The profit-seeking enterprise income tax exemption to private institutions participating in transportation and communication infrastructure projects is applicable only to the following listed incomes (see attached detailed items) derived from operating transportation and communication infrastructure projects; it is not applicable to income derived from other subordinate business which is incidental to the operation of such projects:
1. Railroad transport: ticket fare income for passenger transit and transportation charge income for cargoes.
2. Road construction: toll income.
3. Mass rapid transit system: ticket fare income for passenger transit.
4. Airport: service income.
5. Ports and their facilities: income from port affairs services and income from stevedoring and warehousing services.
6. Parking lot: parking fee income.
7. Major facilities for tourism and recreation: service income.
8. Bridge and tunnel: toll income.
Where purchase of machinery and equipment is required for the operation of the above-mentioned transportation and communication infrastructure projects, for the purpose of applying these Regulations, the machinery and equipment so purchased shall be brand new. However, the above restriction shall not apply, if due to practiced conditions, approval is given, on a case-by-case basis, by the competent authority after consulting with the Ministry of Finance, to import from abroad; or if in a case where the whole or one part of the infrastructure is transferred under the provisions of Paragraph 2, Article 6 of the Act after the construction is completed by the government.
│List of industries│Exempt income │Details of receipts from│
│subject to promot-│items │exempt income │
│ion │ │ │
│1.Railroad transp-│Ticket fare i-│Receipts from fares for │
│ ort │ncome for pas-│passenger transit │
│ │senger transit│ │
│ │ │ │
│ │Income from c-│Receipts from cargo tra-│
│ │argo transpor-│nsportation charges │
│ │tation charges│ │
│2.Road constructi-│Toll income │Receipts from toll fee │
│ on │ │ │
│3.Mass rapid tran-│Fare income f-│Receipts from fares for │
│ sit systems │or passenger │passenger transit │
│ │transit │ │
│4.Airports │Service income│Receipts from landing f-│
│ │ │ees, receipts from park-│
│ │ │ing fees, receipts from │
│ │ │use of waiting rooms and│
│ │ │service charges, receip-│
│ │ │ts from use of ground h-│
│ │ │andling space and equip-│
│ │ │ment, receipts from use │
│ │ │of landing bridges, rec-│
│ │ │eipts from use of ampli-│
│ │ │fier equipment, receipts│
│ │ │from fuel supply pipeli-│
│ │ │nes, receipts from use │
│ │ │of airline counters, re-│
│ │ │ceipts from use of apron│
│ │ │areas, receipts from use│
│ │ │of shelters, receipts f-│
│ │ │rom use of hangars, rec-│
│ │ │eipts from warehousing │
│ │ │services, receipts from │
│ │ │use of other equipment. │
│5.Ports and their │Income from p-│Receipts from dockage, │
│ facilities │ort affairs s-│receipts from tug hire, │
│ │ervices │receipts from mooring & │
│ │ │unmooring charges, rece-│
│ │ │ipts from water supply │
│ │ │charges. │
│ │ │ │
│ │Income from s-│Receipts from cargo han-│
│ │tevedoring & │dling service charges, │
│ │warehousing s-│receipts from cargo sto-│
│ │ervices │rage charges, receipts │
│ │ │from wharf passage, rec-│
│ │ │eipts from equipment ut-│
│ │ │ilization charges. │
│6.Parking lots │Parking fee i-│Receipts from parking f-│
│ │ncome │ees │
│7.Major facilities│Service income│Receipts from entrance │
│ for tourism and │ │tickets, receipts from │
│ recreation │ │amusement coupons, rece-│
│ │ │ipts from charges for u-│
│ │ │se of conference facili-│
│ │ │ties, receipts from acc-│
│ │ │ommodation services , r-│
│ │ │eceipts from food and b-│
│ │ │everage services │
│8.Bridges and tun-│Toll income │Receipts from toll fees │
│ nels │ │ │