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Article 30
In addition to have completed not less than 250 hours of flight time as a pilot in both aeroplane and full flight simulator or flight training device, applicants who have completed a pilot training program in a CAA approved training institute; or have completed training subjects of a CAA approved training program and passed tests, their total flight time both in aeroplane and full flight simulator or flight training device, may be reduced to a minimum of 190 hours, Applicant of commercial pilot license- aeroplane shall also meet the following requirements:
(1) The applicant shall have completed in aircraft not less than 100 hours as pilot-in-command, which includes 20 hours of cross-country flight time one of which totaling not less than 540 km in the course, and of which full-stop landings at three different aerodromes shall be made.
(2) If the privileges of the license are to be exercised at night, the applicant shall have completed not less than 10 hours of night flight time, which includes 5 hours of dual instruction night flight time. The applicant shall also have completed not less than 10 take-offs and landings as the sole controller of the aircraft. The number of take-offs and landings shall not include touch-and-goes.
(3) The applicant shall have completed not less than 20 hours of instrument instruction flight time of which no more than 10 hours under instruction in a full flight simulator or flight training device shall be acceptable as part of the total time.
No more than 50 hours as a pilot under instruction in a full flight simulator or flight training device shall be acceptable as part of the above prescribed total flight time.
Article 31
Applicant for commercial pilot license - aeroplane shall have demonstrated a level of knowledge appropriate to the privilege granted to the license holder in the following subjects:
(1) Civil Aviation Act and related laws and regulations.
(2) Principles of flight of aeroplane
(3) Air traffic management procedures.
(4) Weight and balance.
(5) Aeronautical meteorology.
(6) Basic air navigation.
(7) Radiotelephony and phraseology.
(8) General maintenance of aircraft.
(9) Human factor theory
Article 32
Applicant for commercial pilot license-aeroplane shall have no less than 3 hours of flight instruction flight time within the preceding 60 days of application or have completed a CAA approved training program. The exam shall be implemented in accordance with the “ CAA PILOT RATING REPORT FORM ”.
Article 33
The commercial pilot-aeroplane licence-qualified pilot have all the privileges of the holder of a private pilot license aircraft, on the same type of aircraft, may also:
(1) Act as pilot-in-command or co-pilot in aeroplane engaged in operations other than commercial air transportation.
(2) Act as pilot-in-command in commercial air transportation in an aeroplane certified for single-pilot operation.
(3) Act as co-pilot in commercial air transportation in an aeroplane required to be operated with a co-pilot.