Chapter VI Personnel Interviews
Article 22
Prior to an interview, an interviewee may request a person to accompany him or her to the place where the interview is conducted. No supervisor, employer, lawyer or insurance agent of the interviewee or any member of the judiciary, prosecutorial or investigative authorities may so accompany the interviewee unless the TTSB gives its consent.
The person accompanying the interviewee may not enter the place where the interview is conducted unless he or she undertakes not to disclose the contents of the interview and not to interfere with the interview.
During the interview, the interviewee shall answer truthfully to any question presented to him or her by the TTSB’s investigation task force. The accompanying person may not make any statement or interfere with or interrupt the interview, however, the interviewee may discuss the question with the accompanying person.
Prior to the interview, the supervisor or employer of the interviewee may not in any way affect the interviewee as to his or her statements concerning the facts, nor interfere with the interview.
No person may enter the place where the interview is conducted except those permitted by the investigation task force.
After the interview, the interviewee may not disclose the contents of the interview.
Article 23
The public disclosure of recordings or records of the interview and any restricted documents with respect to any situation described in Articles 21 and 22 of the Act and the subparagraphs of first paragraph of Article 18 of the Freedom of Government Information Law, shall be limited.