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Chapter 3 Manufacturing, Import and Export
Article 20
An agro-pesticide manufacturer shall establish an agro-pesticide factory that complies with agro-pesticides factory establishment standards and registers the factory in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
The agro-pesticide factory establishment standards specified in the preceding Paragraph, including the factory building, warehouse, production equipment, testing equipment, pollution control equipment, safety and health facilities, the qualifications of full-time technicians, as well as other relevant matters, shall be prescribed jointly by the central competent authority with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Labor, and the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan.
Article 21
An agro-pesticide factory, the establishment of which has been duly approved, may apply to purchase the raw materials required for test-run purposes after orders for machinery and equipment have been placed.
Article 22
Unless under the approval of the central competent authority, an agro-pesticide manufacturer shall not authorize or accept the authorization to process the formulated agro-pesticides.
The regulations governing the qualifications of the consignor and consignee as well as other relevant matters mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
Article 23
To entrust the repackaging of formulated agro-pesticides, the entrusting party shall apply to the central competent authority for approval. The trustee shall be in possession of equipment for producing agro-pesticides of the same formulation.
If the approved entrusted repackaging contract is expired or terminated during the entrusted repackaging period, the entrusting party shall report to the central competent authority to annul the approval of the entrusted repackaging.
For agro-pesticides approved or annulled in accordance with Paragraph 1 and the preceding Paragraph, the agro-pesticide label shall be changed.
Article 24
With the approval of the central competent authority, the following agro-pesticides may be exempted from the restrictions prescribed in Article 9:
1. Those dedicated for experimental research, educational demonstration, or emergency prevention.
2. Those imported for manufacturing, processing, repackaging, and other related procedures dedicated for exporting.
3. Those manufactured or processed exclusively for exporting.
The agro-pesticides listed in the preceding Paragraph must not be sold domestically or used for other purposes. However, this shall not apply if such ago-pesticides are sold domestically for emergency prevention.
The regulations governing the application, review, and other relevant matters of the agro-pesticides listed in Paragraph 1 shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
Article 25
Only the agro-pesticide manufacturers may apply for import of technical grade agro-pesticides.
The technical grade agro-pesticides imported with approval shall be self- use only and must not be transferred, unless otherwise approved by the central competent authority.