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Legislative History

1. According to the mandate at (64) Tai-3-6650 issued by MOE and (64) Tai-Labor-622563 issued by MOI the regulations were made and announced on March 20, 1975.
2. According to the mandate at (65) Tai-3-14231 issued by MOE and (65) Tai-Labor-691208 issued by MOI the regulations were revised and announced on June 8, 1976.
3. According to the mandate at (66) Tai-3-7996 issued by MOE and (66) Tai-Labor-724936 issued by MOI the regulations were revised and announced on March 26, 1977.
4. According to the mandate at (71) Tai-3-06361 issued by MOE and (71) Tai-Training-67326 issued by MOI the regulations' title and contents (total 10 Articles) were revised and announced on March 3, 1982.
5. According to the mandate at (73) Tai-3-30222 issued by MOE and (73) Tai-Training-241358 issued by MOI the regulations were revised and announced on Aug., 3, 1984.
6. According to the mandate at (83) Tai-3-054954 issued by MOE the regulations' title and contents (total 14 Articles) were revised and announced on Oct., 12, 1994 (the original name was Selection and Recommendation Admission Regulations Regarding Technically and Artistically Talented Students at Middle/Senior High Schools ).
7. According to the mandate at (88) Tai-3-880692365 issued by MOE the contents (total 15 Articles) were revised and announced on June 21, 1999 which shall be implemented upon announcement.
8. According to the mandate at Tai-3-0920058428 issued by MOE the contents, i.e. Article 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 were revised and announced on April 22, 2003.
9. According to the mandate at Tai-3-0930131249A issued by MOE the content, i.e. Article 1 was revised and announced on Oct 11, 2004.
10. According to the mandate at Tai-3-0950140239C issued by MOE the regulations' title and contents (total 12 Articles) were revised and announced on Sept., 27, 2006 (the original name was Selection and Recommendation Admission Regulations Regarding Technically and Artistically Talented Students at Middle/Senior High Schools and Institutions of Higher Learning).
11. According to the mandate at Tai-3-0970032969C issued by MOE the contents, i.e. Article 2~4 were revised and announced on March 12, 2008.
12. According to the mandate at Tai-3-0980143114C issued by MOE the contents, i.e. Article 2, 4, 8~10 were revised and announced on Sept. 2, 2009.
13. Amended on August 20, 2013
14. Amended on December 25,2014.