CHAPTER 6 Research, Evaluation, and Incentives
Article 41
Governments at all levels may set up ethnic education-related research and development organizations or commission appropriate educational institutions, academic institutions, and organizations to engage in conducting experiments, research and evaluation, and training workshops on ethnic education-related courses, teaching materials, and teaching methods, and other matters related to the development of indigenous education.
Representatives with an indigenous identity shall constitute the greater proportion of the people involved in planning and undertaking each indigenous education-related experiment, research project, and evaluation.
Article 42
The Research Center for Indigenous Education set up by the National Academy for Education Research shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of research related to indigenous education and respond appropriately to the learning needs of students at educational institutions of all types and at all levels by providing advice regarding indigenous education related policies.
Article 43
When promoting education policies, the competent education authorities at all levels shall enhance awareness of and respect for the indigenous peoples on the part of all the nation’s people, and they may encourage and provide subsidies to non-profit organizations, legal persons, and/or groups to provide the general public with education about indigenous peoples, and multicultural education.
Government agencies, public enterprises and organizations, and any foundation that has received government subsidy assistance that in total exceeds fifty percent (50%) of its funds shall plan and implement courses and/or activities related to education about indigenous peoples and multicultural education and encourage their employees to participate.
Governments at all levels shall give awards to educational institutions, organizations, groups, and individual personnel engaged in indigenous education work that have made an outstanding contribution.