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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 07:35

Chapter Law Content

Title: Control Act CH
Category: Control Yuan(監察院)
Chapter V: Investigation
Article 26
To carry out the power of control, a Control Yuan member with a control certificate or the personnel assigned by the Control Yuan with the investigation certificates, may go to public or private organizations to investigate the files, records and relevant documents. The heads of these organizations and other related personnel shall not refuse, and shall be responsible for making detailed replies if they are interrogated and shall sign the papers of interrogation records.
In investigating a case, the investigators may notify the signatory of the written complaint and the investigated to appear at a designated place for interrogation.
The investigator shall not disclose the content of the case to the public.
Rules governing the use of the control certificate and the investigation certificate shall be stipulated by the Control Yuan.
Article 27
The investigator may temporarily impound the related documents of evidence or take away the whole or a part of them if necessary.
In doing so, they should first obtain the permission of the chief of the organization. Unless such action will impair the national interests, the chief of the organization shall not refuse.
The chief of the organization shall affix his or her seal on the documents of evidence to be taken away by the investigator and get a receipt in return.
Article 28
The investigator may request the local government, local court or other agencies concerned to provide assistance.
The investigator may also inform the police authorities to help take necessary measures when he or she encounters resistance or finds it necessary to protect evidence.
Article 29
If a case is considered crucial or if it is feared that the investigated may escape, the investigator may inform the local police authorities to take precautions.
Article 30
The Control Yuan may entrust another agency to investigate a designated case or matter. After accepting the case, the agency shall proceed with the investigation immediately and reply to the Control Yuan in writing.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)