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1.Signed on October 05, 2018 and September 14, 2018 Entered into force on October 05, 2018
Note No. CE 2018/100

The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the Kingdom of
Eswatini presents its compliments to the Ministry of Health in
the Kingdom of Eswatini and would like to request the latter to
grant permission to the Embassy to amend contents of the
Maternal and Infants Health Care Project and country name. The
amendments are as follows:

To strengthen the technical cooperation between both countries
and in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 9 of the
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) and the Government of Kingdom of Swaziland on The
Maternal and Infants Health Care Improvement Project
(hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), signed on July 27,
2016, the Embassy, upon instruction, would like to propose to
add contents to the Project under the Agreement, and to amend
the country name as well as Articles 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 of the
Agreement as follows:

To amend country name: Kingdom of Swaziland to Kingdom of

To amend the expression of country name in Chinese version of
the Agreement: a word “ Taiwan ” be added to the name “
Republic of China ”.

Article 3 amended to:
“ The total budget for this Project will be US$7,822,759, of
which US$6,940,917 shall be provided by the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan), and with the remainder of
US$881,842 being matching grants provided by the Government
of the Kingdom of Eswatini through its Ministry of Health. ”

Paragraph 3 of Article 4 amended to:
“ 3. During project implementation the Embassy of the Republic
of China (Taiwan) in the Kingdom of Eswatini or the
International Cooperation and Development Fund
(hereinafter referred to as the Taiwan ICDF) will, in
accordance with quarterly project implementation reports
and requests for disbursement submitted by the MOH and
following the receipt and review of the accuracy of such
quarterly operational and financial reports by the R.O.C.
(Taiwan) Project Manager transfer funds to the Account. ”

Paragraph 1 and 2 of Article 5 amended to:
“ 1. In accordance with the project proposal agreed by the
Parties, the Republic of China (Taiwan) will allocate a
budget of US$6,940,917 for the project period.
2. The foregoing budget will include the salary, medical care,
insurance, round-trip flight tickets, welfare, retirement
compensation, official vehicles, and ICT equipment etc., for
the ROC (Taiwan) Project Manager and technicians, and the
expenses associated with the tasks carried out by several
short-term consultants from the Republic of China (Taiwan)
during project implementation, and other operations-related
expenses falling under the administration of the Government
of the Republic of China (Taiwan). ”

Paragraph 1 of Article 6 amended to:
“ 1. In accordance with the project proposal agreed by the
Parties, the Kingdom of Eswatini will allocate a budget of
US$881,842 for the project period. ”

Paragraph 1 of Article 9 amended to:
“ This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of
signature by the Parties and shall remain valid for a period
of eight years. The implementation period of the Project shall
be according to its work plan. ”

If the esteemed Ministry approves of the above proposed
amendments, the Embassy proposes that this and a note containing
a reply to that effect from the Ministry, shall constitute an
agreement between the two Governments which shall enter into
force on the date of the Ministry ’ s reply.

The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the Kingdom of
Eswatini avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the
Ministry of Health the assurances of its highest consideration.

14 September 2018

cc: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation,
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development

5th October 2018

Mr Jeremy S. Liang
The Ambassador
Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
P.O. Box 3160

Dear Ambassador Liang

Re: Maternal and Infants Health Care Project

The Ministry of Health presents its complements to the Embassy
of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

The above matter refers. We have reviewed the proposed
amendments to the project document and we have no objections
thereof. In this regard we would request that the final document
be produced for implementing the extended project.

The Ministry of Health avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
assurances of its highest consideration.
Yours sincerely

Dr Simon M. Zwane
Principal Secretary