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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 20:17

Chapter Law Content

Title: Regulations for Tuna Longline or Purse Seine Fishing Vessels Proceeding to the Pacific Ocean for Fishing Operation CH
Category: Ministry of Agriculture(農業部)
Chapter VIII Management of Shark Catch
Article 57
Any fishing vessel of the seasonal sharks group shall not catch or retain on board any shark of less than 100 centimeters total length.
Any fishing vessel of the seasonal sharks group shall not catch sharks in the area north of 35°N, and between 165°E to 175°E from June 1 to October 31 of each year.
In case of catching any shark as referred to in paragraph 1, or catching any shark during the period or area as referred to in the preceding paragraph, such catch shall be discarded and the amount of discard shall be recorded in the E-logbook.
Article 58
For any tuna longline fishing vessel employing ice chilling method to preserve its sharks catches, shark fins shall not be fully cut off and shall be naturally attached to the carcasses (hereinafter referred to as “fins naturally attached”).
For any tuna longline that employs freezing method to preserve shark catches or tuna purse seine fishing vessel, shark fins shall be naturally attached or tied to carcasses. The fins and carcass that are tied together shall be of the same shark. Notwithstanding such a provision, small scale longliners may alternatively process shark catches by:
(1) Storing shark carcass and its corresponding fins in the same bag, or
(2) Attaching identical numbered tags to each shark carcass and its corresponding fins and binding all the fins from the same carcass together or storing them in the same bag. Both the carcasses and fins shall be stored in the same hold.
Shark catches of any tuna longline or tuna purse seine fishing vessel being processed in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall remain the same processed status until landing.
Numbers of the tag as referred to in subparagraph (2) of paragraph 2 shall include 5-digit CT Number and 6-digit catches number. The 6-digit catches number shall be sequentially numbered starting from Arabic numeral 1, and shall be clear, identifiable, and not prone to be worn. Tag numbers of different sharks shall not be the same.
Article 59
Shark carcasses and corresponding fins shall be transshipped or landed concurrently in the same shipment.
Article 59-1
Catching vessels shall fully utilize the shark catch, which shall not be discarded except the head, guts and skins.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)