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Chapter Law Content

Part 3 Fire Safety Equipments
Chapter 2 Alarm Equipments
Section 1 Automatic Fire Alarm Equipments
Article 112
Fire alarm division in buildings equipped with automatic fire alarm equipments shall be determined pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Each fire alarm division may not cover more than one storey or more than 600m2 floor area. However, where the total floor area of tow adjacent storeys is not more than 500m2, the two storeys may be allocated into a same division.
2.The length of any side of a division shall be not more than 50m. Where photoelectrical separated detector is equipped, the length shall be under 100m.
3.Where any corner of a story can be directly observed through the main gateway or the gateway directly to the stairway, the 600m2 prescribed in 112.1 shall be increased to 1000m2.
4.Stairway, ramped aisle, elevating way of elevator, and piping room shall be regarded as a fire alarm division where the horizontal distance between each other is within 50m and the difference between top storeys is less than two storeys. But the divisions shall be separately set in aisle, passage, living room and other places on each floor.
5.As for stairways or ramped aisles, every 45m of vertical distance shall be regarded as a fire alarm division, but the underground part shall be treated as an individual division.
Article 113
In five-storey or higher buildings with a total floor area more than 3000m2, the ringing mode of automatic fire alarm equipments shall meet the following requirements:
1.When the fire is the on second floor or above, only this storey and the direct upper two storeys and the direct lower storey shall make alarm.
2.When the fire is on the ground floor, only this storey and the direct upper storey and the underground storeys shall make alarm.
3.When the fire is underground, only the first storey and the underground storeys shall make alarm.
4.The whole area should make alarm immediately when the alarm previous mentioned are activated less than ten minutes or the fire alarm signal receiving switchboard receives the fire signal again.
Article 114
Proper detector shall be selected from the table below according to the height of the mounting position. If the height of the ceiling is different from that of the roof slab in a same room, the mean value shall be used for
│Height of │ <4m │ 4m≦H<8m │8m≦H<15m │15m≦H<20 │
│mounting │ │ │ │ │
│position │ │ │ │ │
│(H) │ │ │ │ │
│Type of │Different-│Differential│Different-│Type I │
│detector │ial │topical, │ial │ionic │
│ │topical, │differential│distribut-│topical, │
│ │different-│distributed,│ed style, │Type I │
│ │ial │compensated │Type I or │photo- │
│ │distribut-│topical, │Type II │electrical│
│ │ed, │fixed │ionic │topical, │
│ │compensat-│temperature │topical, │photo- │
│ │ed topical│special type│Type I or │electrical│
│ │, fixed │or Type I, │Type II │separated,│
│ │temperatu-│Type I or │photo- │or flame │
│ │re, ionic │TypeII ionic│electrical│type │
│ │topical, │topical,Type│topical, │ │
│ │photo- │I or Type II│photo- │ │
│ │electrical│photo- │electrical│ │
│ │topical, │electrical │separated,│ │
│ │photo- │topical, │or flame │ │
│ │electrical│photo- │type │ │
│ │separated,│electrical │ │ │
│ │or flame │separated,or│ │ │
│ │type │flame type │ │ │
Article 115
Mounting position of detector shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Where the ceiling is equipped with an air outlet, the mounting position shall be 1.5m or farther away from the outlet with exceptions of flame type, differential distributed and photoelectrical separated type.
2.Where there is an air outlet on the wall, the mounting position shall be 1.5m or farther away from the outlet, unless the distance between the outlet and the ceiling is not less than 1m.
3.Where the ceiling is equipped with an air outlet or inlet, smoke detector shall be equipped within 1m around the outlet or inlet.
4.In principle, topical detectors shall be mounted around the center of the detected area.
5.Topical detectors may not incline 45°or more with exception of flame type.
Article 116
It is allowable that detectors are not installed in the following occasions:
1.The mounting surface is higher than 20m (except for flame type detectors).
2.Places where fire detecting becomes ineffective due to airflow.
3.Toilet, water closet or bathroom.
4.Cold stores where automatic temperature regulating device that is able to detect the occurrence of fire in the beginning has been equipped.
5.Cashbox where the main construction is fireproof and the opening is equipped with fireproof door that can resist the fire at least one hour.
6.Above water surface of indoor swimming pool, or ice surface of skating ground.
7.Processing grounds of inflammable stones or metals, where flammable substances are not stored or processed.
8.Other places designated by the central regulating authority.
Article 117
Smoke detector or heat & smoke compound detector may not be installed in the following occasions:
1.Places where lots of dust, powder or water steam stay.
2.Places where corrosive gas will be given off.
3.Kitchen and other places where fume stays at other times.
4.Places under significantly higher temperature.
5.Places where lots of discharged waste gas stay.
6.Places where fume will flow into in large amount.
7.Places where dew is likely to form.
8.Places where flame of equipments using fire is exposed outside.
9.Other places where the detector can’t work normally.
Flame type detector may not be installed in the following places:
1.Places listed in the above clauses 2~4, or 6~7.
2.Places where lots of steam stays.
3.Other places where the detector can’t work normally.
Proper detector shall be selected from the table below for the places listed in the above two clauses.
│Place │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │
│ ├────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │Where │Where │Where │Where │
│ │lots │lots │corro-│fume │
│ │of dust │of │sive │stays │
│ │, powder│water │gas │at │
│ │or stay.│steam │will │other │
│ │ │stay │be │times │
│ │ │ │given │ │
│ │ │ │off │ │
│Type │Diffe- │Type I │ ○ │ │ │ │
│of │rential ├────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│detec-│topical │Type II │ ○ │ │ │ │
│tor ├────┼────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │Diffe- │Type I │ ○ │ │ ○ │ │
│ │rential ├────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │distri- │Type II │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ │
│ │buted │ │ │ │ │ │
│ ├────┼────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │Compen- │Type I │ ○ │ │ ○ │ │
│ │sated ├────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │topical │Type II │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ │
│ ├────┼────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │Fixed │Special │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │
│ │tempe- │Type │ │ │ │ │
│ │rature ├────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │ │Type I │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │
│ ├────┴────┼────┼───┼───┼───┼
│ │Flame type │ ○ │ │ │ │
│1. “○”stands for selectable equipments.
│2. The differential topical type detector, compensated topical
│ type detector or differential distributed type detector used
│ in place 1 should have the structure that dust and powder are
│ not easily invaded.
│3. Fixed temperature or compensated type detectors used in
│ places 1, 2, 4 and 8 shall be provided with waterproof
│ functions.
│4. In places 3, where fixed temperature or compensated type
│ detectors are used, they shall be acid resistant or anti-
│ corrosive pursuant to the class of the corrosive gas,
│ where differential distributed detectors are used, effec-
│ tive measures shall be taken to protect the air pipes and
│ detectors from being corroded.
5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │
Under │Where │Where │Where │Places │
signifi-│lots │lots │dew is│where │
cantly │of │of │likely│flame │
high │dis- │fume │to │of equi- │
tempera-│charge│will │form │pments │
ture │waste │flow │ │using fire│
│gas │into │ │is exposed│
│stay │ │ │outside │
│ ○ │ ○ │ │ │
│ ○ │ ○ │ │ │
│ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ │
│ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ │
│ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ │
○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │
│ │ │ │ │
○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │
│ ○ │ │ │ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Article 118
Detectors of smoke detecting type, smoke & heat compound type or flame type may be selected for the places listed in the table below:
│Places │Stairway│Aisle or │Elevator│Places │
│ │or │passage │hoistway│where │
│ │ramped │(only for │or pipin│the │
│ │aisle │those │room │height │
│ │ │described │ │of │
│ │ │in Article│ │ceiling │
│ │ │12.1, 12.2│ │is 15m or │
│ │ │(2) and │ │higher │
│ │ │(6)~(10), │ │but lower │
│ │ │12.4 and │ │than 20m. │
│ │ │12.5 │ │ │
│Smoke │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │ ○ │
│detecting │ │ │ │ │
│type │ │ │ │ │
│Smoke and │ │ ○ │ │ │
│heat │ │ │ │ │
│compound │ │ │ │ │
│type │ │ │ │ │
│Flame │ │ │ │ ○ │
│type │ │ │ │ │
│Note │
│ │“ ○” stands for selectable equipments.
Where the │Underground │
ceiling │storeys, │
is higher │no-opening │
than 20m │storeys, │
│and storeys │
│above the │
│11th floor │
│(only for │
│those │
│described │
│in Article │
│12.1, 12.2(2│
│), (6) and │
│(8)~(10) and│
│12.5.) │
│ ○ │
│ │
│ │
│ ○ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
○ │ ○ │
│ │

Article 119
The detecting area of a detector refers to the space divided and surrounded by columns with a net height of not less than 40cm or other similar constructions around the mounting surface of the detector. But for detectors of differential distributed and smoke-detecting types, the net height shall be increased to not less than 60cm.
Article 120
Differential topical, compensated topical and fixed temperature type detectors shall be equipped according the following provisions:
1.The lower end of detector shall be located within 30cm under the mounting surface.
2.At least one detector of the proper type shall be equipped in every effective detecting area following the table below:
│Height of mounting surface (H) │ <4m
│Construction of building │Fireproof buildings or│
│ │buildings fireproof │
│ │construction. │
│Type of │Differential│Type I │ 90 │
│detector │topical ├────┼───────────┼
│and │ │Type II │ 70 │
│effective ├──────┼────┼───────────┼
│detecting │Compensated │Type I │ 90 │
│area (m2) │topical ├────┼───────────┼
│ │ │Type II │ 70 │
│ ├──────┼────┼───────────┼
│ │Fixed │Special │ 70 │
│ │temperature │Type │ │
│ │topical ├────┼───────────┼
│ │ │Type I │ 60 │
│ │ ├────┼───────────┼
│ │ │Type II │ 20 │
│ 4m≦H<8m │
Other │Fireproof buildings or │Other │
buildings │buildings with fireproof│buildings │
│construction │ │
50 │ 45 │ 30 │
40 │ 35 │ 25 │
50 │ 45 │ 30 │
40 │ 35 │ 25 │
40 │ 35 │ 25 │
│ │ │
30 │ 30 │ 15 │
15 │ -- │ -- │
3.Detectors with fixed temperature functions shall be installed in places where the maximum ambient temperature at other times is 20℃ ore more lower than the nominal fixed temperature point of compensated topical detectors or than the nominal operating temperature of other detectors with fixed temperature functions. If a detector has two or more nominal operating temperatures, it shall be installed in places where the maximum ambient temperature at other times is 20℃ or more lower than the lowest nominal operating temperature.
Article 121
Differential distributed detectors shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Where air pipe differential distributed detectors are used, the following provisions shall apply:
(1)The exposed part of air pipes inside each detecting area shall be not shorter than 20m.
(2)The length of pipes connected to a same detector shall be not more than 100m.
(3)Air pipes shall be installed within 30cm under the mounting surface.
(4)Air pipes shall be mounted at the positions within 5m from any side of the mounting surface. The interval between the pipes shall be not more than 9m in fireproof buildings or buildings with fireproof construction, and not more than 6m in other buildings, unless effective fire detection can be made pursuant to the range and shape of the detecting area.
2.Where thermocouple differential distributed detectors are used, the following provisions shall be observed:
(1)Thermocouple shall be installed within 30cm under the mounting surface.
(2)The number of detectors required by each detecting area shall comply with the table below:
│Construction│Floor area │Number of required detectors │
│of buildings│of detecting│ │
│ │area │ │
│Fireproof │ ≦88m2 │At least 4 │
│buildings or├──────┼────────────────┤
│buildings │ >88m2 │4 basically, one more every add-│
│with │ │itional 22m2 (including less │
│fireproof │ │than 22m2) │
│construction│ │ │
│Other │ ≦72m2 │At least 4 │
│buildings ├──────┼────────────────┤
│ │ >72m2 │4 basically, one more every add-│
│ │ │itional 18m2 (including less │
│ │ │than 18m2) │
(3)Up to 20 thermocouples may be mounted to a same detector.
3.Where thermal semiconductor differential distributed detectors are used, the following provisions shall be observed:
(1)The lower end of detector shall be located within 30cm under the mounting surface.
(2)At least two detectors of the proper type shall be equipped in every effective detecting area following the table below:
│Height of │Construction│Type of detector and effective │
│mounting │of buildings│detecting area (m2) │
│surface (H) │ ├───────┬────────┤
│ │ │ Type I │ Type II │
│H<8m │Fireproof │ 65 │ 36 │
│ │buildings or│ │ │
│ │buildings of│ │ │
│ │fireproof │ │ │
│ │construction│ │ │
│ ├──────┼───────┼────────┤
│ │Other │ 40 │ 26 │
│ │buildings │ │ │
│8m≦H<15m │Fireproof │ │ │
│ │buildings or│ │ │
│ │buildings of│ 50 │ -- │
│ │fireproof │ │ │
│ │construction│ │ │
│ ├──────┼───────┼────────┤
│ │Other │ 30 │ -- │
│ │buildings │ │ │
(3)The number of the heat sensors connected a same detector shall be not less than 2 and not more than 15.
The above-mentioned detector shall be installed in places convenient for inspection and repair, and the mounting surface may not incline more than 5°.
Fixed temperature detectors shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Detector shall be mounted within 30cm under the mounting surface.
2.In any detecting area, Type I detector shall be installed within a horizontal distance from any point of the mounting surface not more than 3m (4.5m in fireproof buildings or buildings with fireproof construction), and Type II detector shall be installed within a horizontal distance from any point of the mounting surface not more than 1m (3m in fireproof buildings or buildings with fireproof construction).
Article 122
Smoke detecting type detectors except photoelectrical separated type shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Where the ceiling of living room is not more than 2.3m above the floor, or the floor area is not more than 40m2, detectors shall be installed nearby the gateway.
2.The lower end of detector shall be within 60cm under the mounting surface.
3.Detectors shall be mounted 60cm or more away from the wall or beams.
4.At least one detector of the proper type shall be installed in every effective detecting area pursuant to the table below with exception of aisle, passage, stairway and ramped road surface:
│Height of mounting │Type of detector and effective │
│surface (H) │detecting area (m2) │
│ ├──────────┬────────┤
│ │Type I or Type II │ Type III │
│ H<4m │ 150 │ 50 │
│ 4m≦H<20m │ 75 │ -- │
5.In aisles and passages, at least one detector shall be installed every 30m of waking distance; if Type III detector is used, at least one shall be installed for every 20m of travel distance, and one for every internal of less than 10m if the distance to the final wall is less tan 15m. But it is allowable that no detector is equipped where the travel distance from aisle or passage to stairway is less than 10m, and the stairway is equipped with fireproof door opened at other times, or the living rooms have gateways toward the opening.
6.In stairway, ramped aisle and escalator, at least one detector shall be equipped for every 15m of vertical distance; where Type III detectors are used, at one shall be equipped for every 10m of vertical distance.
7.In elevator hoistway and piping room (the sectional area of the pipe is not less than 1m2), detectors shall be installed on the top. However, where the machine room of elevator hoistway is on the top and the hoistway and machine room have openings, detectors shall be installed in the machine room, not on the top of the elevating way.
Article 123
Photoelectrical separated detectors shall comply with the following provisions:
1.The light-receiving surface of detector shall be located under the sunshine.
2.The detector shall be installed at the position 60cm or farther away from the wall parallel to the optical axis of the detector.
3.Photoreceptor and photo-transmitter of detector shall be located within 1m from the back wall.
4.The detector shall be installed on ceilings and other locations with a height less than 20m.
5.The optical axis of a detector shall have a height not less than 80% of that of the ceiling and others.
6.The optical axis of a detector may not be longer than the nominal supervising distance of the detector.
7.The distance between the optical axis of the detector and the alert area shall be not more than 7m.
The above-mentioned optical axis of detector refers to the line from the center of light-receiving face to the center of light-transmitting surface.
Article 124
Flame type detector shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Detector shall be installed on ceiling, floorslabs, or wall.
2.The nominal supervising distance of a detector shall cover the space within 1.2m from the floor surface.
3.Detector may not be installed at a location where there is any obstacle encumbering the detector from detecting the occurrence of fire.
4.Detector may not be located directly under the sunshine, unless lightproof function is provided to prevention detection from being encumbered.
Article 125
Fire alarm signal receiving switchboard shall meet the following requirements:
1.Fire alarm division indicating device shall be provided to indicate the division where the fire takes place.
2.Sound that is able to attract the attention from the safeguards shall be given out on occurrence of fire.
3.Device communicating with manual alarm equipments shall be attached.
4.Where there are two or more fire alarm signal receiving switchboards in a same building, necessary equipments shall be installed for the receiving switchboards to communicate with each other.
5.Drawings shall be provided nearby the fire alarm signal-receiving switchboard for distinguishing the division where the fire takes place.
6.In fire alarm divisions equipped with accumulative detector or relay, the signal receiving switchboard may not have two-signal function.
7.Where an accumulative time is set for the signal receiving switchboard, relay, and smoke-detecting detector, the time shall be not more than 60 seconds; where other detectors are used, the time is not more than 20 seconds.
8.If it is difficult to hear the fire alarm or identify the emergency broadcast voice due to the volume of the business or the characteristics of the enclosed compartment in a music halls, ballrooms, night clubs, clubs, beauty parlors (tourist parlors and audio-video parlors, etc), massage parlors, video viewing halls (MTV, etc), audio-visual sing-along halls (KTV, etc), bars, pubs, and liquor stores (clubs) or other similar places, the relevant entertainment audio-visual equipment should be stopped in case of fire.
9.The fire alarm signal receiving switchboard shall have the function of forcing the local alarm sound device to sound within a certain period of time after receiving the fire signal or when receiving the fire signal again.
Buildings with a total floor area of less than 350 m2 may be equipped with a single loop fire alarm receiver switchboard, the installation of which is not restricted by the first paragraph and the third to fifth paragraphs of the preceding paragraph; the same applies to the floor and premises use classification in accordance with Article 19, paragraph 1, paragraph 4, and the floor area of the floor is less than 350 m2.
Article 126
The location of fire alarm signal receiving switchboard shall meet the following requirements:
1.Fire alarm signal receiving switchboard shall be located in watchroom or other populated places. Where a disaster prevention center is set up, the switchboard shall be located in the center.
2.May not be exposed in direct sunshine.
3.Inclination shall be avoided and the shell shall be earthed.
4.The operating switch of wall-mounting switchboard shall be 0.8m~1.5m high from the floor (0.6~1.5m for seat type)
Article 127
Wiring of automatic fire alarm equipments shall comply with the following provisions in addition to Regulations for Installation of User's Electricity Device:
1.Signal loop of normally opened detectors shall employ serial connection, and terminal resistor shall be attached for the fire signal-receiving switchboard to perform automatic detection of loop disconnection.
2.Where Type P signal receiving switchboard employs the wiring mode of several divisions sharing a same public line, the number of the divisions shall be not more than 7.
3.Detector loop resistance of Type P signal receiving switchboard shall be less than 50Ω
4.A 250V insulation ohmmeter shall be used to measure the insulation resistance between wires of power supply circuit as well as between the wire and the earth. Where the voltage to earth is not more than 150V, the resistance shall be not less than 0.1MΩ; where the voltage to earth exceeds 150V, the resistance shall be not less than 0.2MΩ. A 250V insulation ohmmeter shall also be used to measure the insulation resistance between loop wires of the detector as well as between the wire and the earth, and in each fire alarm division the resistance shall be not more than 0.1MΩ.
5.Where the wire is buried out the door or is likely to be immersed by water, cable coated by metal pipe or plastic wire conduit shall be used, and a distance not less than 30cm shall be kept between the signal cable and the electric wire.
Article 128
Battery shall be used as emergency power source for automatic fire alarm equipments, and the capacity of battery shall be able to ensure the fire alarm equipment effectively run for 10 consecutive minutes.
Section 2 Manual Fire Alarm Equipments
Article 129
Each fire alarm division shall be equipped with fire alarms pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Fire alarm sound shall be given out immediately when the button is pressed down.
2.Protecting plate shall be installed before the button to prevent haphazard pressing.
3.Emergency power source shall be attached.
4.The fire alarms installed out the door shall be provided with waterproof functions.
Where two storeys share a same fire alarm division, the fire alarms shall be installed separately in the two storeys. But the division in stairways or between pipes isn’t required to install an alarm.
Article 130
Indicating lamps shall be installed in places equipped with manual alarm equipments and shall keep alight at other times. The lamp shall form an angle of 15°with the mounting surface, and there shall be no mask shielding the lamp within 10m away from the lamp.
Article 131
Fire alarm ring in places equipped with manual alarm equipments shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Sound shall be given out immediately when the voltage reaches 80% of the specified value.
2.Under the specified voltage, the volume measured at the position 100cm away from the fire alarm ring shall be not less than 90db.
3.The insulation resistance of electric ring measured by 250V DC insulation ohmmeter shall be not less than 20MΩ.
4.The sound of alarm ring shall be different from other sounds of the building, and may not be used for purposes other than alarm.
It is allowable that the above-mentioned fire alarm ring is not installed where emergency broadcasting equipments are installed under Section 3 of this chapter.
Article 132
Manual alarm box, indicating lamp and fire alarm ring shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.They shall be installed at appropriate locations in passages for fire refuge.
2.The height of manual alarm box shall be not less than 1.2m and not more than 1.5m.
3.Indicating lamp and fire alarm ring shall be 2~2.5m high from the floor, unless they are installed together with manual alarm box.
4.In buildings where fire hydrant box of fire standpipe is equipped, manual alarm box, indicating lamp and fire alarm ring shall be installed on the wall above the fire hydrant box.
Section 3 Emergency Broadcasting Equipments
Article 133
Emergency broadcasting equipments shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.The volume measured at the position 1m away from the speaker shall comply with the table below:
│Type of speaker │ Volume (V) │
│Grade L │ ≧92db │
│Grade M │ 87db≦V<92db │
│Grade S │ 84db≦V<87db │
2.Speaker shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
(1)Grade L speaker shall be used where the broadcasting area is larger than 100m2.
(2)Grade L or Grade M speaker shall be used where the broadcasting area is larger than 50m2 but smaller than 100m2.
(3)Grade L, Grade M or Grade S speaker may be used where the broadcasting area is smaller than 50m2.
(4)The horizontal distance from any point of the broadcasting area to the speaker shall be less than 10m. But it is allowable that no speaker is installed where the floor area of living room is less than 6m2 or the floor area of the main aisles and passages from the living room to the ground is less than 6m2, the floor area of the parts other than living room less than 30m2, and the horizontal distance form the speaker in this area to the speaker in the adjacent area less than 8m.
(5)When installed in stairways or ramped aisles, at least one Grade L speaker shall be installed for every 15m vertical distance.
The volume and equipments of speakers installed in places except stairwys and ramped aisles shall comply with the following provisions:
The volume of a place where is 1m away from the floor ground within the broadcasting areas shall be more than 75dB calculated depanding on the following formula:


P: Volume (Unit: dB)
p: Audio Power of Speaker (Unit: dB)
Q: Directivity Factor of Speaker
r: Distance between Audio Point and Speaker (Unit: m)
α: Average Sound Absorbing Rate in Broadcasting Area
S: Total Area of Walls, Floorslabs and Ceilings within Broadcasting Area(Unit:m2)
(6)When the echoing sound is more than 3s, the distance between the place 1m to the floorslabs and the speaker shall be calculated depending on the following formula:


r: Distance between Audio Point and Speaker (Unit: m)
Q: Directivity Factor of Speaker
S: Total Area of Walls, Floorslabs and Ceilings within Broadcasting Area(Unit:m2)
α: Average Sound Absorbing Rate in Broadcasting Area
Article 134
Broadcasting divisions in buildings equipped with emergency broadcasting equipments shall be allocated pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Each division may not cover more than one floor.
2.As for indoor safety stair or emergency stair, one broadcasting division shall be independently set for every 45m of vertical distance, and another broadcasting division for the underground proportion of the indoor safety stair or emergency stair.
3.The overhead supporting construction of a building shall be treated as a broadcasting division where the volume of speaker meets the requirement.
Article 135
Where emergency broadcasting equipments are interlocked with automatic fire alarm equipments, the ring pattern of the fire alarm shall comply with Article 113.
The audible alarm of the emergency broadcasting equipments shall be the voice type.
The emergency power of the emergency broadcasting equipments shall comply with Article 128.
Article 136
Actuating device of emergency broadcasting equipments shall comply with CNS No.10522, and be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.The travel distance from any point of each floor to the actuating device shall be less than 50m.
2.Actuating device shall be installed within 0.8m~1.5m above the floor.
3.Emergency telephone starting shall be used for storeys above the 11th floor, or under the 3rd floor or underground storeys.
Article 137
Where used together with other equipments, the emergency broadcasting equipments shall be enabled to shield the broadcastings from others.
Article 138
Audio amplifier and operating device shall comply with CNS No.10522, and installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Operating device shall be interlocked with actuating device or automatic fire alarm equipment, and marked with the storeys or the area covered by the operating of the actuating device or automatic fire alarm equipment.
2.Functions of selecting necessary storeys or areas shall be provided.
3.Signals indicating short circuit shall be provided where the wiring of a broadcasting division is in short.
4.The operating switch of operating device shall be 0.6~1.5m above the floor (0.6~1.5m for seat type).
5.Operating device shall be located in watchroom or other usually populated places. Where a disaster prevention center is set up, the switchboard shall be located in the center.
Article 139
Emergency broadcasting equipments shall be wired pursuant to Regulations for Installation of User's Electricity Device and the following provisions:
1.A 250V DC insulation ohmmeter shall be used to measure the insulation resistance between the wire and the earth. Where the voltage to earth is not more than 150V, the resistance shall be not less than 0.1MΩ; where the voltage to earth exceeds 150V, the resistance shall be not less than 0.2MΩ.
2.The wire conduit may not be shared by other wires, unless the electric wire inside the conduit is used for light current with a voltage less than 60V.
3.Short or disconnection of the circuit for the speaker in any storey will never affect the broadcasting of other storeys.
4.Three-wire wiring shall be used where volume adjuster is equipped.
Section 4 Automatic Fire Alarm Equipments for Gas Leakage
Article 140
Where automatic fire alarm equipments for gas leakage are used, fire alarm divisions shall be allocated under Article 112.
The above-mentioned gas refers to the following gas fuels:
1.Natural gas.
2.Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
3.Other gases designated by the central regulating authority.
Article 141
Gas leakage detectors shall be installed at proper locations convenient for inspection and repair on the ceiling or wall depending on the characteristics of the gas and pursuant to the following requirements:
1.Where the specific gravity of gas to air is less than 1, the following provisions shall be observed:
(1)Detector shall be installed within a horizontal distance not more than 8m away from the gas burning appliances or from the position the gas pipe goes through the wall. Where the floorslabs have beams with a net height not less than 60cm or other similar constructions, detectors shall be installed just nearby the gas burning appliances or the positions the gas goes through the wall.
(2)Where there are air inlets on the ceiling of the room where the gas burning appliances are, detectors shall be installed within 1.5m away from the air inlets separated by the beams with a net height not less than 60cm or other similar constructions between the gas burning appliances or the location the gas pipe goes through the wall and the ceiling.
(3)The lower end of detector shall be within 30cm under the ceiling.
2.Where the specific gravity of gas to air is not less than 1, the following provisions shall apply:
(1)Detector shall be installed within a horizontal distance not more than 4m away from the gas burning appliances or from the position the gas pipe goes through the wall.
(2)The upper end of detector shall be within 30cm above the floor.
3. The commencing and terminal points for calculating the horizontal distance are as follows:
(1)For a gas-burning appliance, the point is the center of the appliance.
(2)For a position the gas pipe goes through the wall, the point is the center of the gas pipe at the position the gas pipe goes through the wall.
Article 142
Gas leakage signal receiving switchboard shall meet the following requirements:
1.Gas leakage signal receiving switchboard shall be located in watchroom or other populated places. Where a disaster prevention center is set up, the switchboard shall be located in the center.
2.The alarm division where gas leakage occurs shall be marked.
3.For detectors installed at the position the gas pipe goes through the wall, the alarm divisions shall be marked respectively.
4.The operating switch of wall-mounting switchboard shall be 0.8m~1.5m high from the floor (0.6~1.5m for seat type)
5.The tone color and volume of the main sound device shall be different from other alarm sounds.
6.Where there are two or more gas leakage signal receiving switchboards in a same building, equipments for communication between the two shall be installed at the switchboards.
Article 143
Gas leakage alarm devices shall comply with the following provisions:
1.Gas leakage indicating lamps shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions. But it is allowable that no indicating lamp is installed where an alarm division only covers one room.
(1)Where a living room equipped with detector faces the passage, indicating lamp shall be installed nearby the gateway of the proportion facing the passage.
(2)The height of indicating lamp shall be less than 5m above the floor.
(3)The brightness shall enable the lamp to be obviously distinguished at the position 3m in front of the lamp, and “Gas Leakage Indicating Lamp” shall be marked nearby.
2.In the area where gas leakage can be detected by the detector, the alarm device inside this area shall make alarm upon operation of the detector, and the volume shall be not less than 70db at the position 1m away, unless the detecting appliance is provided alarm function, or it is installed in machine room or other places not usually populated or at the position the gas pipe goes through the wall.
Article 144
Wiring of automatic fire alarm equipments for gas leakage shall comply with Regulations for Installation of User's Electricity Device.
1.500V DC insulation ohmmeter shall be used to measure the insulation resistance between the wires of power circuit as well as between the wire and the earth. Where the voltage to earth is not more than 150V, the resistance shall be not less than 0.1MΩ; where the voltage to earth exceeds 150V, the resistance shall be not less than 0.2MΩ. And 500V DC insulation ohmmeter shall also be used to measure the insulation resistance between the wires of the detector circuit as well as between the wire and the earth, and the resistance shall be not less than 0.1MΩfor every alarm division.
2.The signal loop of usually opened detector shall employ serial connection, and terminal resistor shall be attached for the gas leakage signal-receiving switchboard to perform automatic detection of disconnection.
3.The circuit loop of detector may not be shared by equipments other than automatic fire alarm equipments for gas leakage.
Article 145
Battery shall be used as emergency power source for automatic fire alarm equipments for gas leakage, and the capacity of battery shall be able to ensure the two loops effectively run at least for 10 consecutive minutes, and other loops to supervise at least for 10 minutes.
1. 119 fire notification device shall comply with the following requirements:
1. Shall be located in watchroom or other usually populated places. Where a disaster prevention center is set up, the switchboard shall be located in the center.
2. Should have manual and automatic actuating function.
3. When setting up the remote starting device, there should be a device that can talk to the place where the 119 fire notification device is set up.remote starting device:
4. The operation switch of the manual actuating device shall be equipped with a height from the ground not less than 0.8m and not more than1.5m.
5. Near the device, the transmitter and receiver should be set up and clearly distinguished from other intercom calls.
6. Should avoid tilting device, and effective shockproof measures shall be taken.
Article 145-1
119 fire notification devices shall comply with the following requirements:
1. They shall be installed in watch room or other usually populated places. Where a surveillance center is set up, the switchboard shall be installed in the center.
2. They should provide manual and automatic actuating function.
3. When setting up the remote starting device, there should be a device that can communicate with the people where the 119 fire notification device was set.
4. The operation switch of the manual actuating device shall be installed at higher than 0.8m and lower than 1.5m from the ground.
5. The transmitter and receiver should be set up and clearly distinguished from other intercom calls near the device.
6. They shall not be installed aslant, and shockproof measures shall be taken.