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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act CH

Announced Date: 2020-06-10
Amendment to Articles 30,55,90 promulgated on JUNE 10, 2020
Article 30
In the event of any of the following conditions concerning the loading of goods, car drivers shall be fined from NT$3,000 to NT$9,000; be required to make corrections; or be prohibited from driving:
1. Carrying goods that exceed the weight, length, width, or height limits without special admission; or fail to follow regulations regarding designated routes and times.
2. Carrying goods that leak, scatter, fall off, drop or give off unpleasant odor.
3. Carrying more workers than as permitted by the regulations, or failing to follow the regulations regarding passenger seating.
4. Exceeding the approved number of passengers. This does not apply to public buses carrying passengers with a gross weight that meets the approved limits during rush hour.
5. Exceeding the approved number of passengers in the front seat of a small passenger car or driver’s cabin of a truck.
6. Carrying passengers outside the vehicle cabin.
7. Failing to properly secure passengers and goods and apparently cause safety concern.
8. Failing to present any of the followings: special permission for carrying hazardous goods; proof of inspection for a tank on a tank truck; operation training certificate; or failing to follow the regulations by driving at designated lane(s), route(s) and time slots.
Should a car owner be held responsible for any of the offenses above, he/she shall be fined and charged with 1 traffic violation; the car driver shall also be charged with 2 traffic violation points under Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1, Article 63.
Should the offenses detailed in Paragraph 1 or 2 result in injury, the driver license shall be suspended for 1 year. Should said offenses result in serious injury or death, the driver license shall be revoked.

Article 55
In the event of any of the followings to make a stop, car drivers shall be fined from NT$300 to NT$600:
1. Stopping on bridges, in tunnels, at circles, in front of obstacles, on sidewalks, on pedestrian crossings, or in fast moving traffic lanes.
2. Stopping at intersections, within the range of 10 meters near a bus stop, or within the range of 5 meters near the exits or entrances for fire trucks.
3. Stopping in places with signs or markings indicating no stop allowed.
4. Stopping without conforming the traffic direction, without keeping to the right of roadways, without keeping close to the edges of one-way streets, or parallel parking.
5. Stopping in front of traffic signs and block the signs.
Drivers are exempt from the 3-minute temporary parking rule when transporting children under 7 years old or people with disabilities to access vehicles.

Article 90
Behaviors in violation of this Act shall not be subject to reporting if more than 2 months have passed since the violation. If the behavior violating the Act reoccurs or is continuous in nature, it shall not be subject to reporting if more than 2 months have passed since the violation ended. However, in the event of an accident involving injuries or deaths for which the responsibilities cannot be determined and for which investigations have begun, the calculation for the aforementioned 2 month period shall begin from the day on which the investigations have been closed. If the above-mentioned accident does not go through investigation yet requires analysis and examination, behaviors in violation of the Act shall not be subject to reporting after 3 months of its occurrence.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)