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Title: Wetland Conservation Act CH
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Chapter 6 Wetland Seal and the Wetland Fund
Article 32
To utilize a market mechanism for expanding the participation of the society and for promoting wetland environmental education, the competent central government authority may set up the wetland seal.
Neutral persons, incorporated entities, organizations or agencies (institutions) may apply with competent central government authority for permission to use the wetland insignia, and shall also remit a certain percentage of the feedback fund. The prerequisites and procedures for an application shall include mandated documents, utilization methods, permit, abolition, the remittance and utilization of the feedback fund, the insignia’s issuance and management, promotional incentives and other observed matters are to be defined by competent central government authority.
Article 33
The competent government authorities, for the purpose of executing wetland conservation-related undertakings, may set up a wetland fund, which is funded by the following:
1. The feedback fund, Wetland Impact Fee and surcharge collected per provisions under Article 23, Article 27 and Article 32.
2. Interest of the fund.
3. Appropriation from the government budget.
4. Donation.
5. Other forms of income.
Article 34
The use of the wetland fund is limited to the following:
1. Expenditures related to wetland research, investigation, survey, assessment, preservation, maintenance and wise use.
2. Wetland conservation and restoration subsidization.
3. Wetland environmental education, illustration, creative interpretation and promotion.
4. Wetland conservation and restoration rewards.
5. Wetland conservation international exchange cooperation.
6. Other relevant wetland conservation and restoration expenditures approved by competent government authorities.