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Legislative History

Title: Organization Act of the Central Police University CH
Announced Date: 1938-11-16
Amended Date: 1995-12-20
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
1. Enacted and promulgated by Order Yu-Tzu No.654 of the KMT Government on Nov.16, 1938
2. The whole text of 21 articles amended and promulgated by the KMT Government on March 14, 1946
3. The whole text of 14 articles amended and promulgated by President Order (61) Tai-Tung (1)-Yi-Tzu No. 868 on April 1, 1972
4. Articles 4~8 amended and Article 9 deleted by President Order (65) Tai-Tung (1)-Yi-Tzu No.0944 on March 25, 1976
5. The whole text of 15 articles amended and promulgated by President Order on Dec.12, 1983
6. The title and the whole text of 15 articles amended and promulgated by President Order Hua-Tsung (1)-Yi-Tzu No.10182 on Dec.20, 1995 (original title: Organic Act for the Central Police Officers School)