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Chapter II Financial Reports
Section V Notes
Article 20
To meet the objective of presenting full and complete information about the financial position, financial performance, and cash flows of a securities firm, financial reports shall contain explanatory notes disclosing the following:
1. Company history and scope of business operations.
2. A statement that the financial reports comply with these Regulations, applicable laws and regulations (giving the titles of the laws or regulations), as well as IFRS, IAS, IFRIC Interpretations, and SIC Interpretations.
3. The date when the financial reports were authorized for issue and the process involved in authorizing the financial reports for issue.
4. The effect or impact that may arise when it has or has not applied a new or revised IFRS, IAS, IFRIC Interpretation, or SIC Interpretation recognized by the FSC.
5. A summary of significant accounting policies used that are relevant to an understanding of the financial reports, and the measurement basis (or bases) used in preparing the financial reports.
6. Significant accounting judgments, estimations, and assumptions, as well as information about the assumptions it makes and other major sources of estimation uncertainty.
7. Objectives, policies and processes for managing capital, and any change in capital structure, including funding, liability, and equity.
8. If for a special reason there is a change in accounting treatment, thus affecting the comparison of financial data between two successive periods, the reason for the change and its effect on the financial reports shall be noted.
9. If it is necessary to provide the basis of valuation for any amount, financial instrument, or other item presented in the financial reports, the basis of valuation shall be noted.
10. If any item presented in the financial reports is subject to any legal, regulatory, contractual, or other restriction, the circumstances and timing of the restriction and other related information shall be noted.
11. Criteria for classifying assets and liabilities into current and non-current.
12. Material contingent liabilities and unrecognized contractual commitments.
13. Information on related financial instruments such as call (put) warrants and hedging transactions.
14. Financial risk management objectives and policies.
15. Long-term and short-term borrowings.
16. The addition, expansion, construction, lease, obsolescence, idling, sale, transfer, or long-term renting of major assets.
17. Principal investments in other enterprises.
18. Material transactions with related parties.
19. Losses due to material disasters.
20. Material litigation pending or concluded.
21. The signing, completion, avoidance, or lapse of material contracts.
22. Information about financial instruments. The information shall be disclosed in accordance with IFRS 7, including disclosure of the significance of financial instruments for the securities firm's financial position and performance; qualitative and quantitative disclosures describing risk exposures arising from financial instruments.
23. Comprehensive information about the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers shall be disclosed in accordance with IFRS 15, including details of revenue recognized from contracts with customers, contract balances, contract performance obligations, significant judgments and changes in the judgments, and any assets recognized from the costs to obtain or fulfil a contract with a customer.
24. Relevant information about leases. The information shall be disclosed in accordance with IFRS 16, including disclosure of information that gives a basis for the primary users of the financial reports to assess the effect that the leases have on the financial position, financial performance, and cash flows of the securities firm, and relevant qualitative and quantitative information about its leasing activities.
25. Information about employee benefits. The information shall be disclosed in accordance with IAS 19, and shall include the influence of defined benefit plans on the amount, timing, and certainty of future cash flows, actuarial losses and gains arising from changes in demographic assumptions and financial assumptions, and the expected contributions in the next reporting period in the following financial year.
26. Segment financial information required to be disclosed in accordance with IFRS 8 including the scope of business, revenue, and gains and losses of each reportable segment.
27. Information on Mainland Area investments by the securities firm or by its subsidiaries in a third jurisdiction.
28. When subsidiaries hold shares in the parent, the names of the subsidiaries and the shareholdings, amounts, and reasons shall be separately presented.
29. In the case of private placement of securities, the type, issue date, and amount shall be disclosed.
30. Material organizational adjustments and material management reforms.
31. Material effects of changes in government laws and regulations.
32. Material effects of discontinuance of operations.
33. Any merger with or transfer of all business operations from or to another securities firm.
34. The content and monetary amount of trust business activities conducted in accordance with the Trust Enterprise Act.
35. Fair value information. The information shall be disclosed in accordance with IFRS 13, and shall include information on recurring or non-recurring fair value measurement of assets and liabilities, inputs such as fair value valuation technique and parameters or assumptions used in fair value measurement, and Level 3 of fair value hierarchy.
36. Foreign-currency-denominated assets and liabilities that have significant influence: Include the amount of risk exposure, currency, and exchange rate for monetary and non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies, and the foreign exchange gains or losses on monetary items.
37. Regulatory capital adequacy ratio.
38. The basis for calculating the number of shares to be distributed as profit-sharing compensation to employees, and information on profit-sharing compensation to employees, directors, and supervisors:
A. The fixed amount or ratio prescribed in the articles of incorporation (and a statement that this information may be queried on the Market Observation Post System).
B. The basis for the estimated figures for the current period, the basis for calculating the number of shares to be distributed, and the accounting treatment of the discrepancy, if any, between the actual distributed amount and the estimated figure.
C. The actual distribution for the previous fiscal year (with an indication of the number of shares, monetary amount, and stock price, of the shares distributed), and, if there is any discrepancy between the actual distribution and the recognized amount, additionally specify the amount of the discrepancy, the cause, and how it is treated.
39. Supporting information for items presented in the balance sheet and in the statements of comprehensive income, of changes in equity and of cash flows, including material information that could affect the securities firm's future cash flows, or other necessary descriptions essential for avoiding misunderstanding by the primary users or for the fair presentation of the financial reports.
Article 21
Financial reports shall include explanatory notes on the following subsequent events that occur between the balance sheet date and the date when the financial reports are authorized for issue:
1. Change in capital structure.
2. Large long-term or short-term borrowings.
3. The addition, expansion, construction, lease, obsolescence, idling, sale, pledge, transfer, or long-term renting of major assets.
4. Principal investments in other enterprises.
5. Losses due to material disasters.
6. Material litigation pending or concluded.
7. The signing, completion, voidance, or lapse of material contracts.
8. Material organizational adjustments and material management reforms.
9. Material effects of changes in government laws and regulations.
10. Other material events or measures capable of affecting future financial position, financial performance, and cash flows.
Article 22
A securities firm shall separately disclose in the notes to the financial reports information on the following events between the securities firm and its subsidiaries during the current period, and on parent-subsidiary transactions:
1. Information on material transactions:
A. Lending funds to others.
B. Providing endorsements or guarantees for others.
C. Acquisition of real estate reaching NT$300 million or 20 percent of paid-in capital or more.
D. Disposal of real estate reaching NT$300 million or 20 percent of paid-in capital or more.
E. Handling fee discounts on transactions with related parties totaling NT$5 million or more.
F. Accounts receivable from related parties reaching NT$100 million or 20 percent of paid-in capital or more.
G. Others: The business relationship between the parent and the subsidiaries and between each subsidiary, and the circumstances and amounts of any material transactions between them.
2. Information on investees: If the securities firm directly or indirectly exercises significant influence or control over, or has a joint venture interest in, an investee company that is not in the Mainland Area, it shall disclose information on the investee company, showing the name, location, principal business activities, original investment amount, shareholding at the end of the period, profit or loss for the period, recognized investment gain or loss, and cash dividends.
3. Information on overseas branches and representative offices: The securities firm shall provide information on its overseas branches and representative offices, disclosing the locations, business activities, inward and outward remittances of operating capital, the branch's profit or loss for the period, and any accounts and transactions with the head office.
4. Information on investments in the Mainland Area:
A. If the securities firm directly or indirectly exercises significant influence or control over, or has a joint venture interest in, an investee company in the Mainland Area , it shall disclose the information on any investee company in the Mainland Area, showing the name, principal business activities, paid-in capital, method of investment, inward and outward remittance of funds, shareholding ratio, current profit or loss, and recognized investment gain or loss, carrying amount of the investment at the end of the period, repatriated investment gains, and limit on the amount of investment in the Mainland Area.
B. When the securities firm recognizes investment gain or loss using the equity method or prepares consolidated financial statements with respect to a Mainland Area investee company, the recognition or preparation shall be based on the investee company's financial reports audited and attested by an international CPA firm having a business cooperation relationship with an R.O.C. CPA firm, provided that when preparing interim consolidated financial reports, the recognition or preparation may be based on the investee company's financial reports reviewed by an international CPA firm having a business cooperation relationship with an R.O.C. CPA firm.
5. Information on major shareholders: a securities firm whose stock is listed on the TWSE or listed on the TPEx shall disclose the names, numbers of shares held, and shareholding percentages of shareholders who hold 5 percent or more of the securities firm's equity. For this purpose, the securities firm may request the centralized securities depository enterprise to provide relevant information.
If the shares issued by a securities firm have a par value other than NT$10, for the calculation of a transaction amount of 20 percent of paid-in capital under subparagraph 1, items C, D, and F of the preceding paragraph, 10 percent of the equity attributable to owners of the parent as stated in the balance sheet shall be substituted.
Article 23
A securities firm shall fully disclose information on related party transactions in accordance with IAS 24, and the following provisions shall be complied with:
1. The name and relationship of the related party shall be presented.
2. If the transaction amount or balance of any single related party reaches 10 percent or more of the securities firm's total transaction amount or balance of that type of transaction, the name of each such related party shall be individually presented.
In considering whether a counterparty is a related party, attention shall be directed to the substance of the relationship in addition to the legal form. Unless it can be established that no control, joint control, or significant influence exists, a party falling within any of the following shall be deemed to have a substantive related party relationship, and relevant information shall be disclosed in the notes to the financial reports in accordance with IAS 24:
1. An affiliated enterprise within the meaning given in Chapter VI-I of the Company Act, and any of its directors, supervisors, and managerial officers.
2. A company or institution governed by the same general management office as the securities firm, and any of its directors, supervisors, and managerial officers.
3. A person holding the position of manager or higher in the general management office.
4. A company or institution shown as an affiliated enterprise in the securities firm's publications or public announcements.
5. Another company or institution whose board chairman or president is the same person as, or is the spouse or a relative within the second degree of kinship of, the board chairman or president of the securities firm.