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Title: Physical Therapists Act CH
Category: Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部)
Chapter Two Practice
Article 7
A physical therapist shall apply for the registration of his/her practice to the municipal or county (city) competent authority located in the area where he/she will practice. A physical therapist can practice only when a practice license is obtained.
A physical therapist who practices shall take continued education for certain hours every six years before he/she shall be allowed to renew his/her practice license.
Regulations governing the qualification and conditions for the application of the registration of practice under the first paragraph, the documents to be attached for such application, issuance, change, re-issuance and renewal of a practice license and the contents of the continued education courses of the preceding paragraph, credits obtained from the completion of such courses, methods of operation of these courses, recognition of the qualification received from these courses and other matters to be complied with shall be determined by the central competent authority.
Article 8
In any of the following circumstances, the practice license shall not be issued; any license already issued shall be revoked or annulled:
1. A physical therapist certificate has been revoked or annulled.
2. A physical therapist practice license was annulled within one year.
3. The physical therapist has been determined by a team of specialist physicians, physical therapists and scholars/experts invited by the municipal or county (city) competent authority to be unable to practice due to objective facts.
After the cause listed in subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph is eliminated, the physical therapist may still apply for practice license in accordance with this Act.
Article 9
A physical therapist shall be subject to one place of practice only and he/she shall practice in a medical care institution, or physical therapy clinic approved by and registered with the local competent authority, or other institution where the competent authority recognizes that it may employ a physical therapist to practice. However, inter-institutional support or condition with prior approval is not subject to this restriction.
Article 10
A physical therapist, in the case of termination or suspension of practice, shall report to the original competent authority which issued the practice license to him/her for reference within thirty (30) days after the occurrence of the facts.
The suspension of practice mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall be for one (1) year; if it exceeds one (1) year, the physical therapist shall handle the termination of practice.
Provisions regarding practice shall apply to a physical therapist who changes the place of practice or resumes practice.
Upon death of a physical therapist, the original competent authority which issued the practice license to such a physical therapist shall annul the therapist’s practice license.
Article 11
Prior to practice, a physical therapist or physical therapy technician shall join the local physical therapist association or physical therapy technician association.
Physical therapist associations or physical therapy technician associations may not reject applicants who are eligible for membership.
Article 12
The scope of practice for physical therapists:
1. Physical therapy assessment and evaluation.
2. Physical therapy goal setting and planning.
3. Manual therapy.
4. Therapeutic exercise.
5. Cryotherapy, heat therapy, light therapy, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, ultrasound and other therapeutic methods using physical agents.
6. Traction therapy, vibration therapy and other mechanical therapeutics.
7. Training and guidance of using prosthesis, wheelchairs, walking aids and orthoses.
8. Other physical therapy practices recognized by the central competent authority.
A physical therapist shall perform practices with a physician’s diagnosis, referral or prescription. This shall not apply to purposes other than disease treatment.
Article 13
In the event that a physical therapist doubts diagnosis issued by a physician, consultations or a physician’s order, he/she shall inquire the physician for confirmation prior to perform physical therapy on patients.
Article 14
In the event that a physical therapist, in his/her practice, has a patient who is in a critical situation or who is not fit to continue to receive physical therapy, he/she shall immediately cease the patient’s therapy sessions and contact a physician, or suggest to the patient to seek for a physician’s diagnosis and treatment.
Article 15
When a physical therapist practices, he/she shall make a record or patient’s name, sex and date of birth, physician’s diagnosis, consultations or a physician’s order, and circumstances and date of performing physical therapy.
Article 16
When a physical therapist is inquired by a health, judicial or judicial police authority, he/she shall not make any false statements or reports.
Article 17
The scope of practice for physical therapy technicians:
1. Therapeutic exercise.
2. Cryotherapy, heat therapy, light therapy, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, magnetic and other therapeutic methods using physical agents.
3. Traction therapy, vibration therapy and other mechanical therapeutics.
4. Other physical therapy practices recognized by the central competent authority.
A physical therapy technician shall perform practices with a physician’s diagnosis, referral or prescription.
Article 18
The provisions of this chapter on the practice of a physical therapist shall apply to a physical therapy technician who carries out the practices of the preceding Article.