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Part 3 Fire Safety Equipments
Chapter 1 Fire Extinguishing Equipments
Section 6 Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Systems
Article 82
Any of the following spraying patterns may be selected for carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems pursuant to actual requirements:
1.Total flooding: in areas separated by wall, column, slab or ceiling made of nonflammable materials, quantity and location of sprinkler heads and the spraying amount shall be capable of ensuring effective fire extinguishment pursuant to the volume of the portion and characteristics of the protected objects. The opening shall be equipped with an automatic closing device unless the leakage at the opening can be made up effectively.
2.Local area spraying: sprinkler heads shall be allocated pursuant to the shape, construction, quantity and property of the protected objects, and the number, location and spraying volume of nozzles shall be capable of ensuring effective fire extinguishment.
3.Movable application: The horizontal distance from the hose connector to any part of the protected subject shall be no more than 15m.
By agent type, Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing systems include Nitrogen (here-after referred to as IG-100); Argon (hereafter referred to as IG-01); 50-50 Nitrogen-Argon Mixture (hereafter referred to as IG-55); and 52-40-8 Ni-trogen-Argon-CO2 mixture (hereafter referred to as IG-541).
Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing systems are limited to total flooding only; the device is applicable to the specifications of Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 in the text. Opening of the protected area shall be provided with an auto-matic closing device, and the opening shall be automatically closed prior to discharging the agent.
Article 83
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Article 83-1
Theoretical concentration of the Inert Gas Fire Extinguisher agent shall be determined by tests; it shall reach design concentration within a fixed protection space and maintain the concentration for a certain duration of time.
Design concentration of the Inert Gas Fire Extinguisher agent shall comply with the following regulations:
1.Design Concentration:
(1)Theoretical concentration multiplied by at least 1.2 (safety factor).
(2)For frequently occupied places, the maximum concentration of dosage shall be limited to 52%.
2.For protected subjects being placed containing flammable liquids, the design concentration shall be [theoretical concentration] x [1.3 or higher] safety factor.
3.For protected subjects including places having energized electrical devices, the design concentration shall be [theoretical concentration] x [1.35 or higher] safety factor. For places with energized electrical hazards greater than 480 volts that continuously energized following discharge, the design concentration shall comply with values approved by central authorities.
Article 83-2
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Article 84
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Article 85
Where total flooding or local application is used, the venting devices inside the protected area shall stop running before the extinguishing medium is sprayed.
Article 86
Opening of the area protected by total flooding CO2 fire extinguishing systems shall be provided according to the following requirements:
1.The opening may not be located toward the safety stairway, special safety stairway, emergency elevator well or other similar places.
2.The opening proportion below 2/3 of its height above the floor shall be automatically closed prior to the spray of extinguishing agent.
3.In telecom machine rooms, total area of the opening without an automatic closing device shall not exceed 1% of the area of enclosing walls. For other places, the area without an automatic closing device shall not exceed 10% of the volume of the protected area or the area of enclosing walls, whichever is smaller.
The “area of enclosing walls” mentioned in the previous Subparagraph 3 re-fers to the summation of areas of walls, floors and ceilings of the protected area.
Article 87
Containers for storing CO2 and Inert Gas agents shall be provided pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Filling of container shall comply with the following regulations:
(1)Filling ratio shall be more than 1.5 and less than 1.9 for high-pressure CO2 extinguishing systems, and more than 1.1 and less than 1.4 for low-pressure ones.
(2)Filling pressure of Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing systems shall be no more than 300kg/cm2 or 30MPa at 15°C.
2.Storage places of containers shall comply with the following regulations:
(1)Outside the protected area.
(2)In places where the temperature is lower than 40℃ and seldom varies.
(3)Should not be placed under direct sunshine or rain.
3.Safety device of the container shall comply with National Standard CNS 11176 specifications or be equivalent to or better than that approved by central authorities.
4.Container Valve of high-pressure CO2 or Inert Gas fire extinguisher shall comply with National Standard CNS10848 and CNS10849 regulations, or be equivalent to or better than that approved by central authorities.
5.Low-pressure CO2 container shall be equipped with hydrograph and pressure gauge, and pressure alarm device, an alert alarm should be made when pressure exceeds 23kgf/cm2 or 2.3Mpa or is lower than 19kgf/cm2 or 1.9Mpa.
6.An automatic refrigerating unit shall be equipped with a low-pressure CO2 container to maintain its internal temperature above -20℃ and below -18℃.
7.The device for controlling the valve of the storage container shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
(1)The device for opening the container valve shall be structured for manual opening.
(2)Where the container can be directly opened with a solenoid valve, and more than 7 containers can be simultaneously opened, two or more solenoid valves shall be equipped to such containers.
8.Effective quakeproof measures shall be taken.
9.Containers shall be marked at conspicuous locations with a type of contained agent, dosage amount, date of manufacture, and name of manufacturer.
The filling ratio mentioned in Subparagraph 1, Item 1 of the previous Par-graph refers to the ratio of container volume (liter) to weight of liquefied gas (kg).
Article 88
Where gas-actuation is provided in CO2 or Inert Gas fire extinguishing systems, the following provisions shall be observed:
1.Container of actuation gas shall be able to endure a pressure of 250kgf/cm2 or 25Mpa.
2.Container of actuation gas shall have a volume of at least 1 liter; weight of the contained CO2 shall be at least 0.6kg, and the filling ratio should be at least 1.5.
3.Safety device and valve for container of actuation gas shall comply with CNS 11176 specifications or shall have equivalent or better performance approved by the central authorities.
4.Container of actuation gas shall not be used as auto closing device for the protected area at the same time.
Article 89
Piping of CO2 and Inert Gas fire extinguishing systems shall be installed pursuant to the following provisions:
1.The piping shall be exclusive, and the diameter shall be determined according to flow calculation.
2.Head drop between the lowest piping and highest piping shall be determined according to flow calculation and shall be less than 50m.
In addition to the above regulations, piping of CO2 fire extinguishing sys-tems shall also comply with the following provisions:
1.Seamless steel pipe conforming to CNS 4626 shall be used, where Sch80 pipe or higher shall be for high-pressure application and Sch40 pipe or higher for low-pressure application for the thickness or having equivalent or higher strength; and piping shall be galvanized or treated for corrosion prevention.
2.When copper piping is employed, seamless copper or copper alloy pipes conforming to CNS 5127 specifications or those having equivalent or higher strength shall be used; where the high-pressure type shall endure at least 165kgf/cm2 or 16.5Mpa pressure and low-pressure type at least 37.5kgf/cm2 or 3.75Mpa pressure.
3.Pressure endurance of piping connectors and valves shall be at least 165kgf/cm2 or 16.5Mpa for the high-pressure type and at least 37.5kgf/cm2 or 3.75Mpa for the low-pressure type, with proper anti-corrosion treatment provided.
In addition to Item 1 provisions, piping of Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing sys-tems shall also comply with the following regulations:
1.Sch80 seamless steel pipe conforming to CNS 4626 with equivalent or higher thickness and strength shall be used. However, for secondary side piping provided with pressure regulating devices, steel pipe durable to at least the maximum regulated pressure at 40°C may be used, with the provision of galvanization or corrosion prevention treatment.
2.When copper piping is employed, seamless copper or copper alloy pipes conforming to CNS 5127 specifications or those having equivalent or higher strength shall be used and shall be durable to at least 165kgf/cm2 or 16.5Mpa pressure. However, for secondary side piping provided with pressure regulating devices, steel pipe that is durable to at least the maximum regulated pressure at 40°C may be used.
3.Piping connectors and valves shall be endurable to at least the internal pressure intensity and be provided with proper anti-corrosion treatment.
Article 90
Selector valve of CO2 and Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Where there are two or more protected areas or objects in the same building and the storage container is shared by the areas or objects, each shall be equipped with a selector valve.
2.Selector valves shall be placed outside the protected areas.
3.Labeled “Selector Valve” and corresponding protected area or object shall be provided clearly.
4.Where storage containers and nozzles are equipped with a selector valve, piping between the container and the selector valve shall be provided with a safety device or breaking plate in accordance with CNS 11176 provisions, or with devices approved by central authorities to have equivalent or better performances.
Article 91
Manual and automatic activating devices of CO2 and Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Manual actuating device shall meet the following requirements:
(1)Installed outside the protected area at a location that has a clear sight of the internal area and facilitates the operator for evacuation after actuation.
(2)One set for each protected area or subject.
(3)Operating part shall be located 0.8~1.5m above the floor.
(4)Casing shall be painted red or other conspicuous color.
(5)For electrical actuator, provide a power indicator.
(6)The operating switch or lever shall give an alarm sound when operated, and be equipped with an effective protection device made of transparent material.
(7)Name of protected area, operation guide and safety precautions shall be marked nearby.
2.Automatic activating device shall be inductively interlocked with 2 or more fire detector circuits.
The above-mentioned activating device shall be equipped with automatic & manual switching devices pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Placed at positions convenient for operation.
2.Manual and automatic indicating lamps shall be equipped.
3.Switch-over between AUTO and Manual shall only be operable by a key or lever.
4.Operation guide shall be posted near the switching device.
Article 92
Sound alarm device shall be established pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Alarm shall be made automatically after the manual or automatic device is operated, and may not stop before the extinguishing medium is sprayed out completely.
2.Alarm sound shall be effectively made heard by all the people inside the protected area or object.
3.Sound alarm device used in a total flooding area shall employ human voice, unless there is no person on watch at other times.
Article 93
Safety device for total flooding of CO2 fire extinguishing systems shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.A time delay of no less than 20s shall be provided between the activation of the switch or lever of the device and the opening of the valve of the storing container.
2.When manual activation is adopted, measures shall be taken to prevent spraying of extinguishing agents during the delayed time depicted in the previous Subparagraph.
3.Spraying Indicators shall be installed at gateways of the protected area or other proper locations where the indicator is easy to verify.
Safety devices of Inert Gas fire extinguishing systems shall be equipped pursuant to the following provisions:
1.Measures shall be taken to prevent pressure rise in the protected area based on flow calculation results.
2.Spraying Indicators shall be installed at gateways of the protected area or other proper locations where the indicator is easily observed.
Article 94
In protected areas using total flooding or local application, the sprayed fire-extinguishing medium shall be discharged to the safety places according to the following provisions:
1.Any of the following discharging patterns may be selected, and the medium shall be sprayed out in an hour.
(1)Where mechanic discharging is used, exhaust blower shall be used dedicatedly and have a discharge capability of 5times/hour. But it may be shared by other equipments if this doesn’t encumber exhaust.
(2)Where natural discharging is used, there shall be an openable opening. The part of the opening toward the outside air (limited to the proportion of the protected area under 2/3 of the height above the floor) shall occupy not less than 10% of the floor area of the protected area, and it shall be easy for the fire extinguishing medium to diffuse.
2.Operating switch of discharging device shall be installed outside the protected area at the location convenient for operation, and indicating shall be equipped nearby.
3.There shall be no remains of fire extinguishing medium that is discharged out the door.
Article 95
Emergency power source used for total flooding and local application shall employ self-use generating equipments or battery, the capacity of which shall be able to ensure effectively running for at least 1 hour.
Article 96
In addition to Article 87, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1, Item 1, Subparagraph 2, Item 2 and Item 3, Subparagraph 3, Subparagraph 4 and Subparagraph.9, the following provisions shall be applicable to movable spraying of CO2 fire extinguishing systems:
1.Valve of storage container can be switched manually at hose outlet.
2.Storage containers shall be equipped separately at the hose mount.
3.Red indicator shall be equipped near the storing container and labeled with “Movable CO2 Fire Extinguishing System”.
4.Equipment shall be placed at locations less prone to being covered by fumes during a fire.
5.The quantity of fire extinguishing agent sprayed by each nozzle shall be at least 60kg/minute at 20℃.
6.Hose, nozzle and hose reel shall comply with CNS 11177 specifications. Enclosure Integrity Test
Article 96-1
Enclosure Integrity Test shall be performed on completion of the protected area of Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems. Pass criterion: at least 85% Design Concentration of agent is maintained within 10 minutes of inert gas discharge.
Article 97
Labeling specifications of CO2 and Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing System will be further specified by central authorities.