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Title: Copyright Act CH
Category: Ministry of Economic Affairs(經濟部)
Chapter III Authors and Copyright
Section 4 Economic Rights
Subsection 2 Term of Protection for Economic Rights
Article 30
Except as otherwise provided in this Act, economic rights endure for the life of the author and fifty years after the author's death.
Where a work is first publicly released between the fortieth and fiftieth years after the author's death, the economic rights shall endure for a term of ten years beginning from the time of the first public release.
Article 31
Economic rights in a joint work subsist for fifty years after the death of the last surviving author.
Article 32
Economic rights in a pseudonymous work or an anonymous work endure for fifty years from the time of public release; provided, the economic rights shall be extinguished where it can be proven that the author has been deceased for over fifty years.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply when the pseudonym of the author is well known to the public.
Article 33
Economic rights in works authored by a juristic person endure for fifty years after the public release of the work; provided, if the work is not publicly released within fifty years from the completion of the creation, the economic rights shall subsist for fifty years after completion of the creation.
Article 34
Economic rights for photographic works, audiovisual works, sound recordings, and performances endure for fifty years after the public release of the work.
The proviso of the preceding article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the preceding paragraph.
Article 35
All terms of duration specified in Articles 30 through 34 terminate as of the last day of the last year of the term.
Where the term of economic rights for works released to the public continuously or successively is calculated on the basis of the date of the public release of the work, if each public release can constitute an independent work, the term of economic rights of each work shall be calculated from the date of each public release; if each public release cannot constitute an independent work, the term shall be calculated from the date of the public release(s) that can constitute an independent work.
With respect to the circumstances described in the preceding paragraph, if the continuing part has not been publicly released within three years of the date of public release of its preceding part, the term of the economic rights shall be calculated from the date of public release of its preceding part.