Tuna longling fishing vessels proceeding to the Pacific Ocean for fishing operation are categorized, in accordance with the catch species and operation patterns, into the following groups:
(1) Large scale longliners:
i. Bigeye tuna group: bigeye tuna as the target species.
ii. Albacore tuna group: albacore tuna as the target species.
(2) Small scale longliners:
i. Frozen yellowfin tuna group: a fishing vessel with freezing equipment which has more individual vessel quota of bigeye tuna than a fishing vessel of the general group.
ii. Seasonal sharks group: fishing vessels targeting sharks during certain seasons and whose individual vessel quota of bigeye tuna is less than fishing vessels of general group.
iii. General group: no specific target species.
Fishing areas in the Pacific Ocean for large scale longliners are divided as follows, and are as shown in Appendix 3 and 4:
(1) Bigeye tuna fishing area: the area west of 150°W and between 15°S to 20°N; and the area between 130°W to 150°W and 20°S to 25°N.
(2) North bigeye tuna fishing area: the area between 130°W to 150°W and 25°N to 40°N.
(3) East bigeye tuna fishing area: the area east of 130°W and between 20°S to 20°N
(4) Albacore tuna fishing area: the area between the west of 130°W and the south of 10°S; and the area between the east of 130°W and the south of 15°S.
(5) North albacore tuna fishing area: the area between the west of 130°W and the north of 10°N; and the area between the east of 130°W and the north of 15°N.
Fishing areas in the Pacific Ocean for small scale longliners are divided as follows and are as shown in Appendix 5:
(1) Western and central Pacific fishing area: the area west of 150°W and north of 20°S.
(2) Eastern Pacific fishing area: the area between 130°W to 150°W and the south of 5°S and the north of 10°N; the area between the east of 130°W and the south of 15°S and the north of 10°N
(3) Eastern Pacific swordfish fishing area: the area between 130°W to 150°W and 5°S to 10°N.
(4) Southern Pacific fishing area: the area west of 150°W and south of 20°S.
The fishing area for tuna purse seine fishing vessels fishing in the Pacific Ocean shall be limited to the area west of 150°W, and such vessels shall not fish on the high seas north of 20°N or south of 20°S.
Catching vessels shall fish only within the fishing area(s) permitted by the competent authority.