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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Regulations for Tuna Longline or Purse Seine Fishing Vessels Proceeding to the Pacific Ocean for Fishing Operation CH
Category: Ministry of Agriculture(農業部)
Chapter VII Logbooks and Catch Reports
Article 49
In the event that any catching vessel leaves a port, its captain shall daily report catch data through the E-logbook system designated by the competent authority. The catch data reported shall be complete and accurate, and where the catch amount is zero, catch data shall be reported as well.
In case that the E-logbook system fails to report catch data on the day, the distant water fisheries operator or the captain shall transmit catch data via facsimile to the competent authority or the commissioned professional institution next day. Such catch data shall be signed by the distant water fisheries operator or the captain.
In the event that the E-logbook system fails to report catch data for five consecutive days, it is deemed as mal-function. The malfunctioning E-logbook system shall be repaired no later than 30 days.
In the event that the E-logbook system onboard is deemed as mal-functional for an accumulative period of 15 days and above during one fishing trip, the competent authority may order such fishing vessel to stop fishing immediately and directly navigate to a designated port within the required timeframe for repair and inspection(s) conducted by the personnel dispatched by the competent authority, and the vessel shall not leave the port until the commissioned professional institution has confirmed that such E-logbook system can normally transmit data.
Any expense incurred from port return, port entry and confirmation of E-logbook system as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be borne by the distant water fisheries operator.
Article 49-1
In the event that a tuna longline fishing vessel authorized to conduct Pacific bluefin tuna fishing operation and whose fishing area is west of 128°E and north of 17°N, fills in the logbooks designated by the competent authority completely and accurately, such vessel may not report its catch data through the E-logbook system in accordance with Article 49 and 50 to 52.
In case that there is any discrepancy between any datum recorded in the E-logbook system and the logbook for the fishing vessel as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the datum recorded in the E-logbook system shall prevail
The complete logbooks shall be maintained on board the fishing vessel as referred to in paragraph 1 for at least one year, and a copy of the logbooks shall be submitted to the competent authority for perusal within 60 days starting from the date the fishing vessel enters a port.
Article 50
Any tuna longline fishing vessel shall not catch Pacific bluefin tuna or southern bluefin tuna without permission, and in case of bycatch, the fishing vessel shall immediately discard such catch and record the amount of discard in the E-logbook system.
In the case of any of the following circumstances, any catching vessel shall immediately discard any subsequent catch of the species concerned and record the amount of discard in the E-logbook system:
(1) The allowed individual vessel quota of the fish species with catch limit or that of striped marlin is exhausted.
(2) Any Pacific bluefin tuna is subsequently caught after the deadline prescribed by the competent authority in Article 4 of the Regulations on the Management of Pacific Bluefin Tuna Fishing Operation.
Article 51
In case that any catching vessel finds any sea turtle during fishing operation, such vessel shall, where practicable, bring aboard any comatose or inactive sea turtle as soon as possible, and foster its recovery and return it to the sea at once after recovery.
Any seabird, sea turtle, whale shark, cetacean, penguin or prohibited species promulgated by the competent authority incidentally caught by any catching vessel shall be released when caught alive or discarded when dead, and the number(s) shall be duly recorded in the E-logbook system.
Article 52
Any fish species of no economic value or no utilizing value caught by any catching vessel shall be released immediately, and number(s) discarded shall be duly recorded in the E-logbook system.
Article 53
The datum reported through the E-logbook system shall not be altered or amended, unless there is apparent error with the content and the competent authority has approved.
Article 54
Article 55
The discrepancy between the catch amount recorded in the E-logbook during one fishing trip of any tuna longline fishing vessel and its actual landing amount shall not exceed the following margins:
(1) For fish species with catch limit: 10% of the actual landing amount.
(2) For yellowfin tuna, albacore tuna, swordfish, or striped marlin: 20% of the actual landing amount.
(3) For fish species except for those referred to in the preceding two subparagraphs: 25% of the actual landing amount.
In case that the discrepancy exceeds the ratio as referred to in the preceding paragraph, whereas the following provisions are met, the competent authority, at its discretion, may deem such situation as non-misreporting:
(1) For species with catch limit, the discrepancy is less than two metric tons.
(2) For yellowfin tuna, albacore tuna, swordfish, or striped marlin, the discrepancy is less than four metric tons.
(3) For fish species except for those referred to in the preceding two subparagraphs, the discrepancy is less than six metric tons.
The discrepancy as referred to in subparagraphs (1) and (2) of the preceding two paragraphs shall be calculated by each species. The discrepancy as referred to in subparagraph (3) of the preceding two paragraphs shall be calculated by sharks and other species respectively.
For any tuna longline fishing vessel which does not report its catch through the E-logbook system pursuant to Article 49-1, the discrepancy as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be calculated based on the logbooks.
The discrepancy between the catch amount recorded in the E-logbook during one fishing trip of any tuna purse seine fishing vessel and its actual landing amount shall not exceed 25%.
Article 56
A tuna longline fishing vessel that is under any of the following circumstances shall be deemed as “seriously misreporting” as referred to in subparagraph (12) of Article 13, paragraph 1 of the Act:
(1) For fish species with catch limit, the discrepancy between the catch amount recorded in the E-logbook and the actual landing amount exceeds two metric tons as well as 20% of the actual landing amount.
(2) For yellowfin tuna, albacore tuna, swordfish, or striped marlin, the discrepancy between the catch amount recorded in the E-logbook and the actual landing amount exceeds four metric tons as well as 50% of the actual landing amount.
(3) For fish species except for those referred to in the preceding two subparagraphs, the discrepancy between the catch amount recorded in the E-logbook and the actual landing amount exceeds six metric tons as well as 50% of the actual landing amount.
The discrepancy as referred to in subparagraphs (1) and (2) of the preceding paragraph shall be calculated by each species. The discrepancy as referred to in subparagraph (3) of the preceding paragraph shall be calculated by sharks and other species respectively.
For any tuna longline fishing vessel which does not report its catch through the E-logbook system pursuant to Article 49-1, the discrepancy as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be calculated based on the logbooks.
For any tuna purse seine fishing vessel, in case that the discrepancy between the catch amount recorded in the E-logbook and the actual landing amount exceeds 50% of the actual landing amount, it shall be deemed as “seriously misreporting” as referred to in subparagraph (12) of Article 13, paragraph 1 of the Act.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)