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1.Signed on March 15, 2016 Entered into force on March 15, 2016
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Mission in Ankara and The
Turkish Trade Office in Taipei hereinafter referred to as "the
Parties", have agreed as follows:

The Parties acknowledge that there is a strong potential synergy
between their activities and objectives, and that the
cooperation between the Parties would be very beneficial to
their mutual objectives.

In that sense, the Parties agree that the objective of this
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to cooperate, without
exclusiveness, on matters of their own interest and in efforts
to promote investment between the territories of the Parties,
through the joint execution of pertinent programs and

Within the framework hereof and subject to prioritization of
activities and availability of funds in this MOU, the Parties
commit to developing the following cooperation areas:
a. Promotion of entrepreneurial cooperation
Each Party shall disseminate in the entrepreneurial sector of
its respective territory information on investment and
business opportunities in the other Party ’ s territory, as
well as the possible beneficial effects that may derive from
long-term cooperation and associations between the Parties.

With that purpose, the Parties shall develop events,
meetings, business missions, conferences and publications, as
well as the identification and promotion of specific
investment projects.

b. Supply of information
The Parties shall engage in the exchange of useful
information to promote successful cooperation between them,
in particular, the information on investment procedures,
entrepreneurial resources, legal framework and investment
opportunities, already existing and new ones.

For that purpose, the Parties shall exchange the information
they have, mainly on the following matters:
‧Political and economic environment for investments.
‧Incentives for investments and governmental programs.
‧General legal framework for investments, including specific
legislation on the establishment of companies and joint
‧ Tax and customs regimes.
‧Market information for goods and services.
‧Infrastructure and public utilities.
‧Skill and cost of workforce.
‧Financing sources.
‧Banking services.
‧Information on specific industrial sector or companies
previously selected by the Parties.
‧Investment projects.

The exchange of information shall not apply to disclosure of
information which is prohibited by law or which either of the
Parties is obliged to treat as confidential.

c. Identification of business partners
The Parties shall help the identification of potential
business partners in their respective territories. This task
particularly includes:
‧Development of a cooperation concept and approach to search
a business partner.
‧Identification of business partners.
‧Assistance during the implementation of projects in order
to remove bureaucratic delays.

d. Additional activities
In order to implement successfully the activities described
in subparagraphs a) and c) of this Article, the Parties –
each one within their scope of authority – may carry out
additional activities, which may include, among others, the
development of specific programs, organization of promotional
events or advisory services for companies located in the
territories of the Parties.

The Parties shall make best efforts to supply to each other,
relevant information about companies of one of the Parties
seeking to develop any project and looking for partners from
the other Party, as the case may be.

The Parties shall help each other within their possibilities
and scope of authority.

Each joint action must be planned and agreed in written by
the Parties, when necessary and on a case-by-case basis.

The Parties, by common consent, may extend the scope hereof or
subscribe complementary MOUs, in order to include the
development, jointly or individually, of activities, commitments
or actions not included herein.

Neither Party shall bear any financial obligations.

This MOU shall not interfere with the rights and obligations of
either of the Parties arising from other international covenants
to which it is a party.

In order to achieve an efficient execution of this MOU, each
Party shall appoint coordinators to the other Party.

The appointment of coordinators shall be made in writing, and
any further change of them shall be notified as soon as

Every communication that the Parties may address to each other,
by virtue hereof, must be made in writing.

To achieve the objectives of this MOU, the Parties will
endeavor, and make their best efforts to promote and facilitate
investments of this MOU, whereas the decisions and
responsibilities of individual investments remain with the

This MOU shall enter into force on the date of the later
signature and shall be valid for five (5) years, and be
automatically extended by successive periods of five years,
unless either Party sends a written notice to the other Party to
terminate it. This MOU shall terminate at 90 days from the date
of receipt of the written notice by the other Party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized
thereto have signed this MOU.

Signed in duplicate in the English language.

For the Taipei For the Turkish
Economic and Cultural Trade Office in Taipei
Mission in Ankara
_________________ _________________
Tai-Hsiang, CHENG Ismet ERIKAN

Representative Representative
15 March, 2016 15 March, 2016
Ankara, Turkey Ankara, Turkey