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1.Signed on July 16, 2019 Entered into force on July 16, 2019
The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the
Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines hereinafter
referred to individually as a “ Party ” and collectively as
the “ Parties ”;

Realizing that cross border criminal activities, especially in
its organized form, between the territories of the Parties pose
a very real danger to the stability and security of the people;

Recognizing the need to strengthen an active contribution in
combating transnational crimes in all its forms in a
comprehensive manner;

Acting in the spirit of partnership and cooperation;

Have agreed as follows:
1. Goals and Scope
1.1. The Parties shall strengthen and consolidate cooperative
efforts especially in the areas of exchange of information,
conduct of coordinated operations and cooperative
1.2. The Parties shall implement this Agreement in their
respective jurisdictions, consistent with their respective
domestic laws and international legal obligations;
1.3. This Agreement is intended to build upon existing
cooperative agreements between the Parties in developing
law enforcement cooperation, in particular the prevention
and suppression of transnational crimes; and
1.4. The goal of this Agreement is to form the basic framework
for cooperation between the Parties in combating
transnational crimes.
2. Implementing Agencies
The competent authorities responsible for the implementation
of this Agreement are as follows:
2.1. For the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan):
National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior;
2.2. For the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:
Royal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force,
Ministry of National Security.

3. Areas and Forms of Cooperative Activity
Cooperative Activities shall include the following areas and
3.1. Information sharing in the area of law enforcement;
3.2. Coordinated operations;
3.3. Repatriation;
3.4. Investigation and evidence-gathering;
3.5. Cooperative assistance.

4. Strategies
To ensure the effective implementation of this Agreement, the
Parties shall, consistent with their respective domestic
laws, adopt the following strategies in their respective
4.1. Information sharing in the area of law enforcement – The
Parties recognize the importance of developing sound law
enforcement intelligence capabilities. These capabilities
will enable opportunities for the sharing of information
related to a broad range of transnational criminals and
transnational crimes.
4.2. Coordinated operations – The Parties recognize the
importance and value of cooperation and coordination in law
enforcement operations. Coordinated operations shall
provide opportunities to the Parties to disrupt and
dismantle transnational crimes common to the Parties.
Hence, the Parties shall develop strategies and procedures
for conducting operations through existing liaisons and
future networks. The Parties also agree to exchange
information regarding the commission of crimes, help
apprehend and repatriate criminals and criminal suspects,
and when necessary, cooperate in assisting the conduct of
criminal investigation and detection.
4.3. Repatriation – The Parties agree to help apprehend and
repatriate criminals and criminal suspects. In the process
of repatriation, criminals and criminal suspects identified
by the other Party as its national shall be returned to the
territory of the Party, and documents handed over to the
other Party.
4.4. Investigation and evidence-gathering – The Parties agree
to help in the conduct of criminal investigation and gather
evidences relating to transnational crimes, including
obtaining testimonial, object and documentary evidence as
well as audio-visual materials.
4.5. Cooperative assistance – The Parties shall strengthen,
deepen and expand cooperative assistance through, among
others, exchange of best practices and for the purpose of
capacity building and professional development, exchange of
personnel for study.

5. Criminal Issues Covered by this Agreement
The priority criminal issues for the Parties under this
Agreement are:
5.1. Illegal firearms and weapons smuggling, organized illegal
immigration, human trafficking and other transnational
5.2. Counterfeiting currency, negotiable securities and document
5.3. Cybercrime;
5.4. Commercial crimes, bank offences and telecommunication and
credit card frauds;
5.5. Transnational economic crimes and offences related to
intellectual property rights;
5.6. Offences of malfeasance in office and bribery;
5.7. Serious crimes including homicide, robbery, kidnapping and
transnational sex offenses;
5.8. Hijacking of aircrafts or ships and crimes involving
terrorist activities; and
5.9. Other criminal offences as determined by the Parties.

6. Information Exchange
6.1. The Parties shall exchange information pursuant to this
Agreement, subject to relevant domestic laws and
regulations of the Parties.
6.2. The Parties shall protect any information provided by the
other Party from unauthorized access or disclosure.
6.3. A Party shall not release or disclose any information or
intelligence obtained under this Agreement to any third
party without prior consent of the other Party.

7. Media Announcement
7.1. The Parties shall coordinate on separate or joint media
releases in connection with this Agreement to ensure that
the interests of the Parties are protected.
7.2. Media releases should be intended to promote the capacities
of law enforcement and to frustrate the activities of
transnational criminal syndicates.

8. Expenses
Ordinary expenses incurred in processing a request pursuant
to this Agreement shall be paid by the requesting Party,
unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. Should the request
involve high or extraordinary expenses, the Parties shall
consult with each other on the terms and conditions for the
processing of the request and on the manner in which the
expenses will be allocated.

9. Resolution of Disputes
The Parties shall make all reasonable efforts and negotiate
in good faith to solve any dispute that may arise in the
course of the implementation of this Agreement.

10. Supplementation and Amendment
10.1. In order to ensure the implementation of this Agreement,
the Parties may supplement it with one or more technical
arrangements. Such technical arrangements shall be jointly
decided by the Parties and may be made in furtherance of
the objectives of this Agreement.
10.2. This Agreement may be amended by written agreement of the
Parties. The amendment shall take effect on the date
mutually determined by the Parties.

11. Final Provisions
11.1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon the signing
thereof by the authorized representatives of the Parties.
11.2. This Agreement shall be reviewed upon the request of
either Party every three years from the date it became
11.3. This Agreement remains effective until either Party
notifies the other Party, in writing, of its intention to
terminate the Agreement. The termination shall become
effective six months after the date of said notice.
11.4. The termination of this Agreement shall not adversely
affect any valid and subsisting activity or arrangement
concluded or entered into pursuant to this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done on this 16th day of July, 2019 in the City of Kingstown in
duplicate in the Chinese and English languages, both texts being
equally authentic.

For the Government For the Government
of the Republic of of Saint Vincent and
China (Taiwan) the Grenadines
___________________ ___________________
H.E. Dr. Jaushieh Hon. Sir Louis Straker
Joseph Wu

Minister of Foreign Deputy Prime Minister
Affairs and Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Trade and