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Title: Real Estate Appraiser Act CH
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Chapter 5 Awards and Punishments
Article 30
In the case that a Real Estate Appraiser makes a significant contribution to research, or to helping or initiating research, in respect of real estate appraisal knowledge, techniques, legal issues or other matters related to real estate appraisal, the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) shall report the details to the competent central authority for granting an award.
Article 31
The awards given to a Real Estate Appraiser include:
1. Presentation of a certificate or a plaque.
2. Presentation of a professional medal.
Article 32
A person who has breached Paragraph II of Article 14 will be imposed a NT$50,000 to NT$250,000 fine.
Article 33
A Real Estate Appraiser who has possessed the practicing license and is practicing but without joining the Real Estate Appraiser Guild will be imposed a NT$20,000 to NT$100,000 fine.
A Real Estate Appraiser who is practicing but without possession of the practicing license, his / her practicing license expires, his / her practicing license is revoked or withdrawn or being prohibited practicing, will be imposed a NT$30,000 to NT$150,000 fine.
The certificate of a Real Estate Appraiser who has been fined more than three times due to matters stated in Paragraph I or II of this Article but is still practicing will be revoked.
Article 34
The fines imposed in accordance with the provisions of Articles 32 and 33 of this Act, shall be paid within a certain period of time. A person who fails to pay the fines within the specified time period will be sent to the court.
Article 35
Punishments for misconducts of a Real Estate Appraisers are listed as follows:
1. Warning
2. Reprimand
3. Cease the right to practice for a period of between two months to two years.
4. Disqualification
A Real Estate Appraiser, who is given warning for three times, is regarded as given a reprimand. A Real Estate Appraiser, who is given reprimand for three times, shall be additionally disciplined to cease the right to practice. A Real Estate Appraiser, who is disciplined to cease the right to practice for an accumulated period of over three years, shall be disqualified.
Article 36
A Real Estate Appraiser who violates this Act shall be disciplined in accordance with the following punishments:
1. Those who violate the provisions of Paragraph II of Article 9, Articles 10 to 12, or Article 15 shall be given warning or reprimand.
2. Those who violate the provisions of Article 18 or Paragraphs II of Article 19 shall be given reprimand or asked to cease the right to practice.
3. Those who violate the provisions of Paragraph I of Article 16, Article 17, Article 21 or Paragraph IV of Article 22, shall be asked to cease the right to practice or disqualified.
Article 37
The competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) shall set up a Disciplinary Committee for Real Estate Appraisers to deal with disciplinary matters in relation to Real Estate Appraisers.
The organization of the Disciplinary Committee stated in the previous Paragraph of this Article shall be instituted by the competent central authority.
Article 38
In the case that a Real Estate Appraiser breaches any of the provisions of Article 36 in this Act, interest parties, the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City), or a Real Estate Appraiser Guild can submit the facts and supporting evidence to the Disciplinary Committee of the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) where the Real Estate Appraiser registered to practice.
Article 39
The Disciplinary Committee should notify the accused Real Estate Appraiser of the disciplinary matters and request the appraiser to provide with a written statement of defense or defend himself / herself in person within twenty days of receiving the notification. The Disciplinary Committee can adjudicate on the disciplinary matters in the case that the Real Estate Appraiser fails to provide with a written statement of defense or defend himself / herself in person within twenty days of receiving the notification.
The Disciplinary Committee should refer a case to the judicial authority for further investigation in the case that the Real Estate Appraiser is considered to be involved in a criminal offence.
Article 40
Discipline to a Real Estate Appraiser shall be undertaken by the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City), and notify the Real Estate Appraiser Guild and make a notice on the Government Bulletin.