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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Midwifery Personnel Act CH
Category: Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部)
Chapter 6 Associations
Article 44
There shall be municipal midwifery personnel associations and city/county midwifery personnel associations. Furthermore, the national union of midwifery personnel associations may be established.
Article 45
The current administrative districts shall constitute the jurisdiction of midwifery personnel associations. Only one association at the same level may be established in a district. However, this rule does not apply to those established prior to the adjustments and changes of the administrative districts.
Article 46
A municipal or city/county midwifery personnel association shall be founded and organized by nine or more midwifery personnel who practice in its jurisdiction. In cases where there are less than nine personnel, these personnel may join the association in an adjacent district or organize an association together with others.
Article 47
The national union of midwifery personnel associations may be founded and organized only after midwifery personnel associations have been organized in more than one-third of the municipalities and cities/counties.
Article 48
Midwifery personnel associations at all levels shall be governed by the authority in charge of civil associations. However, their target businesses shall be directed and supervised by the competent authorities.
Article 49
Midwifery personnel associations at all levels shall have directors and supervisors, all of who shall be elected by members (member representatives) in a general assembly of members (member representatives). Boards of directors and supervisors shall be formed. The number of board members shall be as follows:
1. The number of directors of a municipal or city/county midwifery personnel association shall not exceed 21;
2. The number of directors of the national union of midwifery personnel associations shall not exceed 27;
3. The number of directors of a midwifery personnel association at each level shall not exceed one-half of the total of the members (member representatives);
4. The number of supervisors of a midwifery personnel association at each level shall not exceed one-third of the number of its directors.
A midwifery personnel association at each level may have alternate directors and alternate supervisors. The number of such directors and supervisors shall not exceed one-third of the number of its directors and supervisors, respectively.
In the event that there are three or more directors or supervisors, they may elect standing directors or standing supervisors from among them. The number of standing directors or standing supervisors shall not exceed one-third of the number of directors or supervisors. Directors shall elect a chairman from among the standing directors. If there are no standing directors, directors shall elect a chairman from among them. In the event that there are three or more standing supervisors, they shall elect a convener of the board of supervisors from among them.
Article 50
The term of office of directors and supervisors shall be three years. No more than one-half of the directors or supervisors shall be re-elected. The chairman shall be re-elected only once.
Article 51
The candidates for directors and supervisors of the national union of midwifery personnel associations shall not be limited to the member representatives appointed by municipal or city/county midwifery personnel associations.
The member representatives appointed by municipal or city/county midwifery personnel associations to join the national union of midwifery personnel associations are not limited to directors or supervisors of the associations.
Article 52
Midwifery personnel associations shall convene a general assembly of members (member representatives) each year, and may convene a special assembly when necessary.
When a midwifery personnel association has over three hundred members, it may, in accordance with the articles of association, delimit areas according to the distribution of its members, select representatives based on the percentage of the members in each area, and convene a general assembly of member representatives to exercise the powers of the general assembly of members.
Article 53
A midwifery personnel association shall formulate articles of association, prepare a roster of members and a roster of appointed staff members in which their resumes are provided, and submit the rosters to the local authority in charge of civil associations for registration, and to the central and local competent authorities for recordation.
The national union of midwifery personnel associations shall establish a code of ethics for midwifery personnel and submit the same to the general assembly of member representatives. After being adopted at the general assembly, the code of ethics shall be forwarded to the central competent authority for recordation.
Article 54
The articles of association of a midwifery personnel association at each level shall specify the following matters:
1. Name, jurisdiction, and location of the association;
2. Missions, organization, tasks, or businesses;
3. Obtaining and withdrawing from membership;
4. Membership fees to be paid by members and payment deadlines;
5. Designation and term of office of member representatives;
6. Number, authority, and term of office of directors and supervisors and their election and discharge;
7. Rules for the general assembly of members (member representatives) and meetings of the board of directors and board of supervisors;
8. Conventions to be complied with by members;
9. Funding and accounting;
10. Amendment of articles of association;
11. Other necessary matters to be specified in accordance with law or for the purpose of handling association affairs.
Article 55
In the event that a midwifery personnel association violates laws, regulations, or articles of associations, the authority in charge of civil associations may impose the following punishments:
1. Warnings;
2. Rescission of its resolutions;
3. Discharge or dismissal of its staff members;
4. Rectification within a specified period of time.
The punishments set forth in Subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the preceding paragraph may also be imposed by the competent authorities.
Article 56
Municipal and city/county midwifery personnel associations are obligated to comply with the articles of association of the national union of midwifery personnel associations.
Article 57
If a member of a midwifery personnel association violates laws, regulations, or articles of associations, a punishment shall be imposed according to the resolution adopted in the general assembly of members (member representatives).
Article 58
The provincial midwife associations registered before the Act was amended and came into effect on June 3, 2003 shall dissolve within four years from the date when the Act was amended and came into effect.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)