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Title: Real Estate Appraiser Act CH
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Chapter 4 Guild
Article 22
A Real Estate Appraiser who has possessed the practicing license cannot practice without first joining the Real Estate Appraiser Guild in a Municipality or a County (City). A Real Estate Appraiser Guild cannot refuse a Real Estate Appraiser’s application to join the guild.
A Real Estate Appraiser shall pay a membership fee when joining a Real Estate Appraiser Guild. The Guild shall appropriate no less than twenty percent of the membership fee to the National Association of Real Estate Appraiser Guilds as a research and development fund of real estate appraisal. The National Association of Real Estate Appraiser Guilds shall set up a Management Committee responsible for management of the fund. The fund shall be used for research and development in relation to the matters of real estate appraisal.
Regulations for the organization of Management Committee and disposal of the fund stated in the previous Paragraph of this Article shall be instituted by the National Association of Real Estate Appraiser Guilds and reported to the competent central authority for future reference.
In the case that a real estate appraiser’s (joint) office moves out of the jurisdiction of a Municipality or a County (City) where the (joint) office was originally registered, after re-applying for a Real Estate Appraisal Practicing License in the jurisdiction it moves into according to Article 10 of this Act, the Real Estate Appraiser shall have completed transfers of membership from the previous Real Estate Appraiser Guild to the new one before he / she continues practice in the new jurisdiction.
Article 23
A Real Estate Appraiser Guild shall be established in a Municipality or a County (City) when the number of registered Real Estate Appraisers in this jurisdiction exceeds fifteen. In the case that the number of registered Real Estate Appraisers is less than fifteen, they could join a Guild in the neighboring Municipality or a County (City).
Article 24
Real Estate Appraiser Guilds are established in Municipalities or Counties (Cities), and the National Association of Real Estate Appraiser Guilds is established in the jurisdiction of the central Government.
Only one Real Estate Appraiser Guild is allowed to be established within the same administrative region in principle. But when two or more Real Estate Appraiser Guilds of the same level are organized in the same administrative region, their names shall be different from other.
Article 25
Establishment of the National Association of Real Estate Appraiser Guilds shall be initiated by seven (or over) Real Estate Appraiser Guilds in Municipalities and Counties (Cities), or the permission to establish the National Association of Real Estate Appraiser Guilds is granted from the competent central authority.
Article 26
A Real Estate Appraiser Guild should comprise the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors. The Directors and Supervisors in both Boards shall be elected by members’ convention (convention of representative members). The number of Directors and Supervisors is based upon the rules as follows:
1. Board of Directors of the Real Estate Appraiser Guild in a County (City) level shall not consist of more than fifteen persons.
2. Board of Directors of the Real Estate Appraiser Guild in a Municipal level shall not consist of more than twenty-five persons.
3. Board of Directors of the National Association of Real Estate Appraiser Guilds shall not consist of more than thirty-five persons.
Number of Board of Supervisors of Real Estate Appraiser Guilds shall not exceed one thirds of the number of Board of Directors. The number of alternate Directors and Supervisors shall not exceed one thirds of the total number of the respective number of Directors and Supervisors in a Guild.
In the case that the number of Directors and Supervisors is over three, no more than one thirds of Directors and Supervisor could, through election among them, become Managing Directors and Managing Supervisors. One of the Managing Directors shall, through election among Directors, serve as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. If there is no post of Managing Director, the Chairman of the Board of Directors could be produced from election among Directors. One of the Managing Supervisors shall act as the Convener of Supervisors when the total number of Managing Supervisors is over three.
A term for the posts of Directors and Supervisors is three years, and they could be re-elected. The Chairman of the Board of Directors can only serve no more than two consecutive terms.
Article 27
Real Estate Appraiser Guilds shall apply for registration, with submission of the Charter of a Guild, a List of Appraiser Members and a List of Staff, to the competent authority for civilian associations and report the registration to the local competent authority for future reference.
Article 28
The Charter of a Real Estate Appraiser Guild shall specify the following matters:
1. Name and address of the Guild and its servicing areas.
2. Objective, organization and task for the Guild.
3. Registration and withdrawal of memberships.
4. Rights and obligations of members (representative members).
5. The number, authority, office term, re-election and resignation in respective of representative members, Directors, Supervisors, Alternate Directors, and Alternate Supervisors.
6. Covenant of members.
7. Rules of conduct.
8. Meetings.
9. Membership fee, expenditure and accounting.
10. Procedures for amendment of the Charter.
11. Other matters related to operation of a Real Estate Appraiser Guild.
Article 29
Real Estate Appraiser Guilds shall submit the following matters to the competent authority for civilian associations and the respective competent authorities:
1. Register of members, and registration and withdrawal of memberships.
2. The details in respect of elections of Directors, Supervisors, and the lists of the elected.
3. The minutes of members’ convention (convention of representative members), of meetings for the Board of Directors, and of meetings for the Board of Supervisors.
4. Paragraphs of proposals and decisions.