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Chapter 3 Alterations
Section 1 Change of name
Article 16
A university or tertiary college being renamed shall meet the following criteria:
1. An independent college that is applying to be renamed an ordinary university or an institute of technology that is applying to be renamed a university of science and technology shall meet the following criteria:
(1) It has had excellent educational results and has tangible evidence of its performance.
(2) Administration of the independent college’s recruiting and enrolment, student status, personnel affairs, accounting, finance, courses, and computerization of administrative matters are all functioning normally, and it has established a soundly operating institutional system, and the MOE does not have any instance of major administrative error or negligence on record.
(3) It shall be operating in compliance with MOE policy goals and associated regulations.
(4) For a private independent college, its board of directors’ registration as a legal person, updates made and operations are normal, and it has established a soundly operating institutional system.
2. When the educational institution in question is operating in compliance with the previous subparagraph and the special circumstances set out below pertain, an institute of technology may be renamed an ordinary university, and vice versa; an independent college may be renamed a university of science and technology, and vice versa; an institute of technology may be renamed an independent college, and vice versa; and an ordinary university may be renamed a university of science and technology, and vice versa.
(1) Education policy and national requirements.
(2) It is considered a definite necessity following an MOE examination and consideration of the current distribution of universities in each region.
(3) The municipality or county (city) where the educational institution applying to be renamed is located does not have an ordinary university, a university of science and technology, or an independent college, or institute of technology in the same educational institution name category as the proposed name.
Article 17
The MOE shall accept applications to be renamed from independent colleges, institutes of technology, universities of science and technology, and ordinary universities and, in principle, process such applications once each year.
The MOE procedures governing accepting an application for a name change and its approval are as follows:
1. If the proposed name change is in compliance with the requirements stipulated in the previous article the educational institution may draw up a name change proposal; after the proposal has been reviewed and given due deliberation by the university (college) council, and in the case of a private educational institution after the proposal has also been approved by its board of directors, an application with the name change proposal, minutes of the meetings at which it was deliberated, and basic information indicating compliance with the requirements set out in the subparagraphs of the previous article with associated forms attached shall be submitted to the MOE before the designated deadline for the current year.
2. The MOE may form a case review panel to conduct the review. The review is divided into two stages, a preliminary review and a follow-up review; the materials provided by the educational institution are examined at the preliminary review stage.
3. If a college or university passes the preliminary review, the MOE shall conduct an on-site inspection, and then, depending on the results of the on-site inspection, may convene a follow-up review meeting to discuss the case and make specific recommendations regarding the institution's future plans and long-term development. If the college or university passes the follow-up review, it will be given approval to be renamed.
A private educational institution that has received approval from the MOE to be renamed shall undertake an update of the registration of its school endowment corporation.
If an independent college, an institute of technology, a university of science and technology, or an ordinary university applies to change its name and the MOE reviews the application and does not give its approval, that educational institution is not permitted to reapply to change its name within a year from the date following the day on which it receives written notification of the result of its initial application.
The provisions of the previous paragraph do not apply to an educational institution that had not been given MOE approval to change its name following a review and had reapplied in the subsequent year, before the amendments to these Regulations came into effect on October 31, 2019.
Article 18
A junior college or institution of higher education may apply to change its name in order to meet its development requirements; the provisions of the previous article apply, mutatis mutandis, to the application procedure and related matters.
Article 19
The new name of a junior college or institution of higher education that is applying to change its name shall be in compliance with the following provisions:
1. The name of a junior college or institution of higher education shall clearly indicate its category and level. The name of a public junior college or institution of higher education shall begin with the word “national”, “municipal”, "county", or "city”, as appropriate. The name of a private junior college or institution of higher education shall begin with the name of its school endowment corporation, and it is not permitted to only use the name of the city, county, municipality, or higher level administrative district in which it is located as its name.
2. When the name of a private junior college or institution of higher education consists of the name of the administrative district and another embellishing component, the embellishing component may possess historical significance, be a commemorative meaning, be a phrase that by convention must be used in full, or reflect some other feature of the institution. But such a name component is not permitted to reflect the academic category of the institution.
3. If two or more educational institutions of the same level in the same district are in the same category or a similar one, if the name proposed for one of them is too similar to that of any other, one or more words sufficient to clearly distinguish its name shall be added.
4. A junior college or institution of higher education is not permitted to use a name with any of the following features:
(1) The name is identical to or closely resembles that of a well-known domestic or international organization. This restriction does not apply, however, if the organization's written consent has been obtained.
(2) A name identical to or closely resembling a name already being used by another educational institution of the same level.