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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: The Veterans Assistance Act CH
Category: Veterans Affairs Council(國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會)
Chapter IV. Home-Care
Article 16
Veterans unable to work due to age or disabilities are entitled to fully or partly government-paid home-care in a dedicated institute established by competent authorities. The eligibilities for placement, application, classifications, priorities, reviewing, and conditions for revocation and other relevant affairs shall be stipulated by VAC and submitted to the Executive Yuan for ratification.
VAC shall deliberately render mental or physical rehabilitation to veterans with disabilities eligible for fully government-paid home-care in the proceeding paragraph.
Benefit payment to veterans entitled to fully government-paid home-care shall not be claimed as an object of attachment, assignment, offset, or provided as security. Whereas, VAC reserves the right to deduct from the home-cared veteran’s benefit payment if the veteran involved has been incidentally over-paid or wrongfully paid.
Home-cared veterans may open special accounts at financial institutions for the deposit of benefit payment only. The balance in those accounts shall not be claimed as an object of attachment, assignment, offset, or provided as security.
Article 17
The exclusive home-care institutions are to be established by VAC, and are named the Veterans Homes.
VAC could house the dependants and bereaved dependants of veterans and other citizens at their own expense, depending on the facility and capability of the Veterans Homes.
The eligibilities, qualification, priorities, operating model, charging standard and other related issues on preceding placement, shall be stipulated by VAC and submitted to the Executive Yuan for ratification.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)