The lower end of detector shall be within 60cm under the mounting surface.
3.Detectors shall be mounted 60cm or more away from the wall or beams.
4.At least one detector of the proper type shall be installed in every effective detecting area pursuant to the table below with exception of aisle, passage, stairway and ramped road surface:
│Height of mounting │Type of detector and effective │
│surface (H) │detecting area (m2) │
│ ├──────────┬────────┤
│ │Type I or Type II │ Type III │
│ H<4m │ 150 │ 50 │
│ 4m≦H<20m │ 75 │ -- │
5.In aisles and passages, at least one detector shall be installed every 30m of waking distance; if Type III detector is used, at least one shall be installed for every 20m of travel distance, and one for every internal of less than 10m if the distance to the final wall is less tan 15m. But it is allowable that no detector is equipped where the travel distance from aisle or passage to stairway is less than 10m, and the stairway is equipped with fireproof door opened at other times, or the living rooms have gateways toward the opening.
6.In stairway, ramped aisle and escalator, at least one detector shall be equipped for every 15m of vertical distance; where Type III detectors are used, at one shall be equipped for every 10m of vertical distance.
7.In elevator hoistway and piping room (the sectional area of the pipe is not less than 1m2), detectors shall be installed on the top. However, where the machine room of elevator hoistway is on the top and the hoistway and machine room have openings, detectors shall be installed in the machine room, not on the top of the elevating way.
Article 123
Photoelectrical separated detectors shall comply with the following provisions:
1.The light-receiving surface of detector shall be located under the sunshine.
2.The detector shall be installed at the position 60cm or farther away from the wall parallel to the optical axis of the detector.
3.Photoreceptor and photo-transmitter of detector shall be located within 1m from the back wall.
4.The detector shall be installed on ceilings and other locations with a height less than 20m.
5.The optical axis of a detector shall have a height not less than 80% of that of the ceiling and others.
6.The optical axis of a detector may not be longer than the nominal supervising distance of the detector.
7.The distance between the optical axis of the detector and the alert area shall be not more than 7m.
The above-mentioned optical axis of detector refers to the line from the center of light-receiving face to the center of light-transmitting surface.
Article 124
Flame type detector shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Detector shall be installed on ceiling, floorslabs, or wall.
2.The nominal supervising distance of a detector shall cover the space within 1.2m from the floor surface.
3.Detector may not be installed at a location where there is any obstacle encumbering the detector from detecting the occurrence of fire.
4.Detector may not be located directly under the sunshine, unless lightproof function is provided to prevention detection from being encumbered.
Article 125
Fire alarm signal receiving switchboard shall meet the following requirements:
1.Fire alarm division indicating device shall be provided to indicate the division where the fire takes place.
2.Sound that is able to attract the attention from the safeguards shall be given out on occurrence of fire.
3.Device communicating with manual alarm equipments shall be attached.
4.Where there are two or more fire alarm signal receiving switchboards in a same building, necessary equipments shall be installed for the receiving switchboards to communicate with each other.
5.Drawings shall be provided nearby the fire alarm signal-receiving switchboard for distinguishing the division where the fire takes place.
6.In fire alarm divisions equipped with accumulative detector or relay, the signal receiving switchboard may not have two-signal function.
7.Where an accumulative time is set for the signal receiving switchboard, relay, and smoke-detecting detector, the time shall be not more than 60 seconds; where other detectors are used, the time is not more than 20 seconds.
8.If it is difficult to hear the fire alarm or identify the emergency broadcast voice due to the volume of the business or the characteristics of the enclosed compartment in a music halls, ballrooms, night clubs, clubs, beauty parlors (tourist parlors and audio-video parlors, etc), massage parlors, video viewing halls (MTV, etc), audio-visual sing-along halls (KTV, etc), bars, pubs, and liquor stores (clubs) or other similar places, the relevant entertainment audio-visual equipment should be stopped in case of fire.
9.The fire alarm signal receiving switchboard shall have the function of forcing the local alarm sound device to sound within a certain period of time after receiving the fire signal or when receiving the fire signal again.
Buildings with a total floor area of less than 350 m2 may be equipped with a single loop fire alarm receiver switchboard, the installation of which is not restricted by the first paragraph and the third to fifth paragraphs of the preceding paragraph; the same applies to the floor and premises use classification in accordance with Article 19, paragraph 1, paragraph 4, and the floor area of the floor is less than 350 m2.
Article 126
The location of fire alarm signal receiving switchboard shall meet the following requirements:
1.Fire alarm signal receiving switchboard shall be located in watchroom or other populated places. Where a disaster prevention center is set up, the switchboard shall be located in the center.
2.May not be exposed in direct sunshine.
3.Inclination shall be avoided and the shell shall be earthed.
4.The operating switch of wall-mounting switchboard shall be 0.8m~1.5m high from the floor (0.6~1.5m for seat type)
Article 127
Wiring of automatic fire alarm equipments shall comply with the following provisions in addition to Regulations for Installation of User's Electricity Device:
1.Signal loop of normally opened detectors shall employ serial connection, and terminal resistor shall be attached for the fire signal-receiving switchboard to perform automatic detection of loop disconnection.
2.Where Type P signal receiving switchboard employs the wiring mode of several divisions sharing a same public line, the number of the divisions shall be not more than 7.
3.Detector loop resistance of Type P signal receiving switchboard shall be less than 50Ω
4.A 250V insulation ohmmeter shall be used to measure the insulation resistance between wires of power supply circuit as well as between the wire and the earth. Where the voltage to earth is not more than 150V, the resistance shall be not less than 0.1MΩ; where the voltage to earth exceeds 150V, the resistance shall be not less than 0.2MΩ. A 250V insulation ohmmeter shall also be used to measure the insulation resistance between loop wires of the detector as well as between the wire and the earth, and in each fire alarm division the resistance shall be not more than 0.1MΩ.
5.Where the wire is buried out the door or is likely to be immersed by water, cable coated by metal pipe or plastic wire conduit shall be used, and a distance not less than 30cm shall be kept between the signal cable and the electric wire.
Article 128
Battery shall be used as emergency power source for automatic fire alarm equipments, and the capacity of battery shall be able to ensure the fire alarm equipment effectively run for 10 consecutive minutes.
Section 2 Manual Fire Alarm Equipments
Article 129
Each fire alarm division shall be equipped with fire alarms pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Fire alarm sound shall be given out immediately when the button is pressed down.
2.Protecting plate shall be installed before the button to prevent haphazard pressing.
3.Emergency power source shall be attached.
4.The fire alarms installed out the door shall be provided with waterproof functions.
Where two storeys share a same fire alarm division, the fire alarms shall be installed separately in the two storeys. But the division in stairways or between pipes isn’t required to install an alarm.
Article 130
Indicating lamps shall be installed in places equipped with manual alarm equipments and shall keep alight at other times. The lamp shall form an angle of 15°with the mounting surface, and there shall be no mask shielding the lamp within 10m away from the lamp.
Article 131
Fire alarm ring in places equipped with manual alarm equipments shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Sound shall be given out immediately when the voltage reaches 80% of the specified value.
2.Under the specified voltage, the volume measured at the position 100cm away from the fire alarm ring shall be not less than 90db.
3.The insulation resistance of electric ring measured by 250V DC insulation ohmmeter shall be not less than 20MΩ.
4.The sound of alarm ring shall be different from other sounds of the building, and may not be used for purposes other than alarm.
It is allowable that the above-mentioned fire alarm ring is not installed where emergency broadcasting equipments are installed under Section 3 of this chapter.
Article 132
Manual alarm box, indicating lamp and fire alarm ring shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.They shall be installed at appropriate locations in passages for fire refuge.
2.The height of manual alarm box shall be not less than 1.2m and not more than 1.5m.
3.Indicating lamp and fire alarm ring shall be 2~2.5m high from the floor, unless they are installed together with manual alarm box.
4.In buildings where fire hydrant box of fire standpipe is equipped, manual alarm box, indicating lamp and fire alarm ring shall be installed on the wall above the fire hydrant box.
Section 3 Emergency Broadcasting Equipments
Article 133
Emergency broadcasting equipments shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.The volume measured at the position 1m away from the speaker shall comply with the table below:
│Type of speaker │ Volume (V) │
│Grade L │ ≧92db │
│Grade M │ 87db≦V<92db │
│Grade S │ 84db≦V<87db │
2.Speaker shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
(1)Grade L speaker shall be used where the broadcasting area is larger than 100m2.
(2)Grade L or Grade M speaker shall be used where the broadcasting area is larger than 50m2 but smaller than 100m2.
(3)Grade L, Grade M or Grade S speaker may be used where the broadcasting area is smaller than 50m2.
(4)The horizontal distance from any point of the broadcasting area to the speaker shall be less than 10m. But it is allowable that no speaker is installed where the floor area of living room is less than 6m2 or the floor area of the main aisles and passages from the living room to the ground is less than 6m2, the floor area of the parts other than living room less than 30m2, and the horizontal distance form the speaker in this area to the speaker in the adjacent area less than 8m.
(5)When installed in stairways or ramped aisles, at least one Grade L speaker shall be installed for every 15m vertical distance.
The volume and equipments of speakers installed in places except stairwys and ramped aisles shall comply with the following provisions:
The volume of a place where is 1m away from the floor ground within the broadcasting areas shall be more than 75dB calculated depanding on the following formula:


P: Volume (Unit: dB)
p: Audio Power of Speaker (Unit: dB)
Q: Directivity Factor of Speaker
r: Distance between Audio Point and Speaker (Unit: m)
α: Average Sound Absorbing Rate in Broadcasting Area
S: Total Area of Walls, Floorslabs and Ceilings within Broadcasting Area(Unit:m2)
(6)When the echoing sound is more than 3s, the distance between the place 1m to the floorslabs and the speaker shall be calculated depending on the following formula:


r: Distance between Audio Point and Speaker (Unit: m)
Q: Directivity Factor of Speaker
S: Total Area of Walls, Floorslabs and Ceilings within Broadcasting Area(Unit:m2)
α: Average Sound Absorbing Rate in Broadcasting Area
Article 134
Broadcasting divisions in buildings equipped with emergency broadcasting equipments shall be allocated pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Each division may not cover more than one floor.
2.As for indoor safety stair or emergency stair, one broadcasting division shall be independently set for every 45m of vertical distance, and another broadcasting division for the underground proportion of the indoor safety stair or emergency stair.
3.The overhead supporting construction of a building shall be treated as a broadcasting division where the volume of speaker meets the requirement.
Article 135
Where emergency broadcasting equipments are interlocked with automatic fire alarm equipments, the ring pattern of the fire alarm shall comply with Article 113.
The audible alarm of the emergency broadcasting equipments shall be the voice type.
The emergency power of the emergency broadcasting equipments shall comply with Article 128.
Article 136
Actuating device of emergency broadcasting equipments shall comply with CNS No.10522, and be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.The travel distance from any point of each floor to the actuating device shall be less than 50m.
2.Actuating device shall be installed within 0.8m~1.5m above the floor.
3.Emergency telephone starting shall be used for storeys above the 11th floor, or under the 3rd floor or underground storeys.
Article 137
Where used together with other equipments, the emergency broadcasting equipments shall be enabled to shield the broadcastings from others.
Article 138
Audio amplifier and operating device shall comply with CNS No.10522, and installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Operating device shall be interlocked with actuating device or automatic fire alarm equipment, and marked with the storeys or the area covered by the operating of the actuating device or automatic fire alarm equipment.
2.Functions of selecting necessary storeys or areas shall be provided.
3.Signals indicating short circuit shall be provided where the wiring of a broadcasting division is in short.
4.The operating switch of operating device shall be 0.6~1.5m above the floor (0.6~1.5m for seat type).
5.Operating device shall be located in watchroom or other usually populated places. Where a disaster prevention center is set up, the switchboard shall be located in the center.
Article 139
Emergency broadcasting equipments shall be wired pursuant to Regulations for Installation of User's Electricity Device and the following provisions:
1.A 250V DC insulation ohmmeter shall be used to measure the insulation resistance between the wire and the earth. Where the voltage to earth is not more than 150V, the resistance shall be not less than 0.1MΩ; where the voltage to earth exceeds 150V, the resistance shall be not less than 0.2MΩ.
2.The wire conduit may not be shared by other wires, unless the electric wire inside the conduit is used for light current with a voltage less than 60V.
3.Short or disconnection of the circuit for the speaker in any storey will never affect the broadcasting of other storeys.
4.Three-wire wiring shall be used where volume adjuster is equipped.
Section 4 Automatic Fire Alarm Equipments for Gas Leakage
Article 140
Where automatic fire alarm equipments for gas leakage are used, fire alarm divisions shall be allocated under Article 112.
The above-mentioned gas refers to the following gas fuels:
1.Natural gas.
2.Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
3.Other gases designated by the central regulating authority.
Article 141
Gas leakage detectors shall be installed at proper locations convenient for inspection and repair on the ceiling or wall depending on the characteristics of the gas and pursuant to the following requirements:
1.Where the specific gravity of gas to air is less than 1, the following provisions shall be observed:
(1)Detector shall be installed within a horizontal distance not more than 8m away from the gas burning appliances or from the position the gas pipe goes through the wall. Where the floorslabs have beams with a net height not less than 60cm or other similar constructions, detectors shall be installed just nearby the gas burning appliances or the positions the gas goes through the wall.
(2)Where there are air inlets on the ceiling of the room where the gas burning appliances are, detectors shall be installed within 1.5m away from the air inlets separated by the beams with a net height not less than 60cm or other similar constructions between the gas burning appliances or the location the gas pipe goes through the wall and the ceiling.
(3)The lower end of detector shall be within 30cm under the ceiling.
2.Where the specific gravity of gas to air is not less than 1, the following provisions shall apply:
(1)Detector shall be installed within a horizontal distance not more than 4m away from the gas burning appliances or from the position the gas pipe goes through the wall.
(2)The upper end of detector shall be within 30cm above the floor.
3. The commencing and terminal points for calculating the horizontal distance are as follows:
(1)For a gas-burning appliance, the point is the center of the appliance.
(2)For a position the gas pipe goes through the wall, the point is the center of the gas pipe at the position the gas pipe goes through the wall.
Article 142
Gas leakage signal receiving switchboard shall meet the following requirements:
1.Gas leakage signal receiving switchboard shall be located in watchroom or other populated places. Where a disaster prevention center is set up, the switchboard shall be located in the center.
2.The alarm division where gas leakage occurs shall be marked.
3.For detectors installed at the position the gas pipe goes through the wall, the alarm divisions shall be marked respectively.
4.The operating switch of wall-mounting switchboard shall be 0.8m~1.5m high from the floor (0.6~1.5m for seat type)
5.The tone color and volume of the main sound device shall be different from other alarm sounds.
6.Where there are two or more gas leakage signal receiving switchboards in a same building, equipments for communication between the two shall be installed at the switchboards.
Article 143
Gas leakage alarm devices shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Gas leakage indicating lamps shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions. But it is allowable that no indicating lamp is installed where an alarm division only covers one room.
(1)Where a living room equipped with detector faces the passage, indicating lamp shall be installed nearby the gateway of the proportion facing the passage.
(2)The height of indicating lamp shall be less than 5m above the floor.
(3)The brightness shall enable the lamp to be obviously distinguished at the position 3m in front of the lamp, and “Gas Leakage Indicating Lamp” shall be marked nearby.
2.In the area where gas leakage can be detected by the detector, the alarm device inside this area shall make alarm upon operation of the detector, and the volume shall be not less than 70db at the position 1m away, unless the detecting appliance is provided alarm function, or it is installed in machine room or other places not usually populated or at the position the gas pipe goes through the wall.
Article 144
Wiring of automatic fire alarm equipments for gas leakage shall comply with Regulations for Installation of User's Electricity Device.
1.500V DC insulation ohmmeter shall be used to measure the insulation resistance between the wires of power circuit as well as between the wire and the earth. Where the voltage to earth is not more than 150V, the resistance shall be not less than 0.1MΩ; where the voltage to earth exceeds 150V, the resistance shall be not less than 0.2MΩ. And 500V DC insulation ohmmeter shall also be used to measure the insulation resistance between the wires of the detector circuit as well as between the wire and the earth, and the resistance shall be not less than 0.1MΩfor every alarm division.
2.The signal loop of usually opened detector shall employ serial connection, and terminal resistor shall be attached for the gas leakage signal-receiving switchboard to perform automatic detection of disconnection.
3.The circuit loop of detector may not be shared by equipments other than automatic fire alarm equipments for gas leakage.
Article 145
Battery shall be used as emergency power source for automatic fire alarm equipments for gas leakage, and the capacity of battery shall be able to ensure the two loops effectively run at least for 10 consecutive minutes, and other loops to supervise at least for 10 minutes.
1. 119 fire notification device shall comply with the following requirements:
1. Shall be located in watchroom or other usually populated places. Where a disaster prevention center is set up, the switchboard shall be located in the center.
2. Should have manual and automatic actuating function.
3. When setting up the remote starting device, there should be a device that can talk to the place where the 119 fire notification device is set up.remote starting device:
4. The operation switch of the manual actuating device shall be equipped with a height from the ground not less than 0.8m and not more than1.5m.
5. Near the device, the transmitter and receiver should be set up and clearly distinguished from other intercom calls.
6. Should avoid tilting device, and effective shockproof measures shall be taken.
Article 145-1
119 fire notification devices shall comply with the following requirements:
1. They shall be installed in watch room or other usually populated places. Where a surveillance center is set up, the switchboard shall be installed in the center.
2. They should provide manual and automatic actuating function.
3. When setting up the remote starting device, there should be a device that can communicate with the people where the 119 fire notification device was set.
4. The operation switch of the manual actuating device shall be installed at higher than 0.8m and lower than 1.5m from the ground.
5. The transmitter and receiver should be set up and clearly distinguished from other intercom calls near the device.
6. They shall not be installed aslant, and shockproof measures shall be taken.
Chapter 3 Refuge and Escape Equipments
Section 1 Indicating Equipment
Article 146
Installation of exit indicating lamp, direction indicating lamp, and indicating sign could be exempted in the occupancy as follows:
1.The main exits are easily recognizable from any point of the living rooms and the travel distance between living rooms and main exits complies with the following subparagraphs. This provision does not apply to underground building, underground floor, and no-opening floor.
(1)Installation of exit indicating lights could be exempted when the travel distance is within 20 meters (inclusive) in the refuge floor and within 10 meters (inclusive) in the non-refuge floor.
(2)Installation of direction indicating lamps could be exempted when the travel distance is within 40 meters (inclusive) in the refuge floor, and within 30 meters (inclusive) in the non-refuge floor.
(3)Installation of indicating signs could be exempted when the travel distance is within 30 meters (inclusive).
2.Living rooms that conform to the following:
(1)The exit of the living room is easily recognizable from any point of the room, and the room floor area based on use and occupancy, is as follows:
│Type of │Article 12.1(1) │Article 12.1(4),│Article 12.1│
│Use and │~ (3) │(5), and (7), │.(6), 12.2.(│
│Occupancy │ │12.2.(10) │1) ~(9), and│
│ │ │ │(11) ~ (12),│
│ │ │ │12.3 and 12.│
│ │ │ │4 │
│Floor area│Below 100 square│Below 200 square│Below 400 │
│of living │meters (inclusiv│meters (inclusiv│square meter│
│rooms │e) │e) │s (inclusive│
│ │ │ │) │
(2)Living rooms in collective residential building.
3.Hall way and passages exits, leading to the main exit, and being equipped with detector-linked automatic closing fire door ,and with indicating signs in addition to emergency lighting equipment, to ensure the visibility of the signs, could be exempted from installation of exit indicating lamps.
4.Stairways and slopes, if being equipped with emergency lighting equipment and floor signs for indicating refuge direction, could be exempted from installation of direction indicating lamps.
Main exits specified in the preceding paragraph, subparagraph 1 and 3, in the refuge floor, are exits that lead outdoors or exits of vestibules, if vestibules exist; in the non-refuge floor, they are exits that lead to stairways or exits of vestibules, if vestibules exist.
Article 146-1
Exit indicating lamps and direction indicating lamps that are not installed in stairways and slopes are classified according to the vertical dimension and luminous intensity of the lamp face as follows:
│ Classification │Vertical │ Luminous │
│ │dimension of the│ intensity of │
│ │lamp face (m) │ the lamp face │
│ │ │ (cd) │
│Exit │Class A │Over 0.4 │ Over 50 │
│indicating │ │(inclusive) │ (inclusive) │
│lamp ├─────┼────────┼────────┤
│ │Class B │0.2~0.4 │ Over 10 │
│ │ │(not inclusive) │ (inclusive) │
│ ├─────┼────────┼────────┤
│ │Class C │0.1~0.2 │ Over 1.5 │
│ │ │(not inclusive) │ (inclusive) │
│Direction │Class A │Over 0.4 │ Over 60 │
│indicating │ │(inclusive) │ (inclusive) │
│lamp ├─────┼────────┼────────┤
│ │Class B │0.2~0.4 │ Over 13 │
│ │ │(not inclusive) │ (inclusive) │
│ ├─────┼────────┼────────┤
│ │Class C │0.1~0.2 │ Over 5 │
│ │ │(not inclusive) │ (inclusive) │
Article 146-2
The effective range of exit indicating lamps and direction indicating lamps is the travel distance toward the lamps that is within the range specified by one of the following subparagraphs. The effective range is 10 meters if the indicating lamps are not easily recognizable.
1.As specified in the following table:
│Classification │Travel │
│ │distance│
│ │(meter) │
│Exit indica-│Class A │Lamps without direction │ 60 │
│ting lamps │ │sign │ │
│ │ ├─────────────┼────┤
│ │ │Lamps with direction sign │ 40 │
│ ├────┼─────────────┼────┤
│ │Class B │Lamps without direction │ 30 │
│ │ │sign │ │
│ │ ├─────────────┼────┤
│ │ │Lamps with direction sign │ 20 │
│ ├────┴─────────────┼────┤
│ │Class C │ 15 │
│Direction │Class A │ 20 │
│indicating ├──────────────────┼────┤
│lamps │Class B │ 15 │
│ ├──────────────────┼────┤
│ │Class C │ 10 │
2. As calculated by the following formula:
D: travel distance (meter)
H: the vertical dimension of exit indicating lamp or direction indicating lamp (meter)
2.K: K value corresponds to the classification of the left column
│Classification │K value │
│Exit indicating │Lamps without direction sign │ 150 │
│lamps ├───────────────┼────┤
│ │Lamps with direction sign │ 100 │
│Direction indicating lamps │ 50 │
Article 146-3
Exit indicating lamps shall be installed at effective indicating position which is above or close near the exits specified below:
1. Exits that lead outdoors or exits of vestibules, if vestibules exist.
2. Exits that lead to stairways or exits of vestibules, if vestibules exist.
3. Exits from the indoor to hallways and passages that lead to exits as prescribed in the preceding two subparagraphs.
4. The fire door that is installed across the fire compartment at hallways or passages that lead to exits as prescribed in the preceding subparagraph 1 and 2.
Direction indicating lamps shall be installed in hallways, stairways, and passages, in compliance with the following:
1. Preferably installed in turning corners.
2. Be installed within effective ranges of the exit indicating lamps as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, subparagraph 1 and 2.
3. Be installed at necessary locations other than places as prescribed in the preceding two subparagraphs, to cover all parts of hallways or passages in effective ranges of the direction indicating lamps.
Article 146-4
Installation of exit indicating lamps and direction indicating lamps shall comply with the following:
1. The lamp shall be installed without hindering the passage.
2. No decoration or billboards that may affect the visibility of the lamp, shall be installed near the lamp.
3. Lamps installed on the floor surface shall possess the strength of sustaining heavy load from damages.
4. The lamps shall be water-proof if installed in locations that might suffer rain spray or moisture.
Article 146-5
When installed in the following occupancy, exit indicating lamps and direction indicating lamps that are not located in stairways and slopes, shall be class A or B. The face illumination of exit indicating lamps shall be not less than 20cd or possess flash function. The face illumination of the direction indicating lamps shall be not less than 25 cd. The preceding restrictions shall not apply to lamps that are installed in hallways, and that are easily recognized within effective range thereof.
1. Occupancy specified in article 12.2(1), 12.3(3) or 12.5(3).
2. Occupancy specified in article 12.1(1 through 5, 7) or 12.5 (1) where the floor area is greater than 1,000 square meters.
3. The exit indicating lamps adopted by occupancy specified in article 12.1 (6), shall possess flash or voice indicating function.
The flash or voice indicating function of exit indicating lamps as prescribed in the preceding subparagraph shall comply with the following:
1. Shall be installed in main exits.
2. The lamp shall be linked to automatic fire alarm system.
3. When the detector installed at the location of main exits toward evacuation direction is activated, the exit indicating lamps shall stop flash or voice indicating function.
Direction indicating lamps installed in stairways or slopes, shall have illuminance not less than 1 lx on the surface of the stairway or slope.
Article 146-6
The illuminance of the audience indicating lamp measured at the horizon surface of passages in the auditorium, shall be not less than 0.2 lx.
Article 146-7
Exit indicating lamps and direction indicating lamps shall be illuminated at all times.
Exit indicating lamps and direction indicating lamps that are not installed in stairways or slopes, if linking to the detectors of the automatic fire alarm system, adopting proper lighting up methods that fit the use of occupancy, and complying with one of the following requirements, could be dimmed or turned off:
1. The duration that no occupant is present.
2. The duration that the exit or evacuation direction could be recognized by natural light.
3. The dim duration based on use for the occupancy that specially needs dimming based on use.
4. Be installed at the occupancy mainly for the owner, employees, or other regular users.
The direction indicating lamps located in stairways and slopes, if linking to detectors of the automatic fire alarm system, adopting proper lighting up methods that fit the use of occupancy, and complying with the preceding paragraph, subparagraph 1 or 2, could be dimmed or turned off.
Article 147
Article 148
Article 149
Article 150
Article 151
Article 152
Article 153
Installation of indicating signs shall comply with the following:
1.When installed at exits, the mounting height shall be not more than 1.5m above the floor.
2.When installed at hallways or passages, from any point thereof, the signs shall be installed within a travel distance not more than 7.5m, and preferably installed in turning corners.
3.No decoration or billboards that may affect the visibility of the sign, shall be installed near the sign.
4.The signs shall be installed at the locations easy to recognize and with good lighting.
Article 154
Construction of indicating signs shall comply with CNS 10208.
Article 155
Storage batteries shall be used as emergency power source for exit indicating lamp and direction indicating lamp, and the capacity thereof shall be able to ensure the lamp continued illumination for a duration of not less than 20 minutes. However, for the lamps that are installed in the major evacuation routes of the following occupancy, the capacity shall be not less than 60 minutes, and the power source shall adopt both storage batteries and emergency generators.
1. Total floor area is 50,000 square meters or more.
2. Highrise buildings that have total floor area of 30,000 square meters or more.
3. Underground buildings that have total floor area of 1,000 square meters or more.
The major evacuation routes provided in the preceding paragraph are as follows:
1. Exits that lead outdoors or exits of vestibules, if vestibules exist.
2. Exits that lead to stairways or exits of vestibules, if vestibules exist.
3. The hallways or passages that lead to exits as prescribed in the preceding subparagraph 1.
4. Stairways.
Article 156
Wiring of exit indicating lamp and direction indicating lamp shall comply with Regulations for Installation of User's Electricity Device and meet the following requirements:
1.Lamps shall be directly connected to branch wire without socket or switch.
2.No switch shall be equipped for power supply circuit, unless three-wire wiring is used for frequently charging or battery is integrated in the lamp.
Section 2 Refuge Appliances
Article 157
Refuge appliances shall be selected following the table below:
│Quantity of refuge appliances │Underground │The second│
│ │storeys │storey │
│1 │In storeys above the │Refuge │Refuge │
│ │second floor or │ladder │ladder, │
│ │underground storeys used │ │refuge │
│ │for places listed in │ │bridge, │
│ │Article 12.1(6) and │ │automatic │
│ │12.2(12), where the number│ │descending│
│ │of accommodated people is │ │life line,│
│ │more than 20 (where the │ │salvage │
│ │under storeys are used for│ │bag, │
│ │places listed in Article │ │sliding │
│ │12.1(1)~(5) and (7), │ │platform │
│ │12.2(2), (6) and (7), and │ │ │
│ │12.3(3) or 12.4, the │ │ │
│ │number is 10) and less │ │ │
│ │than 100, one set of │ │ │
│ │refuge appliance shall be │ │ │
│ │equipped, and one set more│ │ │
│ │shall be increased for │ │ │
│ │every additional 100 │ │ │
│ │persons (including the │ │ │
│ │last proportion less than │ │ │
│ │100). │ │ │
│2 │In storeys above the │Refuge │Refuge │
│ │second floor or │ladder │ladder, │
│ │underground storeys used │ │refuge │
│ │for places listed in │ │bridge, │
│ │Article 12.1(3) and │ │refuge │
│ │12.2(7), the number of │ │cord, │
│ │accommodated people is │ │automatic │
│ │more than 30 (where the │ │descending│
│ │under storeys are used for│ │life line,│
│ │places listed in Article │ │salvage │
│ │12.1(1), (2), (4), (5), │ │bag, │
│ │and (7), 12.2(2), (6) and │ │sliding │
│ │(7) residential instituti-│ │platform, │
│ │ons for psychiatric rehab-│ │sliding │
│ │ilitation or 12.4, where │ │rod │
│ │the number is 10) and less│ │ │
│ │than 100, one set of │ │ │
│ │refuge appliance shall be │ │ │
│ │equipped, and one set more│ │ │
│ │shall be increased for │ │ │
│ │every additional 100 pers-│ │ │
│ │ons (including the last │ │ │
│ │proportion less than 100).│ │ │
│3 │In storeys above the │Refuge │Same as │
│ │second floor or │ladder │above │
│ │underground storeys used │ │ │
│ │for places listed in │ │ │
│ │Article 12.1(1), (2), (4),│ │ │
│ │(5) and (7), and │ │ │
│ │12.2(1)~(5), (8) and (9), │ │ │
│ │where the number of │ │ │
│ │accommodated people is │ │ │
│ │more than 50 and less than│ │ │
│ │200, one set of refuge │ │ │
│ │appliance shall be │ │ │
│ │equipped, and one set more│ │ │
│ │shall be increased for │ │ │
│ │every additional 200 │ │ │
│ │persons (including the │ │ │
│ │last proportion less than │ │ │
│ │200). │ │ │
│4 │In storeys above the third│Refuge │ │
│ │floor or underground │ladder │ │
│ │storeys used for places │ │ │
│ │listed in Article 12.2(6) │ │ │
│ │and (10) and 12.4, the │ │ │
│ │number of accommodated │ │ │
│ │people is not less than │ │ │
│ │100 but less than 300, one│ │ │
│ │set of refuge appliance │ │ │
│ │shall be equipped, and one│ │ │
│ │set more shall be │ │ │
│ │increased for every │ │ │
│ │additional 300 persons │ │ │
│ │(including the last │ │ │
│ │proportion less than 300).│ │ │
│5 │In storeys above the third│ │Same as │
│ │floor (the second floor, │ │above │
│ │for places listed in │ │ │
│ │Article 12.1 (1)~(3), or │ │ │
│ │places listed in 12.5(1) │ │ │
│ │where there are places │ │ │
│ │listed in 12.1(1)~(3) on │ │ │
│ │the second floor), where │ │ │
│ │there is only one stair │ │ │
│ │directly connected to the │ │ │
│ │refuge storey or the │ │ │
│ │ground, and the number of │ │ │
│ │accommodated people is │ │ │
│ │more than 10 but less than │ │ │
│ │100, one set of refuge │ │ │
│ │appliance shall be │ │ │
│ │equipped, and one set more │ │ │
│ │shall be increased for │ │ │
│ │every additional 100 │ │ │
│ │persons (including the │ │ │
│ │last proportion less than │ │ │
│ │100). │ │ │
│Note: Other than equipments listed in this table, other
│ refuge equipments approved by the central
│ regulating authority can also be selected for each
│ storey.
The third, │The sixth │
fourth, or │storey and│
fifth storey│above │
Refuge │Refuge │
bridge, │bridge, │
salvage bag,│salvage │
sliding │bag, │
platform │sliding │
│platform │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Refuge │Refuge │
ladder, │ladder, │
refuge │refuge │
bridge, │bridge, │
automatic │automatic │
descending │descending│
life line, │life line,│
salvage bag,│salvage │
sliding │bag, │
platform │sliding │
│platform │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Same as │Same as │
above │above │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Same as │Same as │
above │above │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Same as │Same as │
above │above │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │

Article 158
Fewer appliances may be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Where the places 1~5 in the table above meet the following requirements, the number of accommodated people (100, 200, and 300) listed in the column of “quantity of refuge appliances” may be doubled to recalculate the number of the required refuge appliances.
(1)The main construction of the building is fireproof.
(2)Two or more refuge ladders with different refuge directions are built. But a forficiform ladder only can be regarded as one.
2.Where two or more accessible protected stairs are equipped for the storeys directly under a flat roof equipped with refuge bridge, and the flat roof meet the following requirements, two sets may be reduced for every refuge bridge of the storeys:
(1)The net area of the flat roof is not less than 100m2.
(2)Category A or Category B fireproof door or window is equipped nearby the gateway of the flat roof, and there is no obstacle encumbering refuge.
(3)The necessary gateway necessary to the refuge bridge shall be provided with a construction easy to be open and close.
3.In storeys equipped with overhead aisles, two sets may be reduced for every overhead aisle where the overhead aisles meet the following requirements:
(1)Fireproof construction
(2)The gateways at the two ends of an overhead aisle shall be equipped with Category A fireproof doors (fireproof roller shutter door excluded).
(3)May not be used for purposes other than refuge, passage and conveyance.
Article 159
It is allowable that the required refuge appliances are not installed where the storeys meet any of the following requirements:
1.The main construction is fireproof, and the part of each living room toward outside is equipped with balcony, which is equipped with a ladder leading to the ground or other facilities leading to another building.
2.The main construction is fireproof, and each living room or tenement is directly connected to the through stairway, which is equipped with a fireproof door which can resist the fire for at least one hour (fireproof roller shutter door excluded) and is able to be automatically closed, and the number of the accommodated people is less than 30.
3.In storeys used for places listed in Article 12.2(6) and (10) and 12.4, and the following requirements are satisfied:
(1)The main construction is fireproof.
(2)Two or more protected stairs are built, and every part of each storey has two or more different refuge and escape ways leading to the protected stairs.
4.In storeys used for places listed in Article 12.2(1), (2), (5), (8) or (9) and complied with the former provision, automatic sprinkler system are installed or the interior decoration meets Article 88 in the Design and Construction chapter of the Architectural Technical Specification.
5. In storeys, veterans home, long-term care institutions (limited to Institutional services ,Community-based services which building usage classification is not belong to H-2 of day care, group homes and small-size multi-function services), Senior Citizens’ Welfare Institutions (limited to long-term care, nursing, caring for dementia senior citizens of long-term care institutions, Domiciliary care institutions), children and youth welfare institutes(limited to infant nursery centers, early intervention institutions, settlement and education institutions which shelter infants under 2 years of age), nursing home institutions(limited to nursing homes, psychiatric nursing homes and postpartum nursing care institutions), postpartum nursing care centers, welfare institutions for the handicapped (limited to board and lodging, daycare, temporary, and short-term care facilities) used for the purposes listed in 12.1 (6), and the following requirements are satisfied:
(1)The floor area is separated by fireproof wall and fireproof facilities. The areas is aisle connecting with safety stairway or safety stairway connecting with other safety stairway.
(2) Decoration Materials is decorated with inflammable or fire-resistant materials of Grade I.
(3) Automatic fire alarm equipments and water sprinkler automatic station is installed.
The Disaster Prevention Center shall have a floor area of at least 40 m2 and shall comply with the following:
1. The location of the center shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
(1) The location shall be easily accessible for firefighters.
(2)The location shall be easily accessible for emergency elevators and special refuge stairways.
(3) The travel distance between the center exits and any exit that leads outdoors shall be less than 30 meters.
2. The construction of the center shall comply with the following:
(1) Shall be equipped dedicatedly with air conditioning, such as cooling, heating, and air exchange systems.
(2) The disaster monitoring and controlling system and other related equipment shall be fixed firmly into position by anchor bolt or other fixing methods.
(3) If the Center has sleeping or resting areas, the areas shall be located in fire compartment.
3. The center shall install monitor and surveillaure controll panel to monitor or operate the following fire safety equipment:
(1) The receiver of the automatic fire alarm system.
(2) The receiver of the automatic gas leakage fire alarm system.
(3) The speakers and operating devices of the emergency broadcasting equipment.
(4)The pressurized water supply device of the standpipe and hose system, and the communication device at the fire department connection of the system.
(5) Emergency generator.
(6) The smoke detectors located on the constantly open fire doors.
(7)The pressurized water supply devices of the hydrant, sprinkler, foam, water spray, and other fire-suppression equipment.
(8) The dry power and carbon dioxide fire-suppression equipment.
(9) The smoke exhaust equipment.
Article 160
The number of accommodated people referred to in Article 157 shall be calculated following the table below:
│ │Places │Calculation of the number of the │
│ │ │accommodated people │
│1 │Movie projection│The number of the accommodated people │
│ │places (theater,│is the sum of the following: │
│ │cinema), singing│1. The number of staff. │
│ │room, conference│2. The number of audiences is the sum │
│ │hall, gymnasium,│ of the following: │
│ │activity center │(1) For the part of fixed chairs, it │
│ │ │ is the number of the chairs. For a │
│ │ │ continuous seat, the result of │
│ │ │ dividing the front width of the │
│ │ │ seat by 0.4m (the decimal part of │
│ │ │ the result shall be neglected). │
│ │ │(2) For the part of standing positions│
│ │ │ , the result of dividing the floor │
│ │ │ area of this part by 0.2 m2. │
│ │ │For other parts, the result of divid- │
│ │ │ing the floor area by 0.5 m2. │
│2 │Amusement places│The number of the accommodated people │
│ │, electronic │is the sum of the following: │
│ │game center and │1. The number of staff. │
│ │information │2. The number of players supported by │
│ │recreation │ the amusement appliances. │
│ │ground │In sightseeing, catering or rest │
│ │ │areas, for fixed seats, the number of │
│ │ │the seats; for a continuous seat, the │
│ │ │result of diving the front width of │
│ │ │the seat by 0.5m (the decimal part │
│ │ │shall be neglected). │
│3 │Ballroom, danc- │The number of the accommodated people │
│ │ing ground, │is the sum of the following: │
│ │nightclub, club,│1. The number of staff. │
│ │bar, drindery, │2. The number of customers is the sum │
│ │restaurant, │ of the following: │
│ │hotel, beauty │(1) For the part of fixed chairs, the │
│ │parlor, massage │ number of the chairs. For a │
│ │places, video │ continuous seat, it is the result │
│ │tape playing │ of dividing the front width of │
│ │places, video │ the seat by 0.5m (the decimal │
│ │singing room │ part of the result shall be │
│ │(KTV), bowling │ neglected). │
│ │museum, indoor │(2) For other parts, the result of │
│ │skating field, │ dividing the floor area by 3 m2. │
│ │billiards filed,│3. The number of the billiards field │
│ │recreation │ shall be determined as chairs │
│ │center (Shiatsu,│ belonging to all alleys. │
│ │three warm and │4. The number of boxes of video │
│ │other facilities│ singing room shall be the total │
│ │available), │ sum of the fixed chair and │
│ │indoor screen- │ microphones. │
│ │type golf train-│ │
│ │ing field, │ │
│ │dining room, │ │
│ │catering shop, │ │
│ │coffee bar, │ │
│ │tearoom, and │ │
│ │other similar │ │
│ │places │ │
│4 │Store, market, │The number of the accommodated people │
│ │department store│is the sum of the following: │
│ │, supermarket, │1. The number of staff. │
│ │retailing market│2. The number of the persons other │
│ │, exhibition │ than staff is the sum of the │
│ │field │ following: │
│ │ │(1) For the part used for catering or │
│ │ │ rest, the result of dividing the │
│ │ │ floor area by 3 m2. │
│ │ │(2) For other parts, the result of │
│ │ │ dividing the floor area by 4 m2. │
│ │ │3. Windows of department stores shall │
│ │ │ be calculated as the other parts. │
│5 │Sightseeing │The number of the accommodated people │
│ │restaurant, │is the sum of the following: │
│ │restaurant, │1. The number of staff. │
│ │hotel, rest │2. For the part of guest rooms, the │
│ │house (only │ sum of the following: │
│ │those with │(1) The number of the beds in western-│
│ │guest rooms) │ style rooms. │
│ │ │(2) The result of dividing the floor │
│ │ │ area of Japanese-style rooms by │
│ │ │ 6m2 (for the rooms mainly for │
│ │ │ group guests, 3m2). │
│ │ │3. For the parts used for gathering, │
│ │ │ catering or rest, the sum of the │
│ │ │ following: │
│ │ │(1) For the part of fixed seats, the │
│ │ │ number of the chairs. For a │
│ │ │ continuous seat, it is the result │
│ │ │ of dividing the front width of the │
│ │ │ seat by 0.5m (the decimal part of │
│ │ │ the result shall be neglected). │
│ │ │(2) For other parts, the result of │
│ │ │ dividing the floor area by 3 m2. │
│6 │Collective │The total number of the residents, and│
│ │residential │every household shall be deemed as │
│ │house, boarding │three persons. │
│ │house │ │
│7 │Hospital, clinic│The number of the accommodated people │
│ │, nursing home │is the sum of the following: │
│ │ │1. The number of staff. │
│ │ │2. The number of the beds in sick │
│ │ │ rooms. │
│ │ │3. The result of dividing the total │
│ │ │ floor area of the waiting rooms by │
│ │ │ 3 m2. │
│ │ │4. Infants kept in nursery rooms of │
│ │ │ hospitals and other similar places │
│ │ │ shall be included in the accommo- │
│ │ │ dated people. │
│8 │long-term care │The sum of the total numbers of staff,│
│ │institutions │elders, children, babies, handicapped,│
│ │(long-term care,│mentally handicapped, and other │
│ │nursing, and │objects of social security. │
│ │caring for the │ │
│ │dementia), elder│ │
│ │service │ │
│ │institutions │ │
│ │(day care, │ │
│ │temporary care │ │
│ │and short-term │ │
│ │protection │ │
│ │only), │ │
│ │children's │ │
│ │welfare house, │ │
│ │Preschools, │ │
│ │infant nursery │ │
│ │centers, nursing│ │
│ │home institution│ │
│ │and postpartum │ │
│ │nursing care │ │
│ │center │ │
│9 │School, special │The total number of the teachers and │
│ │schools for │students. │
│ │blind, deaf or │ │
│ │weak in intell- │ │
│ │igence, │ │
│ │remediation │ │
│ │classes, │ │
│ │training classes│ │
│ │, children and │ │
│ │youth welfare │ │
│ │institution, │ │
│ │study center │ │
│ │and guidance │ │
│ │class (art) │ │
│10│Library, museum,│The sum of the number of the staff and│
│ │gallery, memor- │the result of dividing the floor areas│
│ │ial, library of │of reading room, exhibition room, show│
│ │historical │room, meeting room and rest room by │
│ │relics and other│3 m2. │
│ │similar places │ │
│11│Three-warm, │The sum of the number of the staff and│
│ │public bathroom │the result of dividing the floor areas│
│ │ │of bathroom, dressing room, massage │
│ │ │room and rest room by 3 m2. │
│12│Temple, │The sum of the numbers of clergy and │
│ │ancestral hall, │staff and the result of dividing the │
│ │church, │floor areas of the part for cult, │
│ │columbarium │gathering or rest by 3 m2. │
│ │buildings, and │ │
│ │other similar │ │
│ │places │ │
│13│Stop, waiting │The total number of the staff. │
│ │room, indoor │ │
│ │park, indoor │ │
│ │parking area, │ │
│ │photo studio, │ │
│ │TV broadcasting │ │
│ │filed, warehouse│ │
│ │, furniture │ │
│ │exhibition and │ │
│ │trade hall and │ │
│ │other working │ │
│ │places │ │
│14│Other places │The sum of the total number of the │
│ │ │staff and the result of dividing the │
│ │ │floor areas of the part used for other│
│ │ │than the staff by 3m2. │
│Note: │
│1. The calculation of the accommodated people shall base on │
│ the floor individually. │
│2. Specify the purposes of a place in accordance with the │
│ Judgment Basis for Multi-Purposes Buildings. The accommo- │
│ dated people shall be calculated depending on the main │
│ purpose if the major and minor purpose can be told in the │
│ aspect of management and usage type. │
│3. The calculation of staffs shall be in accordance with the│
│ following provisions: │
│(1) The number of staffs shall employ the maximum during a │
│ normal day regardless of contract or temporary employees │
│ .But if the employees do a short-term and temporary job, │
│ the number isn’t included in. │
│(2) Where the shift system is used, the number of staffs │
│ shall employ the maximum of a shift. But the number of │
│ staffs during the overlapping period when change the │
│ shift cannot be included in. │
│(3) The number of runners shall be included in if they have │
│ fixed chairs in office. │
│4. The calculation of floor areas shall be in accordance │
│ with the following provisions: │
│i. Figure gained by dividing floor areas by unit area, and │
│ the decimal part shall be neglected. │
│ii. The areas of aisle, stairways and toilet cannot be in │
│ principle included in the floor area on which the │
│ calculation of accommodated people is based. │
│5. The term of fixed seat refers to one that is installed in│
│ a assigned places and cannot be moved. The followings │
│ shall be brought into the scope of the fixed seat: │
│a) Sofa and other chairs │
│b) Seats connected together │
│Seats that are placed in one place and cannot be moved. │
Article 161
Refuge appliances shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.They shall be installed at locations accessible in case of refuge.
2.Proper distance shall be kept between them and protected stairs or other escape facilities.
3.The opening used for refuge appliances shall be provided with safety construction.
4.They shall be placed at openings at other times, or they may be placed at openings when necessary.
5.Refuge appliances (except sliding rod, refuge cord and refuge bridge) located at openings shall be interleaved, and may not be in a line unless it doesn’t encumber refuge.
Article 162
Necessary opening area shall be reserved for refuge appliances following the table below:
│Type │Opening area │
│Automatic descending life │Height≧80cm, width≧50cm; or │
│line, refuge ladder, refuge │height≧100cm, width≧45cm │
│cord and sliding rod │ │
│Salvage bag │Height≧60cm, width≧60cm │
│Sliding platform │Height≧80cm, width≧the │
│ │maximum width of the sliding │
│ │platform │
│Refuge bridge │Height≧180cm, width≧the │
│ │maximum width of the refuge │
│ │bridge │
Article 163
Necessary operating area shall be reserved for refuge appliances following the table below, and there shall be no obstacles affecting operation around the appliances:
Article 164
Necessary descending space between the opening and the ground shall be reserved for refuge appliances following the table below:
Article 165
Necessary open ground under the descending space as shown in the table below shall be reserved for the refuge appliances:
Article 166
When configuring refuge appliances, mounting positions and operation guide shall be marked and indicators equipped following the table below:
│Type of │Installation Place│Size │Color │Indicating│
│refuge │ │ │ │method │
│appliance │ │ │ │ │
│indicators│ │ │ │ │
│Mounting │Obvious places │Length │Black │Marked │
│position │around or nearby │≧36cm, │text │with │
│ │the refuge │width │on │“Refuge │
│ │appliances │≧12cm │white │Appliance"│
│ │ │ │back- │, each │
│ │ │ │ground│character │
│ │ │ │ │≧ 5 cm2. │
│ │ │ │ │For refuge│
│ │ │ │ │ladder and│
│ │ │ │ │other │
│ │ │ │ │popular- │
│ │ │ │ │ized │
│ │ │ │ │appliances│
│ │ │ │ │, the name│
│ │ │ │ │shall be │
│ │ │ │ │directly │
│ │ │ │ │marked. │
├─────┤ ├────┤ ├─────┤
│Operationg│ │Length≧│ │Operation │
│guide │ │60cm, │ │guide │
│ │ │width≧ │ │shall be │
│ │ │30cm │ │marked │
│ │ │ │ │under- │
│ │ │ │ │standably │
│ │ │ │ │with each │
│ │ │ │ │character │
│ │ │ │ │≧1 cm2 │
├─────┼─────────┼────┤ ├─────┤
│Refuge │Aisle and passage │Length │ │Marked │
│appliance │leading to the │≧36cm, │ │with │
│indicator │mounting position,│width≧ │ │“Refuge │
│ │and gateway of │12cm │ │Appliance │
│ │living room │ │ │”, each │
│ │ │ │ │character │
│ │ │ │ │≧5cm2 │
Article 167
Automatic descending life line shall meet the following requirements:
1.Installation of automatic descending life line shall ensure the cord employed will not contact the wall or outshoot on the wall when the appliance is being used.
2.The length of the cord used by an automatic descending life line shall be equal to the distance from the mounting position to the ground or other destinations.
3.Supporting device of automatic descending life line shall meet the following requirements:
(1)Supporting device shall be installed at the solid and mountable positions on column, floor, beam or other constructions.
(2)Screw bolt, welding or other fixing methods shall be employed to fix the appliance.
Article 168
Sliding platform shall meet the following requirements:
1.Sliding platform shall be installed at the solid or strengthened positions on column, floor, beam or other constructions.
2.Screw bolt, embedding, welding or other fixing methods shall be employed to fix the platform.
3.The design of sliding platform shall ensure no service failure will occur and a certain safe descending speed can be reached.
4.Appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent the user from dropping down.
5.Construction, material, strength and nameplate of sliding platform shall comply with CNS No.13231.
Article 169
Refuge bridge shall meet the following requirements:
1.Refuge Bridge shall be installed at the solid or strengthened positions on column, floor, beam or other constructions.
2.Screw bolt, welding or other fixing methods shall be employed to fix the bridge.
3.Construction, material, strength and nameplate of sliding platform shall comply with CNS No.13231.
Article 170
Salvage bag shall meet the following requirements:
1.The length of a salvage bag shall ensure no obstacle encumbering refuge, and enable the bag to reach a certain safe sliding speed.
2.Salvage bag shall be installed at the solid or strengthened positions on column, floor, beam or other constructions.
3.Screw bolt, welding or other fixing methods shall be employed to install the bag.
Article 171
Refuge ladder shall meet the following requirements:
1.Fixed ladder and fixed steel ladder (structure embedded on wall and column of building that can not be moved or retrieved) shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)The ladder shall be installed at the solid or strengthened positions on column, floor, beam or other constructions.
(2)Screw bolt, embedding, welding or other fixing methods shall be employed to fix the ladder.
(3)A distance not less than 10cm shall be kept between a fixed ladder and the wall.
2.Where refuge ladder is installed in storeys above the fourth floor, fixed ladder shall be used pursuant to the following provisions:
(1)The ladder shall be installed at balcony or other safe positions convenient for escape, where the floor area is at least 2m2, and escape holes with a diameter not less than 60cm shall be attached.
(2)Escape holes of a fixed ladder shall be staggered and not in a line.
3.Suspended ladder shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)Fixed mount of suspended ladder shall be installed at the solid and mountable positions on column, floor, beam or other constructions. Where suspended ladder can be directly hung on a solid windowsill or other positions, it is allowable that fixed mount is not installed.
(2)A distance not less than 10cm shall be kept between the crossbars of the ladder and the wall when the ladder is being used.
Article 172
Sliding rod and refuge cord shall comply with the following provisions
1.The length of sliding rod or refuge cord shall be equal to the distance from the mounting position to the ground or other destinations.
2.The upper end and the lower end of a sliding rod shall be fixed.
3.Fixed mount shall meet the requirement of Article 171.3(1).
Article 173
Supporting device used for automatic descending life line or salvage bag and fixed mount used for suspended ladder, sliding rod or refuge cord shall comply with CNS No.2473 and No.4435, or have the same or higher strength and endurance, and anti-corrosive treatment shall have bee made to the materials.
Article 174
Where screw bolts are used to fix the fixed mount or supporting device, the following provisions shall be observed:
1.Anchor bolts shall be used.
2.The depth and torque of the proportion of screw bolt embedded in the reinforced concrete (the mortar layer excluded) shall comply with the table below:
│Nominal size of │Depth of embedment (mm) │Torque (kgf-cm) │
│screw │ │ │
│M10x1.5 │≧45 │150~250 │
│M12x1.75 │≧60 │300~450 │
│M16x2 │≧70 │600~850 │
Section 3 Emergency Lighting Equipments
Article 175
It is allowable emergency lighting equipments are not installed in the following places:
1.Living room in refuge storey where the travel distance from any point of the room to the exit leading to outside the house is less than 30m.
2.Passage or aisle with effective daylighting and directly facing the outside.
Article 176
Wiring of all emergency lighting equipment except inbuilt storage battery type, shall comply to the following requirements:
1.Lighting equipment shall be directly connected to the divided distribution circuit; no sockets or switches shall be attached therewith.
2.In terms of the power supply circuit of emergency lighting lamps, its wiring shall have flame-resistant protection pursuant to the requirement stated in Article 235. However, heat-resistant protection may be adopted when the ceiling and its base materials are constructed using inflammable materials.
Article 177
Emergency lighting equipments shall be connected to emergency power source.
Battery shall be used for the above-mentioned emergency power source, and the capacity of battery shall enable the equipment to work for at least 30minutes. Where both the battery and emergency generator have been employed, the capacity shall enable the equipment for work for at least 10 minutes and 30 minutes respectively.
Article 178
The level illumination of emergency lighting lamp on the ground measured by photocell illuminometer used for low-illumination measurement shall be more than 1 Lux on the floor surface of the underground passage in underground buildings, and more than 2 Lux in other places. But more emergency lighting lamps shall be installed at the turnings of aisles.
Article 179
It is allowable emergency lighting equipments are not installed in the following places:
1.Living room in refuge storey where the travel distance from any point of the room to the exit leading to outside the house is less than 30m.
2.Passage or aisle with effective daylighting and directly facing the outside.
3.Living rooms of collective dwellings.
4.Division belonging to billiard alley for smoke prevention.
5.Fixed machinery or equipment in working places.
6.Toilet, bathroom, washing room, storage place or machinery room.
Chapter 4 Necessary Equipments for Fire Rescue
Section 1 Connecting delivery pipe
Article 180
Hose connection and fire department connection shall be installed comforming to the following:
1.A hose connection shall be installed in every floor level of underground buildings, and on every floor from the third floor upwards of other buildings in stairway, or vestibules of emergency elevators (including the area within a 5-meter radius of the aforesaid location accessible to firefighters during a fire). Moreover, the hose connection of each floor level shall be within a 50-meter radius from any point of the floor.
2.The hose connection shall be double-mouth type, equipped with a quick connector having a diameter of 63 mm, located at a height around 0.5 meters to 1.5 meters from the floor, and installed in the house made of 1.6mm thick steel sheets or other non flammable materials with the same or higher performance. The shorter side of the house cover shall be at least 40 cm, whereas the longer side shall be at least 50 cm. The house cover shall be marked with “Hose connection”, each word measuring at least 20 cm2. However, a single-mouth type may be used for levels from the tenth floor going down.
3.At least one hose connection for testing purpose shall be installed at proper location on the building roof deck.
4.Fire department connections shall be made easily accessible to fire trucks and located in areas without any water supply obstruction problems. The actual quantity of hose connection shall exceed the total number of standpipes.
5.Fire department connection should be double-mouth type, equipped with a female 63-mm diameter quick connector, located at a height around 0.5 meters to 1.5 meters from the floor, and marked with “fire department connection”.
6.A check valve and stop valve shall be installed at a spot near the fire department connection for inspection and verification convenience.
Article 181
Matching pipes shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Dedicated pipe shall be used, and the diameter of standpipes shall be not les than 100mm. Where the height of the building is less than 50m, the standpipes may be shared by the matching pipe together with indoor fire hydrant; and the pipe diameter shall be not less than 100mm, the diameter of branch pipes not less than 65mm.
2.Matching pipes shall comply with CNS No. 6445 and No. 4626, or have the same or higher strength, corrosion resistance and heat endurance. If the design pressure of water delivery exceeds 10kgf/cm2, matching pipes complied with National Standard (CNS) No. 4626, and with the Pipe Number SCH40 or above, or having the same or higher strength, corrosion resistance and heat endurance shall be used.
3.Where there are two or more standpipes in a same buildings, cross pipes shall be equipped to interconnect the standpipes.
4.Pipe diameter shall be calculated and configured pursuant to the hydraulic calculation.
5.Matching pipes shall be enable to endure a pressure not less than 1.5 times the design pressure of water delivery, and last for 30 minutes. Where a relay pump is equipped, the secondary side pipe of the pump shall be enable to endure a water pressure not less than 1.5 times the fully closed lift of the pump.
Article 182
A water hose box shall be equipped within 5m away from the water outlet in every storey above the 11th floor. One straight water fog double-purpose aimer and at least two pieces of 20m-long water hoses shall be equipped inside the box, and the box shall be deep enough to contain water hoses and aimer, and marked with obvious text “Water Hose Box”, each character bigger than 20cm2, and the surface area shall be more than 0.8m2.
The hose box mentioned above shall be made of steel sheets with a thickness more than 1.6mm or other nonflammable materials with the same characteristics.
Article 183
Where the building is higher than 60m, connecting delivery pipe shall employ wet type, and the relay pump shall meet the following requirements:
1.The total head of the relay pump shall be more than the calculated value using the formula below:
Total head = water head loss by fire hose friction + water head loss by matching pipe friction + drop height + water discharging pressure
H = h1 + h2 + h3 + 60m
2.The water output of the relay pump shall be more than 2,400 L/min.
3.Manual actuating device and red starting indicator lamp shall be equipped nearby the water outlet, unless remote controlled starting can be made by the disaster prevention center and communicator is equipped for communication between the water outlet and the center.
4.Water outlet, stop valve and pressure regulating valve shall be equipped at the primary side of the relay pump, and inverted valve, stop valve and water inlet at the secondary side.
5.Roof tank shall have a capacity of more than 0.5m3, and relay tank more than 2.5m3.
6.Bypass pipe equipped with inverted valve shall be installed between inlet side matching pipe and outlet side matching pipe.
7.When the sum of shutoff head and net positive suction head is more than 170m, additional pump shall be added to make serial connection and running.
8.Devices shall be installed in the machine room of relay pump and at the water inlet for connecting delivery pipe for communication with the disaster prevention center.
9.When testing the discharging of a relay pump, the water shall be sent from the water inlet at the design pressure, and an aimer with a caliber of 21mm shall be used at the top storey. The water discharging pressure shall be more than 6kfg/cm2 or 0.6Mpa and water output more than 600 L/min. The design pressure for water delivery shall be obviously marked nearby the water inlet as shown in the figure below:
Article 184
The design pressure of water delivery is calculated pursuant to the following provisions:
1.The design pressure of water delivery shall be not less than the calculated value using the formula below:
Design pressure of water delivery = water head loss by matching pipe friction +water head loss by fire hose friction + drop height + water discharging pressure
H = h1 + h2 + h3 + 60m
2.The water head loss by fire hose friction is 4m.
3.The quantity of water is 1,200 l/min for the top storey and the second top storey, and 2,400 l/min for other storeys.
4.The quantity of water is 600 l/min for the branch pipe of each aimer.
Section 2 Fire Water Pool
Article 185
Fire fighting pool shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.The effective quantity of water in the pool shall meet the following requirements:
(1)For those fire water pool equipped under Article 27.1 and 27.3, at least 20m3 shall be provided for every 7,500m2 (including the last proportion less than 7,500m2) of the total floor area of the first and the second floor.
(2)For those equipped under Article 27.2, at least 20m3 shall be provided for every 12,500m2 (including the last proportion less than 12,500m2) of the total floor area.
2.The horizontal distance from any fire water pool to any part of the building shall be not more than 100m, and the effective quantity of water shall be not less than 20m3.
3.The pools shall be equipped at locations where fire-fighting cars can approach within 2m away, and convenient for pumping water.
4.The construction shall ensure the water can be effectively pumped after the inlet pipe is thrown in.
5.Throw-in holes or pumping mouth shall be equipped pursuant to the following requirements:
(1)Throw-in holes shall be squares with a side length not less than 60cm, or circles with a diameter not less than 60cm, and covered by iron covers. Where the water inside the pool is less than 80m3, at least one hole shall be equipped; where the water is not less than 80m3, at least two holes.
(2)Pumping mouths shall have a caliber of 100mm, and equipped with female screw thread. Where the water inside the pool is not less than 20m3, at least one mouth shall be equipped; not less than 40m3 but less than 120m3, at least two mouths; 120m3 ore more, at least three mouths. The matching pipe of the mouths shall have a caliber not less than 100mm, and the height above the ground shall be not less than 0.5m and not more than 1m.
The above-mentioned effective quantity of water refers to the amount when the depth of the pool is within 4.5m under the ground except that mechanic method is used to draw water.
Article 186
Where the dedicated firefighting water reservoir is equipped with a mechanical priming device, in addition to the requirements set forth in the Article 185 Subparagraph 1 Item 1 and the latter section of Item 2, the horizontal distance between any water supply connection and every section of the building structure shall be within 100 meters. The fire pump and the Water supply connection shall conform to the following:
1.Fire pump capacity and quantity of Water supply connection shall conform to the following table:
│Water Volume │Under 40 m3 │Between 40 m3 │Over 120 m3 │
│(m3) │ │and 120 m3 │ │
│Pump capacity │ 1,100 │ 2,200 │ 3,300 │
│(L/min) │ │ │ │
│Water supply │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │
│connection │ │ │ │
│quantity (pc.) │ │ │ │
2.The total head of the fire pump shall not fall below that obtained from the following equation:
Total head = Drop height + friction loss head of piping +15 meters
H = h1 + h2 + 15 m
3.The fire pump shall be equipped with actuating device and red operating indicator near the Water supply connection. The requirement is not applicable where the pump is connected to the remote activating system of the Disaster Prevention Center, which maintains communication link with the Water supply connection.
4.The water supply connection shall be equipped with a 63-mm male quick connector, and located at a height around 0.5 meter to 1 meter above ground of base.
Article 187
Indicating of fire water pool shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Throw-in holes for inlet water pipe shall be marked with “Fire Water Pool”.
2.Pumping mouths shall be marked with “Pumping mouth” or “Pumping Mouth of Fire Water Pool”.
Section 3 Smoke Control Equipments
Article 188
The smoke exhaust equipment set forth in Article 28, Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 1 to 4 shall be installed pursuant to the following:
1.A draft-curtained compartment shall be constructed for every 500-m2 section of each floor. This requirement shall not apply to the venues accommodating audiences in theaters, cinemas, music halls, assembly halls, and factory buildings or similar constructions, where ceiling height is over 5 meters high, and ceiling and interior walls are constructed using Class 1 flame-resistant materials.
2.A draft-curtained compartment shall be constructed for every 300-m2 section of an underground building passageway.
3.Where the horizontal distance from any position in the compartment specified in the preceding two Subparagraphs (hereafter referred as smoke compartments) to the smoke exhaust vent is less than 30 meters, and the vent is located on the ceiling or within an 80-cm area under the ceiling, except where the vent directly leads outdoors, said vent shall be connected to a smoke exhaust duct. Where the vent is positioned under the ceiling and the depth of the draft curtain is under 80 cm, the vent shall be installed within the depth of the overhanging draft curtain.
4.The smoke exhaust vents, ducts, and other parts connected to the smoke exhaust equipment exposing to smoke shall be constructed using non-combustible material.
5.Where the smoke exhaust ducts cut across a fire compartment, a fire damper shall be installed on the intersection. The construction of the intersection juncture where the duct crosses the fire compartment shall be fire resistance rated as that of the fire compartment. Where duct passes through other floor levels, the vertical duct shall be installed at the fire compartmented shaft. Where the exhaust duct has fire resistance performance, reviewed and approved by the central regulating authority, and the construction of the intersection juncture where the duct crosses the fire compartment is fire resistance rated as that of the fire compartment, the foregoing requirement shall not apply.
6.The smoke exhaust vents shall be equipped with manual stations and detector activated automatic operating devices, and be kept closed under normal circumstances, unless being activated through the aforesaid stations and devices, or the remote operating devices. The construction of the vent blades shall allow the vents remain open and unaffected by the surge of smoke current after the vents are opened. The manual station shall be installed on a wall around 80 cm to 150 cm from the floor. Where the station is located on the ceiling, an overhanging chain or a vertical handle shall be attached to the station, and be located at a height of 180 cm from the floor. Easy-to-follow operating instructions shall be posted near the station.
7.The vents shall have opening area measuring at least 2% of the area of the smoke compartment, and allow smoke to be naturally and directly exhausted outdoors. Where a lack of such natural and direct exhaust capacity exists, a smoke exhaust fan shall be installed.
8.The smoke exhaust fan shall be automatically activated upon the opening of any one of exhaust vents. The fan shall have a capacity of 120 m3/min. Where there is one smoke compartment, the capacity shall be at least 1 m3/min per square meter of the compartment area; where there are two or more smoke compartments, the capacity shall be at least 2 m3/min per square meter, based on the area of the largest compartment. Where the fan is located in an underground passageway of an underground building, total smoke exhaust capacity shall be at least 600 m3/min.
9.The capacity of the emergency power source shall be capable of operating the equipment effectively for a period of at least 30 minutes.
10.The smoke exhaust vents that directly face outdoors and are kept open at all times, shall not apply to the restrictions set forth in Subparagraphs 6 and 9.
11.When the smoke vent is actived, the air conditioning and ventilation equipment should be stopped.
The term “draft curtain” stated in the foregoing Subparagraphs refers to the overhanging wall made of incombustible materials and constructed downward from the ceiling measuring at least 50 cm, or a structure having equivalent or better capacity of restricting the movement of smoke. Where such is located in an underground passageway of an underground building, the draft curtain shall measure at least 80 cm from the ceiling
Article 189
Smoke exhaust equipment located in the vestibules of special refuge stairways and the emergency elevators shall meet the following requirements:
1. Where windows directly face outdoors, the following requirements shall be met:
(1)The part of a window, which contacts the fumes during smoke exhaust, shall be made of incombustible materials.
(2)The effective opening of the window shall be located above halfway of the ceiling height.
(3)The effective opening area of the window shall be more than 2m2. Where the special refuge stairways shares a same vestibule with the emergency elevator (hereinafter referred to as “sharing duty”), the area shall be more than 3m2.
(4)The window set forth in the preceding item, which is kept closed at all times, shall be equipped with a manual station that shall be installed on a wall around 80 cm to 150 cm from the floor. Easy-to-follow operating instructions shall be posted near the station.
2. Smoke exhaust and supply air duct installation shall comply with the following requirements:
(1)The smoke exhaust vents, smoke exhaust ducts, supply air intakes, supply air ducts, and other parts of the smoke exhaust equipment exposed to direct contact with the smoke shall have an incombustible material construction.
(2)Where the smoke exhaust ducts or supply air ducts cut across a fire compartment, a fire damper shall be installed on the intersection. The construction of the intersection juncture where the duct crosses the fire compartment shall be fire resistance rated as that of the fire compartment. Where duct passes through other floor levels, the vertical duct shall be installed at the fire compartmented shaft. Where the exhaust duct has fire resistance performance, approved by the central regulating authority, and the construction of the intersection juncture where the duct crosses the fire compartment is fire resistance rated as that of the fire compartment, the foregoing requirement shall not apply.
(3)The smoke exhaust vent shall be positioned at a height at least halfway up to the ceiling or higher and be connected to the smoke exhaust ducts directly linked to the outside, and said ducts shall be connected to smoke exhaust fans. The supply air intake shall be located at a height lower than halfway up to the ceiling, and said intake shall face outdoors, and have an area of at least 1 m2 (where intakes are used for shared duty, the area shall be at least 1.5 m2); or the intakes shall be connected to the supply air ducts directly linked to the outdoor, and be connected to the supply air fans.
(4)The smoke exhaust capacity of smoke exhaust fans, and supply air capacity of supply air fans, shall be at least 4 m3/sec. ( 6 m3/sec for fans used for shared duty) and shall be automatically activated upon the opening of the smoke exhaust vent and supply air intake.
(5)The supply air intakes and smoke exhaust vents shall be equipped with manual stations prescribed in Item 4 of the preceding Subparagraph, and detector activated automatic operating devices, and be kept closed under normal circumstances, unless being activated through the aforesaid stations and devices, or the remote operating devices. The construction of the vent blades shall allow the vents to remain open and unaffected by the surge of smoke current after the vents are opened.
(6)The smoke exhaust vent, supply air intake, smoke exhaust fan, and supply air fan shall be connected to the emergency power source, and power source capacity shall be enough to run the system effectively for a period of at least 30 minutes.
Article 190
Smoke Exhaust Device can be exempted at the following places:
1.Floors located below (including) the 10th floor of the building (except the basement) for non-living room used parts that comply with any of the following provisions:
(1)Ceiling and indoor walls decorated with Grade I fire-resistant materials, and separated with a fire door or window that can resist the fire for at least half an hour.
(2)The floor area is less than 100m2, and separated by smoke-prevention walls.
2.Floors located below (including) the 10th floor of the building (except the basement) for living room used comply with any of the following provisions:
(1)Every 100m2 of the floor area is zoned for fire prevention with walls, fire doors & windows, and slabs of the fire prevention structure of that floor for at least 1 hour fire resistance; ceiling and surface of indoor walls are decorated with Grade I fire-resistant materials.
(2)The floor area is less than 100m2, and ceiling and indoor wall surfaces and substrate are decorated with Grade I fire resistant materials.
3.In levels above the 11th floor in the building, basement or underground structure (except Category A basement or underground structure), every 100m2 of the floor area is zoned for fire prevention with walls, fire doors & windows, and slabs of the fire prevention structure of that floor, for at least 1 hour fire resistance; and ceiling and indoor wall surfaces and substrates are decorated with Grade I fire resistant materials.
4.Stairway, elevator well passageway, utility shaft, storage room, washing room, toilet and other similar parts.
5.Places equipped with CO2, Inert Gas, Halocarbon or dry powder fire extinguishing systems.
6.Machine factory, warehouse storing nonflammable materials and other similar buildings, where the main construction is of nonflammable materials.
7.Condominiums, school classrooms, school activity centers, gymnasiums, indoor skating yards and indoor swimming pools.
8.Other places approved by the central authority.
Fire doors and windows and other fire prevention facilities of Subparagraph 1, Item 1 of the above Paragraph shall be heat retardant for at least half an hour; those of Subparagraph 2, Item 1 and Subparagraph 3 shall be heat re-tardant for at least one hour.
Section 4 Emergency Power Sockets
Article 191
Emergency power sockets shall meet the following requirements:
1.Emergency power sockets shall be installed in staircases or emergency elevator hoistway (including the range within 5m away) and other places convenient for firefighters to fight the fire, and the horizontal distance from any point on each floor to the socket shall be not more than 50m.
2.The power supply of emergency power sockets shall be single-phase AC 110V (or 120V), 150A, and the capacity shall be not less than 1.5KW.
3.Specifications of emergency power socket are shown in the figure below:
4.Emergency power socket shall employ grounding receptacle, and the mounting height shall be 1~1.5m above the floor. And two flush-type protecting boxes complied with the following provisions shall be equipped:
(1)The long side and the short side of the boxes shall be separately not less than 25cm and 20cm.
(2)The protecting boxes shall be made of copper sheets with a thickness not less than 1.6mm.
(3)Proper devices (L-shaped or C-shaped hookers) shall be equipped inside the boxes to prevent the receptacle plugs from breaking away.
(4)The covers of the protecting boxes shall be easy to open and close.
(5)The protecting boxes shall be earthed.
(6)The boxes shall be marked with “Emergency Power Socket”, each character not smaller than 2cm2.
(7)Where a protecting box is installed together with an indoor fire hydrant box, the former shall be installed above, and the cover of the protecting box may be opened otherwise.
5.Emergency power sockets shall be equipped with red indicating lamp on the protecting box.
6.At lest two dedicated circuit loops from the main switchboard shall be set up for each floor, and each loop may not connect more than 10 sockets. (The capacity of each loop shall enable at least two sockets to work simultaneously).
7.The above-mentioned dedicated circuit loop may not be equipped with leakage current circuit breaker.
8.Each socket shall be equipped with a 110V 15A (or above) no-fuse breaker.
9.Emergency power sockets shall be connected to emergency power supply system.
Section 5 Wireless Communication Auxiliary Equipments and Disaster Monitoring and Controlling System
Article 192
Wireless communication auxiliary equipments shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Wireless communication auxiliary equipments shall employ wave carrier coaxial cable, which is suitable for transmitting or radiating 150MHz wave or other wave frequency designated by the central regulating authority.
2.The nominal impedance of wave carrier coaxial cable shall be 50Ω.
3.Heat-resistant treated shall have made to the employed wave carrier coaxial.
4.Distributor, mixer, wave separator and other similar appliances shall employ those having waterproof connectors and little attenuation.
5.Where an amplifier is used, a battery shall be employed as the emergency power for the amplifier, and the emergency of the battery shall enable the amplifier to effectively work for at least 30minutes.
6.Wireless connectors shall meet the following requirements:
(1)They shall be located at the positions on the ground convenient for the firefighters to fetch, and in watchrooms or other places populated at other times.
(2)Where the travel distance from any gateway to another is more than 300m, at least two above-mentioned connectors located on the ground shall be installed.
(3)They shall be located 0.8~1.5m above the floor or the base ground.
(4)They shall be installed in protecting boxes equipped with 2m or longer radio frequency cable inside. The boxes shall be provided waterproof and dust proof measures, and the box surface shall be painted red and marked with “Wireless Connectors Dedicated for Fire Service”.
If there are more than two places in a joint building where wireless communication auxiliary equipment is installed, there should be measures to enable the equipment's signal to be connected.
Article 192-1
The disaster prevention center ,central management room or duty room shall install disaster monitoring and controlling system to monitor or operate the following fire safety equipment:
1.The receiver of the automatic fire alarm system.
2.The receiver of the automatic gas leakage fire alarm system.
3.The speakers and operating devices of the emergency broadcasting equipment.
4.The pressurized water supply device of the standpipe and hose system, and the communication device at the fire department connection of the system.
5.Emergency generator.
6.The smoke detectors located on the constantly open fire doors.
7.The pressurized water supply devices of the hydrant, sprinkler, foam, water spray, and other fire-suppression equipment.
8.The dry power and carbon dioxide fire-suppression equipment.
9.The smoke exhaust equipment.
The emergency power supply of the integrated operation device of the disaster monitoring and controlling system shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 38, and its power supply capacity shall be available for its effective operation for more than two hours.