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Title: Compliance Approval Regulations of Telecommunications Terminal Equipment CH
Category: National Communications Commission(國家通訊傳播委員會)
Chapter 3 Marking and Market Surveillance
Article 15
The type approval label and DoC label are the proprietary of original applicant.
When the certificate holder agrees others to use the type approval label or the Doc label of TTE with the same brand and model number, the certificate holder is request to submit a list of the authorized type approval label or DoC label to NCC for reference within thirty day after the completion of authorization of the type approval and Doc label.
The certificate holder, who failed to submit the list of authorized TTE type approval label or Doc label to NCC according to the 2 paragraph stipulation, NCC may notice it to explain the reason, and order it to comply with a prescribed time frame and suspend display or sale.
The above-mentioned authorize others to use the type approval label or Doc label may be applied through the electronic filing system; the relevant matters and date of implement applicable to the electronic filing system shall be announced by NCC.
Article 16
The certificate holder shall refer to the label format printed on the certificate to produce type approval labels or DoC labels, and affix or emboss the labels on the certified equipment before it is offered for sale. The authorized company, which is stipulated in the proceeding article, is also requested to meet the requirements.
For those applicants apply for private approval with regard to " private use " TTE, they are requested to affix the label on the certified equipment before use.
The suppliers, who fail to comply with the requirements stipulated in the first paragraph, will be requested by RCB to state reason, make improvements in a given time and suspend stop to display or sale.
Article 17
Once the approved or registered TTE is modified in respect of brand name, model number, design or function, it should be re-submitted for compliance approval. Nevertheless, after modification in respect of design or function, if it remains in compliance with the relevant technical specifications, the applicant only needs to notify the RCB the part of modification for reference.
When the aforementioned TTE extends its telecommunications interfaces and does not affect the function of the approved or registered telecommunications interfaces, it is permitted to conduct the compliance approval only upon the part of extension.
Once the relevant TTE technical specifications are amended, the approved TTE shall be re-submitted for compliance approval according to the effective date and the way of implementation as promulgated in the amended technical specifications.
Article 18
Those who have lost or damaged or changed the content of certificates may apply for re-issuance or replacement to the original RCB.
The application for change of contents as mentioned above under one of the following condition:
1. Addition of applicable platform in TTE modules or adjustment with unchanging the original radio frequency performance, approved by the original RCB.
2. Manufacturers change or join ;
3. The applicant of type approval or Doc change the company name; or
4. The applicant of type approval or DoC reports to the authority due to the merge or spin-off, and the authority approves that the company formed from the merge or spin-off or the new company as the result of such an action may use the original type approval or DoC certificate.
Those apply for reissue or replacement of type approval or Doc certificate according to the previous two paragraphs, the following documents are required:
1. The type approval or DoC certificate is lost or damaged : replacement (reissue) application form.
2. For subparagraph 1 of the previous paragraph: replacement (reissue) application form, approval document of the original RCB.
3. For subparagraph 2 of the previous paragraph: replacement (reissue) application form, photocopy of equipment production contract and statement that the equipment complies with technical specification.
4. For subparagraphs 3 and 4 of the previous paragraph: replacement (reissue) application form, company or business registration document.
Article 19
RCB should perform market surveillance activities on the TTE from time to time.
Article 20
After granting approval certificates or DoC certificates, the RCB may revoke the said certificates if any data/information attached to the application package is found to be counterfeited or false.
After granting approval certificates or DoC certificates to the applicant, the RCB may rescind the said certificates under one of the following conditions:
1. Violate the first paragraph or the third paragraph of Article 17.
2. Fail to comply with relevant TTE technical specifications after market surveillance.
3. Loss on a agency or patent lawsuit or violating the related regulations leads to the sale of certified TTEs are forbidden.
4. Failure to make correction before deadline after being notified if the main body, instruction manual, packaging box, and screen display of built-in firmware and software of the telecommunications terminal equipment harm the national dignity.
Article 21
For revoked or rescinded approval certificates or DoC certificates, NCC will announce to the public for the reason of abolishment and termination. Certificate holder will not be allowed to resubmit application with respect to the equipment with same brand name and model number within three months from the date of revocation or abolishment.
The original certificate holder shall be responsible for the retrieval of all sold TTE if his certificate is revoked or abolished by RCB. Certificate holder shall also make amends to the party for the loss caused.