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Chapter Law Content

Part 3 Fire Safety Equipments
Chapter 3 Refuge and Escape Equipments
Section 2 Refuge Appliances
Article 157
Refuge appliances shall be selected following the table below:
│Quantity of refuge appliances │Underground │The second│
│ │storeys │storey │
│1 │In storeys above the │Refuge │Refuge │
│ │second floor or │ladder │ladder, │
│ │underground storeys used │ │refuge │
│ │for places listed in │ │bridge, │
│ │Article 12.1(6) and │ │automatic │
│ │12.2(12), where the number│ │descending│
│ │of accommodated people is │ │life line,│
│ │more than 20 (where the │ │salvage │
│ │under storeys are used for│ │bag, │
│ │places listed in Article │ │sliding │
│ │12.1(1)~(5) and (7), │ │platform │
│ │12.2(2), (6) and (7), and │ │ │
│ │12.3(3) or 12.4, the │ │ │
│ │number is 10) and less │ │ │
│ │than 100, one set of │ │ │
│ │refuge appliance shall be │ │ │
│ │equipped, and one set more│ │ │
│ │shall be increased for │ │ │
│ │every additional 100 │ │ │
│ │persons (including the │ │ │
│ │last proportion less than │ │ │
│ │100). │ │ │
│2 │In storeys above the │Refuge │Refuge │
│ │second floor or │ladder │ladder, │
│ │underground storeys used │ │refuge │
│ │for places listed in │ │bridge, │
│ │Article 12.1(3) and │ │refuge │
│ │12.2(7), the number of │ │cord, │
│ │accommodated people is │ │automatic │
│ │more than 30 (where the │ │descending│
│ │under storeys are used for│ │life line,│
│ │places listed in Article │ │salvage │
│ │12.1(1), (2), (4), (5), │ │bag, │
│ │and (7), 12.2(2), (6) and │ │sliding │
│ │(7) residential instituti-│ │platform, │
│ │ons for psychiatric rehab-│ │sliding │
│ │ilitation or 12.4, where │ │rod │
│ │the number is 10) and less│ │ │
│ │than 100, one set of │ │ │
│ │refuge appliance shall be │ │ │
│ │equipped, and one set more│ │ │
│ │shall be increased for │ │ │
│ │every additional 100 pers-│ │ │
│ │ons (including the last │ │ │
│ │proportion less than 100).│ │ │
│3 │In storeys above the │Refuge │Same as │
│ │second floor or │ladder │above │
│ │underground storeys used │ │ │
│ │for places listed in │ │ │
│ │Article 12.1(1), (2), (4),│ │ │
│ │(5) and (7), and │ │ │
│ │12.2(1)~(5), (8) and (9), │ │ │
│ │where the number of │ │ │
│ │accommodated people is │ │ │
│ │more than 50 and less than│ │ │
│ │200, one set of refuge │ │ │
│ │appliance shall be │ │ │
│ │equipped, and one set more│ │ │
│ │shall be increased for │ │ │
│ │every additional 200 │ │ │
│ │persons (including the │ │ │
│ │last proportion less than │ │ │
│ │200). │ │ │
│4 │In storeys above the third│Refuge │ │
│ │floor or underground │ladder │ │
│ │storeys used for places │ │ │
│ │listed in Article 12.2(6) │ │ │
│ │and (10) and 12.4, the │ │ │
│ │number of accommodated │ │ │
│ │people is not less than │ │ │
│ │100 but less than 300, one│ │ │
│ │set of refuge appliance │ │ │
│ │shall be equipped, and one│ │ │
│ │set more shall be │ │ │
│ │increased for every │ │ │
│ │additional 300 persons │ │ │
│ │(including the last │ │ │
│ │proportion less than 300).│ │ │
│5 │In storeys above the third│ │Same as │
│ │floor (the second floor, │ │above │
│ │for places listed in │ │ │
│ │Article 12.1 (1)~(3), or │ │ │
│ │places listed in 12.5(1) │ │ │
│ │where there are places │ │ │
│ │listed in 12.1(1)~(3) on │ │ │
│ │the second floor), where │ │ │
│ │there is only one stair │ │ │
│ │directly connected to the │ │ │
│ │refuge storey or the │ │ │
│ │ground, and the number of │ │ │
│ │accommodated people is │ │ │
│ │more than 10 but less than │ │ │
│ │100, one set of refuge │ │ │
│ │appliance shall be │ │ │
│ │equipped, and one set more │ │ │
│ │shall be increased for │ │ │
│ │every additional 100 │ │ │
│ │persons (including the │ │ │
│ │last proportion less than │ │ │
│ │100). │ │ │
│Note: Other than equipments listed in this table, other
│ refuge equipments approved by the central
│ regulating authority can also be selected for each
│ storey.
The third, │The sixth │
fourth, or │storey and│
fifth storey│above │
Refuge │Refuge │
bridge, │bridge, │
salvage bag,│salvage │
sliding │bag, │
platform │sliding │
│platform │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Refuge │Refuge │
ladder, │ladder, │
refuge │refuge │
bridge, │bridge, │
automatic │automatic │
descending │descending│
life line, │life line,│
salvage bag,│salvage │
sliding │bag, │
platform │sliding │
│platform │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Same as │Same as │
above │above │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Same as │Same as │
above │above │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Same as │Same as │
above │above │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │

Article 158
Fewer appliances may be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Where the places 1~5 in the table above meet the following requirements, the number of accommodated people (100, 200, and 300) listed in the column of “quantity of refuge appliances” may be doubled to recalculate the number of the required refuge appliances.
(1)The main construction of the building is fireproof.
(2)Two or more refuge ladders with different refuge directions are built. But a forficiform ladder only can be regarded as one.
2.Where two or more accessible protected stairs are equipped for the storeys directly under a flat roof equipped with refuge bridge, and the flat roof meet the following requirements, two sets may be reduced for every refuge bridge of the storeys:
(1)The net area of the flat roof is not less than 100m2.
(2)Category A or Category B fireproof door or window is equipped nearby the gateway of the flat roof, and there is no obstacle encumbering refuge.
(3)The necessary gateway necessary to the refuge bridge shall be provided with a construction easy to be open and close.
3.In storeys equipped with overhead aisles, two sets may be reduced for every overhead aisle where the overhead aisles meet the following requirements:
(1)Fireproof construction
(2)The gateways at the two ends of an overhead aisle shall be equipped with Category A fireproof doors (fireproof roller shutter door excluded).
(3)May not be used for purposes other than refuge, passage and conveyance.
Article 159
It is allowable that the required refuge appliances are not installed where the storeys meet any of the following requirements:
1.The main construction is fireproof, and the part of each living room toward outside is equipped with balcony, which is equipped with a ladder leading to the ground or other facilities leading to another building.
2.The main construction is fireproof, and each living room or tenement is directly connected to the through stairway, which is equipped with a fireproof door which can resist the fire for at least one hour (fireproof roller shutter door excluded) and is able to be automatically closed, and the number of the accommodated people is less than 30.
3.In storeys used for places listed in Article 12.2(6) and (10) and 12.4, and the following requirements are satisfied:
(1)The main construction is fireproof.
(2)Two or more protected stairs are built, and every part of each storey has two or more different refuge and escape ways leading to the protected stairs.
4.In storeys used for places listed in Article 12.2(1), (2), (5), (8) or (9) and complied with the former provision, automatic sprinkler system are installed or the interior decoration meets Article 88 in the Design and Construction chapter of the Architectural Technical Specification.
5. In storeys, veterans home, long-term care institutions (limited to Institutional services ,Community-based services which building usage classification is not belong to H-2 of day care, group homes and small-size multi-function services), Senior Citizens’ Welfare Institutions (limited to long-term care, nursing, caring for dementia senior citizens of long-term care institutions, Domiciliary care institutions), children and youth welfare institutes(limited to infant nursery centers, early intervention institutions, settlement and education institutions which shelter infants under 2 years of age), nursing home institutions(limited to nursing homes, psychiatric nursing homes and postpartum nursing care institutions), postpartum nursing care centers, welfare institutions for the handicapped (limited to board and lodging, daycare, temporary, and short-term care facilities) used for the purposes listed in 12.1 (6), and the following requirements are satisfied:
(1)The floor area is separated by fireproof wall and fireproof facilities. The areas is aisle connecting with safety stairway or safety stairway connecting with other safety stairway.
(2) Decoration Materials is decorated with inflammable or fire-resistant materials of Grade I.
(3) Automatic fire alarm equipments and water sprinkler automatic station is installed.
The Disaster Prevention Center shall have a floor area of at least 40 m2 and shall comply with the following:
1. The location of the center shall comply with the following subparagraphs:
(1) The location shall be easily accessible for firefighters.
(2)The location shall be easily accessible for emergency elevators and special refuge stairways.
(3) The travel distance between the center exits and any exit that leads outdoors shall be less than 30 meters.
2. The construction of the center shall comply with the following:
(1) Shall be equipped dedicatedly with air conditioning, such as cooling, heating, and air exchange systems.
(2) The disaster monitoring and controlling system and other related equipment shall be fixed firmly into position by anchor bolt or other fixing methods.
(3) If the Center has sleeping or resting areas, the areas shall be located in fire compartment.
3. The center shall install monitor and surveillaure controll panel to monitor or operate the following fire safety equipment:
(1) The receiver of the automatic fire alarm system.
(2) The receiver of the automatic gas leakage fire alarm system.
(3) The speakers and operating devices of the emergency broadcasting equipment.
(4)The pressurized water supply device of the standpipe and hose system, and the communication device at the fire department connection of the system.
(5) Emergency generator.
(6) The smoke detectors located on the constantly open fire doors.
(7)The pressurized water supply devices of the hydrant, sprinkler, foam, water spray, and other fire-suppression equipment.
(8) The dry power and carbon dioxide fire-suppression equipment.
(9) The smoke exhaust equipment.
Article 160
The number of accommodated people referred to in Article 157 shall be calculated following the table below:
│ │Places │Calculation of the number of the │
│ │ │accommodated people │
│1 │Movie projection│The number of the accommodated people │
│ │places (theater,│is the sum of the following: │
│ │cinema), singing│1. The number of staff. │
│ │room, conference│2. The number of audiences is the sum │
│ │hall, gymnasium,│ of the following: │
│ │activity center │(1) For the part of fixed chairs, it │
│ │ │ is the number of the chairs. For a │
│ │ │ continuous seat, the result of │
│ │ │ dividing the front width of the │
│ │ │ seat by 0.4m (the decimal part of │
│ │ │ the result shall be neglected). │
│ │ │(2) For the part of standing positions│
│ │ │ , the result of dividing the floor │
│ │ │ area of this part by 0.2 m2. │
│ │ │For other parts, the result of divid- │
│ │ │ing the floor area by 0.5 m2. │
│2 │Amusement places│The number of the accommodated people │
│ │, electronic │is the sum of the following: │
│ │game center and │1. The number of staff. │
│ │information │2. The number of players supported by │
│ │recreation │ the amusement appliances. │
│ │ground │In sightseeing, catering or rest │
│ │ │areas, for fixed seats, the number of │
│ │ │the seats; for a continuous seat, the │
│ │ │result of diving the front width of │
│ │ │the seat by 0.5m (the decimal part │
│ │ │shall be neglected). │
│3 │Ballroom, danc- │The number of the accommodated people │
│ │ing ground, │is the sum of the following: │
│ │nightclub, club,│1. The number of staff. │
│ │bar, drindery, │2. The number of customers is the sum │
│ │restaurant, │ of the following: │
│ │hotel, beauty │(1) For the part of fixed chairs, the │
│ │parlor, massage │ number of the chairs. For a │
│ │places, video │ continuous seat, it is the result │
│ │tape playing │ of dividing the front width of │
│ │places, video │ the seat by 0.5m (the decimal │
│ │singing room │ part of the result shall be │
│ │(KTV), bowling │ neglected). │
│ │museum, indoor │(2) For other parts, the result of │
│ │skating field, │ dividing the floor area by 3 m2. │
│ │billiards filed,│3. The number of the billiards field │
│ │recreation │ shall be determined as chairs │
│ │center (Shiatsu,│ belonging to all alleys. │
│ │three warm and │4. The number of boxes of video │
│ │other facilities│ singing room shall be the total │
│ │available), │ sum of the fixed chair and │
│ │indoor screen- │ microphones. │
│ │type golf train-│ │
│ │ing field, │ │
│ │dining room, │ │
│ │catering shop, │ │
│ │coffee bar, │ │
│ │tearoom, and │ │
│ │other similar │ │
│ │places │ │
│4 │Store, market, │The number of the accommodated people │
│ │department store│is the sum of the following: │
│ │, supermarket, │1. The number of staff. │
│ │retailing market│2. The number of the persons other │
│ │, exhibition │ than staff is the sum of the │
│ │field │ following: │
│ │ │(1) For the part used for catering or │
│ │ │ rest, the result of dividing the │
│ │ │ floor area by 3 m2. │
│ │ │(2) For other parts, the result of │
│ │ │ dividing the floor area by 4 m2. │
│ │ │3. Windows of department stores shall │
│ │ │ be calculated as the other parts. │
│5 │Sightseeing │The number of the accommodated people │
│ │restaurant, │is the sum of the following: │
│ │restaurant, │1. The number of staff. │
│ │hotel, rest │2. For the part of guest rooms, the │
│ │house (only │ sum of the following: │
│ │those with │(1) The number of the beds in western-│
│ │guest rooms) │ style rooms. │
│ │ │(2) The result of dividing the floor │
│ │ │ area of Japanese-style rooms by │
│ │ │ 6m2 (for the rooms mainly for │
│ │ │ group guests, 3m2). │
│ │ │3. For the parts used for gathering, │
│ │ │ catering or rest, the sum of the │
│ │ │ following: │
│ │ │(1) For the part of fixed seats, the │
│ │ │ number of the chairs. For a │
│ │ │ continuous seat, it is the result │
│ │ │ of dividing the front width of the │
│ │ │ seat by 0.5m (the decimal part of │
│ │ │ the result shall be neglected). │
│ │ │(2) For other parts, the result of │
│ │ │ dividing the floor area by 3 m2. │
│6 │Collective │The total number of the residents, and│
│ │residential │every household shall be deemed as │
│ │house, boarding │three persons. │
│ │house │ │
│7 │Hospital, clinic│The number of the accommodated people │
│ │, nursing home │is the sum of the following: │
│ │ │1. The number of staff. │
│ │ │2. The number of the beds in sick │
│ │ │ rooms. │
│ │ │3. The result of dividing the total │
│ │ │ floor area of the waiting rooms by │
│ │ │ 3 m2. │
│ │ │4. Infants kept in nursery rooms of │
│ │ │ hospitals and other similar places │
│ │ │ shall be included in the accommo- │
│ │ │ dated people. │
│8 │long-term care │The sum of the total numbers of staff,│
│ │institutions │elders, children, babies, handicapped,│
│ │(long-term care,│mentally handicapped, and other │
│ │nursing, and │objects of social security. │
│ │caring for the │ │
│ │dementia), elder│ │
│ │service │ │
│ │institutions │ │
│ │(day care, │ │
│ │temporary care │ │
│ │and short-term │ │
│ │protection │ │
│ │only), │ │
│ │children's │ │
│ │welfare house, │ │
│ │Preschools, │ │
│ │infant nursery │ │
│ │centers, nursing│ │
│ │home institution│ │
│ │and postpartum │ │
│ │nursing care │ │
│ │center │ │
│9 │School, special │The total number of the teachers and │
│ │schools for │students. │
│ │blind, deaf or │ │
│ │weak in intell- │ │
│ │igence, │ │
│ │remediation │ │
│ │classes, │ │
│ │training classes│ │
│ │, children and │ │
│ │youth welfare │ │
│ │institution, │ │
│ │study center │ │
│ │and guidance │ │
│ │class (art) │ │
│10│Library, museum,│The sum of the number of the staff and│
│ │gallery, memor- │the result of dividing the floor areas│
│ │ial, library of │of reading room, exhibition room, show│
│ │historical │room, meeting room and rest room by │
│ │relics and other│3 m2. │
│ │similar places │ │
│11│Three-warm, │The sum of the number of the staff and│
│ │public bathroom │the result of dividing the floor areas│
│ │ │of bathroom, dressing room, massage │
│ │ │room and rest room by 3 m2. │
│12│Temple, │The sum of the numbers of clergy and │
│ │ancestral hall, │staff and the result of dividing the │
│ │church, │floor areas of the part for cult, │
│ │columbarium │gathering or rest by 3 m2. │
│ │buildings, and │ │
│ │other similar │ │
│ │places │ │
│13│Stop, waiting │The total number of the staff. │
│ │room, indoor │ │
│ │park, indoor │ │
│ │parking area, │ │
│ │photo studio, │ │
│ │TV broadcasting │ │
│ │filed, warehouse│ │
│ │, furniture │ │
│ │exhibition and │ │
│ │trade hall and │ │
│ │other working │ │
│ │places │ │
│14│Other places │The sum of the total number of the │
│ │ │staff and the result of dividing the │
│ │ │floor areas of the part used for other│
│ │ │than the staff by 3m2. │
│Note: │
│1. The calculation of the accommodated people shall base on │
│ the floor individually. │
│2. Specify the purposes of a place in accordance with the │
│ Judgment Basis for Multi-Purposes Buildings. The accommo- │
│ dated people shall be calculated depending on the main │
│ purpose if the major and minor purpose can be told in the │
│ aspect of management and usage type. │
│3. The calculation of staffs shall be in accordance with the│
│ following provisions: │
│(1) The number of staffs shall employ the maximum during a │
│ normal day regardless of contract or temporary employees │
│ .But if the employees do a short-term and temporary job, │
│ the number isn’t included in. │
│(2) Where the shift system is used, the number of staffs │
│ shall employ the maximum of a shift. But the number of │
│ staffs during the overlapping period when change the │
│ shift cannot be included in. │
│(3) The number of runners shall be included in if they have │
│ fixed chairs in office. │
│4. The calculation of floor areas shall be in accordance │
│ with the following provisions: │
│i. Figure gained by dividing floor areas by unit area, and │
│ the decimal part shall be neglected. │
│ii. The areas of aisle, stairways and toilet cannot be in │
│ principle included in the floor area on which the │
│ calculation of accommodated people is based. │
│5. The term of fixed seat refers to one that is installed in│
│ a assigned places and cannot be moved. The followings │
│ shall be brought into the scope of the fixed seat: │
│a) Sofa and other chairs │
│b) Seats connected together │
│Seats that are placed in one place and cannot be moved. │
Article 161
Refuge appliances shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.They shall be installed at locations accessible in case of refuge.
2.Proper distance shall be kept between them and protected stairs or other escape facilities.
3.The opening used for refuge appliances shall be provided with safety construction.
4.They shall be placed at openings at other times, or they may be placed at openings when necessary.
5.Refuge appliances (except sliding rod, refuge cord and refuge bridge) located at openings shall be interleaved, and may not be in a line unless it doesn’t encumber refuge.
Article 162
Necessary opening area shall be reserved for refuge appliances following the table below:
│Type │Opening area │
│Automatic descending life │Height≧80cm, width≧50cm; or │
│line, refuge ladder, refuge │height≧100cm, width≧45cm │
│cord and sliding rod │ │
│Salvage bag │Height≧60cm, width≧60cm │
│Sliding platform │Height≧80cm, width≧the │
│ │maximum width of the sliding │
│ │platform │
│Refuge bridge │Height≧180cm, width≧the │
│ │maximum width of the refuge │
│ │bridge │
Article 163
Necessary operating area shall be reserved for refuge appliances following the table below, and there shall be no obstacles affecting operation around the appliances:
Article 164
Necessary descending space between the opening and the ground shall be reserved for refuge appliances following the table below:
Article 165
Necessary open ground under the descending space as shown in the table below shall be reserved for the refuge appliances:
Article 166
When configuring refuge appliances, mounting positions and operation guide shall be marked and indicators equipped following the table below:
│Type of │Installation Place│Size │Color │Indicating│
│refuge │ │ │ │method │
│appliance │ │ │ │ │
│indicators│ │ │ │ │
│Mounting │Obvious places │Length │Black │Marked │
│position │around or nearby │≧36cm, │text │with │
│ │the refuge │width │on │“Refuge │
│ │appliances │≧12cm │white │Appliance"│
│ │ │ │back- │, each │
│ │ │ │ground│character │
│ │ │ │ │≧ 5 cm2. │
│ │ │ │ │For refuge│
│ │ │ │ │ladder and│
│ │ │ │ │other │
│ │ │ │ │popular- │
│ │ │ │ │ized │
│ │ │ │ │appliances│
│ │ │ │ │, the name│
│ │ │ │ │shall be │
│ │ │ │ │directly │
│ │ │ │ │marked. │
├─────┤ ├────┤ ├─────┤
│Operationg│ │Length≧│ │Operation │
│guide │ │60cm, │ │guide │
│ │ │width≧ │ │shall be │
│ │ │30cm │ │marked │
│ │ │ │ │under- │
│ │ │ │ │standably │
│ │ │ │ │with each │
│ │ │ │ │character │
│ │ │ │ │≧1 cm2 │
├─────┼─────────┼────┤ ├─────┤
│Refuge │Aisle and passage │Length │ │Marked │
│appliance │leading to the │≧36cm, │ │with │
│indicator │mounting position,│width≧ │ │“Refuge │
│ │and gateway of │12cm │ │Appliance │
│ │living room │ │ │”, each │
│ │ │ │ │character │
│ │ │ │ │≧5cm2 │
Article 167
Automatic descending life line shall meet the following requirements:
1.Installation of automatic descending life line shall ensure the cord employed will not contact the wall or outshoot on the wall when the appliance is being used.
2.The length of the cord used by an automatic descending life line shall be equal to the distance from the mounting position to the ground or other destinations.
3.Supporting device of automatic descending life line shall meet the following requirements:
(1)Supporting device shall be installed at the solid and mountable positions on column, floor, beam or other constructions.
(2)Screw bolt, welding or other fixing methods shall be employed to fix the appliance.
Article 168
Sliding platform shall meet the following requirements:
1.Sliding platform shall be installed at the solid or strengthened positions on column, floor, beam or other constructions.
2.Screw bolt, embedding, welding or other fixing methods shall be employed to fix the platform.
3.The design of sliding platform shall ensure no service failure will occur and a certain safe descending speed can be reached.
4.Appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent the user from dropping down.
5.Construction, material, strength and nameplate of sliding platform shall comply with CNS No.13231.
Article 169
Refuge bridge shall meet the following requirements:
1.Refuge Bridge shall be installed at the solid or strengthened positions on column, floor, beam or other constructions.
2.Screw bolt, welding or other fixing methods shall be employed to fix the bridge.
3.Construction, material, strength and nameplate of sliding platform shall comply with CNS No.13231.
Article 170
Salvage bag shall meet the following requirements:
1.The length of a salvage bag shall ensure no obstacle encumbering refuge, and enable the bag to reach a certain safe sliding speed.
2.Salvage bag shall be installed at the solid or strengthened positions on column, floor, beam or other constructions.
3.Screw bolt, welding or other fixing methods shall be employed to install the bag.
Article 171
Refuge ladder shall meet the following requirements:
1.Fixed ladder and fixed steel ladder (structure embedded on wall and column of building that can not be moved or retrieved) shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)The ladder shall be installed at the solid or strengthened positions on column, floor, beam or other constructions.
(2)Screw bolt, embedding, welding or other fixing methods shall be employed to fix the ladder.
(3)A distance not less than 10cm shall be kept between a fixed ladder and the wall.
2.Where refuge ladder is installed in storeys above the fourth floor, fixed ladder shall be used pursuant to the following provisions:
(1)The ladder shall be installed at balcony or other safe positions convenient for escape, where the floor area is at least 2m2, and escape holes with a diameter not less than 60cm shall be attached.
(2)Escape holes of a fixed ladder shall be staggered and not in a line.
3.Suspended ladder shall comply with the following provisions:
(1)Fixed mount of suspended ladder shall be installed at the solid and mountable positions on column, floor, beam or other constructions. Where suspended ladder can be directly hung on a solid windowsill or other positions, it is allowable that fixed mount is not installed.
(2)A distance not less than 10cm shall be kept between the crossbars of the ladder and the wall when the ladder is being used.
Article 172
Sliding rod and refuge cord shall comply with the following provisions
1.The length of sliding rod or refuge cord shall be equal to the distance from the mounting position to the ground or other destinations.
2.The upper end and the lower end of a sliding rod shall be fixed.
3.Fixed mount shall meet the requirement of Article 171.3(1).
Article 173
Supporting device used for automatic descending life line or salvage bag and fixed mount used for suspended ladder, sliding rod or refuge cord shall comply with CNS No.2473 and No.4435, or have the same or higher strength and endurance, and anti-corrosive treatment shall have bee made to the materials.
Article 174
Where screw bolts are used to fix the fixed mount or supporting device, the following provisions shall be observed:
1.Anchor bolts shall be used.
2.The depth and torque of the proportion of screw bolt embedded in the reinforced concrete (the mortar layer excluded) shall comply with the table below:
│Nominal size of │Depth of embedment (mm) │Torque (kgf-cm) │
│screw │ │ │
│M10x1.5 │≧45 │150~250 │
│M12x1.75 │≧60 │300~450 │
│M16x2 │≧70 │600~850 │