Chapter VII Meetings
Article 35
The General Members (Representatives) Meetings of a fishermen association, which include regular meeting and extraordinary meeting, shall be convened by the chair of the board of directors.
Regular meetings of fishermen associations at any level shall be held once per year. An extraordinary meeting shall be convened at the request made by one-third or more of members (representatives), or when considered necessary by the board of directors.
In case that the chair of the board of directors fails to convene an extraordinary meeting within ten days following the request as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the original proponent may apply to the competent authority for an order to convene the meeting.
A regional fishermen association, in consideration of difficulty in convening a general members meeting due to the huge number of members, may divide electorates where members elect representatives to convene a representative meeting to exercise the power of the general members meeting.
Article 36
Meetings of the board of directors and supervisors of a fishermen association shall be convened by the chair of board of directors and the standing supervisor, respectively, who shall serve as the chair of the meetings. The number of meetings to be convened shall be provided in the charter of a fishermen association.
Article 37
A fishermen task force shall hold its meeting at least once per year, which shall be convened and chaired by the chief of the task force.
Article 38
The General Members (Representatives) Meeting and meetings of the board of directors or supervisors of a fishermen association shall, unless otherwise provided in this Act, have a quorum of one-second of the members, and any resolution shall be adopted with the endorsement of simple majority of the attendantsactually present.
For the meetings as referred to in the preceding paragraph, except for the meeting for the appointment of a secretary general, a second meeting may be convened if a quorum of one- third of the members is reached. Despite that, this exception does not apply if the number of required attendants is three or less.
Article 39
For the following issues, resolutions shall be adopted by a two- thirds majority of the attendants actually present in the General Members (Representatives) Meeting, with a quorum of two- thirds of the total members (representatives) of a fishermen association:
(1)Adoption or revision of the charter
(2)Penalty against members.
(3)Recall of elective personnel.
(5)Disposal of properties.
(6)Other major issues related to the rights and obligations of members.