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Title: Regulations Governing Futures Exchanges CH
Category: Financial Supervisory Commission(金融監督管理委員會)
Chapter III Supplementary Provisions
Article 36
A futures exchange which concurrently engages in the business of a futures clearing house, shall follow, in addition to these Regulations, the "Regulations Governing Futures Clearing Houses".
Article 37
In case where a futures exchange or its directors, supervisors, and members of any committees or other persons in the equivalent positions violate these Regulations, in addition to the punishment described in the Act, the FSC may inform the futures exchange to additionally punish such personnel when the violation is substantial enough to affect the normal execution of business and the violation is serious.
Article 38
Upon any changes is the particulars specified in the license, a futures exchange shall submit relevant documents to the FSC for a change of the license and pay NT$2,000 licensing fee.
The licensing fee shall be one four thousandth of the capital actually increased if the change of license referred to in the preceding Paragraph is due to the capital increase.
The change of license due to the change of address resulting from the adjustment of the administrative districts or door card shall be exempt from the above licensing fee requirement.
Article 39
These Regulations shall enter into force on June 1, 1997.
Any amendments hereto shall enter into force from the date on which they are issued, except for Articles 20, 22, and 23 amended and issued on 12 July 2012, which shall enter into force from the fiscal year of 2013.